[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Guys how do you know he filmed it? I was looking to see if it said producer Wade Robson, but I did not see his name.

It's on his YT account. Also two trainers (or whatever they are called) from the film commented his video. But I see he made it private now. I did not see any MJ fans commenting it (the only two comments were by those two guys in the video) but I guess he did not like it that his video received so many dislikes. LOL.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

How many dislikes did he have? Tehehe.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I have noticed Stacy Brown is now on the Supporters for Wade Facebook page:

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I have noticed Stacy Brown is now on the Supporters for Wade Facebook page:

See, birds of a feather flock together..meaning the demons that want to bring Michael down are gonna start 'supporting Wade'. A.K.A. Smearing Michael's name in the dirt.

I would just love to take a dead fish and slap all of them xD
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

If he was going to work for Demi it was over 2 years ago likely. I don't know why I see people mentioning Wade working for Britney or Demi or whatever, he moved to Hawaii, he is claiming he is incapable of doing work or remaining in the industry, he hasn't had a job for almost 2 years at this point. Which is why this video is so great. He thinks it helps show his commitment to working for charities dealing with sexual abuse. In reality it shows once again how he's lying in his court filings.

It's on his "official" youtube channel, it's also the same charity he posted about his abuse with in May of this year too, it's very definitely him.

I sent the estate this video with the quote from his court filing and told them it was good news, Wade's recovering is going along great, they thanked me for it. :D

^^Haaa, oh you do that too. Any cause I have, I collect information and send to my side too. I predict we are going to amass a wealth of information, because Wade is becoming restless. I really wish we had some Hawaiian fans to keep an eye on his local activity. I would love to know what he does during the day or what he goes out to buy that could trip him up. It would be so good to track his online book buying from January 2012 to see if he was learning about abuse before he filed that claim.

He got all those dislikes. I am not surprised, because you can tell those kids don't look as though they want to be there. Plus you don't get a good sense of the basic benefits the school has to offer that will entice a person to send a child there. He should have planned it that way & focused on that. He could have shown the kids engaged in activities, shown the big open spaces & make a comment about how it helps healing, show kids at play, show a classroom, talk about trips, briefly mention type of counseling & some subjects children will learn. Rather, he just shows some sad children standing in that institutional-type circle as though they have no personal power. They did not even show the staff greeting the children in a warm way. This place also has kids with diverse issues, but an abused child in there will not be very happy.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^^Haaa, oh you do that too. Any cause I have, I collect information and send to my side too. I predict we are going to amass a wealth of information, because Wade is becoming restless. I really wish we had some Hawaiian fans to keep an eye on his local activity. I would love to know what he does during the day or what he goes out to buy that could trip him up. It would be so good to track his online book buying from January 2012 to see if he was learning about abuse before he filed that claim.

He got all those dislikes. I am not surprised, because you can tell those kids don't look as though they want to be there. Plus you don't get a good sense of the basic benefits the school has to offer that will entice a person to send a child there. He should have planned it that way & focused on that. He could have shown the kids engaged in activities, shown the big open spaces & make a comment about how it helps healing, show kids at play, show a classroom, talk about trips, briefly mention type of counseling & some subjects children will learn. Rather, he just shows some sad children standing in that institutional-type circle as though they have no personal power. They did not even show the staff greeting the children in a warm way. This place also has kids with diverse issues, but an abused child in there will not be very happy.

My uncles and great aunts live in Hawaii with my cousins ^.^ I should ask my uncle Adrian to keep a close eye on Wade, ya know, be like James Bond lol xD I think we'll get a bunch of info on Wade too, because he's getting very desperate. It seems as if he'll do just about anything to seem like a 'real victim'. Michael was right, we will defend him. :) boy, I love watching Wade make a complete fool of himself.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Oh look! I found another magazine scan.

^This is a good one.

You've worked with so many different fans, do you ever get star struck?
Wade: No--I met Michael Jackson when I was five and I have been friends with him since then, and at that time he was the biggest star in the world you could ever meet. Right away he was like a regular dude to me; he was like my friend. Si I think I got over that whole thing at a really young age. Stardom never really mattered to me. So, no, I don't.

What was the experience like working with Michael Jackson?
Wade: It was amazing. I learned so much, I think that everything I've done and everything I will do in my life to a certain extent I credit to him just because of the values he taught me, and the work ethic he taught me. He's such a workaholic and such a perfectionist and will not quit until it's absolutely perfect. And when it's perfect he still hates it.
Also, he taught me to work for the pleasures in life. He helped me a lot when I was starting , even when I first started my interest in film directing, which is way back when I was seven.
Even then he would buy me a video camera, but instead of just giving it to me, he would give it to me and say, "Here's a video camera --I want you to take a week and learn how to use it, shoot some stuff. Come back and show me what you have done, If you've done something interesting with it you can keep it. But if you mess around with it I'm going to take it back."
So it really taught me to work for things and I think that's why I've never really become spoiled and never believed in that sort of thing.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

at that time he was the biggest star in the world you could ever meet. Right away he was like a regular dude to me; he was like my friend. Si I think I got over that whole thing at a really young age. Stardom never really mattered to me. So, no, I don't.

In the court documents Wade said MJ was like a God to him.

What was the experience like working with Michael Jackson?
Wade: It was amazing. I learned so much, I think that everything I've done and everything I will do in my life to a certain extent I credit to him just because of the values he taught me, and the work ethic he taught me.

His *abuser taught him values and work ethic? hmmm....

He helped me a lot when I was starting , even when I first started my interest in film directing, which is way back when I was seven.
Even then he would buy me a video camera, but instead of just giving it to me, he would give it to me and say, "Here's a video camera --I want you to take a week and learn how to use it, shoot some stuff. Come back and show me what you have done, If you've done something interesting with it you can keep it. But if you mess around with it I'm going to take it back."

I'm not hearing about any Spielberg here ....are you?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Oh look! I found another magazine scan.

^This is a good one.

You've worked with so many different fans, do you ever get star struck?
Wade: No--I met Michael Jackson when I was five and I have been friends with him since then, and at that time he was the biggest star in the world you could ever meet. Right away he was like a regular dude to me; he was like my friend. Si I think I got over that whole thing at a really young age. Stardom never really mattered to me. So, no, I don't.

What was the experience like working with Michael Jackson?
Wade: It was amazing. I learned so much, I think that everything I've done and everything I will do in my life to a certain extent I credit to him just because of the values he taught me, and the work ethic he taught me. He's such a workaholic and such a perfectionist and will not quit until it's absolutely perfect. And when it's perfect he still hates it.
Also, he taught me to work for the pleasures in life. He helped me a lot when I was starting , even when I first started my interest in film directing, which is way back when I was seven.
Even then he would buy me a video camera, but instead of just giving it to me, he would give it to me and say, "Here's a video camera --I want you to take a week and learn how to use it, shoot some stuff. Come back and show me what you have done, If you've done something interesting with it you can keep it. But if you mess around with it I'm going to take it back."
So it really taught me to work for things and I think that's why I've never really become spoiled and never believed in that sort of thing.

What a wonderful person Michael is. He treated this kid as though he was his son and he tried to instill good values in him. Too bad some of those values did not stick. Do you know what year this was published, because he said all this while remembering what Michael did to him. Yeah I know.....
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Nothing sticks with this guy. I'd say 2001 by the looks of his clothes and hair.

Here is the second page if you are interested..


^ see if you find anything interesting on there.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I have noticed Stacy Brown is now on the Supporters for Wade Facebook page:

Hold up is stacy friends of mjs sister rebbie???? not that i like the jackson family at the moment but someone should notify them on twitter and let them know what stacy is doing
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Hold up is stacy friends of mjs sister rebbie???? not that i like the jackson family at the moment but someone should notify them on twitter and let them know what stacy is doing

Yes, Rebbie is friends with Stacy Brown and she knows full well what Stacy did to her brother. Back during the 2005 trial Stacy went around in the media claiming he was a spokesperson for Michael/the family. MJ's people released a statement that Stacy was NOT a spokesperson for Michael. In answer of that Rebbie phoned in to some program and said Stacy was a spokesperson for her. Apparently Michael's sister had no problem of a guy being her spokesperson whose opinion was that MJ was a child molester... That's why I consider Rebbie's betrayal of Michael as bad as LaToya's in 1993, even if not as public. At least LaToya retracted and tried to apologize for it in a way but Rebbie never apologized. I really dislike her.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Oh look! I found another magazine scan.

^This is a good one.

You've worked with so many different fans, do you ever get star struck?
Wade: No--I met Michael Jackson when I was five and I have been friends with him since then, and at that time he was the biggest star in the world you could ever meet. Right away he was like a regular dude to me; he was like my friend. Si I think I got over that whole thing at a really young age. Stardom never really mattered to me. So, no, I don't.

What was the experience like working with Michael Jackson?
Wade: It was amazing. I learned so much, I think that everything I've done and everything I will do in my life to a certain extent I credit to him just because of the values he taught me, and the work ethic he taught me. He's such a workaholic and such a perfectionist and will not quit until it's absolutely perfect. And when it's perfect he still hates it.
Also, he taught me to work for the pleasures in life. He helped me a lot when I was starting , even when I first started my interest in film directing, which is way back when I was seven.
Even then he would buy me a video camera, but instead of just giving it to me, he would give it to me and say, "Here's a video camera --I want you to take a week and learn how to use it, shoot some stuff. Come back and show me what you have done, If you've done something interesting with it you can keep it. But if you mess around with it I'm going to take it back."
So it really taught me to work for things and I think that's why I've never really become spoiled and never believed in that sort of thing.

Great find. Reminds me of Jordan's interview with Richard Gardner where he contradicted himself saying he went along with the alleged abuse because he was in awe of Michael, but he must have forgotten that elsewhere in the interview because in another place he said he was not in awe of Michael at all, he was just a regular person to him...
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Ya know, this whole situation reminds me of something my father and I were talking about. I had told him that when I turned 18, I wanted to be a choreographer. He responded saying that it was no use, because.. "As soon as you hit 30, 35...you won't be able to keep up with the creative works--new dances, everything. And there's always gonna be that younger person there to take your place."

^^ that really stands out to me. Maybe Wade's motivation is because he can't keep up creatively, and that younger person had taken his place. He thinks accusing the world's BIGGEST celebrity of a serious crime is his fast way to cash.

Oh the outrage!!!! >.< my pops was right!
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Yes, Rebbie is friends with Stacy Brown and she knows full well what Stacy did to her brother. Back during the 2005 trial Stacy went around in the media claiming he was a spokesperson for Michael/the family. MJ's people released a statement that Stacy was NOT a spokesperson for Michael. In answer of that Rebbie phoned in to some program and said Stacy was a spokesperson for her. Apparently Michael's sister had no problem of a guy being her spokesperson whose opinion was that MJ was a child molester... That's why I consider Rebbie's betrayal of Michael as bad as LaToya's in 1993, even if not as public. At least LaToya retracted and tried to apologize for it in a way but Rebbie never apologized. I really dislike her.

I used to think latoya was the worse one boy was i wrong
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Michael Jackson was looking out for the rights of children, not to be violated. That's the problem with Wade's accusation's, his past contradiction's of praising someone who violated him. In fact, Wade is more explicit in his attributes of Michael Jackson, than in how he was violated.

Michael sang about "respect is not given, it's earned. Stop maliciously attacking my integrity" Wade has not earned our respect in believing him!

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Hey all. Is the hearing today or tomorrow? I can't remember.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

On the 27th (Friday).
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^^Thanks for the reminder. I wonder if Wade will attend or is it just the attorneys attending again? I hope this time they cover more ground in court.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I am worried.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I am worried.

What are you worried about? Is it about what Wade will say? I was wondering if he would make up a story about molestation & drugs; you know, take something from the trial and use it in his scam. I am thinking all scenarios so that when his stories/truths come out, I would not be surprised.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I am worried that they will say yeah you can have your creditors claim. Strange things keep happening. Then if he doesn't get it you know there is the other suit. I wish this didn't exist. I feel like more people were starting to stop thinking about the allegations and think better of Michael. Then this guy comes along someone who defended Michael for 20 years does this and all the hard work out the window. I try to avoid this thread or not come in much because it makes me so sad that this crap keeps happening. Michael would never hurt anybody and people keep trashing him with these disgusting things. They are the monsters not Michael. I wish these people would be put in their places and it stops.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

DAMN....One thing ends another B.S begins.....Geez will MJ ever get a break? I haven't forgotten about u WADE! Watching and paying attention closely still on this crap! Ugh! U WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS, DAMN LIAR! May this get dismissed ASAP and any other SHITnanigans from this backstabber! :puke:
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Wade is gonna pay for the pain he's caused..not only do I hope he loses, but I hope feels hella guilty. After your dance studio goes bankrupt and your wife is planning divorcing you and taking your stuff you're suddenly 'molested' huh?

Well Satan is saving a special place in hell for you Wade. I hope you get to warm that cold a** heart of yours.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I hope the Estate has their stuff together. Because this mess is going to be ugly.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Someone posted this on FB, with time, etc:

09/27/2013 at 10:00 am in department 5
at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

I know it was said that there would be many hearings dragging things out for who knows how long, but does "final status" here mean it's THE determination of whether it goes forward or not?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Wade is gonna pay for the pain he's caused..not only do I hope he loses, but I hope feels hella guilty. After your dance studio goes bankrupt and your wife is planning divorcing you and taking your stuff you're suddenly 'molested' huh?

Well Satan is saving a special place in hell for you Wade. I hope you get to warm that cold a** heart of yours.

Is his wife planning on divorcing him? I hadn't heard that before.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson files claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Is his wife planning on divorcing him? I hadn't heard that before.

There was a rumour about that at the beginning but I think it was just that: an Internet rumour which isn't comfirmed by any reliable source.