Dieting/Healthy Living Thread

gah! i had a bad day yesterday! It was my first day back to class so everyone wanted to go out to lunch and dinner to catch up and naturally I wanted to go to. Panera bread chicken caeser sandwich for lunch the OLIVE GARDEN chicken alfredo pizza for dinner LOL

well today its BACK on track!
gah! i had a bad day yesterday! It was my first day back to class so everyone wanted to go out to lunch and dinner to catch up and naturally I wanted to go to. Panera bread chicken caeser sandwich for lunch the OLIVE GARDEN chicken alfredo pizza for dinner LOL

well today its BACK on track!

Good luck giveintome, we all have bad food days sometimes. You just have to keep your goals at the front of your mind and you won't be as tempted.
i m not promising myself to loose weight anymore i m giving up i walk hours and hours each day have days that i barely eat and in warm days along with more then 20000 steps its swimming and byciucle and you know what i dont loose a d...pound grrrrrr
i even stasrted smoking again for a while cause i thought that would make it e3asier to loose some well no it didnt
so anyone has any tips that might actually work even for me
i m not really fat but i went from 45 kilo to 65 and for me that is a lot since im only 1.65 m thats about two dresssizes and i hate it

Like others have said, the food diary is a great idea cause you'll be surprised to see what you eat during the day.

Smoking + losing weight is a myth.
It's been proven that cigarette smoking has no impact on your weight whatsoever. The only link is where some people gave up smoking and replaced the habit with snacking to kill off any cravings or to fill the void of lifting something to their mouth reguarly. Our physical habits are just as hard to break as chemical dependancies. Also some smokers would mistake a hunger or dehydration sign as a craving for a smoke sign, so instead of supplying their body with a needed substance they just had a smoke.

Guys, I'm telling you, from experience..... join the gym! You will be amazed at how quickly and easily you'll see yourself get back into shape. If you just diet it'll take a lot longer to shift those pounds.

I've been reading a few of you taking of exercise but some ppl will just focus on what they are eating. Sometimes it might not be what your eating that has you out of shape, but the lack of exercise.

Great points :)

The gym is a great way to lose weight quickly especially if you match it with a healthy diet.
If you know you're one of these people who diet for a few weeks and then "fall off the wagon" I'd probably reccommend just going for moderation, in otherwords don't eat a lot of anything (like don't eat 6 cookies when you should only really have one...) and don't skip anything either (fruits and veggies especially).

Depending on your body type will depend on what kind of exercise will help you lose weight better too. If you're gonna join a gym definately have an instructor design you a training program.
Otherwise if you just want to go there and do your own thing I highly suggest picking stuff that you'll know you will enjoy and stick with.
Gym work whether it's cardio or strength training is repetitive work and can become boring real fast if you're not interested.

Strength Training will help you lose weight faster than cardio workouts.
Cardio workouts will help you become fitter especially in regards to your heart and lungs.

If you can't afford a gym membership and want to lose weight with strength training, get some tension bands to work out with at home and look up how to do exercises using your own body weight. (sit ups, chin ups, push ups etc).

If you get bored with repetitive stuff.. then maybe treat yourself and take up a competitive team sport, this helps you stay in the game as you'll have team mates to encourage you to keep playing.

As for me this year I'm cutting out junk food entirely (so far so good haven't been to any fast food chains at all). I'm doing like poefiend and going back to juices, cordials and water as opposed to softdrinks and cola which is my biggest vice and I'm limiting sugar snacks and replacing them with fruit (natural sugar).

exercise wise I'm planning to start morning swimming (haven't started yet) and I'm looking into taking up martial arts (something I've always wanted to do) I'm also bike riding now and every night involves an hours walk.
I also play golf at least once a week.

I'm flirting with the idea of joining a gym too. :D
That's good though! Do you write everything you eat down, including portion sizes and calories? You may be taking in more than you think....I know I did.
honestly i dont know how many calories are in what ever food i eat lol nor how much i m supposed to eat dayly cause it never really bothered me before i used to be so skinny pple would ask my parents if i was anorectic and that s the way it has always been till i was 36 and had my boy:(
I went and got myself a calorie count book. It had the most complete calorie counts of all foods...and I just started to track. As soon as I ate something, I found out what the calorie intake was. That way, I keep myself under control. I know exactly how many calories (in my case now that I'm on Weight Watchers - it's points - they consider calories, fat and fiber in each point value of food) that I take in. It's just a matter of keeping a journal on a little lined journal you can stick in your pocketbook. Another idea is writing down what exercise you do, how long you did it for, and what intensity you did it at. Good Luck!

Thought for today:
“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time” – Andre Gide

And that is so true!! When I wanted to lose sight of the shore (start to lose weight), I had to know that I couldn't ever go back to the shore (my old way of eating).
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Thought for today:
“One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time” – Andre Gide

And that is so true!! When I wanted to lose sight of the shore (start to lose weight), I had to know that I couldn't ever go back to the shore (my old way of eating).

I like it :clapping:
so i figured out why i've been doing so poorly at my diet when my ummm well monthly showed up yesterday :LOL:

I can't help it. I love pasta. Maybe it's the Italian in me. But I just can't process it physiologically well. The minute I eat it, I go up about 2 or 3 pounds the next day. ARRGHH!
On a better note, I lost another 1.5 pounds this week!! I am now down 26 lbs!! Can you believe it? Wow. Pretty soon, I am gonna look like Valerie Bertinelli does on the cover of People:

And I will get there!! Probably this year! I only have another 2o lbs to go...
:clapping:Good for you Linda!
I am not all that concerned about weight, but I do try to eat as healthy as I can, but not being fanatical about it.

I have a tip for all the girls/ women:
I have a book written by a nutrisionist that works with female athletes, and she writes a lot about how the food we eat impacts on our hormones.

I have followed some of her theories a while, and it really works!
Among the things I have changed, is that I start my day with a big bowl of fruit ( different sorts). What it does is that it makes your body produce serotonin; the "feel good" hormone, that is also triggered if you exercise ( or eat chocolate....).

So I start my day high on serotonin, then have a small snack, then a lunch that is mainly rich in protein, a small snack, dinner that is a salad then vegetables + fish/ meat/ different kinds of beans or lentils, and then a small meal in the evening.

What this nutrisionist say, is that women have different bodies then men, and what maks our bodies work optimal is different. We tend to work better on food that is more based on fruit, vegetables, seeds etc... but also need protein and especially fat (fat fish and oils from olive or different kinds of seeds). Many women tend to avoid eating fat, but we need it actually more then men in order for our bodies to work properly.
And we also need to eat more often, because our metabolical system works better on that. We tend to "store" more of the calories ( gain weight) if we eat few meals and larger portions, because our system then thinks that there is a "hunger period", and we need to save up energy as fat in case of an emergency....
Our bodies is basically from the "stone age", and act acording to that:cheeky:
Diet's don't work. Exercise does. But people don't want to exercise because it's painful and who want's to be in pain, lol. Here's the thing. You will lose weight no matter what you eat IF you burn more calories a day then you eat. Bottom line. That's how it works. I run twice a day. I'm 5'7/1/2" and I weigh 125 lb. If you work out hard, you'll be in good shape. Watching what you eat can help of course, but a diet in and of itself won't do you any good. I eat whatever I want. No diets. As long as you work out and burn more calories then you eat, you'll be fine. Cardio is essential. Don't just lift weights. If you want to lose fat, you have to do cardio.
That is absolutely correct^^
But health is not just about weight-in fact being skinny and NOT exercise is worse then having some pounds ekstra, exercise regularily and eating healthy.
What you eat is important, because that is the fuel your body is working on. And the impact of having a bad diet often doesn`t show until you are middle aged. Our bodies are very resilient, and it often takes time before the effects of malnutrition and bad habits kicks in.

I wish we some times stopped caring about our weight ( especiallly women), and focused on what makes us feel good about our self and our bodies. There are too many women out there counting calories, instead of focusing on what the food you eat does for you body.
You're right that there's too much of a focus on weight lose. My entire goal is to be in good shape. Losing weight will come naturally if you're over what you should be. I've been working out solidly for about five months now and I haven't lost any weight, which tells me that I never needed to in the first place. And I work out pretty hard. But one thng for sure is I can run at a much faster pace now then when I started, so I AM in much better shape. Of course you shouldn't abuse yourself with the things you eat and drink. It's always better for the body to eat healthy. But counting calories and watching what you eat, and being selective in what you eat won't help you lose weight, if that's your goal. Excercise will, and again, if you burn more calories a day from working out then what you eat, you could eat a tub of ice cream and drink a 12 pack of soda and if you burned more calories working out then you ate with those things, then you'll still lose weight. Ask any athelete.

Another myth is that cutting carbs out of your diet is good for you and will help you lose weight. It won't. You need carbs, from things like begals and pasta, etc... for energy, which in turn will help you with you active life style. Sugar and simple carbs can turn to fat, or course, so it's good to avoid those if you want to cut down of your body fat. But bottom line is, excercise is all you really need if you want to lose weight. It's dependent on your willingness to try. I hear a lot of people say "I've tried everything and I just can't lose weight." That's BS. You CAN lose weight, you just have to work hard at it.
Diet's don't work. Exercise does. But people don't want to exercise because it's painful and who want's to be in pain, lol. Here's the thing. You will lose weight no matter what you eat IF you burn more calories a day then you eat. Bottom line. That's how it works. I run twice a day. I'm 5'7/1/2" and I weigh 125 lb. If you work out hard, you'll be in good shape. Watching what you eat can help of course, but a diet in and of itself won't do you any good. I eat whatever I want. No diets. As long as you work out and burn more calories then you eat, you'll be fine. Cardio is essential. Don't just lift weights. If you want to lose fat, you have to do cardio.

true, the weight exercises have to compound though (which means working multiple muscles)... eg - squats, bench press, shoulder press etc.... which causes greater energy used. Weight training also increases your metabolism , greater than aerobic activity actually.
Eat fiber and get your vitamins and move ya body. It will drop off. Just eat in moderation, you don't have to starve yourself. If you do drastic diets it will come on twice as much when you eat all the junk you stopped yourself from gauging the instant the diet is over. It musnt be a diet, it has to be an overall life change.
lol well i'm TINY (5'1" n 125lbs) and i watched my food intake for while and i'm cutting out about 300-400 calories per day... i don't find myself being hungry and i'm getting adequate nutrients in my system.
tho if i do find myself to be hungry, i have a glass of water and wait at least 20 minutes... if i'm still hungry I'll have a healthy snack

i've learned that sometimes ur body will send you hunger signals and you may just be a lil dehydrated...

with that said I just shoveled snow for almost 2 hrs so i'm STARVING... off to have some lunch YUM :)

lol nah I'm a girl w/small ass frame! LOL and trust i'm NOT skin n bones... like i said i'm not tryin to lose a lot of weight so much as look and feel better... get rid of my belly pooch n tighten up my bum bum LOL n lower my body fat %

that's another struggle I have, is ppl telling me oh ur thin ur fine ur fine... well excuse me lol u don't know my %body fat or bmi... my bmi is just at the edge of "normal" n my body fat is well high LOL

i sometimes think that b/c we live in a world where more ppl are overweight than not being "average" is now seen as skinny...

Hey I can SO relate to you! I am glad I found this thread. I haven't read the whole thing, but I will soon...

I just want to say that I am 5'0 and 130 lbs right now and I know how you feel about the people telling you that you look good and you don't need to lose anymore weight blah blah blah....

I'll tell you what I had to suffer with multiple gallstones in my gallbladder and what that meant for me was the doctor told me that I couldn't eat ANY FAT till the day of my surgery for when I had my gallbladder taken out. Within 4 months I lost about 25 pounds. I was down to 108 lbs... Let me tell you I actually felt pretty good. lol my face looked thinner, I didn't have a belly, AND I could fit into a size 4 ... I WAS SHOCKED but at the same time I felt good, like I felt like one of those Skinny Cute Girls... hehe....

and uh.. well a few months later after my surgery I gained my weight back. I even have pictures for when I was that skinny with a half shirt on with a skirt and stuff.... I felt I looked good and I was also comfortable in a bikini... Right now.. HAHAHA I'm not getting into a bikini...

So I am with you about eating healthy this year. Lately I have been trying to eat my fruits and veggies.. the thing with me is that it is hard for me to exercise! I really need to start doing it. At my college I can use the college's exercise machines anytime I wanted to as long as classes aren't in there.

SO yeah I would love to be at 105 pounds. I'd feel really good about myself.. When I was at 105 pounds my mom thought I was tooooo Skinny, but I actually felt healthy and happy with myself, seeing I could fit into a size 4 lol....
Wanna know what I did to get walking? I bought myself an MP3 player, then downloaded a whole load of the whole Shania Twain "Come On Over" CD on my MP3 player. They are all up-beat, dance tunes. And I put that on to walk. It's fun!
Also, here's a Healthy Weight Chart, from Weight Watchers:


Minimum for all adults
(BMI = 20)
Maximum for all adults
(BMI = 25)
4'8"56"891124'9"57"921164'10"58"961204'11"59"991245'0"60"1021285'1"61"1061325'2"62"1091375'3"63"1131415'4"64"1171465'5"65"1201505'6"66"1241555'7"67"1281605'8"68"1321645'9"69"1351695'10"70"1391745'11"71"1431796'0"72"1471846'1"73"1521896'2"74"1561956'3"75"1602006'4"76"1642056'5"77"1692116'6"78"1732166'7"79"178222 Weight ranges are used to provide information about the range of weights with the lowest risk of developing weight-related conditions. Weight Watchers uses ranges based on Body Mass Index (BMI).


What’s Your BMI
What’s A Healthy Weight For You?
How Ready Are You to Lose Weight?


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my mother does weight watchers... i found a very similar program online called sparkpeople... it's free n the goal is to teach you how to be healthy forever not just lose weight.

Oh Yeah!! Sparkpeople is great!! They have an online diet food tracker and everything!! And Darvon, 105 is just a little too low for you...I'd aim for 110. That's healthy.
Oh Yeah!! Sparkpeople is great!! They have an online diet food tracker and everything!! And Darvon, 105 is just a little too low for you...I'd aim for 110. That's healthy.

okie, actually I think 110 is perfectly fine for me. :)

I walked 2 miles yesterday and plan to do the same today! :)
This is fantastic!! Am very pleased i came across this thread as i need some support in my weight loss. When i first arrived at uni almosr 3 years ago i was really shy and as a result was very unsettled for the first couple of weeks. I then met my neighbour and became close friends with her. The food in our halls of residence was dire (really dreadful, stodgy and unhealthy with not enough salad and veg for everyone to get some) and my best friends were always snacking between meals so i just joined in with them. My neighbour was also insomniac, so i'd eat in the small hours of the morning. I gained over 2 stone in under a year, and it was only when i was ill that summer that i lost it again. Since then i've been walking, running and going to the gym to try and keep the weight off and lose more, but i find dieting itself really difficult.

The bottom line is it's always good to support each other when dieting/trying to lose weight :) Good luck everyone!
you would be amazed at how if you eat a lot of apples and drink a lot of water, how any diet would work, whether you were on a diet or not.

at least apples aren't a pain to eat. lol
This is fantastic!! Am very pleased i came across this thread as i need some support in my weight loss. When i first arrived at uni almosr 3 years ago i was really shy and as a result was very unsettled for the first couple of weeks. I then met my neighbour and became close friends with her. The food in our halls of residence was dire (really dreadful, stodgy and unhealthy with not enough salad and veg for everyone to get some) and my best friends were always snacking between meals so i just joined in with them. My neighbour was also insomniac, so i'd eat in the small hours of the morning. I gained over 2 stone in under a year, and it was only when i was ill that summer that i lost it again. Since then i've been walking, running and going to the gym to try and keep the weight off and lose more, but i find dieting itself really difficult.

The bottom line is it's always good to support each other when dieting/trying to lose weight :) Good luck everyone!

Well what I have found (with experience) I was never serious about losing weight till now... (well one time I was on a diet/walking program with my mom) and I lost 15-20 pounds then... but when we got off I didn't care anymore. Then I got a gallstones in my gallbladder, I had to not eat fat for 4 months (which was very difficult) but during that time I got use to eating veggies and fruits. Which helped my face clear up a lot mind you.. which is a good thing lol... so since then I was use to eating healthy food, but I still went back to fast food when I was able. Now I think I am through with fast food forever... at least if I do have it it will only be on trips. I believe if you want to lose weight it's all about confidence in yourself that you can do it and believing in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself it will be very difficult.

For 2 days in a row I walked 2 miles.. (1 mile in afternoon, and 1 mile at night) to make it easier.

Advice if you want to walk a certain distance... Go get google earth and you can put a route in your neighborhood to walk... I put a route that equals a little more than a mile. It works for me really good except I'm kind of getting tired of the same route but I think I will make another one for next week. ;)

My grandma inspires me in this cuz she is over 80 years old and walks 3 miles a day... .I wanna be like her. :)

Oh yes... drinking 100% Juices and Water is better than drinking cokes... I got use to drinking juice instead of cokes.. it's way more healthier and not that bad tasting. :)
I for one am so happy to have this thread! And to share some incredible experiences in losing weight here! I wish all of you the absolute best luck! But it doesn't take luck, it just takes some hard choices, and lifestyle changes. I suggest we all put up before and after pics of ourselves after we've reached our weight loss goals. What do you think of that?
I'm not actually on a "diet" but i eat proteins and vegetables for lunch and dinner because I don't really like carbs. I eat cereal in the mornings. I don't drink fizzy drinks but I need to cut down on chocolate/crisps.

As for exercise, I do 30 mins of cardio a day, I walk home from school three days a week and I dance as much as I can.

However, I know I need to increase my exercise because I'm a few pounds overweight.