Dieting/Healthy Living Thread


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Keene, NH
Hey y'all

With the new year I'm sure more than one of us made the resolution "This year I'm going to lose X pounds" or "This year I'm going to exercise" or "I'm going to eat healthy this year"

Well I made that resolution myself and while I'm only trying to lose a small amount of weight (tho i'm very short so 5-10 lbs makes a BIG diff. on my frame LOL) I'm GOING to be a healthier person this year.

I was in our staff room bitching about my REALLY wanting to pig out the other day and realized there's probably other members struggling w/similar issues so let's support each other:clapping:

Here's my "diet" 1200-1500 calories a day plus i'm monitoring how much fat, carbs, protein, and fiber I'm getting in and have limits for those as well
Strength training 3x's/week minimum :weight_lift: :training1:
Cardio 2x's/week minimum for 60 minutes each session (i take classes at a local gym) :girl_dance: :train:

I'm also allowing myself 1 indulgence per week.... so that'll probably be a grilled cheese sandwich or fries (my downfall and what i would miss the most)

Hopefully someone else will join in on this so my typing wasn't simply therapeutic for myself ;)
Thats good Giveimtome :) Im going to cut down more
on the sweets this year. Eating more organic grown things
and switching back to fruit juice and water instead of soda.
I need to work on drinking less coffee though. Good luck to you! :flowers:
that's great giveintome :)

i have to do the some i have to lose wright too for my health too my doctor told so cause of my health problems i have i have IBS and tummy promblems cause i was sick alot in 2005 cause i have my gallbadder out and my alot of prblems in my tummy :yes: :cry:
but this year my doctor told me that i have to change what i eat and my wright need to get off :yes: so that's what i have to do

ooh one thing giveintome don't eat at night makes your body feel better and feel good and you sleep better :yes: :)
yeah shes right its not healthy to eat at night b/c your matabolisum is slower. im going to try to stop doing that lol.

I tried last year to become a Vegitarian. at one point it was so much easier to not eat meat the craving was still there but it wasnt nearly as strong. now ive gotten back into it and its really hard to say no to meat going to try again..but meat is soo good! *sighs i have drunk Soy milk for about 6 months now tho and im not changin that ;) im also going to try to cut back on the sweets and not eat as much cheese...i love cheese but its not that good for you especially when you eat so much :ermm:

good luck giveintome and everyone! :) i hope you meet your goals! :dance:
Im a educated fitness/bodybuilding instructor,
and have been living my life on the healthy side
for 5 years or so now..
I have made programs and diets for such as "normal" persons
as higher level weightlifters..

Just a little advise to you Giveintome,
make sure you doesnt lose weight too fast..
1200 - 1500 calories a day sounds way low..
Then again, I know nothing about you..

Anyway, good luck to you :)
lol well i'm TINY (5'1" n 125lbs) and i watched my food intake for while and i'm cutting out about 300-400 calories per day... i don't find myself being hungry and i'm getting adequate nutrients in my system.
tho if i do find myself to be hungry, i have a glass of water and wait at least 20 minutes... if i'm still hungry I'll have a healthy snack

i've learned that sometimes ur body will send you hunger signals and you may just be a lil dehydrated...

with that said I just shoveled snow for almost 2 hrs so i'm STARVING... off to have some lunch YUM :)

300 - 400 calories a day is just fine..

But I just got to say this.....

JESUS CHRIST OMG !!!..........

125 lbs.. gosh...
Thank god its not me.. Then I couldnt eat all this food I do..

Sorry, Had to let it out :)

Please tell me your a girl?

if your a dude, I have to go to Keene, and shovel down sugar and pure fat in you,
just to make you gain weight :)

Dont misunderstand me, Im not overweight,
but i just dont like those skeleton persons with no muscles.. Like female models now a days..
I think its just... They look sick..
I hope I dont offend anybody, just a personal thing..
lol nah I'm a girl w/small ass frame! LOL and trust i'm NOT skin n bones... like i said i'm not tryin to lose a lot of weight so much as look and feel better... get rid of my belly pooch n tighten up my bum bum LOL n lower my body fat %

that's another struggle I have, is ppl telling me oh ur thin ur fine ur fine... well excuse me lol u don't know my %body fat or bmi... my bmi is just at the edge of "normal" n my body fat is well high LOL

i sometimes think that b/c we live in a world where more ppl are overweight than not being "average" is now seen as skinny...

i was a dancer from the time I could walk until I went off to college and super skinny... i remember the days of knowing i was a good weight by counting the rib bones... but that was my natural body. i didn't diet, starve, or restrict n that was just me. i KNOW what skinny for me is and I'm not looking to get back there... i just want to be trim, fit, n healthy
I want to be healthier as well. Eat better foods and more water. Lots of fresh veggies and some fruit and whole grains. Something to keep my insulin levels even and on the lower side. That's what I'd hope to do this year.

Thanks for the thread!
yeah shes right its not healthy to eat at night b/c your matabolisum is slower. im going to try to stop doing that lol.

I tried last year to become a Vegitarian. at one point it was so much easier to not eat meat the craving was still there but it wasnt nearly as strong. now ive gotten back into it and its really hard to say no to meat going to try again..but meat is soo good! *sighs i have drunk Soy milk for about 6 months now tho and im not changin that ;) im also going to try to cut back on the sweets and not eat as much cheese...i love cheese but its not that good for you especially when you eat so much :ermm:

good luck giveintome and rockstar! :) i hope you meet your goals! :dance:

thanks :) i alright startin i eatting for dinner is blowing eggs and i made myself corrte slade :)
My New Years resolution is also to loose weight and to get fit.
I never had this trouble when I was younger but since Iv turned 45 the weight has been creeping up, I need to loose about 20/25lbs and I need to tone up my tummy.....I blame my last child, ha!!
I refuse to be fat and 50....Michael is my inspiration

lol lol and lol ^^..

Anyway, I hope you didnt think, that I thought you were going to get ripped as ****,
just to be sure..
But I understand you, like people telling you your fine, I used to hear that alot..

" i sometimes think that b/c we live in a world where more ppl are overweight than not being "average" is now seen as skinny " You are SO right..

Rockstar: Remember, regarding eating at night time, it depends whatever your goal is, and what you are eating :)

Janey: You sound like someone very familiar to me ^^^..
Sometimes my mom blaim me and my brother for why her boobies are not looking
like Janets or someone.... Guess we used be hanging around there all the time,
when we were babies.... :p...

As far as eating, you can use some guidlines like this:
Eat like a king in the morning
Eat like a prince for dinner
Eat like a poor in the evening

If you need some good recipes, or anything just ask...

Oh.. and sorry, I dont wanna be a smartass or steal the thread,
just wanna help you out :)
Hey y'all

With the new year I'm sure more than one of us made the resolution "This year I'm going to lose X pounds" or "This year I'm going to exercise" or "I'm going to eat healthy this year"

Well I made that resolution myself and while I'm only trying to lose a small amount of weight (tho i'm very short so 5-10 lbs makes a BIG diff. on my frame LOL) I'm GOING to be a healthier person this year.

I was in our staff room bitching about my REALLY wanting to pig out the other day and realized there's probably other members struggling w/similar issues so let's support each other:clapping:

Here's my "diet" 1200-1500 calories a day plus i'm monitoring how much fat, carbs, protein, and fiber I'm getting in and have limits for those as well
Strength training 3x's/week minimum :weight_lift: :training1:
Cardio 2x's/week minimum for 60 minutes each session (i take classes at a local gym) :girl_dance: :train:

I'm also allowing myself 1 indulgence per week.... so that'll probably be a grilled cheese sandwich or fries (my downfall and what i would miss the most)

Hopefully someone else will join in on this so my typing wasn't simply therapeutic for myself ;)

I lost 16 pounds altogether. I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday. She said I looked fantastic! I told her that Weight Watchers is the most normal, dealing with day-to-day weight loss. It is absolutely the best program out there. Guaranteed.

One could go to Jennie Craig or Nutrisystem - but they don't help you change your eating habits in a normal fashion. Yes, they are good - they help people lose weight...but once you get to goal, they should help you make day to day food choices that are good and healthy for you. Weight Watchers does that. You can go out to a restaurant on Weight Watchers - you just need to prepare for it. Make sure you look up your point values and know what and how to order. It is all in the planning, counting and tracking food.

Weight Watchers helps you deal with real food, all the time. They also stress whole foods - like whole wheat, Quinoa, couscous, fresh broccoli, spinach...etc. By tracking what you eat and changing your food choices to be more wholesome and good for you, you are held accountable for your own success. Every thing you put in your mouth you need to write down right away. That way, not only are you in control of your food choices, but you are also in control of your own health.

Discovery Health had a great program on last night called "You: Staying Young". It was about a man and a woman in their 50's, and it talked about aging with regards to weight. The man was very obese, and had a hard time reaching his toes when tested for flexibility..the woman had a lot of problems. Her sister died in the Twin Towers, and she was practically with her when the planes hit. They saved her, but couldn't get to her sister. So the woman has a lot of PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder problems.

The show concluded with both the man and the woman losing a tremendous amount of weight, and that added 10 years to their life expectancy!! And it turned out, if the man hadn't lost the weight and changed his eating habits, he most certainly would have died - because when he went for a stress test, they found 2 coronary arteries 100% blocked, and a third one 95% blocked!! He had to call his wife and tell her he wasn't coming home that day - they needed to put in 3 stents....

So, if you are obese, please try to lose weight. I am doing this right now, and not only do I look better, I feel fantastic!! If you have a desk job, try to change your job to something that is more active. Try to add more activity in everything you do during the day... I did - and the weight started to drop off! I jump-started my metabolism doing that. And what is even better - once I started to lose again, my metabolism is still up there! Once you start to lose and lose more and more weight, your metabolism goes up! Weird, I know...but trust me, it works!!
I'm so feeling the new year diet this year. i just cant bring myself to start it yet! im hoping monday will be a start point for me. I have a very bad relationship with unhealthy food :(

But hopefully seeing as my boyfriend has already started dieting it will encourage me to keep it up for once!

I just usually give up after a couple of weeks coz nothing ever seems to happen =/
my mother does weight watchers... i found a very similar program online called sparkpeople... it's free n the goal is to teach you how to be healthy forever not just lose weight.
I'm so feeling the new year diet this year. i just cant bring myself to start it yet! im hoping monday will be a start point for me. I have a very bad relationship with unhealthy food :(

But hopefully seeing as my boyfriend has already started dieting it will encourage me to keep it up for once!

I just usually give up after a couple of weeks coz nothing ever seems to happen =/

Hiya "heaven" - just increase your activity level. Believe me, I've been there. I got tested for diabetes,thyroid, you name it. The doctors kept telling me that everything was normal.. And for some reason I just couldnt' lose weight. Until I accepted this Nursing Assistant job. I went from a sit-down job to a very active job....and it started to drop off. So trust me. If everything else is normal for you, you just need to get more active! You need to jump-start your metabolism...Good Luck to you! If you can stand it, 20 minutes of aerobic activity every day may help. If not, just do more...or change jobs. You'll be thankful you did!
i need to up the calorie burning this year.
about midway through last year i stopped playing sports on an organized team and that was exercise for 2 or more hours 5-6 sometimes 7 days a week. i joined a gym and go to yoga 4 times a week for an hour but i still feel like i'm sitting on my butt wayyy too much. and i definitely feel like i've gained a little weight.

it's hard because in my opinion i've always had a bit of poundage on my body and i hate that i have to work at keeping weight off even though i'm young and i really don't feel like i eat badly at all. i don't like the way i feel after eating lots of processed or oily foods so i don't but i think my problem is that i like to eat a lot so i'm still taking in a fair amount of calories. self control is a little difficult when it comes to food for me lol.

so i'm planning on putting in more cardio each week and also try to gain some control over my wandering fingers. it's kinda hard though and i haven't really started the cardio yet because school is pounding down this time of year and going to a gym is not required like going to a practice is. but i do go to yoga religiously. i've been thinking about joining a dance class actually. i used to a long time ago and it would definitely be an incentive to go and have an allotted time for exercise plus i already love doing it..

i'm glad this thread is here
does ur gym have classes? that's how i get my cardio in religiously... when u go to the classes ppl start to recognize u and you feel u HAVE to go and feel bad when u don't (at least i do)
does ur gym have classes? that's how i get my cardio in religiously... when u go to the classes ppl start to recognize u and you feel u HAVE to go and feel bad when u don't (at least i do)

yep, it's 24 hour fitness so it has classes. that's where i do the yoga. i want to do the cycling but you have to get there early for that class. i don't really like any of the other classes that they have except maybe i'll try the kickboxing one day. but i'm weird about going to the gym because i hate when people are around me while i'm exercising. i swim (used to play water polo) but the pool is nasty there and there's always like a half hour wait. so it's all just gahhh.

i do tend to go and jump on an eliptical and put on off the wall and just zone everything else out for an hour
Here's a recipe for you. Hey, let's start posting healthy recipes here!

Here's one for Quinoa Stew.

Peruvian Quinoa Stew
(Reprinted with permission from Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home, by the Moosewood Collective, Copyright 1994 by Moosewood, Inc.; Simon & Schuster/Fireside,publishers)
Click here to find some great cookbooks at Moosewood Restaurant website...
Serves 4 Total time: 35 minutes
½ cup quinoa 1 cup water 2 cups chopped onions 2 garlic cloves, minced or pressed 1 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 celery stalk, chopped 1 carrot, cut on the diagonal into ¼-inch thick slices 1 bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 cup cubed zucchini 2 cups undrained chopped fresh or canned tomatoes 1 cup water or vegetable stock 2 teaspoons ground cumin ½ teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon ground coriander Pinch of cayenne (or more to taste) 2 teaspoon fresh oregano (OR) 1 teaspoon dried oregano Salt to taste
Chopped fresh cilantro (optional) Grated Cheddar (OR) Monterey Jack cheese (optional)

  1. Rinse quinoa well with cold water. Use a fine mesh filter or coffee filter. If you're a klutz like me use the fine mesh filter or a lot of quinoa is going to wind up in the sink!

    Quinoa is coated with a natural substance called saponin that protects the grain by repelling insects and birds. Rinsing the quinoa is important to avoid a raw or bitter taste. You can tell if there is saponin by the production of a soapy looking "suds" when the seeds are swished in water.

    Good news! If you are using Ancient Harvest Quinoa you can skip this step. It's already rinsed!
  2. Place rinsed quinoa and water in pot (covered) and cook covered on medium-low heat for about 15 minutes until soft.
  3. While the quinoa is cooking place the onions, garlic and vegetable oil in covered soup pot and saute on medium heat for 5 minutes
  4. And celery and carrots to the soup pot and cook an additional 5 minutes, stirring often
  5. Add the bell pepper, zucchini, tomatoes, and one cup water or vegetable stock to soup pot. Stir in cumin, chili powder, coriander, cayenne and oregano to soup pot simmer covered for 10 to 15 minutes until vegetables are tender.
  6. Stir in cooked quinoa and salt to taste.
  7. Top with grated cheese (and optionally chopped cilantro - See cilantro note below)
  8. Serve immediately.
Optional Ingredient for Peruvian Quinoa Stew (Quinoa Vegetarian Stew): Chopped Cilantro. This is my standard cilantro warning. Exercise caution on this ingredient. There are two kinds of people - those who love cilantro and those who hate cilantro. Nobody is in between. So, if you know you like cilantro go for it! If you don't know whether you like it add it at your own risk. You might break some leaves off of fresh cilantro in the grocery store. Crush it between your thumb and finger and smell it. If it smells good you're probably a cilantro lover. If it smells like old gym shoes you probably hate it. My advice? Try the quinoa stew without it and see how you like it. Or, since you're adding it at the end as a topping, just try a little and see how it goes.\

Quinoa (pronounced /ˈkinwɑ/ KEEN-wah or /ˈkinoʊə/ KEE-no-uh, Spanish quinua, from Quechua kinwa) is a species of goosefoot (Chenopodium) grown as a crop primarily for its edible seeds. It is a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal as it is not a grass. Its leaves are also eaten as a leaf vegetable, much like amaranth, but the commercial availability of quinoa greens is currently limited.

Here's a picture of it. It is very good, and very good for you!

i m not promising myself to loose weight anymore i m giving up i walk hours and hours each day have days that i barely eat and in warm days along with more then 20000 steps its swimming and byciucle and you know what i dont loose a d...pound grrrrrr
i even stasrted smoking again for a while cause i thought that would make it e3asier to loose some well no it didnt
so anyone has any tips that might actually work even for me
i m not really fat but i went from 45 kilo to 65 and for me that is a lot since im only 1.65 m thats about two dresssizes and i hate it
i m not promising myself to loose weight anymore i m giving up i walk hours and hours each day have days that i barely eat and in warm days along with more then 20000 steps its swimming and byciucle and you know what i dont loose a d...pound grrrrrr
i even stasrted smoking again for a while cause i thought that would make it e3asier to loose some well no it didnt
so anyone has any tips that might actually work even for me
i m not really fat but i went from 45 kilo to 65 and for me that is a lot since im only 1.65 m thats about two dresssizes and i hate it

That's good though! Do you write everything you eat down, including portion sizes and calories? You may be taking in more than you think....I know I did.
i would start a food diary... also look at WHAT your eating... u may not be eating a lot but the things ur eating may have a high amount of fat... specifically saturated fat and this may be why ur not losing weight.... also u may whant to try adding strength training... muscle burns calories faster than fat so the more muscle you have the higher ur metabolism
hey good 4 u.

i recently read an article in GQ (forget the name/author, i just read 'em and chuck 'em but it was about 2/3 issues ago), and it was about how our minds have a cave-man instinct engraved in them, so when we see food, it is our gut reaction to eat it and finish everything on the plate. even when we are not hungry, we eat it because it's there. . . . one experiment was conducted where people ate soup, and unbeknownst to them a tube from under the table kept putting more in their bowl, yet they kept eating unltil told it was an experiment. . . . CNN did a recent report where they gave 2 groups of people @ restaurant free wings. one group had the bones taken away, the other the bones stayed on the table. the wings kept coming until the people said stop. guess who said 'stop' first? the ones who had the bones left on the table, because they knew how much they ate. but when people had wings put down w/ no other food, they'd eat it because there was no reference point to how much they'd just eaten. . . . point is we eat what's in front of us, and once we realize that, we don't have to eat that much thru the day to survive. anyways good luck in your dietary quest. i have to eat healthy myself and exercise a few times a week to avoid obesity, and once u get in the routine it's pretty easy, and u'll b thankful in the long run. :) Jam!
hey good 4 u.

i recently read an article in GQ (forget the name/author, i just read 'em and chuck 'em but it was about 2/3 issues ago), and it was about how our minds have a cave-man instinct engraved in them, so when we see food, it is our gut reaction to eat it and finish everything on the plate. even when we are not hungry, we eat it because it's there. . . . one experiment was conducted where people ate soup, and unbeknownst to them a tube from under the table kept putting more in their bowl, yet they kept eating unltil told it was an experiment. . . . CNN did a recent report where they gave 2 groups of people @ restaurant free wings. one group had the bones taken away, the other the bones stayed on the table. the wings kept coming until the people said stop. guess who said 'stop' first? the ones who had the bones left on the table, because they knew how much they ate. but when people had wings put down w/ no other food, they'd eat it because there was no reference point to how much they'd just eaten. . . . point is we eat what's in front of us, and once we realize that, we don't have to eat that much thru the day to survive. anyways good luck in your dietary quest. i have to eat healthy myself and exercise a few times a week to avoid obesity, and once u get in the routine it's pretty easy, and u'll b thankful in the long run. :) Jam!

This is so true!! We eat sometimes to the point of gluttony...Weight Watchers teaches us to be in tune with our hunger signals. And I just found out something very interesting - when you eat to the point of sighing, you are full.
mmm....nice thread :) I'm going to lose my weight this year too.
Once I have done it (lost 7 kg) and gonna do it again. The secret is quite easy - food diary + no milk, no cheese, no sweets, no potatoe or tomatoes, no meat, no bread, no coffee, no tea, no cola.
But a lot of porridges out of different kinds of cereals, rice, vegetables, eggs, fish, raddish and drinking chicory. The skin, nails , hair after 3 weeks become perfect.
Tomorrow I'm starting the Special K 2 weeks slimmer waist challenge thing. I'm hoping it will be a good way to kick start my dieting for the following weeks and months after these first 2 on this specific diet. Fingers crossed!
Guys, I'm telling you, from experience..... join the gym! You will be amazed at how quickly and easily you'll see yourself get back into shape. If you just diet it'll take a lot longer to shift those pounds.

I've been reading a few of you taking of exercise but some ppl will just focus on what they are eating. Sometimes it might not be what your eating that has you out of shape, but the lack of exercise.
mmm....nice thread :) I'm going to lose my weight this year too.
Once I have done it (lost 7 kg) and gonna do it again. The secret is quite easy - food diary + no milk, no cheese, no sweets, no potatoe or tomatoes, no meat, no bread, no coffee, no tea, no cola.
But a lot of porridges out of different kinds of cereals, rice, vegetables, eggs, fish, raddish and drinking chicory. The skin, nails , hair after 3 weeks become perfect.

That's not exactly healthy.

It doesn't make much sense to change your eating habits drastically because you will take physical harm and you will gain weight again very quickly (jojo effect). It's important to keep it balanced with the food you're eating. Less sugar and fat, little milk or eggs, more small and light meals during the day. Many drastic diets result only in the body losing a lot of water. You need to "train" your stomach carefully, slowly and over a longer period of time, then you will simply need less food. It's important to drink a lot, mostly clear water and herbal tea without sugar.

The thing is that you should burn more energy/calories than you're taking in. It doesn't make much sense to ONLY do sports or ONLY eat less, you have to exercise and take care of what you're eating. But one-sided stuff is very unhealthy. The human body needs all kinds of food to stay healthy, and it's wrong to drastically cut certain things. Vitamines are important, because they help to burn calories, it's important to eat fresh vegetables and fruit instead of cooking everything.
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