Did Prince ever release a statement?

Just because he didn't relase a statement doesn't mean he don't care.

I love Prince!

Here, here. Prince is not the type of guy to release a statement. He will write a song about Michael or dedicate something to him in his next performance.
God, some of you people are so VILE, why dont you have some bloody respect!

Grow up!
Here, here. Prince is not the type of guy to release a statement. He will write a song about Michael or dedicate something to him in his next performance.

More like write a song about himself and dedicate to himself :D
haha, lol, you gotta love Prince! :D

lol he is amusing, I'd never take him seriously ever. His music is great, top performer when I saw him in 2007, 7 times - just amazing. As a person, tortured soul that shuts himself off from people and pushes them away is my take on him - you feel sorry for him and then he does something out of order like say he might sue fan sites... yeah I just laugh at Prince as a person. TOTALLY different from Michael. As for giving a statement, no he'll prob write a song about it with cryptic lyrics involving conspiracy theories and the conclusion that he is the best! don't say I didn't tell you when it comes out... lol ;) But seriously say he is upset about it, why does he have to share that with us?
Prince seems to keep himself to himself these days. There are many famous people that haven't given statements, its doesnt mean they are not upset.
Prince is a musical genius; he is an awesome guitar and piano player, and a prolific songwriter and dancer. But really, even if you think he is poop, who cares what he says or doesn't say? And why would he even say anything? The two weren't friends (nor enemies; I read a 90s RS interview where Prince praised MJ). And even if they were friends, why is it so important that he share his inner feelings? Isn't one of MJ's messages that people should respect other people's privacy?
Because Prince wasn't profiting from it.If Prince aint getting the $ he'll stop anything he possibly can including his videos on youtube.
Whatever do you mean? On the 'Diamond and Pearls' album, he says:
Money don't matter 2night, It sure didn't matter yesterday.... :lol:
in recent years prince has not been very kind to his fans, particularly those in the online community. he's gone so far as to threaten legal action against his fan sites, claiming "copyright issues" (IMO, total hogwash)

this year, its basically been zero. a lot of fans (me included) have signed to his site LOTUSFLOW3R.COM ($77/yr), where he has promised new music, rare footage, and those who had signed up immediately would get sent a commerative "founding member" t-shirt.

That was March.
As of July - No new music (save for one track u can only get online), no video any diehard fan hadnt seen b4, and - you guessed it - no shirts have been sent out.

Honestly, this hurts me the most - because ihad a $150 debit card i got as a gift. My choices were I could join the site and save some money....

or spend it all on the MJ Auction catalog.

A)Guess what I picked?
B)Guess what I would've have in my hands by now?
bwahahahah...good for prince fans.
That's what I love so much about MJ. He was soooooooo kind to the fans. :(
Do we really have to turn this thread into one full of negativity?

If MJ fans don't have anything good to say about Prince, they should just not say anything at all because it's not nice that a person can't even mention Prince's name without hearing a bunch of crap about him. My topic of discussion was not about bashing Prince!
Do we really have to turn this thread into one full of negativity?

If MJ fans don't have anything good to say about Prince, they should just not say anything at all because it's not nice that a person can't even mention Prince's name without hearing a bunch of crap about him. My topic of discussion was not about bashing Prince!

Don't tell me that your surprised...
He probably put out a statement but sued any site that posted it. You can read one by signing up to his website for $39.95 a year.

(^That's not true, just some lame humor).

I like Prince, that was just a joke, so don't any Prince fans take it the wrong way.
Do we really have to turn this thread into one full of negativity?

If MJ fans don't have anything good to say about Prince, they should just not say anything at all because it's not nice that a person can't even mention Prince's name without hearing a bunch of crap about him. My topic of discussion was not about bashing Prince!

well if u go to prince.org there's not a lot of positivity for MJ either...

and honestly, there IS one person who i wish was dead instead of Michael

*cough* skinny motherfucker with the high voice *cough*
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well if u go to prince.org there's not a lot of positivity for MJ either...

and honestly, there IS one person who i wish was dead instead of Michael

*cough* skinny motherfucker with the high voice *cough*

Ohhh, that's not nice. Don't wish anyone dead. Not cool at all!

I do agree though that a lot of Prince's fans are nasty at his site when it comes to Michael. Not all, but many. They are a lot worse than we are, but two wrongs don't make a right and we don't need to stoop to that level I feel. Prince is great musician. He's brilliant and a wonderful artist. I don't agree with everything he does personally but I can't lie, he's my favorite artist after Michael and I think he's great. People are free to say what they want, but I just don't think we need to sink to that level and start with immature name calling of Prince, but that's just me.
Ohhh, that's not nice. Don't wish anyone dead. Not cool at all!

I do agree though that a lot of Prince's fans are nasty at his site when it comes to Michael. Not all, but many. They are a lot worse than we are, but two wrongs don't make a right and we don't need to stoop to that level I feel. Prince is great musician. He's brilliant and a wonderful artist. I don't agree with everything he does personally but I can't lie, he's my favorite artist after Michael and I think he's great. People are free to say what they want, but I just don't think we need to sink to that level and start with immature name calling of Prince, but that's just me.

i dont wish he was dead.....just wish michael was alive instead of him
We should not care who does not say something about Mike. It is the fans and the people that care enough to say something that we should focus on.
Well... you all can have your opinions of Prince and truthfully I agree with them as well. I personally just don't see the point in keep negativity in your heart for anyone. And I think it is rude of people to turn a person's simple post into something slanderous and off-topic.

Sure, freedom of speech...