Cleo, I've only been reading the " Have You Met Or Got To See Michael In Person?" thread here and there because I've been mainly trying to keep up with the "Did MJ Find Love In The Dark" thread that is mainly covering the positive changes in MJ between 2001 and the present day.allformj since you began this threat you see the secret ladies coming out...what do you think about this woman mflowers posts? they are in the threat have you met michael etc... i hope she is not influenced of this threat. I also woIuld like to ask all others? If michael is in love with someone else ...why cant he tell her? what typ of obstacle do they have?or do you all think he is already with her?thank you in advance for your answers
The " Have You Met Or Got To See Michael In Person?" thread has a variety of nice stories from fans meeting him at different times, in different places and in different ways. So, I figured I could pop in from time to time to read them knowing each one will be different.
Since you seem bothered by Mflowers' post, I did go over to the thread to read her posts specifically. What I felt the most while reading her posts was the deep pain that she went through with her husband or now ex-husband. Most of her posts are about what she went through with him, not how she spent time with MJ, so it's kind of hard to get a full feel of what her time with MJ was like.
MJ is a very mystical person. He has met many of his fans in very mystical ways, so if we are reading a fan's story about how and when they met him, and it's one of those times that he was in disguise, it can seem a bit unclear as to whether it was him, or not. The whole purpose for him wearing the disguises is so people will not know it is him.
It's easier to get a feel of his presence in the stories about him visiting someone's home to give them a copy of the Watch Tower because he has indeed let everyone know that he's been doing that. But, when it comes to encounters with him in diguises when he's simply out and about, it can be a little hard to follow unless the person telling the story about one of these encounters with him, during one of those times, gives details of things that he may have said to them during a conversation with them.
He's been able to trick people by covering up his distinctive facial features, but if he's talking to someone, he's not completely able to cover up his personality or his voice if he doesn't try to change it for the moment.
Unless Mflowers is willing to let out more of her story, and not worry about anyone taking it from her, as the
"© 2008" it end of it indicates, we'll probably never know if it was him.
So until she decides to say more to let the readers get a better understanding, just take it as a story that she really doesn't want anyone to know and leave it at that for your own peace of mind. There are other stories in the thread that you can feel MJ's true presence in. It's probably best to read those and get the fully enjoyment out of them that the posters wanted you to receive.
Also, the "Did MJ Find Love In The Dark" thread points out a woman that is unknown to fans, but the way that MJ is openly singing to her causes her to not be that much of a secret.
Back in 2002, during his interview with Vibe Magazine, he had a discussion about pain and even said he felt it was good for his work. Well, now that he's been experiencing something that's loving and not painful, I think we are able to see that it's even better for his work. It seems like it feels a lot better to him. The most recent release of love songs displays this, as well as his upbeat mood, laughter and smile. It seems like it feels a lot better to those that is being touched by it as well as it comes through his music, as they enjoy his mood, listen to his laughter and smile as they see him smile.
Enjoy what is, as it is happening today. Enjoy that happiness that you hear in MJ's voice as he speaks in the present day, as you heard yesterday on Good Morning America. Enjoy the sound of his singing as it is now coming across in a pleasant way without the sound of pain. His present state of happiness is what you can absorb if what you are reading in someone's post is causing dismay. MJ is not hiding his happiness and it is not coming across in a distorted way. It's coming across loud and clear and he is sharing his happiness with anyone that has ears that hear or eyes that see.
MJ has been touched by love in many different ways lately. His cup is over flowing with love right now. It's been coming from God, from a female friend that he's been singing about in loving ways, his parents and siblings, his children, his closest friends and his fans worldwide. Enjoy the love that you hear in his voice as he speaks and sings in the present day. It's not being hidden and it's not coming across in an obsure way. It's there for you to hear. It's there for you to enjoy. As he once said, as long as love is in his heart, it's everywhere. And it's true. It is everywhere. As it comes to him from everywhere, he sends it right back out and he's been sending it everywhere. Lately, he's even been having fun with some members of the media. That's just how much things have mellowed out for him. So, try to enjoy it.
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