Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Is he implying that his troubles with the media had something to do with him being in love?

yes i think so.

Remember when him & lisa marie got married, the media & naysayers were saying "oh their marriage cant be real, its fake" blah blah. I think that really got to michael & offened him.
AllForMJ;3063027 said:
To those that are still having a hard time accepting the possibility that MJ was in love before he passed away, there is a question in MJ's new song "Breaking News" that was recorded in 2007. His question is "Why is it strange that I would fall in love?"


Isn't it interesting that he would ask this question? I guess he felt that some people didn't think he was willing to fall in love and he is revealing that he was willing.


I just read this on another thread and I could not resist and I'll post here too:

5. Do you all understand the lyrics of the song? Do you really think he is singing about the media ONLY? I don't think so, let me explain why. This was recorded in 2007. Mike had been to hell and back after the trial. The media slandered him, broke him and never apologized after he was aquitted. They simply ignored it. Yet this song is pretty 'nice' if you compare it with his other lyrics. Let me post some of the lines for you:

Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.

EVERYBODY wanting a piece, that means the fans too and I think more than anyone else.

no matter what, you just wanna read it again
no matter what, you just wanna feed it again

Again, directed to the fans. Fans read it, fans feed it. The media lies, but the fan buys.

Everybody watching the news on Michael Jackson
They want to see that I fall cuz I’m Michael Jackson

Who is watching that news? The media, or the public/fans?

Why is it strange that I would fall in love (hoo-whoa-oo-why)
Who is that boogie man you thinkin’ of (ya thinkin' of)
How am I crazy cuz im just in love (i'm just in love and you're)
this is breaking news X2 (hoo-whoa-oo-why)

That is what shows this is to the fans and not to the media. The media did worse than just reporting that he had a girlfriend. Actually, they only talked about the child molestation charges most of the time. The fans are interested in his love life.

And I agree with that person. :girl_whistle:


PLEASE, do not play stones at me!!! :fear:




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I just read this on another thread and I could not resist and I'll post here too:


And I agree with that person. :girl_whistle:


PLEASE, do not play stones at me!!! :fear:




So he thought that it would've been better if the media had just reported on his love life instead of the more serious stuff? Is he also saying that they reported on all kinds of stuff, but they completely missed the real "breaking news" and that was the fact that he was in love?
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I think MJ always refer to the media refusal to believe his love for Children and nature...he says and Kathriene also in her interview refered to this love , he love children and can't harm the ! this is his man fight with the media and hatres ! JMO
Ashtanga;3066135 said:
5. Do you all understand the lyrics of the song? Do you really think he is singing about the media ONLY? I don't think so, let me explain why. This was recorded in 2007. Mike had been to hell and back after the trial. The media slandered him, broke him and never apologized after he was aquitted. They simply ignored it. Yet this song is pretty 'nice' if you compare it with his other lyrics. Let me post some of the lines for you:

Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson.
Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.

EVERYBODY wanting a piece, that means the fans too and I think more than anyone else.

no matter what, you just wanna read it again
no matter what, you just wanna feed it again

Again, directed to the fans. Fans read it, fans feed it. The media lies, but the fan buys.

Everybody watching the news on Michael Jackson
They want to see that I fall cuz I’m Michael Jackson

Who is watching that news? The media, or the public/fans?

Why is it strange that I would fall in love (hoo-whoa-oo-why)
Who is that boogie man you thinkin’ of (ya thinkin' of)
How am I crazy cuz im just in love (i'm just in love and you're)
this is breaking news X2 (hoo-whoa-oo-why)

That is what shows this is to the fans and not to the media. The media did worse than just reporting that he had a girlfriend. Actually, they only talked about the child molestation charges most of the time. The fans are interested in his love life.


I would not be surprised if this person had actually right. Everybody wants a piece of Michael Jackson in one way or another.

Does Michael Jackson wanted to be just a regular guy without all these people running after him and wondering about his love life and not only professional? Does he just wanted to be a good father (who no doubt it is), fall in love and live as "common" people do?
Sometimes I ask me if he was not tired of it all and wanted to stop but the fans had a small share of blame because we always wanted more and more, new shows and new songs and new albums. What do you really think? :scratch:
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ople running after him and wondering about his love life and not only professional? Does he just wanted to be a good father (who no doubt it is), fall in love and live as "common" people do?
Sometimes I ask me if he was not tired of it all and wanted to stop but the fans had a small share of blame because we always wanted more and more, new shows and new songs and new albums. What do you really think? :scratch:

I agree with everything you said. -_-




"Allot of People Misunderstand Me...That's Because They "TRULY" Never Understood Me At All..!"

Michael Jackson
(Paraphrased By Susie)

Be STILL My Everlasting Heart..!

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E~~~

God Bless Always

Have you guys seen the pictures from the One More Chance video?? :D Where MJ is dancing in an empty restaurant and behind the glass or on the other side are tons of fans. Since I haven't seen the video I guess there are two possibilities...that either MJ just let fans follow the filming (but have we heard from any fans that they got to go watch MJ? :scratch:)....OR...they are part of the story. And the story I could think of from the images is that MJ is alone in a restaurant...isolated...like so many times in real life..and there's all the fans on the other side. Like he once said himself "There's all that love out there"....But he's singing about "If you see her....tell her this for MEEEEEEE"....:lol: So maybe the crowd represents...a crowd. :lol: You know...MJ trying to look for the girl in the crowd....the LITD girl?! :wild: :wild: :wild: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Coming to think of it...I am almost sure I once wrote a "description", my video idea, to some MJ song in which MJ was looking for a girl in the crowd...finally seeing her in the crowd...then walking towards her but the crowd's pulling her away...I even think it had stairs of some kind in it..:lol: I can't remember to what song it was and how the video idea I had was exactly...all I remember is that it was a "love story" about MJ and a girl in teh crowd and the girl was brunette...I could swear it was somewhere on MJJC or back in MJJF....But I can't remember in what thread and why I wrote it. :scratch: Maybe it was when the song was first released and we were thinking about what kind of videos we could come up with for the song....Wish I could remember where I posted it...I was on MJOnline for awhile, so it could have been there too...but I could SWEAR I wrote it on some MJ board for some MJ song...and it only could have been either one of the songs on Invincible (but I don't think it was that far back)...or it was for Number Ones...But when I wrote that...I could not say...Anyways...doesn't matter. Just had to laugh when I saw the photos because I immediately thought of you guys and knew that's some material for you guys to analyze!! :lol: :lol:

I'm so glad this thread is still going! It's such a fun, positive thread and such a great threa to come to in the middle of all this album drama!! :)
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So he thought that it would've been better if the media had just reported on his love life instead of the more serious stuff? Is he also saying that they reported on all kinds of stuff, but they completely missed the real "breaking news" and that was the fact that he was in love?




Summer >>> :hi:
i want some of mjs popcorn too!

Oh, I don't want any popcorn. I'm just tired of my brain hurtin' and all he does is munch on popcorn and laugh at me!!! I just want the fun of walking up to him in that theater and saying once and for all, "Gimme that!!!" and snatching it out of his hands as he abruptly turns and looks at me with a look of shock and horror on his face as if to say, "Hey! Whaddya do that for?!" Hahahaha! That would be fun for me!;D

Edit: I'm sorry. I guess I'm not in such a great mood as I am nursing another cold. I think I had better get some rest since I am thinking of cruel things to do to that popcorn-munchin' "Thriller" MJ!
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Oh yeah, that's right, I keep on forgetting. And ... I feel like snatching that bucket of popcorn out of "Thriller" MJ's hands! It mocks me!
Oh, I don't want any popcorn. I'm just tired of my brain hurtin' and all he does is munch on popcorn and laugh at me!!! I just want the fun of walking up to him in that theater and saying once and for all, "Gimme that!!!" and snatching it out of his hands as he abruptly turns and looks at me with a look of shock and horror on his face as if to say, "Hey! Whaddya do that for?!" Hahahaha! That would be fun for me!;D


You're awesome! Thanks for getting me to laugh. :cheeky: And Michael never divides his popcorn with anyone. -_- He is greedy. Just look at the gif. :hungry: :wild:

i want some of mjs popcorn too!

Eating popcorn with MJ or a war of popcorn :)lol:). I would love. :wub:

:cry: *big sigh*
Oh, I don't want any popcorn. I'm just tired of my brain hurtin' and all he does is munch on popcorn and laugh at me!!! I just want the fun of walking up to him in that theater and saying once and for all, "Gimme that!!!" and snatching it out of his hands as he abruptly turns and looks at me with a look of shock and horror on his face as if to say, "Hey! Whaddya do that for?!" Hahahaha! That would be fun for me!;D

Id just wait till he wasnt looking ans snatch them off him and be like:innocent:

I hope u will get better soon :hug:

You're awesome! Thanks for getting me to laugh. :cheeky: And Michael never divides his popcorn with anyone. -_- He is greedy. Just look at the gif. :hungry: :wild:


Eating popcorn with MJ or a war of popcorn :)lol:). I would love. :wub:

:cry: *big sigh*

LOL i dont think he even gave some to ola ! the lil greedy bugger :lol:
Ashtanga, can you tell me what in thee HECK MJ is saying in this gif - I can't hear anything he is saying. All I know is that I am so sick it makes me feel like throwing some popcorn dead in his FACE! Please don't be offended by that anyone. MJ woulda liked that sorta thing. It woulda really got him goin'. He liked that sorta thing. He woulda just thrown some back in my face, too! This is how strange people show affection to one another.

AllForMJ :wild: Nice to see you here again. I think you'll be surprised at some new usernames lol.
Great post. :)
Hi, Lainy! It's always nice to see newbies! :wild: :D


I just read this on another thread and I could not resist and I'll post here too:


And I agree with that person. :girl_whistle:


PLEASE, do not play stones at me!!! :fear:




Not gonna stone you, Ashtanga!! LOL!

The song "Breaking News" has a line in it that says, "He wanna write my obituary" before it goes into the part that says, "No matter what, you just wanna read it again. No matter what, you just wanna feed it again."


MJ would not say that to his fans. He knew his fans would never refer to him as the boogie man or want to read an obituary because his fans care about him.

"Breaking News" also has a line that says "They want to see that I fall 'cause I'm Michael Jackson." He would not say that to his fans either because he knew that his fans only wished him well, and that they wanted him only to raise. They did not want him to fall.

Is he implying that his troubles with the media had something to do with him being in love?

Although he did fall, he did not do the type of fall that his foes wanted. God instead had something wonderful happen to MJ. He instead had MJ fall in love and boosted his spirits before their very eyes, and MJ is breaking the news. He's doing it with the chorus. See?

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogie man you're thinkin' of?
Oh am I crazy 'cause I'm just in love?
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

Falling in love took away most of MJ's pain so he could bounce back. Notice that he said, "Just when you thought he was done he comes to give it again" and that he also centered his chorus around him being in love. He was feeling joy. He didn't display this type of joy on his Invincible CD. He cried in agony on it.

Over the years, there was always a certain way that he would act when he had special feelings for someone. It would show up in his music just like it was doing starting from 2003. That's why I created this thread to point it out.

Don't forget, this discussion began in 2008. "Breaking News" has surfaced in 2010 and there was no way to even know that MJ was working on this song in 2007. Yet, here it is confirming the discussion. lol

So now there is "Beautiful Girl" released in 2004 where he is saying, "Can't you see that I'm in love with you?" And also "This Is It" where he is saying "We can feel this is real. Every time I'm in love that I feel."

MJ was sprung. He was head over hills in love all the way up to 2009. And with another song he said his love for her is "For All Time."

God did not allow MJ to leave this earth without that feeling. He was singing about it.


By the way, here's some popcorn to tie you over until you figure out how to jump into that video and get MJ's. LOL Here's some for you too, 8701girl!

8701girl-----> :popcorn:

MysteriousPhoenix-----> :popcorn:

... "Breaking News" also has a line that says "They want to see that I fall 'cause I'm Michael Jackson." He would not say that to his fans either because he knew that his fans only wished him well, and that they wanted him only to raise. They did not want him to fall.

Although he did fall, he did not do the type of fall that his foes wanted. God instead had something wonderful happen to MJ. He instead had MJ fall in love and boosted his spirits before their very eyes, and MJ is breaking the news. He's doing it with the chorus. See?

Why is it strange that I would fall in love?
Who is that boogie man you're thinkin' of?
Oh am I crazy 'cause I'm just in love?
This is breaking news
This is breaking news

It's all starting to make sense the way you put it.

Now on to the real "breaking news" ...

Popcorn Fight!!!:D
Aww hun dont cry :hug:
:hug: to you too!!!

I try not to cry, but sometimes it's difficult. :( *big sigh*

Ashtanga, can you tell me what in thee HECK MJ is saying in this gif - I can't hear anything he is saying. All I know is that I am so sick it makes me feel like throwing some popcorn dead in his FACE! Please don't be offended by that anyone. MJ woulda liked that sorta thing. It woulda really got him goin'. He liked that sorta thing. He woulda just thrown some back in my face, too! This is how strange people show affection to one another.


Well, Michael did not like what I said and was embarrassed by it. LOL He said: "Do not believe in Ash. I'm not greedy and I share my popcorn with everyone." LOL

*NOW throwing popcorn at Michael.* :lol:

Not gonna stone you, Ashtanga!! LOL!

I'm soooooooooo happy for that! :D :give_heart:

Popcorn Fight!!!:D


Well, Michael did not like what I said and was embarrassed by it. LOL He said: "Do not believe in Ash. I'm not greedy and I share my popcorn with everyone." LOL

*NOW throwing popcorn at Michael.* :lol:

Oh, o.k. I didn't know what he said, but I have to admit he looked pretty dog gone cute sayin' it.

Hey, remember when Oprah asked MJ if he ever looks in the mirror and says, "Hmmm, I look pretty cute today." and MJ goes to answer her and then he suddenly pauses as if it just hits him what she said and he repeats, "Pretty cute today" and laughs. That was funny.:D
I cry too alot of times over mj


Yes, me too. I do not know as I still have tears to cry. :( *big sigh*

Oh, o.k. I didn't know what he said, but I have to admit he looked pretty dog gone cute sayin' it.
:lol: Yes....

Hey, remember when Oprah asked MJ if he ever looks in the mirror and says, "Hmmm, I look pretty cute today." and MJ goes to answer her and then he suddenly pauses as if it just hits him what she said and he repeats, "Pretty cute today" and laughs. That was funny.:D
Yes.... :heart: I was so young, but I remember every detail of this interview. :wub: Though Oprah :)puke:), this interview was great. He was sooooo beautiful (as always). :girl_in_love: *big sigh*
Oh, o.k. I didn't know what he said, but I have to admit he looked pretty dog gone cute sayin' it.

Hey, remember when Oprah asked MJ if he ever looks in the mirror and says, "Hmmm, I look pretty cute today." and MJ goes to answer her and then he suddenly pauses as if it just hits him what she said and he repeats, "Pretty cute today" and laughs. That was funny.:D

LOL he was like thinking thats what she said..whoops
Hi, Lainy! It's always nice to see newbies! :wild: :D
Thanks! Well, I'm not so newbies like that I just changed my username :lol:

I think we all will have tears to cry for the rest of our lives :(

Man what is this? :bugeyed
Were all throwing popcorn at each other and at Michael and now tears in eyes (?) I cannot believe. We have to start a new popcorn war. :tease:
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I think we all will have tears to cry for the rest of our lives :(

Yeah ... sometimes I think the same, but today ... I dont know why, but today my heart is calm and my hope is renewed ! I think it has something to do with "Hold My Hand" !

Ash and Lainy, I want the Brazil's flag in my nickname too !!! What do I do ?

Kisses !