detective says arrest should be made by new years

I'm reading the comments on YouTube.. "we should all call and ask". Yeah, LOL, let's drive LAPD insane :wild:

I'm glad they are keeping things quiet about the investigation, it's better this way. The media would just mess everything up. I just hope that they're doing their job and they'll soon arrest Murray & everyone else involved.
I agree.

At first I was all torches & pitchforks with this - but I think they are very quiet for a reason. Look at how long it took to get Anna Nicole Smith's trial going. Howard K. Stern was in jail already but now they have 2 other doctors involved as well.

And if there's a conviction in her case, then there may be in Mike's hopefully.
She has a valid point.... reality will "set in" whenever he will be really arrested.. meaning... you know... that michael is indeed gone... and would put the rumors that he is still alive, to the side... :(
I hope the reason it is taking so long is because they don't want any mistakes. Can the police give that kind of information out anyways?
I like what alphaba2 did. And the cops told her exactly what a cop is suppose to say. This arrest will take time. I'm sure there are more then one Dr who's going to be arrested.

Wow the LAPD is so polite. Far cry from

Seriously I am just waiting for the day an arrest or arrests are made.

guuuuuuuuuurl tell me about it lol :giggle:
I saw the video and what I still don't understand is why they can't arrest him now. Why do they have to wait until the new year to arrest Dr. Death? They know he killed Michael why don't they just arrest him already? And if they do arrest the murderer when the new year comes. It will be a nice birthday present for me. Since my birthday is January 4th. And that is the only birthday present that I want. Is to have that murderer locked up.
There could only be two solutions:
1.) They are on something really big, loads of evidence of the Murderer and the case is virtually SOLVED. They are just making sure they can guarantee a CONVICTION with what they have got.
2.) They have absolutely no clue about what's going on so they just keep delaying until it is safe to close the case as UNSOLVED.
There could only be two solutions:
1.) They are on something really big, loads of evidence of the Murderer and the case is virtually SOLVED. They are just making sure they can guarantee a CONVICTION with what they have got.
2.) They have absolutely no clue about what's going on so they just keep delaying until it is safe to close the case as UNSOLVED.

Number #1 is more plausible than #2.

They have an LA Coroner's report (which we have not seen except a small blurb), they have evidence from the crime scene, they have a boatload of people that have motive & means other than Dr. Murray as well.

My theory is that Dr. Murray is a hitman for a much bigger plan... or was framed by someone who was very close to Michael and that person decided to kill him & blamed the careless, absent-at-times and allegedly marijuana smoking doctor.
The police must keep him safe or else some fan may end it all for him. People get very irated when they come out of the cinema.

very iritated. when i came out of the cinema after wathing TII, I was thinking to myself "this is it?" all this waiting till last march? all that anticiaption from fans of MJ performing live? all this talk from michael himself that he was ready? and that his kids were READY to see him live? all those tweets every single day from kenny of how amazing rehearsals were going? that PROMISE michael made to us fans after invincible that the next time will be better? AND THIS IS IT???? his rehearsals at a cinema??

I was feeling so down....:(
Number #1 is more plausible than #2.

They have an LA Coroner's report (which we have not seen except a small blurb), they have evidence from the crime scene, they have a boatload of people that have motive & means other than Dr. Murray as well.

My theory is that Dr. Murray is a hitman for a much bigger plan... or was framed by someone who was very close to Michael and that person decided to kill him & blamed the careless, absent-at-times and allegedly marijuana smoking doctor.

This is my first post, but I have been stalking these forums for sometime now. Shimar, I love your posts and I usually agree with you on most subject, but this is one that I cannot agree with given the current facts

I would like to say that he theory of Murray being any kind of hitman is highly unlikely given what we know.

If Murray was hire by someone to kill Michael, he chose a very dumb way of doing it. If you wanted to kill someone and make it look like an accidental overdose, why would you use a drug that is only suppose to be use in a hospital. Even worst, Murray used a drug that you cannot give yourself because you would knock yourself out before you are given any chance to overdose. Also, if this was an assassination, why dope Michael up with so many other drugs when one of those sedative would had done the job. Also, he admitted to give the drug that killed him, something that no hitman in their right mind would do. At least without fleeing the country first.

Would it be wiser for Murray to inject Michael with more common drugs, like the all so talk about pain killers, or even illegal drugs and say Michael took them himself. If done right, Murray could claim plausable deniability. He may had lost his license, but he most likely would had face jail time.

So the whole, Murray is a hitman theory does not really work in logical practice, unless he really was a complete moron.

Also, why would Murray take the fall for anyone? If he was set up, do you think he would be screaming to high heaven that he was frame. Yet, he admitted to given the drug that killed him. It does not make much sense. I think he would take a plea bargain and rat ever name he knows instead of going to prison for any length of time.

So, I see no reason or any logic to Murray being anything then a stupid doctor.
that PROMISE michael made to us fans after invincible that the next time will be better? AND THIS IS IT???? his rehearsals at a cinema??

I genuinely can't believe you just said that. Like it was Michael who let his fans down? Like its his fault he died. Its an absolute 100% fact Michael was murdered.
I think more people were involved in it all happening too.
very iritated. when i came out of the cinema after wathing TII, I was thinking to myself "this is it?" all this waiting till last march? all that anticiaption from fans of MJ performing live? all this talk from michael himself that he was ready? and that his kids were READY to see him live? all those tweets every single day from kenny of how amazing rehearsals were going? that PROMISE michael made to us fans after invincible that the next time will be better? AND THIS IS IT???? his rehearsals at a cinema??

I was feeling so down....:(

Dude, take it easy. Show some respect. Michael was at rehearsal's heart and soul 100% when he was there. He was just rehearsing, so what you saw on film wasn't the way he was going to do it live on stage. He was murdered for god sakes. Kenny did the best he could so that fans could remember him. It was a last goodbye for us. I for one came out of the theater with a sort of closure. I will have full closure once the son of a bitch(s) that murdered him get locked down.

You're making it sound like Michael chose to die or something. :mad:
I don't think the poster meant it to be demeaning, just that they are upset Michael's life came to this and it's bitter sweet. I saw no implication of it being Michael's fault. *shrugs*
And if there's a conviction in her case, then there may be in Mike's hopefully.

did you notice how long it took to go to court in the smith case. let them do their job trust me Murray will get his . he did a lot of things wrong. thing is , who will they get for the jury, too many ppl know the details of the case.
It will be a nice birthday present for me. Since my birthday is January 4th. And that is the only birthday present that I want. Is to have that murderer locked up.

We're five days apart and yep, all I went for my birthday is some sense of closure (as far as what exactly happened to him...) I'll no doubt still be mourning for a long time after, but in order to get back to life (which feels like someone slammed on the breaks in a car wreck...) I'll need to know what happened and that justice will be served.

Number #1 is more plausible than #2.

They have an LA Coroner's report (which we have not seen except a small blurb), they have evidence from the crime scene, they have a boatload of people that have motive & means other than Dr. Murray as well.

My theory is that Dr. Murray is a hitman for a much bigger plan... or was framed by someone who was very close to Michael and that person decided to kill him & blamed the careless, absent-at-times and allegedly marijuana smoking doctor.

I agree. Every single thing he did that morning and every single thing he's said since points to serious criminal activity (on someone's part) rather than negligence.
did you notice how long it took to go to court in the smith case. let them do their job trust me Murray will get his . he did a lot of things wrong. thing is , who will they get for the jury, too many ppl know the details of the case.

Yep 2 whole years, And it may be either before then or longer depending on what they are looking for. I think that there are probably some more people.

And as for the Jury, I don't think that they can relocate since this case is an huge international case, all I can think about when they search for people to serve, are people that shouldn't be pro or anti MJ and should judge the case by evidance and also shouldn't be sucked into the media hype of the case. Although when cases this big reach national attention, it is at times impossible to find people who have'nt formed an opinion about the case.
I'm just so disgusted by the whole thing. I've never felt so much pain and anger in my whole life. Michael should not be dead right now. I still can't believe he's gone. Somebody needs to answer for this. That's it.
HAHAHAHAHHA This is a Joke . I am getting SICK of all this BULLS*** . I am tellin you something right now, Dr. Conrad Murray will never go to JAIL . Its now over 4 Months something is very very wrong here and I have to tell you the truth . I dont really think that MJ is Dead . I dont want to get crazy or attack the fans or disrespect the family . To make that clear.

Whatever I love you Michael
At first I was all torches & pitchforks with this - but I think they are very quiet for a reason. Look at how long it took to get Anna Nicole Smith's trial going. Howard K. Stern was in jail already but now they have 2 other doctors involved as well. And if there's a conviction in her case, then there may be in Mike's hopefully.
the cases are totaly different. mjs is classed as homicide hers wasnt. she took the drugs herself
even if he if gets arrested. u think u are gonna get 12 ppl who give a dam about mj on that jury. hell prob walk anyway cause mj will get the blame
Crazy world of MJ.. I have a feeling nothing will happen to Murray and no one will be punished for this.. As usual the bad guys get away.. But lucky for Michael he is in heaven now and no one can ever hurt him again.
Crazy world of MJ.. I have a feeling nothing will happen to Murray and no one will be punished for this.. As usual the bad guys get away.. But lucky for Michael he is in heaven now and no one can ever hurt him again.

That is what I am afraid of also. Anna Nicole Smith case is different . MJ's is a homicide. I hope I am wrong, but I am beginning to think maybe they messed up or they are going after a bigger fish.
Its one thing if Michaels death was suspected suicide, but nothing is indicating that he did this to himself and everything is pointing towards Dr Conrad Murray and nothing is being done. I just dont understand this, what can I do to help? Nothing!