detective says arrest should be made by new years

I don't think LAPD will never going to make arrest for Dr. Murray.
strange. didnt bother watching. someone sat in their
It wouldn't play for me--I've been having problems with YouTube all day.

What's the scoop?
This woman called the LAPD detective to ask about what's going on with the investigation and why Murray isn't arrested yet. The detective told her that there could be an arrest by New Years and not to believe people in the media who are saying that an arrest will be made in 2 weeks or something (TMZ anyone? :smilerolleyes:).
Arrest should have been made before the summer ended!! Now Dr. Murder has time to flee the country back to his homeland or someplace
The LAPD freely gave out info about the investigation to some random woman? Does that mean that if I call them, they'll tell me what's going on too? :wtf:
this is bs. u can't just call and ask info on a pending investigation. bollocks, imo.

arrests will be made as soon as the grand jury hands down their indictment. that's how it works
HAHAHAHAHHA This is a Joke . I am getting SICK of all this BULLS*** . I am tellin you something right now, Dr. Conrad Murray will never go to JAIL . Its now over 4 Months something is very very wrong here and I have to tell you the truth . I dont really think that MJ is Dead . I dont want to get crazy or attack the fans or disrespect the family . To make that clear.

Whatever I love you Michael
HAHAHAHAHHA This is a Joke . I am getting SICK of all this BULLS*** . I am tellin you something right now, Dr. Conrad Murray will never go to JAIL . Its now over 4 Months something is very very wrong here and I have to tell you the truth . I dont really think that MJ is Dead . I dont want to get crazy or attack the fans or disrespect the family . To make that clear.

Whatever I love you Michael

You wont get attacked big hugs xoxox

Back to this i just dont know what to feel anymore really :no: xoxo
If it takes longer for the police so they can arrest him on 2nd degree murder and not manslaughter then I am all for it taking a bit longer. The police are monitoring him-he can't flee. I just cant wait for the day when I log on to finally see him arrested. Justice for Michael.
If it takes longer for the police so they can arrest him on 2nd degree murder and not manslaughter then I am all for it taking a bit longer. The police are monitoring him-he can't flee. I just cant wait for the day when I log on to finally see him arrested. Justice for Michael.

I agree.

At first I was all torches & pitchforks with this - but I think they are very quiet for a reason. Look at how long it took to get Anna Nicole Smith's trial going. Howard K. Stern was in jail already but now they have 2 other doctors involved as well.
sorry I don't believe their going to give her information, they have no clue who she really is and they may believe she press or something.

The only people that know the truth is his family only.
ok im glad that there is an arrest on the horizon but come on is it so hard to add a description to the link? seriously im starting to wonder if a description is harder to write then to join this community.
Arrest should have been made before the summer ended!! Now Dr. Murder has time to flee the country back to his homeland or someplace

that's not true. right now, Murray has freedom to go wherever he pleases. but WHEN that arrest is made, he'll have to come back.

and if he flees and hides, hell, he'll become the most sought after person in the world pushing bin laden to number two most sought.
Fans know what he looks like so there is no hiding for murray. One fan is all it takes for the truth to be shot dead in its tracks.
that's not true. right now, Murray has freedom to go wherever he pleases. but WHEN that arrest is made, he'll have to come back.

and if he flees and hides, hell, he'll become the most sought after person in the world pushing bin laden to number two most sought.

Sure as long as he doesn't flee to a country that has problems with extraditing people back to the U.S. But the police are most likely watching him.
Great video - the audio effects in the video kind of scared the shit out of me because I had loud volume to hear what the person in the telephone was saying though :lol:
that's not true. right now, Murray has freedom to go wherever he pleases. but WHEN that arrest is made, he'll have to come back.

and if he flees and hides, hell, he'll become the most sought after person in the world pushing bin laden to number two most sought.

Murray's hiding now now in his very own home. It's like he's on house arrest. The Las Vegas Police Dept have 24-7 hour surveillance on him.
Sure as long as he doesn't flee to a country that has problems with extraditing people back to the U.S. But the police are most likely watching him.

Murray won't reach the Las Vegas airport even if he tried.

He's on 24-7 surveillance by the police. If he goes to the local grocery store (which I doubt) - cops are following him.

If Murray decides to mow his lawn, cops are watching him.

If Murray is taking a dip in his pool, cops are watching him.

Murray's singing "I always feel like, Somebody's Watching Me"....
I do not think Murray is free to leave the country. He is a person of interest in the case. I do not trust the LAPD. They are currently trying to elect a new chief. They are full of themsleves. I have little fate in these people who do not like Michael.
Murray won't reach the Las Vegas airport even if he tried.

He's on 24-7 surveillance by the police. If he goes to the local grocery store (which I doubt) - cops are following him.

If Murray decides to mow his lawn, cops are watching him.

If Murray is taking a dip in his pool, cops are watching him.

Murray's singing "I always feel like, Somebody's Watching Me"....

:lmao:.....and he should be singing that bad Murray can't have an accident....I think that may be why the police are watching him so he doesn't have an UNFORTUNATE accident.....I am sure may would try...:mad:
The police must keep him safe or else some fan may end it all for him. People get very irated when they come out of the cinema.