Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The World

As Ohood said - it is interesting that the blog started with talk about the Sony deal... Very telling.

There are some days when my admiration for Michael Jackson is overwhelming. People may talk about his paranoia, but who could blame him when NOTHING he did seemed to be private and 'friends' are always keen to blab.

On a lighter note - Michael and I sat in his giving tree. Our eyes met. "Speechless" was the result!!
take it they will be filing a request with the estate for royalites next! chopras are such media whores
Interesting that Grace's close friend chooses to write an article at this time.

LOL! I had the exact same thought! Bitterness moves thru many forms, I think.

Wasn't going to comment on this article but...meh..since I'm in here...let me get this straight...

She wrote the majority of this article about a man's face simply to discuss the new music news? :blink: Any excuse to speak ill of the dead, eh? Yep, smells like bitter to me. Besides the attention seeking all I got from this article was that she's a shallow woman raising shallow children. If they're finally getting the message of Michael's music, it's about time. Good for them. Now stfupleaseandthank you.

There are certain people who should never have gotten the privilige of meeting Michael..

And that is the truth!

lmfao @ you guys taking songwriting credits. Too funny!
here are certain people who should never have gotten the privilige of meeting Michael..
amen to that. the list is way to long
I find that article to be VERY offensive for Michael...her statements on his looks and thel part were she says "How magnificent he once was"....Is she serious...Michael was magnificent until his dying breath....she just wants a slice of the pie...and she need to STFU people like her have been coming out of the woodwork now for the past 8 months and quite frankly I really am getting tired of it. They dump all over Michael and then they say..ok...give me some money now...makes me sick.
I just read the comments at Huffington Post and they are really sorting out the author! They are basically saying what we are saying here in this thread. Bless!
How come all the other, MILLIONS of kids, that have met Michael never had questions about MJ's looks? My niece has loved Michael since she was a baby, and has watched him on videos and has watched other footage where they show MJ CLOSE UP, IN DAYLIGHT, and all she could say was "OH MY GOD HE IS SO GORGEOUS! I LOVE HIM!!" and woudl kiss the screen. :lol: I have not once heard a kid wonder anything about MJ's looks. But of course if the parents are a bit :crazy: the kids will listen to their parents talk about others and will start doing the same.... I used to admire Deepak Chopra for the books he wrote...but all this stuff the whole family is telling about MJ is starting to get on my nerves. Some friends. And I just wanna say that IF she would be a REAL friend....she would have kept the "and my kids always asked questions about his looks" to herself. :rolleyes:

As someone else already mentioned is sad that these kind of people got to meet MJ and spend time with him. I would have given ANYTHING to get to meet him and talk to him even just once...but I never got the chance. :boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo: But instead, all these people who make fun of MJ and just use him and his name got to be around him. :( It just makes me sad and angry and very frustrated at the same time. :boohoo:
I thought the Chopras ate sh** and crawled back into the hole they came from I guess I was wrong.
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That's so shameful , now that Michael I'd not here to defend himself everyone in Depaj family helped him to write his songs. Stupid people.
Her claims are quite laughable :lol: I do wish these people would suddenly vanish :sigh:
On a lighter note - Michael and I sat in his giving tree. Our eyes met. "Speechless" was the result!!
:unsure: are you okay hun?? do i need to call an ambulance :stretcher hope you feel better :better: ....clearly you must have misplaced your mind because that song was inspired by me, written for me, and about me :coffee: :cheeky: :p
I just read the comments at Huffington Post and they are really sorting out the author! They are basically saying what we are saying here in this thread. Bless!

I'm glad people have given her a piece of their mind - I only hope she has the good sense to take on board how inappropriate and hurtful her comments were and, in future, refrain from writing about Michael in a bid to get noticed. Will it ever stop :(
Did you guys know that Bubbles wrote Monkey Business? Well it's true. Bubbles also had a hand in writing Will You Be There, They Don't Care about us and The Way You Make Me Feel

and on top of that Bubbles directed the videos for Thriller and Smooth Criminal
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Did oyu guys know that Bubbles wrote Monkey Business? Well it's true. Bubbles also had a hand in writing Will You Be There, They Don't Care about us and The Way You Make Me Feel

and on top of that Bubbles directed the videos for Thriller and Smooth Criminal

OMG :hysterical::hysterical:
Did you guys know that Bubbles wrote Monkey Business? Well it's true. Bubbles also had a hand in writing Will You Be There, They Don't Care about us and The Way You Make Me Feel

and on top of that Bubbles directed the videos for Thriller and Smooth Criminal

Wow, Bubbles sure is talented! :giggle:
I don't believe that. These songs are 15 years old or older. Michael would have given him credit like he did for anyone else. I never met Michael or saw him in person but I would never have a problem looking at him. His real friends are the ones who don't say anything and when they do you feel the genuine feelings they have. These other people are out for themselves.
I posted a comment on her blog; but it never appeared. I guess I was censored. Some people can't handle the truth. :rofl:
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

There are certain people who should never have gotten the privilige of meeting Michael..


also, there are certain people that would never have the priveldge of being liked by the magic of music, like Michael is loved by the magic of music. music loves Michael because of who he was, is, and always will be. there is no way, music magic would ever want to be anywhere near people with hearts like the chopras. i feel sad for the daughters, influenced by the mother.

i hope the daughters learn that there is no way that music would be that magical, unless MIchael was Michael.
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word


also, there are certain people that would never have the priveldge of being liked by the magic of music, like Michael is loved by the magic of music. music loves Michael because of who he was, is, and always will be. there is no way, music magic would ever want to be anywhere near people with hearts like the chopras. i feel sad for the daughters, influenced by the mother.

i hope the daughters learn that there is no way that music would be that magical, unless MIchael was Michael.

Just another cornball loony with nothing better to talk about. so I guess his daughter helped Michael write songs for the thriller album too?

These are the imaginary things

She sang backgrounds vocals on Michael unreleased Track called stalkers
She also was the first one to introduce Michael to coffee
she helped Michael design his clothes
she introduce Michael to Micky Mouse and Mannie Mouse they introduce Michael to snowhite they all recorded a track called baby giggles for babies it was Michael Biggest hit out in the UK but according to Chopra's daughter she was the one who arranged the song and she just ask Michael to sang the words.

Breaking News Next Week Deepak Chopra speaks about Michael Infamous baby mother who was his personal assistant and the Mother of Michael 15 kids who claims Michael wrote who is it about her after Chopra claims Michael was so hurt over her affair with a man name Donald Duck..

Just another cornball loony with nothing better to talk about. so I guess his daughter helped Michael write songs for the thriller album too?

These are the imaginary things

She sang backgrounds vocals on Michael unreleased Track called stalkers
She also was the first one to introduce Michael to coffee
she helped Michael design his clothes
she introduce Michael to Micky Mouse and Mannie Mouse they introduce Michael to snowhite they all recorded a track called baby giggles for babies it was Michael Biggest hit out in the UK but according to Chopra's daughter she was the one who arranged the song and she just ask Michael to sang the words.

Breaking News Next Week Deepak Chopra speaks about Michael Infamous baby mother who was his personal assistant and the Mother of Michael 15 kids who claims Michael wrote who is it about her after Chopra claims Michael was so hurt over her affair with a man name Donald Duck..


HHAAAA HAAAAA!!!!! i'm so glad u never left!!

i especially like the one about 'stalkers'. HAAA HAAA!!!!
Did you guys know that Bubbles wrote Monkey Business? Well it's true. Bubbles also had a hand in writing Will You Be There, They Don't Care about us and The Way You Make Me Feel

and on top of that Bubbles directed the videos for Thriller and Smooth Criminal

That's it, make sure he gets $44mil from the estate!
HHAAAA HAAAAA!!!!! i'm so glad u never left!!

i especially like the one about 'stalkers'. HAAA HAAA!!!!

Yes fam you all are my family its so hard to say goodbye but like I said I will be lurking from time to time fam i had to come in this thread haha
The Chopras can just go away!!! I'm sick of them!

If Michael thought whoever contributed to a song he would have given them songwriting credit like he has with everybody else. Look what he did with Lionel Ritchie. The dude only wrote a couple of lines, and Michael gave him songwriting credit when in reality Michael wrote the song himself.

And, if you help someone with a Thesarus or change a word or two- that's not considered contributing or writing his lyrics. What a Joke!!!

If ppl thought Michael was paranoid for no reason before, well there is ample proof why he indeed had every reason to be. These ppl are a perfect example