Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The World

Well she's saying that she was upset that her children never understood Michael's music and how magnificient he was, until he died. But surely its her own fault for not playing his music in her house in the first place? And I dont believe the kids would ask why he looked like that. Surely she should have taught them that its whats inside that counts? What kind of friend is she?

I really wanted to believe in this particular family, but I'm at a loss to understand how they can call themselves his friend after the way they've chosen to speak about him.

As for writing the songs, perhaps he needed a second opinion on some of the lyrics? If Deepak really contributed that much, he would have been given a songwriting credit.
Michael's body was still laying in the coroner's office when her father was all over TV saying Michael died of an overdose. When it became clear that Michael did not all of the sudden Michael was an addict who was not out of control and who know what he was doing. This is the same guy who told a friend of mine on twitter that only weak people die. With actions like this it is no shock that he would have children who think the sun rise and sat all over them. You could tell they were pissed that they were not invited to Michael' funeral. They can go straight to hell
Are you guys serious? This threads going nowhere good is it. :doh:
Why? I just asked a question: why does Clarac think Michael could not possibly write these songs? What would make him unable to do so?

If indeed Chopra helped him write songs how come he is not given writing credits on them?
I guess he would say he was modest and didn't want writing credits. Then I ask: how come that now, after Michael died all of a sudden he claims co-writing credit for songs? Is he not modest any more?

Maybe it makes me a "retard" but those are legit questions to me when I hear Chopra's claims.
Why? I just asked a question: why does Clarac think Michael could not possibly write these songs? What would make him unable to do so?

If indeed Chopra helped him write songs how come he is not given writing credits on them?
I guess he would say he was modest and didn't want writing credits. Then I ask: how come that now, after Michael died all of a sudden he claims co-writing credit for songs? Is he not modest any more?

Maybe it makes me a "retard" but those are legit questions to me when I hear Chopra's claims.

Jesus wept.

The original comment was a joke, a joke that you have completely missed and decided to call someone a retard over your inability to grasp the concept of sarcasm.
Why? I just asked a question: why does Clarac think Michael could not possibly write these songs? What would make him unable to do so?

If indeed Chopra helped him write songs how come he is not given writing credits on them?
I guess he would say he was modest and didn't want writing credits. Then I ask: how come that now, after Michael died all of a sudden he claims co-writing credit for songs? Is he not modest any more?

Maybe it makes me a "retard" but those are legit questions to me when I hear Chopra's claims.

that's what i think
:hysterical: The chopra's have a bright future in comedy...not. I mean... come on now... I guess I wrote state of shock with Michael, I was the girl in the bed in the Billie Jean video and I naturally glow in the dark, I was the girl in Dirty Diana video, that wasn't Lisa he kissed at the mtv awards that was meeeee :lol: Gosh the press will print anything. The chopras need to go away. Nobody cares about them.
Michael's hot, who is she kidding. She's probably mad cos Michael didn't want her :hysterical:
The Chopra's saying stuff about Michael, no never. That family is so quick to blab about anything that relates to Michael and over-dramatises everything. Like the time Gotham said about how he had to calm Michael down as Paris had fallen from a tree and cut herself really badly and he was really upset about it. Of course he's upset, his daughter had been injured. And of course they wrote every single song and book of Michael's.
1-his son said he helped writing stranger in Moscow !!! and that,he is writing a book about MJ now...

2-she said the father helped writing HTW,E.S.!!!

CLEARLY,,,,,those guys want MONEY!!!!

the proof,,,, the beginning of her blog said it all...."the Sony and MJ Estate deal" is the topic sentence in her blog, right?
I was in the bed with Michael when he wrote I just Can't Stop Loving you. :ph34r:
Oh ffs's let the lies pour in...bastards. They will never let him rest....
OMG, Again? maybe later he would claim he made Michael Jackson. I had to confess I am Michael's inspiration of "Break of Dawn". He wrote the song for me.
How many times does it have to be said to stop bickering? :doh: More posts deleted. If they have to be asked again then infractions will be going out.
Oh and... The lady in my life was written about me :wub: After I listened to his heart and lay my body close to his. :p
How many times does it have to be said to stop bickering? :doh: More posts deleted. If they have to be asked again then infractions will be going out.

For the record,I don't know that person from Adam,they just randomly popped up and decided to insult me,so there was no bickering here.