Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The World

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Rediscovering Michael Jackson

With a smile, I read about a sweeping contract between Michael Jackson's Estate and Sony Records that will make Michael's music alive for years - decades - to come. I smile because I have witnessed in the last 9 months how MJ's music has influenced my own children.

My two daughters met Michael several times. They were short interactions, as it was more about letting our kids meet, and Michael would be in and out, giggling and telling me he couldn't believe I was a mother. But these interactions were always followed by many questions by my daughters about why he looked so strange. Michael's plastic surgery, when witnessed up close, was difficult to face.

And, my children, who really knew nothing about who he was or that he was famous, would be confused about why he looked like that or chose to do that to himself. (To the extent, that I personally swore off ever doing plastic surgery because I firmly believe in showing my daughters that we need to love who we are inside, not just on the outside.)

I was always sad after these meetings, because I felt that my girls could never know how magnificent Michael had once been or that his music transcended his own insecurities. To be honest, we didn't play his music much anymore at home, and their music mix was more contemporary.

But since Michael's death, it has been difficult to miss his music. Right after he died, we were in London and Paris, and literally everywhere we went his music was playing. This happened worldwide - when we returned home to LA or visited India several months later.

And I watched as my children heard his music they would smile, listen to the words, move to the beat.

And one day in October when I picked up my 5 year old from preschool, her class was having a dance party, grooving to BAD. Every day, my 8 year old practices MAN IN THE MIRROR, a song they are performing for a school event. And she takes in each word of the song. When we hear HEAL THE WORLD or EARTH SONG (2 of several songs that my father helped MJ write the lyrics for), I watch my daughters discover the timelessness and significance of his music.

Recently we saw Mama Mia on Broadway, and I knew it was a matter of time until MJ's music appears on Broadway or a new WII game is released featuring his songs. Of course, the over commercialization means big business to many, and its part of his tragic story that it has all happened after he died. I just pray - and know the Executors of his Estate know many are watching - to make sure that his children see the financial benefit.

But, I smile because ultimately Michael will be remembered for his music. A tortured soul, yes. But also a soul that could move people, and make them feel connected with his song.
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Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

*stands back... Points and :smilerolleyes:*

I helped Michael Write Give in to me. Yea. He gave in to me all... nvm...:ph34r:
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

Rediscovering Michael Jackson

And she takes in each word of the song. When we hear HEAL THE WORLD or EARTH SONG (2 of several songs that my father helped MJ write the lyrics for), I watch my daughters discover the timelessness and significance of his music.

I've had about enough of the Chopra's claiming to have written Michael's songs. If they could write songs, they would be professional song writers. Michael listed people who contributed in a significant way as cowriters of his songs.
They claim to be his friends. But bad mouthing him and taking credit for his work isn't what i would expect of friends.
Hmmm, I mentioned the increasing rates of extinction of animal species around the world and the importance of habitat preservation. Maybe I should take credit for writing Earth Song! :brow:
People are just so petty sometimes.
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

There are certain people who should never have gotten the privilige of meeting Michael..
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

Rediscovering Michael Jackson

But these interactions were always followed by many questions by my daughters about why he looked so strange. Michael's plastic surgery, when witnessed up close, was difficult to face.

Is that leech insulting MJ's physical appearance?

The chopras are a bunch of attention-seeking fools. Next. All three of them.
Oh yeh and i helped writing "who is it".... :coffee:
First it was Dancing the Dream. Now also Earth Song and Heal the World. What's next? Chopra wrote Billie Jean?

I guess the "helping" was that they talked about and meditated about such things together as environment, the state of the world etc. And why does Chopra start claiming he co-wrote MJ songs only now, after his death?
Re: Deepak Chopra's Daughter Claims He Helped Michael Write Earth Song and Heal The Word

*stands back... Points and :smilerolleyes:*

I helped Michael Write Give in to me. Yea. He gave in to me all... nvm...:ph34r:
me too:cheers:
Oh and Gotham Chopra taught Michael how to have sex too!

No joke, he claimed that too! When he said Michael called him on his wedding night with LMP and asked him for sex advice and what to do. Yeah, right. When LMP did say to Howard Stern once in an interview that their wedding night wasn't their first time.
Michael's plastic surgery, when witnessed up close, was difficult to face.

And, my children, who really knew nothing about who he was or that he was famous, would be confused about why he looked like that or chose to do that to himself. (To the extent, that I personally swore off ever doing plastic surgery because I firmly believe in showing my daughters that we need to love who we are inside, not just on the outside.)

there's only one thing I have to say about it: WTF????? :mat:
Oh and Gotham Chopra taught Michael how to have sex too!

No joke, he claimed that too! When he said Michael called him on his wedding night with LMP and asked him for sex advice and what to do. Yeah, right. When LMP did say to Howard Stern once in an interview that their wedding night wasn't their first time.

OMG!!! LMP said THAT 2 howard stern...when??
OMG!!! LMP said THAT 2 howard stern...when??

I don't know when it was. I guess around 2003, during her angry phase. LOL. She gave interview to Stern and of course they were pressuring her on MJ too. They asked her if they had sex. LMP said she wouldn't marry somebody who couldn't satisfy her sexually. LOL. She also said it was Michael who initiated their first time.

But it's off topic here. I think you can still find that interview if you Google.
So he had plastic surgery. Big deal.

She wrote it was difficult to face him. It was absolutely uncalled for. Why did she write about his looks anyway, what does this Sony deal have to do with his looks? I don't understand it. It was insulting to Michael and not something a friend would say.
It's not about age, it's about respect. I saw Michael, he was not difficult to face at all, believe me. Quite the opposite, beautiful. I can't stand it when people attack someones appearance. Even if I thought Michael did look horrible - which I absolutely do not - it would be something else for me to go running to the media to talk about that fact.

Attention seeking fool.
I believe Chopra's daughter...he couldn't possibly write those songs without somebody's help....let's face it.
So he had plastic surgery. Big deal.

She wrote it was difficult to face him. It was absolutely uncalled for. Why did she write about his looks anyway, what does this Sony deal have to do with his looks? I don't understand it. It was insulting to Michael and not something a friend would say.

We have absolutely no idea what context she was asked the question in,I'm sure by now you know how journalists work.
They ask a question then use the reply as a statement,she could have easily been asked about how he looked.

Agreed though that she should have probably said nothing at all.
We have absolutely no idea what context she was asked the question in,I'm sure by now you know how journalists work.
They ask a question then use the reply as a statement,she could have easily been asked about how he looked.

Agreed though that she should have probably said nothing at all.

Thing is, it's not the first time we've heard such BS from this family. That is why people are unlikely to think like that.
Thing is, it's not the first time we've heard such BS from this family. That is why people are unlikely to think like that.

Fair enough,and totally understandable,but I take things at face value before passing judgment.

I'm sure the motive,or lack of,will come out in time.
We have absolutely no idea what context she was asked the question in,I'm sure by now you know how journalists work.
They ask a question then use the reply as a statement,she could have easily been asked about how he looked.

Agreed though that she should have probably said nothing at all.

It was not an interview. It was an entry in her blog written entirely by her. She could write about anything and she chose to write about this.
It was not an interview. It was an entry in her blog written entirely by her. She could write about anything and she chose to write about this.

I retract anything I said regarding journalistic technique then,I wasn't aware it was a blog.

Even still,she has the same right to express an opinion in her blog as we do to discuss its merit in this thread.It's called freedom of speech for a reason.

Regarding the music,the fact that she is not credited,nor is her father,speaks volumes.The rest is just personal opinion.
I retract anything I said regarding journalistic technique then,I wasn't aware it was a blog.

Even still,she has the same right to express an opinion in her blog as we do to discuss its merit in this thread.It's called freedom of speech for a reason.

Regarding the music,the fact that she is not credited,nor is her father,speaks volumes.The rest is just personal opinion.

It doesn't mean that a person can badmouth someone and then say "hey, freedom of speech!". One man's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins (I forgot whose quote it is).
So Deepak Chopra was sitting in Michael's giving tree at Neverland with him, writing Heal the World? LOL purleaseeee!!!

And it is important to know the Chopra family have said all of this AFTER Michael's death.

It doesn't mean that a person can badmouth someone and then say "hey, freedom of speech!". One man's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins (I forgot whose quote it is).

It actually does.You can't Libel the dead.

Sad but true.
Oh and Gotham Chopra taught Michael how to have sex too!

No joke, he claimed that too! When he said Michael called him on his wedding night with LMP and asked him for sex advice and what to do. .

That's absolute bs!
I mean the surgery.It's like the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge.

Why this place badly needs age segregation.

Perhaps she should have used that situation to teach her children that they have no business judging another person by the way they look.

What do you mean with the age segregation statement?