debbie rowe interview on ent. tonite

debbie NEVER said mike wasnt the father for the MILLIONTH time geez. shes done nothing to harm michael or his rep in anyway shape or form. so u not trusting her is 4what? because she wants to make sure her children are alright? some of u... i seriously wonder about
jbjb shaun stranja in muscow....i KNOW! smh

remember what i told u about deb and what was holdingthings up? lawd. she can't win for losing. take them from mj, she a bitch. leave them w/mj, she a bitch.

and gonna look for the teddy quote. he said he was shocked that mj married lmp cuz he wrote a song for DEBBIE ROWE so he was shocked that mj married lmp first and then debbie second.

so they must've had a lil thang going on befo' he was w/ lmp.
Maybe I've misjudged old Debbie. I can imagine her going in the office tossing things around and threatening to slap the crap out of Arnie. My money would be on her. :lol:
and gonna look for the teddy quote. he said he was shocked that mj married lmp cuz he wrote a song for DEBBIE ROWE so he was shocked that mj married lmp first and then debbie second.

so they must've had a lil thang going on befo' he was w/ lmp.

Please do....

Notice I'm not even getting involved with the other side of the conversation because I (and you) already know where I stand with that.

This other comment of yours is interesting to me. It says clearly on the single that Michael dedicated the song to Diana Ross.

Timing doesn't even seem right that it would be for Debbie...pieces just not falling together on that one for me at all. I think if Teddy did say this that he made an honest mistake.

I guess it's a nice thought though...
I feel bad that Debbie always has to shout at the media and defend herself.. She hasnt given a normal interview in a long time because she always has to curse and scream at them to point out whats true and whats not. Shame, cause Id love to hear her talk normally about these issues but the media dont give her the chance.
gossip gossip gossip...what's there to talk about? she's not relevant, she really doesn't have much to say. she was a surrogate mother, she gave him the children, now she will probably see them a few times a year...and that's it
people are getting bored because there are no real news...without Michael there's nothing exciting anymore
yea ima get a surrogate father....and then MARRY, y did he marry her? no one can explain that at all.

im looking for the quote, lol! gimme some time. i got a 15 mo old running in between my legs a.t.m.

all that matters is katherine and her came to an agreement. to do what's best for the kids. no way wouldkatie allow dr back in their lives if she felt something was up.

hell, one of the jaxxons would've taken them kids and fled if that were the case. screw money, they keepingthe kids safe. instead, deb stayed quiet. mourned mj,continued to work and keep busy, and worked out a graet arrangement w/ the family.

therehas to be a reason y her former good friend threatened to call the cops on her. she ain't happy and y'all have seen her when she mad
More power to debbie...she has always maintained the highest integrity when it comes to Michael, Prince and Paris. Im glad the two kids will know that debbie is their's good to know that in the absence of one parent they do have another always there for them. Debbie is feisty..I wouldnt dare piss her off.

someone beat klein already...he's such an annoying git.
hahahaha thanks for clearing that up! I was watching it last night and thinking who in the hell eats at a pharmacy?
haha ur cute

lol i think it's on roxbury...not sure.

it's a grill/restaraunt in the front and a pharmacy in the back. :cheeky:
I feel so sorry for Debbie. :no: She never wanted that kind of life, in the spotlight and now the paps are after her 24/7.
I have never heard Debbie say anything but good things about Michael.
She has always stated that Michael is the father of P&P and why do everybody misquote Dr Klein too, he denied being the father.
The custody battle in 2004 or whenever it was, I thought it was only to protect the kids if the worst should have happened (=MJ sent to jail).

IMO Debbie was always more than a surrogate mother. She was a long time friend of Michael's who wanted to give Michael what he wanted the most. Isn't that the most unselfish thing a woman can do? So what if Michael paid her.
y did he marry her? no one can explain that at all.
I don't know how it is in USA but in Finland all kids born in marriage are automatically marked as the husbands children. So I just thought it was one way for Michael to make sure he will have the custody always. And maybe it was also because Michael being old school he thought it's just the right thing to do.
Now I think it is a blessing that Debbie can still be in the childrens lives. I think that especially Paris will appreciate it in the long run.
yes that way no one can question his fatherhood we have the same law here in Romania
yea ima get a surrogate father....and then MARRY, y did he marry her? no one can explain that at all.

im looking for the quote, lol! gimme some time. i got a 15 mo old running in between my legs a.t.m.

all that matters is katherine and her came to an agreement. to do what's best for the kids. no way wouldkatie allow dr back in their lives if she felt something was up.

hell, one of the jaxxons would've taken them kids and fled if that were the case. screw money, they keepingthe kids safe. instead, deb stayed quiet. mourned mj,continued to work and keep busy, and worked out a graet arrangement w/ the family.

therehas to be a reason y her former good friend threatened to call the cops on her. she ain't happy and y'all have seen her when she mad

he married her because his mother asked him to. and also, can you imagine if he didn't? he'd never be able to keep them. marrying Debbie Rowe BEFORE Prince was born ensured that he was the father (legally) of those two children.

I honestly don't see anything romantic between them. a close friendship once, sure, not romance. and I also saw the dedication of RtT to Diana Ross. it wasn't written for Debbie Rowe. and the whole Diana thing (in the park! etc) is clearly for Diana. I've no doubts, especially after hearing the phone conversations. it might still have been "in his mind", but Diana Ross was the one, not Debbie Rowe.

I am very grateful to her, though. she gave Michael what he MOST wanted in his life -- children of his own.
ahhhh but that could've been solved w/ a contract. she has two yrs to get th ekids back, if not, they're his.

what about blanket? no marriage, the mother can come back and take him, right? nope, she had two yrs. so now she has no claim.

that's y im pointing out, y w/ the first two and not w/ the baby?

raingirl, someone was saying paris was longing for a mother and grace said she could talk w/ her but paris said it wasn't the same. this was before she was fired, though.

well now they know she's their mother. im sure if they don'twish to have her around, she'll back off.
I wonder if as time goes by Prince and Paris will grow closer to Debbie. I'd hope so. a mother is a mother is a mother. and maybe as time goes by, they'll begin to understand why she stayed away.
ahhhh but that could've been solved w/ a contract. she has two yrs to get th ekids back, if not, they're his.

what about blanket? no marriage, the mother can come back and take him, right? nope, she had two yrs. so now she has no claim.

that's y im pointing out, y w/ the first two and not w/ the baby?

raingirl, someone was saying paris was longing for a mother and grace said she could talk w/ her but paris said it wasn't the same. this was before she was fired, though.

well now they know she's their mother. im sure if they don'twish to have her around, she'll back off.

I hope they can work something out. I'm glad of glad that Paris looks like Debbie...they at least have that as a nice platform to jump off of.

I see people saying that the kids look nothing like Debbie and when I read that I laugh. Prince bears some resemblance (they both have her chin) but she definitely spit Paris right out!

Anybody who doesn't see that is totally blind IMO.
he married her because his mother asked him to. and also, can you imagine if he didn't? he'd never be able to keep them. marrying Debbie Rowe BEFORE Prince was born ensured that he was the father (legally) of those two children.

I honestly don't see anything romantic between them. a close friendship once, sure, not romance. and I also saw the dedication of RtT to Diana Ross. it wasn't written for Debbie Rowe. and the whole Diana thing (in the park! etc) is clearly for Diana. I've no doubts, especially after hearing the phone conversations. it might still have been "in his mind", but Diana Ross was the one, not Debbie Rowe.

I am very grateful to her, though. she gave Michael what he MOST wanted in his life -- children of his own.

i AGREE IT was to have the kids in wedlock as opposed to joh'vannie
I do not trust Debbie. One day she says that MJ is not biological father, 3 weeks later she says opposite. I m sick and tired of her.

Yes, that's how I feel about her. She got paid years ago for what she offered to do (have MJ's children), she was hardly in their lives while Michael was alive and why change that now.
because Michael is gone. their dad is gone. it's good for the two older kids to have the knowledge that at least one parent is still around, even if they didn't know of her existence before.

while I don't like it, I can understand why Michael didn't tell them before. he was probably thinking that he would tell them at some point in their lives. well, now they know because they have to. whether or not Debbie wants them in her life (and it seems she does... now) is irrelevant. she IS their mother.
i think its a good idea for debbie to be in their life. i dont think shes the demon that many have painted her to be
because Michael is gone. their dad is gone. it's good for the two older kids to have the knowledge that at least one parent is still around, even if they didn't know of her existence before.

while I don't like it, I can understand why Michael didn't tell them before. he was probably thinking that he would tell them at some point in their lives. well, now they know because they have to. whether or not Debbie wants them in her life (and it seems she does... now) is irrelevant. she IS their mother.

The thing with debbie rowe is that Michael didn't intend to raise his kids with a mother. He wanted to be a single parent. That is why I still say he should have gone the route of a surrogate for all his children. The deal with Debbie was bound to blow up in his face especially since he married her and knew her too well. Debbie was suppose to be a egg donor and that is it, not their mother. Technically speaking. I still don't consider her their mother. It takes more than dna to be a parent.
Debbie did some stupid thing,like in 2006 when Michael couldnt return to USA because he was afraid she will take his custody...or when she agreed in 2005 to be a witness for the prosecutors...but at least now she should do the right thing!and she is trying:)
Debbie did some stupid thing,like in 2006 when Michael couldnt return to USA because he was afraid she will take his custody...or when she agreed in 2005 to be a witness for the prosecutors...but at least now she should do the right thing!and she is trying:)

She's always tried to the the best thing for Michael, she's one of the ppl that ALWAYS SUPPORTED Michael, ...
and back in the trial thing, she was summoned by the prosecutors, she couldn't decline it and she only spoke in favour of Michael, cause that's what she felt, and that was the truth...i know because i have the ''MJ conspiracy'' book with the whole trial.
He did gave money to Lisa too? I really don't understand it, Lisa is rich why did MJ had to pay her...

im saying.

look...if she took the kids after the divorce, y'all wouldbe mad b/c she took away mj's babies. so she left them...with their FATHER. she didn't throw them on the street or abandon them, they were with her ex-husband, aka their father.

now, it's funny that those who continue to post that she said mj wasn't the father seem to look over everyone else's comments that um...she denied it and those were tabloid rumours.

every time u thinkshe's gonna go off the deep end, she ends up doing the opposite. remember her comments aboutmj? got the media swirling in much in fact that dd even got shocked...dd as in ts' best buddy so she wa sput on the stand and did what now?

TOLD THE TRUTH AND HELP TANK THE STATE'S CASE EVEN MORE. like they said, the took her to dinner she served them for breakfast.

if katherine felt deb was bad, she would've fought this tooth and nail.

joe was also kept out of the will....and well the main will, sowere his brothers and sisters. what's ur point?

she didn't need to be in the will b/c he was paying her alimony....and um yea that wonderful $8M was half of what he gave to lisa. u know, the wife that didn't give himkids

if she said he wasn't the father y would she scream at the paps and say that their father is dead. how insensitive they were being?

the same ones going after dr are the same ones trying to be 'open minded' about aeg and frank dileo, loving karen faye's posts, and can't wait to buy more aeg merchandise'

honestly....the ONE person everyone thought would make this messy was the ONE person who didn't do a damn thing. it was every one else