debbie rowe interview on ent. tonite

maybe coz he wasnt married to her...
Michael was such a nice person. This answer just doesn't fit him. It is something more serious.
maybe coz he wasnt married to her...
Michael was such a nice person. This answer just doesn't fit him. It is something more serious.

why do you expect him to mention her in his will? she was a ex-wife and he had already provided enough for her in his lifetime, how much more do you feel she should still give her lol.

many men dont mention their ex wife /ex gf in their wills unless they were still close or in each other lives, which wasn't the case with michael and debbie; he hadn't spoken to her in years.
why do you expect him to mention her in his will? she was a ex-wife and he had already provided enough for her in his lifetime, how much more do you feel she should still give her lol..

I agree with that
many men dont mention their ex wife /ex gf in their wills unless they were still close or in each other lives, which wasn't the case with michael and debbie; he hadn't spoken to her in years.

Yes, but I was talking about perental rights first. He cut her off from her children in his will. If she was such a great mother how come that Michael could do this to her? Once again, it must be a reason.

Yes, but I was talking about perental rights first. He cut her off from her children in his will. If she was such a great mother how come that Michael could do this to her? Once again, it must be a reason.

Maybe they came to an agreement that was their agreement would be.....??
maybe coz he wasnt married to her...

And he wanted either Katherine or Diana Ross to have custody of the children, so why would he include Debbie in the will?
Yes, she gave birth to the children but she gave up all rights to them.

many men dont mention their ex wife /ex gf in their wills unless they were still close or in each other lives, which wasn't the case with michael and debbie; he hadn't spoken to her in years.

Yes, but I was talking about perental rights first. He cut her off from her children in his will. If she was such a great mother how come that Michael could do this to her? Once again, it must be a reason.

She didn't want rights to the children, she even said herself in "LWMJ: The footage you were never meant to see" that she had the children FOR Michael because she knew he'd make an amazing father.
She didn't want custody of the children. So therefore, what is there for MJ to include her in the will for?
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She didn't want to be a mother.

If so, why she wants her visitation rights now? What she f*king wans from MJ kids?
I do not trust Debbie. One day she says that MJ is not biological father, 3 weeks later she says opposite. I m sick and tired of her.
wow if ur gonna attribute a quote to her, at least make sure the interview was valid. that rumoured interview came out in like july of 2005 after teh trial. debbie vehmently denied it and so did iris (lawyer at the time). it was fake

after mj's death and NO word from debbie, the media started say ing, well shit, if she's not gonna make a custody battle, we'll create one. so theyused that article as a source and spun many stories from it.

again, she denied it.:timer:

ok so if ur desperate for a kid and ur not married? SURROGATE ie: blanket

so we know he's capeable of doing that. so y marry her?

well, according to teddy riley, mj wrote and dedicated REMEMBER THE TIME to none other than............DEBBIE ROWE.

try googling teddy riley remember the time debbie rowe.

ah i wish i saved the damn org. link. oh well

if katherine felt she had anything to do w/ it, she would've fought tooth and nail. she doesn't, obviously

and did i 'hear' right that on et it said that the kids have now been told she's theirmother?


well, according to teddy riley, mj wrote and dedicated REMEMBER THE TIME to none other than............DEBBIE ROWE.

well she was his dear friend then ,so no big deal about it

'REMEMBER THE TIME' was in the dangerous album that came out in 1992 ,years before michaela and lisa , or debbie deciding to have children for him.

Like Lisa Marie said in a playboy interview ' debbie was a friend of his that always had a crush on him', even the book 'magic and the madness' decribed debbie as a superfan who had all his ablums and posters and everytime michael has a new ablum he always had one personally signed for debbie LMAO
yea well so was karen. did he write a song about her too?

cuz um...remember the tiem is about sex. in the park after dark! lol

it's not a song u write about a friend.
I wonder if Debbie went there and got into a confrontation with Klein about him going out there trying to claim Michael's children as his own? I can see her getting really upset at him for doing this. And he probably banned her in anger.

For the life of me, unless Klein is going to demand a DNA test and claim that he is the bio father, I just don't see what he hopes to gain from doing this. It seems unfathomable to me. Even if her were to demand a DNA test, it wouldn't be so easy for him because in CA, any children a man and woman have in their marriage are presumed to be the children of those two people. So unless Klein is gonna come on strong, he needs to go sit down. And I heard his lawyer say that he is filing some more papers in the first of Sept. Well, the judge will toss him out again because he still has no standing. You don't get to take over children that don't belong to you. Stupid.
I don't know what to think of Debbie. She has never said anything bad about Michael, but what kind of mother doesn't want her kids? And it's not like she wasn't there with them at the beginning of their life. She grabbed the money, and left. Something wrong with that picture.....
She didn't want to be a mother.

If so, why she wants her visitation rights now? What she f*king wans from MJ kids?

Well let's see

She cares about the kids enough to know to leave them with thier dad. Now that they can't...

She cares enough to be a part of thier lives somehow. Just because she didn't want to be a mother and raise them doesn't mean she doesn't care.

ok so if ur desperate for a kid and ur not married? SURROGATE ie: blanket

so we know he's capeable of doing that. so y marry her?

well, according to teddy riley, mj wrote and dedicated REMEMBER THE TIME to none other than............DEBBIE ROWE.

try googling teddy riley remember the time debbie rowe.

ah i wish i saved the damn org. link. oh well

if katherine felt she had anything to do w/ it, she would've fought tooth and nail. she doesn't, obviously

and did i 'hear' right that on et it said that the kids have now been told she's theirmother?


^^I googled that out of curiosity and found this...

>Debbie Rowe, Diana Ross, who knows? However, I did find Teddy Riley's statement confusing and contradictory, consider it was an arranged marriage from the start. I didn't sense romantic sparks between them at least not on his end.

>Exactly, lol. I do believe it's about Miss Ross.

>It is for her lol
On the 7" single of this song it reads; "Dedicated with love to Diana Ross".


Seems like Teddy got his "D.R."s mixed up....

Edited To Add: Confirmed - Saw the record in question on Ebay and it says this on it.


The song was for Diana (learn something new about Mike everyday!).
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I don't know what to think of Debbie. She has never said anything bad about Michael, but what kind of mother doesn't want her kids? And it's not like she wasn't there with them at the beginning of their life. She grabbed the money, and left. Something wrong with that picture.....

I think people need to stop judging her..................
Because the argument could be made, what kind of father keeps his kids from their mother? Especially someone who was so close to their own mother.
So unless we start judging and condemning MJ for his choices people might want to hold off on judging this woman.
I don't like or or dislike her but so far she's been one of the few who has stepped up for MJ no matter what.....
I do not trust Debbie. One day she says that MJ is not biological father, 3 weeks later she says opposite. I m sick and tired of her.
I agree and she is making it worst.... There will be people and some in the media who will NEVER EVER believe that Michael Jackson is the father no matter what she says. It would be better if Debbie Rowe stay far away as hell from any form of media.

They don't give a SH!T what she has to say as long as she is saying that Michael Jackson is the father of those kids.

OMG!!!!!!!!!! I'm so over with this crap! They didn't believe he was the father of those kids when he was alive, so why is everyone so suprised that they still don't believe he is the father now that he is dead.
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Wow, I was really glad to read some of the replies on this thread - it's nice to see some people sticking up for Debbie.
I for one really don't mind her and don't judge her, regardless of what happened between her and Michael.
It's clear to me that she was always very fond of Michael and she continues to stick up for him.
Try to remember that she was never accutomed to living in a spotlight, and therefore sometimes apprears a little naive and doesn't quite know how to handle herself properly. She's also a little headstrong and defiant, and that also makes her "look wrong".
But I believe she's a good person, and I think Michael's death affected her just as much emotionally as it did all of us here.
I do not trust Debbie. One day she says that MJ is not biological father, 3 weeks later she says opposite. I m sick and tired of her.

SHE NEVER said Michael wasn't biological father. You read that in tabloids, she never said it publicly.
debbie NEVER said mike wasnt the father for the MILLIONTH time geez. shes done nothing to harm michael or his rep in anyway shape or form. so u not trusting her is 4what? because she wants to make sure her children are alright? some of u... i seriously wonder about
Oh really? Why then Michael kicked her out from his will? It must be a reason.. .

he didnt kick her out of the will
he just didnt include her in the will becuase ....
she is already being paid spousal support from Michael
through another agreement outside the will which was originally
set up when they divorced_ so he didnt need to includer her _
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I agree and she is making it worst.... There will be people and some in the media who will NEVER EVER believe that Michael Jackson is the father no matter what she says. It would be better if Debbie Rowe stay far away as hell from any form of media.

They don't give a SH!T what she has to say as long as she is saying that Michael Jackson is the father of those kids.

OMG!!!!!!!!!! I'm so over with this crap! They didn't believe he was the father of those kids when he was alive, so why is everyone so suprised that they still don't believe he is the father now that he is dead.
Debby NEVER stated MJ was not the father of her children EVER
that is tabloid ISH - lies - crap fabrication ..
She didn't want to be a mother.

If so, why she wants her visitation rights now? What she f*king wans from MJ kids?

There's no need to swear.:cheeky:
If what the tabloids said is true about Debbie wanting custody of the kids, it was because she didn't want Joe near them.
Also possibly because she feels now that Michael is gone that she wants to make sure they are taken care of. She said in her own words that she didn't want to be a mother.
But things are different only now...if she wanted cutsody of the children back then, she would've fought for joint custody then AND she wouldn't have said that she had the children for Michael because she knew he'd make an amazing father.
some of u guys would give a crackhead a second chance b4 u give Debbie.. l am sure that if Mrs.Jackson felt like Debbie was no good, I think she would've contested Debbie being allowed visitation rights..
I feel really sorry for Debbie. All she ever did was give Michael two beautiful children, defended him in court during his MOST TRYING TIMES, and has not said a bad word about him in the media...yet she is being ridiculed, teased and hunted not only by the media, but also by Michael's own fans. Do not forget what the media did to Michael and how people treated him based on rumors, lies and made up stories. So PLEASE....let's not do that to Debbie. She has not done anything to hurt Michael or the kids...quite the why be so mean to her? Give her a break. PLEASE. Just watch the videos and look what the paparazzi is doing to her? It can NOT be easy to deal with them. It made me cry just to watch it. She is just trying to live her life, so why don't people leave her alone. I feel sorry for her, I really do. People can be so mean... :cry:
i always like debbie back in the day until the custody battle during the trial sadley the court documents really showed she was only after one thing $ but that was a frew years ago im pretty indifferent to her now except her hanging with ppl like schaffel and the agendas they may have.
Yeah Friedman has been quite accurate in many reports, I hate to admit... lol and hopefully what he says now is true, too.

thats right, and MJs death is the example of his relevance..., he has the right sources!

Anyway, I was nicely surprised at his attitude towards MJ after his death!!!
This situation with Debbie Rowe is a perfect example why people should use anonymous egg donors/surrogates or adopt. I don't care for Debbie Rowe either way, but Michael could have avoided this situation by just using someone he didn't know. The situation got complicated especially since Debbie wanted to start claiming them which defeated the whole purpose. She didn't get pregnant to be their mother which is obvious.
some of u guys would give a crackhead a second chance b4 u give Debbie.. l am sure that if Mrs.Jackson felt like Debbie was no good, I think she would've contested Debbie being allowed visitation rights..
im saying.

look...if she took the kids after the divorce, y'all wouldbe mad b/c she took away mj's babies. so she left them...with their FATHER. she didn't throw them on the street or abandon them, they were with her ex-husband, aka their father.

now, it's funny that those who continue to post that she said mj wasn't the father seem to look over everyone else's comments that um...she denied it and those were tabloid rumours.

every time u thinkshe's gonna go off the deep end, she ends up doing the opposite. remember her comments aboutmj? got the media swirling in much in fact that dd even got shocked...dd as in ts' best buddy so she wa sput on the stand and did what now?

TOLD THE TRUTH AND HELP TANK THE STATE'S CASE EVEN MORE. like they said, the took her to dinner she served them for breakfast.

if katherine felt deb was bad, she would've fought this tooth and nail.

joe was also kept out of the will....and well the main will, sowere his brothers and sisters. what's ur point?

she didn't need to be in the will b/c he was paying her alimony....and um yea that wonderful $8M was half of what he gave to lisa. u know, the wife that didn't give himkids

if she said he wasn't the father y would she scream at the paps and say that their father is dead. how insensitive they were being?

the same ones going after dr are the same ones trying to be 'open minded' about aeg and frank dileo, loving karen faye's posts, and can't wait to buy more aeg merchandise'

honestly....the ONE person everyone thought would make this messy was the ONE person who didn't do a damn thing. it was every one else