some of u guys would give a crackhead a second chance b4 u give Debbie.. l am sure that if Mrs.Jackson felt like Debbie was no good, I think she would've contested Debbie being allowed visitation rights..
im saying.
look...if she took the kids after the divorce, y'all wouldbe mad b/c she took away mj's babies. so she left them...with their FATHER. she didn't throw them on the street or abandon them, they were with her ex-husband, aka their father.
now, it's funny that those who continue to post that she said mj wasn't the father seem to look over everyone else's comments that um...she denied it and those were tabloid rumours.
every time u thinkshe's gonna go off the deep end, she ends up doing the opposite. remember her comments aboutmj? got the media swirling in much in fact that dd even got shocked...dd as in ts' best buddy so she wa sput on the stand and did what now?
TOLD THE TRUTH AND HELP TANK THE STATE'S CASE EVEN MORE. like they said, the took her to dinner she served them for breakfast.
if katherine felt deb was bad, she would've fought this tooth and nail.
joe was also kept out of the will....and well the main will, sowere his brothers and sisters. what's ur point?
she didn't need to be in the will b/c he was paying her alimony....and um yea that wonderful $8M was half of what he gave to lisa. u know, the wife that didn't give himkids
if she said he wasn't the father y would she scream at the paps and say that their father is dead. how insensitive they were being?
the same ones going after dr are the same ones trying to be 'open minded' about aeg and frank dileo, loving karen faye's posts, and can't wait to buy more aeg merchandise'
honestly....the ONE person everyone thought would make this messy was the ONE person who didn't do a damn thing. it was every one else