David Guests book. intresting info not mentioned before?

elusive moonwalker

I know it was released a while back and was talked about at the time. But I was in the libary today and read thorugh all the MJ parts.From what I remember there seems to be alot of things that are in his book that werent mentioned at the time. Some very intresting and kinda sad things aswell. heres some of the things that i dont think have been mentioned. hopefully i can remember all of them.

there was all the talk about the practical jokes. that was widely mentioned on here from what i can remember. also about the first time that mj had wine and got very drunk. david took him to some meeting with carole bayer sager and i think burt baccarach (think it was him) and they were drinking top notch wine.think this was around 83 or so. Mj said he didnt even know what wine was made from.when david said itwas grapes he was like "i like grapes ill try some" he ended up having a few glasses and ended up downing a bottle on his own. david drove him home and mj spent the journey singing his own songs (J5) in a drunk state in the car. and telling david that "im gonna tell joseph what u have had me doing" ect when the car stopped and david opened the door MJ threw up everywhere and spent the night with his head over the toliet:lol: talked about when each other would get palstic surgery how each other would stay and look after the other one.

very intresting thing was about david going to be janets manager.this was around 1990-91. janet asked david to manager her and he was thrilled and he told MJ about this.MJ was changing managers at the time. david said geffen was acting as his manager. Mj turned round and asked david to manager him and drop janet. david didnt really know what to do but ended up telling janet no because it was his dream to work with mj. david said this is MJs worst quality. he likes to play ppl off against each other. ie david said mj would hire 2 lawyers who hate each other and play them off aganst each other causing nothing but trouble for mj.

anyway david agreed to manager mj and had a meeting with john branca and someone else. david was asked alsorts of questions about promo for the dangerous album.said mj should go to romania help kids etc (that eventually happened) but the meeting went bad and he knew branca ect wouldnt let mj hire him. sandy gallen was in the wings and as we know he was made mj manager instead. david went back to janet but she told him no as he expected and that it was to late to change things.

david talked about how mj had changed after he got burnt doing the pepsi commerical how he was always having pain from his head and the amount of painkillers mj was having to take. said it changed mj. he didnt seem to care as much about things as he used to. there wasnt that desire and drive for his work and that happy mj of old. when 93 happened he said he spent 4 hrs flat on the phone to mj talking about "dont settle ect" and mj saiying i wont im gonna fight etc. then the next morning after the phonecall david said it was anounced that there had been a settlement. he said the old mj would have never let that happen. ppl had taken control over him because of all the painkillers he was on and was basically out of it.

round to MSG concerts. when david first put the idea to him mj said no straight away but he talked him around saying how great it would be for him and all the money etc they would make. he said 2 weeks before the show mj wanted to bring in another person as co producer and david was like WTF. he told mj no way and it would cost big $$$. mj wanted to have all these big stages that would cost big time and david said no because he knew what mj was like. he would do a concert and earn 100 mill yet the outgoings would be 102 mill for it. so david said he was taking tight reins of the money.because mj was a genrous man but didnt look after his money and it would go walkies (as we all know) a couple of weeks or so b4 the shows he was worried because mj seemed totally disintrested in the whole thing. like i said above he just didnt seem to care like in the old days.

2 days b4 nsync threatened to pull out of the show unless mj turned up at the MTV awards and did what he did in the show..david said the old MJ would have never put up with that but mj just said ok ill do it. david was furious because it was the day of the main rehearsal so mj had all of 2 hrs to through the entire thing.

then on the day of the show mj turned up late and was out of it.he wasnt where he was supposed to be and when he turned up ppl backstage where trying to get to him like mottola. he said that night was pretty much a disaster because of all the breaks (he didnt realsie it would be like that cause of all the cameras) and then Mj told him he wasnt going to the after party but he talked mj into going but mj was totally out of it there. didnt even recognise some famous person who wanted togreat him who he had known for years. basically just sat there. david said everyone knew mj was on painkillers.

after a heated phone convo mj was totally different for the show on the 10th and they pulled it off and he said they made a huge amount of money off it and mj got the biggest checque he had in a few years and davidthe biggest one he had ever had.

kinda sad alot of the things david said about mj how he had changed and just didnt seem to care as much anymore and wasnt in control of things.kinda run down of the last 10 years.. anyway theres a few intresting tidbits there that i hadnt read before. i think thats everything. everything that i can remember anyway
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what parts do? its upto ppl whether they believe some or all or none of it. but alot of it does ring true to me over the last 10 years or so. whatever the case the books intresting reading with alot of funny things in it
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oh BTW get your freak on by Missy is a favourite of mjs according to david lol
what parts do? its upto ppl whether they believe some or all or none of it. but alot of it does ring true to me over the last 10 years or so. whatever the case the books intresting reading with alot of funny things in it
sound like it to me. thanks for sharing.
I think it was mighty rude of Nsinc to make that demand on MJ. Their contribution wasn't that great annyway, bt kareoke if you asked me. They weren't really necessary, but anyway.
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David is guessing as well. He has no real contact
well im just going from the book and it states they spent alot of time together hence davids opinion on mj and him changing after the accident.
do think he is a good friend to Michael.. but with books... there is always a level of embellishment

yeah i agree. jsut alot of rung true when i was reading it. kinda sumed up the last 10 years b4 those 10 years ahd even happened if u get my drift

its ok dats i get you. i dont think david ment slowed down as such jsut that mj seemed to have changed alot like with msg and jsut not seeing ot have that desire anymore or letting ppl control him that would have never happened i nthe past
Thanks Elusive for posting this. I always wondered about David's book and what he said about MJ in the book.

The stories were interesting whether they were embellish, funny, hard to believe or true. David is MJ's friend and he worried about MJ. I do not want to talk about MJ's addiction to pain killers because it is against the rules of the board. What I will say is that you can be an addict even though you are sober.

I doubt if David is lying about how MJ changed. However, I doubt that it had to do with the pain killers. It could be that maybe MJ was tired of being famous and this brand and did not care what people were doing to him. David would not know what was making MJ change for a fact. He assumed that it was pain killers. That could be wrong. It could be what he was going through at that period of time. All David would do is compare the "old" MJ to the "new" MJ and make an conclusion. It could be all sorts of things. David means well. He says a lot of silly things, like Liza Minnelli kicking his ass, but David's intentions are good. He always defended and supported MJ.

The burn happened when MJ was doing a commericial for Pepsi. That was during the Victory tour. MJ was addicted to what he was addicted to until in 1993 when he had to go to rehab. Now, after that, I have no clue. We all sense that it could be possible that MJ could be on something during the MSG concerts. However, remember, it might look like he was on something, but he might have been tired or stressed.

As for the settelment in 1993 - I KNEW IT!!! I never believed, ever, that MJ wanted to settle. I believed that he wanted to fight it. I remember when I was watching Access Hollywood back in 2004 and this woman came forward who used to work for the family. She said that the family wanted MJ to fight it. That is all I can remember. The interview that Access had with the woman was very short. If you turned your head, you would have missed it. Nevertheless, that part was interesting. What is the title of Gest's book, Elusive?

Regarding the MSG concerts and Nsync, they should have never been there in the first place. I would have love to see Boys II Men or 3T, groups with actual talent and had real star quailty. This is coming from a big time former fan of Nsync. LOL. One of the biggests mistakes in my life was being a fan of that group. LOL. MISTAKE!!! I did some "soul searching" and realized that I never really liked them anyway. I was a fan because of JT. LOL. I cannot believe that they would have bailed out if MJ did not perform with them. That is laughable. Who are they? A crappy boy band that had more press coverage that real singing male groups that had number one singles that stayed in the charts for weeks and weeks. Nsync was a trend, a fad and forever be a memory that comes and goes. MJ should have told them, "then leave". LOL.
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I honestly really don't trust anything that man says... I mean maybe some of it is true but David talks a whole lot of bullish sometimes. He really over exaggerates alot of things when speaking on MJ. Half the time its what HE thinks, its not a fact. I think it was pretty obvious to the whole world MJ was out of it at the 30th anniversary. Thats about the only thing he said that was true other than that its he/she said crap UNTIL MJ confirms himself
I bought david guests book when it first came out,because i knew he would mention mj,there are also a few pictures of mj in there aswell,but i wasnt quite sure what to think of the book,david does seem to make up quite a few stories!
I can't say if what David is saying is accurate, but how does anyone in here know? Unless you hang with MJ, no one here can say what David writes is true or not. It's like what Andre' 3000 from Outkast said once, that people or fans think they know him (Andre') from what they read, but they really know nothing at all. I would assume that since David personally knows the family (and still is on good terms with them as far as I know), he's writing about what happened when he was around.
The question is, does Michael still call him a friend? From what I've heard, not so much, and I wouldn't call anyone who writes a book and talks about such personal things a pain medication addiction a friend to begin with.
imo, I can see how the general bits and pieces of what DG wrote could be true. however, i think that he is a biatch for writing this about a so called friend, and just did it to draw attention to his book. anyway, like somebody else said, i'm glad mj is over all of that drama.
he didnt write a huge amount about mj in his book it was only a very small section. most of it is about the jokes they used to get upto when they were younger. i found nothing in it that could deem to hurt mj. he made mj out to be a great guy who loves practical jokes and just hanging at and being normal. and how mj liked david cause he treated him like everyone else. he wouldnt hold back if he didnt agree with him over something and would tell mj what he really thought. talked about how ppl were surprised that he would talk to mj in such a way.
David Gest has been a friend of MJ and the family for almost all of Michael's life, so I'm sure he knows some things and what he writes in his books seems true to me. He doesn't sound like someone who would deliberatly want to harm MJ or get money out of him, but like someone who is concerned about his friend. But I agree that he shouldn't have published this, because it's very private and personal. About the painkillers, I'm pretty sure he's right. MJ was terribly burnt in 1984 and has had a lot of surgery because of it. He also has a lot of other health problems, but we're not allowed to talk about that on this board. But IMO it's pretty clear that MJ has had a drug problem for many years because of his physical condition.
However, I don't agree with what he said that after the burn MJ lost motivation to continue with music

he didnt really say that. it was more about mj changing as a person. and how things were happenning around him like with 93 that mj would have never allowed to have happened in the past and like with msg not really seeming to care or have the desire that he used to.which tbh most ppl can agree with
I don't see it as biatching
agree. the way it was written was not bad at all. it was pretty supportive of mj and to a non fan imo gave a good impression of mj. and the mj parts were a very small part of the book
Oh good grief.... please don't tell me you all are going against the rule of Not talking about his health to discuss MJ and painkillers....


I'm going to close this thread for cleaning, when it re-opens try discussing ther other aspects other than MJ and painkillers
Ok, the thread has now been cleaned.

You can discuss about the book, but like LJ already stated remember the rules; Michael's health is not a topic of discussions here.
he didnt write a huge amount about mj in his book it was only a very small section. most of it is about the jokes they used to get upto when they were younger. i found nothing in it that could deem to hurt mj. he made mj out to be a great guy who loves practical jokes and just hanging at and being normal. and how mj liked david cause he treated him like everyone else. he wouldnt hold back if he didnt agree with him over something and would tell mj what he really thought. talked about how ppl were surprised that he would talk to mj in such a way.

I agree with what you said. Fans feel that they "know" MJ because they feel like they are a part of MJ. In some ways, that is understandable. However, they forget that they do not know MJ the man. They know MJ the public figure. When I read the excepts that elusive posted, I was relieved in a sense that David showed MJ as a normal person, a human being. The fights that he had with MJ, the heated agruments, shows MJ as human. We probably all never seen MJ get angry or have any heated agruments with anyone and it kinda shows MJ as this thing instead of being human. David really showed the real side of MJ and I personally liked what he stated.

The family, including MJ, are still close with David. Tito is David's best friend and MJ is still friendly with David. I would not questioned David's credibility, in a sense, based on if MJ is still close to David or not. Only MJ and David truly know about that. There has been a very uncalled for image on MJ that has hurt him and David is trying to show a different side of that. I remember during the trial, David made sure he was on tv telling the public and the nasty media the truth about MJ. Quincy and his children never even attempted to do that. That speaks wonders about David. David could have been like a lot of people and let MJ hang, but he just did not do that. I am not trying to defend David, but I tend to look at the bigger picture in things when I judge people, in a sense, based on their actions and David is truly a friend to MJ.

He doesn't sound like someone who would deliberatly want to harm MJ or get money out of him, but like someone who is concerned about his friend. But I agree that he shouldn't have published this, because it's very private and personal.

I sense that as well and I am happy that he did publish the book. He felt that maybe a book would describe his stories better tyhan doing a TV special where he does not have the total control of what is taken out of his mouth. I really think that David had to tell the public about MJ's personal issues in order for people to understand what MJ went through in his point of view. David had to tell his personal and private stories in the book as well. Besides, whether we like it or not, MJ's personal life is out there and we cannot do anything about it. Well, maybe, we can ignore it, but it is there. MJ is famous and famous people will have their business out there. Esp. if you are a megastar like MJ.
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INTERESTING! I was gonna order this book from amazon because he seems like a funny guy, and I've seen him on youtube. I havent read what u guys have written because I wanna read it for myself.

Ive heard that when he writes in italics and talks about his fake cousins, those are the made up stories. I've heard it's pretty easy to tell when he's joking. So I think Im still gonna get it, cause I gotta read it for myself!!! I've heard good things
I agree with you Bee. David loves MJ. I feel it in my bones. He loves the Jackson family and speaks very highly of them. MJ is not a saint and shouldn't be treated as such . It is not fair to MJ to be put on on this pole where he is afraid to get off. Reminds me of the scarecrow in the wiz.
I agree with you Bee. David loves MJ. I feel it in my bones. He loves the Jackson family and speaks very highly of them. MJ is not a saint and shouldn't be treated as such . It is not fair to MJ to be put on on this pole where he is afraid to get off. Reminds me of the scarecrow in the wiz.

I agree sooooo much!!!! and I do feel that David is a genuine friend of the whole jackson family, and he always speaks positively of them. And Michael is a person like the rest of us- and no WONDER he could identify with the scarecrow so much, as he said. :yes:

David Gest, Tito, Katherine Jackson, and 3T:
Thanks for sharing this story with us :) I think some MJ fans need to let their guard down. Anything and everything is "fake! liar! tabloid!" sometimes you have to stop with the pessimism, its not always that way kn'mean? Enjoy what someone took the time to share with us instead of shooting it down conscienceless.
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Some fans will always get angree if they hear anything NEAR unflattering stories about Michael.. As if he's the ONLY human that is flawless.. lol!

If I personally saw Michael do something fans would not like, and I told a fan board about it.. VERY few fans would believe me.. Infact they would attack me for saying it..

NOW I see when ANYONE says anything thats not of PRAISE for Michael fans get angree..

Many friends and people that are/were close to Michael, when they something that interfears with this IDOLIC figure many fans try to create they go crazy in anger...

Michael is human and he has and will continue to have/do MANY unflattering things.. It's ok because he's human and we should not try to EXPECT this idolic perfect being when he or non of us are..

In my opinion that's putting TOO MUCH on Michael plate, and puts alot of pressure on him.. He knows the figure fans expect from him and of course he would not want to let his fans down.. SO, he as any person in his shoes would try to live up to that expectation..

I think we need to give him room to be HUMAN.