Dancing Inmates - Michael Jackson's This Is It

so Memefan and Moonwalker you think this is outrageous because???

Giving the inmates something to direct their energy else where is imo pretty damn good. You would rather these VERY TALENTED inmates fight or get killed in the exercise yard? And to answer your question about how these inmates are connected to Michael..... How are you connected to Michael...? You are a fan are you not? You like his music do you not? You like his dancing do you not? Ever think that that's what these inmates like to? Or can they not be fans because they are inmates at a prison? Michaels fanbase didnt only reach out to just the good but to EVERYONE. What these guys did only solidify's Michael in the public eye and tells people that dead or alive Michael will ALWAYS inspire people. Leave it to Michael to Bring people together.

Well said, I agree. Michael's work knows no boundaries, he loved all people and all people love Michael, regardless of race, sex, lifestyle, background, environment. I think it is an incredible thing that people will come together in this setting and use their energy for something positive instead of negative. I also think its a good promotion - the thriller dance was a popular vid and everyone knows about that, if you ask anyone they will know about the inmates and the Thriller dance. I also think the dancing in the drill was simply amazing and flawless, well rehearsed and synchronized. It is absolutely fantastic!
Well said, I agree. Michael's work knows no boundaries, he loved all people and all people love Michael, regardless of race, sex, lifestyle, background, environment. I think it is an incredible thing that people will come together in this setting and use their energy for something positive instead of negative. I also think its a good promotion - the thriller dance was a popular vid and everyone knows about that, if you ask anyone they will know about the inmates and the Thriller dance. I also think the dancing in the drill was simply amazing and flawless, well rehearsed and synchronized. It is absolutely fantastic!

:)I agree, it was amazing.
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

himm why the negativity?

If we need to think back to the reasoning behind this program (rehabilitation and fun way to exercise for the inmates) and the thriller (they did it because they loved it) and then add the tribute that they did for MJ after his death this seems appropriate to me.

1) it perfectly recreates the computer generated duplication of the dancers effect that we saw at TII with actual thousand or more inmates- which looks perfect
2) also fits with they don't care about us prison version video that MJ shot - this time it is real prisoners.

Peace sign is perhaps the most important point. If a group of prisoners in a maximum security prison can come together to send the message of peace this only show the strength of Michael's music and message.
:clapping: Yes! Thank you! I think that's exactly how it comes across. Of course there are always people who can find something bad in everything concerning Michael, but do we really care what they think anymore? I thought this was great!
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...sorry guys, I got bored half way through watching...lol
I prefer the "old" Thriller with Michael Jackson in it.

Sometimes, I wonder if this is even MJ forum anymore...looks like this has been hijacked by Sony and TII news team and their fans.

Maybe I should move myself to the KOP board. (or where ever the MJ fans are).
...sorry guys, I got bored half way through watching...lol
I prefer the "old" Thriller with Michael Jackson in it.

Sometimes, I wonder if this is even MJ forum anymore...looks like this has been hijacked by Sony and TII news team and their fans.

Maybe I should move myself to the KOP board. (or where ever the MJ fans are).

Yeah that's where the real MJ fans are. Move to that board for sure!

I for one LOVED this routine.
Yeah that's where the real MJ fans are. Move to that board for sure!

I for one LOVED this routine.

Yup, looks like it. Honestly...Travis was not there when Thriller was done...Kenny is thinking "lets make TII like another High School Musical with Michael Jackson on it....maybe we get an Oscar"...I am glad the other TII dancers and band members are not part of this madness.

Kenny was horrible towards MJ during the TII rehersals...MJ was already close the edge and he pushed him over...

This to me looks exactly like the same propaganda as during the abuse allegations....this time they are literally taking over what ever is left of MJs career and cashing while at it...

Think about it,

Bye bye. (TINI)
it's not about the dancing,it's about the universal message that music can reach everybody even inside a jail...some of those inmates seems to have more sensitivity than some folks outside...if you are entitle to judge so superficially such a strong message it means you have no clue about what MJ and his art stand for in the first place...it's not a bad idea to re-read some oh his lyrics..
it's not about the dancing,it's about the universal message that music can reach everybody even inside a jail...some of those inmates seems to have more sensitivity than some folks outside...if you are entitle to judge so superficially such a strong message it means you have no clue about what MJ and his art stand for in the first place...it's not a bad idea to re-read some oh his lyrics..

I do not mean to sound egoistic here and I am not here to promote my self importance by writing these messages. but I think those inmates are in prison for a reason and its great that they get inspiration from MJ music like we all do I hope but do I need Travis there, no! He has nothing to do with Thriller nor even the song...The strong message you are referring to is what if I may ask?

I think the message was already said when MJ was alive..and MJ did not need Travis to say that. I have been a fan for over 20 years and know how the industry works. Please do not tell me I do not know what MJs art was all about. lol

I am not judging anything...I am just telling what I see and I hope you all see it one day.
I don't know what you were watching, but I was looking at a giant peace sign being made!! Isn't that a strong, inspiring message??
I do not mean to sound egoistic here and I am not here to promote my self importance by writing these messages. but I think those inmates are in prison for a reason and its great that they get inspiration from MJ music like we all do I hope but do I need Travis there, no! He has nothing to do with Thriller nor even the song...The strong message you are referring to is what if I may ask?

I think the message was already said when MJ was alive..and MJ did not need Travis to say that. I have been a fan for over 20 years and know how the industry works. Please do not tell me I do not know what MJs art was all about. lol

I am not judging anything...I am just telling what I see and I hope you all see it one day.

Yes i'm well aware that those guys prob killed their mamas,raped women and tortured children...thank you very much...that's why they are in jail and should stay there.
The strong message is the line that follows...music is universal and can reach even the lowest of low...with or without travis,whose presence doesn't change a thing about what I take out from this performance or what those men are left with.
For how long you've been a fan and how much you know about the industry is kinda irrelevant...lol so?you're just an anonymous user in a forum expressing his opinions just like me....anyway wasn't talking to you personally and so do I was telling what i see,or can't I?
Yes i'm well aware that those guys prob killed their mamas,raped women and tortured children...thank you very much...that's why they are in jail and should stay there.
The strong message is the line that follows...music is universal and can reach even the lowest of low...with or without travis,whose presence doesn't change a thing about what I take out from this performance or what those men are left with.
For how long you've been a fan and how much you know about the industry is kinda irrelevant...lol so?you're just an anonymous user in a forum expressing his opinions just like me....anyway wasn't talking to you personally and so do I was telling what i see,or can't I?

I agree what you said about the message...what really annoys me and few others who were close to MJ (I am not saying I was) is that these two are taking MJs message and turning that into a Hollywood money making scheme. So many disliked the way Joe Jackson and Jeremaine used the limelight for their own agenda...this is exactly what I and others see happening here.

I am not criticizing the vid itself and god knows, I truly loved what Mike represented and I still do but I suppose the question is should these two use the message like this? They do not work for MJ anymore...

I can not force anyone to see this the way most industry ppl see this...I don't want to but I supose everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I hope we would learn from what we say and what has happened in the past. We should all be standing to support MJ who gave us so much during his life.

Sorry, need to go to work now...can not continue. L.O.V.E
I agree what you said about the message...what really annoys me and few others who were close to MJ (I am not saying I was) is that these two are taking MJs message and turning that into a Hollywood money making scheme. So many disliked the way Joe Jackson and Jeremaine used the limelight for their own agenda...this is exactly what I and others see happening here.

I am not criticizing the vid itself and god knows, I truly loved what Mike represented and I still do but I suppose the question is should these two use the message like this? They do not work for MJ anymore...

I can not force anyone to see this the way most industry ppl see this...I don't want to but I supose everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I hope we would learn from what we say and what has happened in the past. We should all be standing to support MJ who gave us so much during his life.

Sorry, need to go to work now...can not continue. L.O.V.E

You don't have to force your opinion,business is business,it's always been that way,pp taking advantage of situations,living in somebody's else spotlight,turning art into mere products,"everything for money",I know and I don't tolerate it.
I don't buy all their good intentions s**t but I won't give them the power to spoil what's good left...But their it's a pattern,if you look at the big picture that is failing big time...the "industry" is failing,not me for being genuinely interested in the message they make a profit from.
Travis position?....I don't know,I can only guess his intentions,good or/and bad, but it's still irrelevant to me,in 20 years from now I'll still be a MJ fan,where will all these pp be?
TII:it's not the right place to talk about it...my opinion is just related to this specific video...yup!L.O.V.E!