Dancing Inmates - Michael Jackson's This Is It

Re: Dancing Philippine jailbirds in new Jackson Internet hit

wow, interesting article. Killers and rapists, wow. I think they should do "Beat It"!!! That would be fitting.
Re: Dancing Philippine jailbirds in new Jackson Internet hit

They, and prisoners who have been previously interviewed, say the programme has been a huge success, with fighting among inmates down markedly since the dancing was introduced.
This is what dance and music could do.
Other prisons should follow suit!
Re: Dancing Philippine jailbirds in new Jackson Internet hit

Only Michael...
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

OOOOOOOOMMMMMGGG!!!! This gave ME CHILLS!!! OMG! I dont even know what to say right now. This is AMAZING!!! THIS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! Coming together BECAUSE OF ONE MAN!!!! THIS IS HIStory!!!! MICHAEL, Just because you passed, People didnt forget. They're spreading ur MESSAGE AND LEGACY!!!!

It actually made me cry:cry: somewhere in the middle and when they made the Peace sign. MY GOD! This is Better than any AWARD SHOW TRIBUTE EVER DONE FOR MICHAEL! God BLESS THEM ALL!!!


I simply have no words to describe the emotion and feelings this brings to me.
As Romi says, there is no better way to honour Michael Jackson. I am so, so moved by this, by the hard work and love of Travis. This is simply wonderful, touching, beutiful and very, very emotional. I had such a bad day remembering and missing MJ yesterday and this morning, but now this really warms my heart. I love it!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing!!!

You can also read the article posted at Launch.com, it's really nice :)

Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

himm why the negativity?

If we need to think back to the reasoning behind this program (rehabilitation and fun way to exercise for the inmates) and the thriller (they did it because they loved it) and then add the tribute that they did for MJ after his death this seems appropriate to me.

1) it perfectly recreates the computer generated duplication of the dancers effect that we saw at TII with actual thousand or more inmates- which looks perfect
2) also fits with they don't care about us prison version video that MJ shot - this time it is real prisoners.

Peace sign is perhaps the most important point. If a group of prisoners in a maximum security prison can come together to send the message of peace this only show the strength of Michael's music and message.

wowowow.... negativity? I was really surprised by that! No good :no:
This is GOOD. Yes, yes, they are people who have done wrong and terrible things, sure, but I think it is better for them (and for society) if they can use their time (decades, in some cases) in prision doing this than planing other crimes.

This really hurts NO ONE, so I am glad and proud they did such a great thing in just 2 days. Travis thanks $ony for the help, sure, but anyway, I think it's a good idea. In fact, I rather this than any of those VIP things they do all the time (which they surely had too).

As usual, we are all free to decide. My personal decition is: I LOVE IT!! :)
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Whoa, that was awesome. Thanks for posting.
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

himm why the negativity?

If we need to think back to the reasoning behind this program (rehabilitation and fun way to exercise for the inmates) and the thriller (they did it because they loved it) and then add the tribute that they did for MJ after his death this seems appropriate to me.

1) it perfectly recreates the computer generated duplication of the dancers effect that we saw at TII with actual thousand or more inmates- which looks perfect
2) also fits with they don't care about us prison version video that MJ shot - this time it is real prisoners.

Peace sign is perhaps the most important point. If a group of prisoners in a maximum security prison can come together to send the message of peace this only show the strength of Michael's music and message.
You make great points. The peace sign really is the most important point. Also, when I saw it the first thing I thought of was the prison version of the song. I think it is VERY appropriate.

Sony is going to promote the release one way or the other. I certainly don't mind this way. They looked FANTASTIC! And I do hope it will lead some into a career in dance, if and when they get out of prison.
So appropriate!! Michael was suffering injustice and was fighting against it. He almost ended up in the cell remember? Not everyone is guilty of what they've done even..!They do not care about us is so fitting there. He lived for it, one may say he died for it while trying to still spread the message. The video was set in prison too! And moreover, there should be more attention put to projects like this-rehabilitation, and most of all, preventing people from childhood to become criminals in the first place. It is, like Michael said, "a sickness" and through this they can be cured. This is so wonderful and powerful!! Really striking!
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

You make great points. The peace sign really is the most important point. Also, when I saw it the first thing I thought of was the prison version of the song. I think it is VERY appropriate.

Yes!! And also... bringin The Drill with the many dancers to reality, that was coooooolllll!!!
I love it when they gather and turn into that huge dancing mob. Wonderful! I'd like to learn this dance :)
Obviously this can cause some negativity for some people but to me it really shows the power of Michael and his music. These guys are in this prison for some very serious crimes and seeing them all together dancing to Michael has united them more than anything else possibly has ever done befpre. This is a testament to the power and beauty of Michael and his music.
Obviously this can cause some negativity for some people but to me it really shows the power of Michael and his music. These guys are in this prison for some very serious crimes and seeing them all together dancing to Michael has united them more than anything else possibly has ever done befpre. This is a testament to the power and beauty of Michael and his music.
Well said. :agree:
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

Peace sign is perhaps the most important point. If a group of prisoners in a maximum security prison can come together to send the message of peace this only show the strength of Michael's music and message.

I think the Drill is totally awesome and Michael would have been so proud, that his music and dance can bring unity and harmony, even in a prison.
Obviously this can cause some negativity for some people but to me it really shows the power of Michael and his music. These guys are in this prison for some very serious crimes and seeing them all together dancing to Michael has united them more than anything else possibly has ever done befpre. This is a testament to the power and beauty of Michael and his music.

Yes, I agree :)
Obviously this can cause some negativity for some people but to me it really shows the power of Michael and his music. These guys are in this prison for some very serious crimes and seeing them all together dancing to Michael has united them more than anything else possibly has ever done befpre. This is a testament to the power and beauty of Michael and his music.
I agree. This is probably the first time these guys got recognition for something that didn't involve any criminal activities.
I think it's great!
so Memefan and Moonwalker you think this is outrageous because???

Giving the inmates something to direct their energy else where is imo pretty damn good. You would rather these VERY TALENTED inmates fight or get killed in the exercise yard? And to answer your question about how these inmates are connected to Michael..... How are you connected to Michael...? You are a fan are you not? You like his music do you not? You like his dancing do you not? Ever think that that's what these inmates like to? Or can they not be fans because they are inmates at a prison? Michaels fanbase didnt only reach out to just the good but to EVERYONE. What these guys did only solidify's Michael in the public eye and tells people that dead or alive Michael will ALWAYS inspire people. Leave it to Michael to Bring people together.
Re: Phillipine Inmates Doing "The Drill"

This makes me laugh that we always get those who moan, this is awesome, MJ would have loved it! And there the Sony thing again, who knows who's idea it was! Either way if it was Sony or Travis, good on them!

I was amazed, loooved it - especially the peace sign. Again please stop moaning... these are the same prisoners who have done other dances like Thriller for Michael---what's the big deal??!! Who cares if Sony or whoever did it, Travis has been nothing but great about paying tribute to Michael. I'm sure he was under contract with AEG for the concerts so why not keep working for Michael like he is doing? I don't think he has ulterior motives - stop that pls. and ENJOY IT!!! this is all good for Michael.... Look I hate the press - but they never had any negative thing to say about the Thriller tribute so why would they have a problem with this? :clapping: