Dancer recalls Michael Jackson's last day of life

There is a tiny crumb of comfort in knowing that Michael had such happiness at the end of his life, the bad days were behind him and he knew that once more he would be getting the respect he deserved.

This is why I can't face seeing This Is It, all that promise for the future gone, in the time it took some money hungry quack to inject a few mills. of fluid into him. I can't look at that photo of a grinning Murrey without wanting to rip him apart with my bare hands, and I am not a violent person.
the last 10 years have been nothing but one fight after the after. from the mess with vince to the ulitmate fight in 05. and then u get to this where finally at last something good for mj and us and this happens. its like some sick joke has been played on all of us. you couldnt write a film script like this. we always fought for mj and now all we are left with is all the evil doers who hurt and persecuted him are still here and hes not. theres no jusitce in this world and this is the one thing more than anytrhing that upsets me as i have tears rolling down my face as i write this. the hurt is unbearable

You totally expressed how I feel!... :(
Those dancers are hired by AEG. Of course they are going to tell lies as who would want to go against a corporation? Plus, they are under AEG contract with handsome salary.

Work for AEG or not, they were fans of MJ as well as we are. They did care for him. He was the idol for many.

The fact is most of us work for someone. If we had a fellow co-worker that we GENUINELY cared about who we saw was close to death and then died, if we were asked about him, we might not tell all the negatives we saw for fear of losing our job, but neither would ALL of us publicly attest he was doing great, he was fantastic, he was at the top of his game his last few days.

Some might, but NOT ALL of us. And every single person, even those that have said disparaging remarks about happenings on that set, have said that the last few rehearsals were great, that Michael was happy and in great spirits. He was back. They could see it. They could feel it. They were all invigorated by it.

Michael was loved by many on that set. Not all of them would lie about his state of mind.
Oh Jeez!!!!
That got the tears flooding, it just dosent get any easier does it!
Thanks for posting!
no it doesent first time i cried about this in a long while but man it still hurts awound that will never fully heal
:cry: when they recall how everyone starting crying and fell to their knees TEARS my apart! it's how i reacted.
Seriously, michaels stomach was empty when he was given those drugs (due to him not eating). if he had of eaten properly then im sure his body could have taken the drugs and he would still be alive today.

It is partly murrays fault but michael himself is also to blame :mello:
i just sat there in my chair as i watched the news and didnt move for about 3 hours, bad times, seriously seriously bad time :(

I was sittin' in front of my laptop and that night, I wasn't in the mj forum I was before, I always used to be there almost every day just like here, too! But that night, I just didn't go online there, so I knew nothing! I was just surfing around and makin' things but no news sites. My Messenger was active and out of a sudden I got a message from a friend I know from this forum and he asked me if I believe the news. And I was like "What news?". After all this, after he had told me I was just so shocked and couldn't believe it... At first I was laughin' bout it sayin' that it's not true and only some garbage from the media again. But after surfing the internet over and over again and from one news site to another it was final was confirmed that MJ has died and I just broke down!... :cry:

I'm sure if I hadn't had Live Messenger online that night, I wouldn't have ever known or heard about that in that night - only the next day!
How will we ever get over this? How can the world recover from this tragedy. So much promised by this rehearsal footage but never to be delivered. I had seen Michael 5 times in concert over the years and had tickets for two of his This Is It concerts. I am devastated that Michael never got to strut his stuff at the O2 and show the world he still had it. So, so sad. What must his children be going through?
How will we ever get over this? How can the world recover from this tragedy. So much promised by this rehearsal footage but never to be delivered. I had seen Michael 5 times in concert over the years and had tickets for two of his This Is It concerts. I am devastated that Michael never got to strut his stuff at the O2 and show the world he still had it. So, so sad. What must his children be going through?

Soooooo true...don't even know what to say anymore, this is just..........dunno......loss for words.......
How will we ever get over this? How can the world recover from this tragedy. So much promised by this rehearsal footage but never to be delivered. I had seen Michael 5 times in concert over the years and had tickets for two of his This Is It concerts. I am devastated that Michael never got to strut his stuff at the O2 and show the world he still had it. So, so sad. What must his children be going through?

You get over it by stopping to focus on his death, on what happened, on Murray, on all the speculation, on what could've been. And by starting to focus on how much richer the world and our lives have been because Michael walked this earth. By remembering the good he represented, and taking that good and incorporating it in your own life, which is the ultimate tribute to him.

We must accept that we don't know any enough to judge this situation properly, and we never will. We will never get the "justice" or "fairness" that we feel we should get. That hole will not be filled, and that's a hard fact. This is part of grieving a loss, and it's acceptance. However much we hurt, there are people like his children and his mother, that suffer infinitely more than we ever will, and they too have to find a way to move on, and they are.

It starts by not focusing on the ONE day that was dark, but by focusing on the 50 YEARS that were light.
You get over it by stopping to focus on his death, on what happened, on Murray, on all the speculation, on what could've been. And by starting to focus on how much richer the world and our lives have been because Michael walked this earth. By remembering the good he represented, and taking that good and incorporating it in your own life, which is the ultimate tribute to him.

We must accept that we don't know any enough to judge this situation properly, and we never will. We will never get the "justice" or "fairness" that we feel we should get. That hole will not be filled, and that's a hard fact. This is part of grieving a loss, and it's acceptance. However much we hurt, there are people like his children and his mother, that suffer infinitely more than we ever will, and they too have to find a way to move on, and they are.

It starts by not focusing on the ONE day that was dark, but by focusing on the 50 YEARS that were light.

we can focus on the light.
but we can't just 'get over' the dark, and not want to seek justice. we're wired for both.
we don't know if the family is 'moving on'. we can't see what they're doing outside of brothers' reality show.

it's like MJ says of the earth. we can't just 'get over' the burning of the forest. we're wired to find ways to deal with both the negative and the positive.
i don't think that people should feel guilty if they feel the need to experience both sides, and deal fully with them...positive, and negative.
we can focus on the light.
but we can't just 'get over' the dark, and not want to seek justice. we're wired for both.
we don't know if the family is 'moving on'. we can't see what they're doing outside of brothers' reality show.

it's like MJ says of the earth. we can't just 'get over' the burning of the forest. we're wired to find ways to deal with both the negative and the positive.
i don't think that people should feel guilty if they feel the need to experience both sides, and deal fully with them...positive, and negative.

I never said people should feel guilty. There's just a lot of focus on the negative, which can be dangerous and not healthy. I simply gave my answer to someones wonderment.
I never said people should feel guilty. There's just a lot of focus on the negative, which can be dangerous and not healthy. I simply gave my answer to someones wonderment.

it's even more dangerous to 'get over' the negative, and just...move on. it's still inside the peoples' conscious, and festering. it's gotta get out, somehow.
there are plenty of people focusing on a lot of positive, too. they are keeping up the legacy...they're remembering the moves, and the excitement. they're being charitable for good causes. there's an equal amount of both going on here.
Too much for me today.... I am completely devasted and my heart is broken all over again... :cry: :cry: ..... I shouldn't have tried to see my TII DVD.... I just couldn't finish and now this.... I just... there are no words to express my pain and sadness

Too much for me today.... I am completely devasted and my heart is broken all over again... :cry: :cry: ..... I shouldn't have tried to see my TII DVD.... I just couldn't finish and now this.... I just... there are no words to express my pain and sadness


please don't feel sad when u watch TII please watch the part when MIchael talkes about love to the dancers when he does his little speech then u will get his message in that movie too.
Too much for me today.... I am completely devasted and my heart is broken all over again... :cry: :cry: ..... I shouldn't have tried to see my TII DVD.... I just couldn't finish and now this.... I just... there are no words to express my pain and sadness

I know sweetheart! :better:
I tried to watch it too but I couldn't finish it! I had a terrible day... I am sad, it's too painfull... :no:

It was so hard to read this...:boohoo: I miss him so much!
Very nice article but so sad. I still can't get my head around the fact that Mike was singing and dancing on the 24th but 24 hours later he's dead.
Neither can I...:no: God, I wish this had never happened. Hugs to you dear. :hug:
gone too soon my friend! all my love for you!!!! i can't explain what i feel are my angel ,my soul...forever.....!!!!
those dancers obviously have no reason to work for AEG anymore

They have a 2 year contract, and they are still working for AEG... hence the memorial, the funeral (although they would obviously have wanted to do that anyway), their appearences on tv shows, with Travis, the dancing inmates thing, the shows with other artists performing under contract with AEG, eg. Whitney Houston, and others..

I wish I never looked at this thread again..
They have a 2 year contract, and they are still working for AEG... hence the memorial, the funeral (although they would obviously have wanted to do that anyway), their appearences on tv shows, with Travis, the dancing inmates thing, the shows with other artists performing under contract with AEG, eg. Whitney Houston, and others..

I wish I never looked at this thread again..

LOL..I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing for them but its interesting.I thought they were doing it just do to do it. They are a talented group of dancers I must say.