Dancer recalls Michael Jackson's last day of life

articles like this..intended to make people happy...just make me sadder....I just cannot get my head around the fact that Michael is no longer here...he should still be here....when people talk about that last 24 just hurts all the more....Murray is to blame...why did he kill Michael and leave so many people to feel this pain...:cry:.......However thank you for this article anyway...:)
Don't worry, Michael surely knows that we all LOVE him, from the bottom of our hearts. And I'm really sure that wherever he is, he's smiling, proud and happy to know he has fans like us. We were there for him, all the time and even if we didn't have the chance to tell him, he's happy to know and he'll be there for us, forever.

you know it's really hurting today all over again. everyday I think that maybe I can get over it just a little bit. then I read articles like this, and it's like I start bleeding all over again. something really changed on June 25th for us. and I think it's not just losing him, it's like we lost the fight... all of us... he and we. we lost the fight in a way. that's what I feel like right now. maybe I won't in a while. maybe I'm just reacting right now. but to hear Daniel call him Mikey and to picture them crying, falling to their knees, oh dear god. it's too much to bear all of a sudden.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I was hoping to hear from one of the dancers

i got teary eyed from reading this, thanks for posting
breaks my heart.... why oh why did you have to go Michael? Right when we were about to meet you again, love you again, joined to you, us in the audience and you on stage.... why? :(
I think it's not just losing him, it's like we lost the fight... all of us... he and we. we lost the fight in a way. that's what I feel like right now.

That's how I feel too. Although I do feel he's in a better place and at peace which does comfort me. It's still difficult for those that loved him and those he left behind. It's like where do you go from here? What now? I don't have the answer to that, but I can't help but be angry about it because I feel that those that loved him are still having to battle in defense of and for the person Michael really was...not what others choose to portray him to be.

Anyway, thanks for the article, it sounds as if the dancers he worked with got to know a bit about him, his vision, and had love and respect for him as an artist.
Thanks for sharing........I'm sure his experienced with MJ will be the highlight of his career ever as a dancer.......coz MJ took him in an awesome adventure that he'll cherished his whole life through......
At least, from this article, it seems like he was happy in a way when he went and the fact that ge got to do what he loved the most during his last days with us makes it a little bit easier.... just a little. I miss him so much...
:cry: How quickly a dream come true turned into a nightmare!!

I like this article especially details like, people crying in the wings when they rehearsed Thriller! And Mikey giving everyone hugs and saying 'goodnight, i love you bro' - How beautiful and just SAD :(

But the best line 'You're just love' :wub: :wub: :wub:

Oh Lord.......

Past few days I've felt real real sad, like it's only just hit me. *SIGH*
I think it's not just losing him, it's like we lost the fight... all of us... he and we. we lost the fight in a way. that's what I feel like right now.
the last 10 years have been nothing but one fight after the after. from the mess with vince to the ulitmate fight in 05. and then u get to this where finally at last something good for mj and us and this happens. its like some sick joke has been played on all of us. you couldnt write a film script like this. we always fought for mj and now all we are left with is all the evil doers who hurt and persecuted him are still here and hes not. theres no jusitce in this world and this is the one thing more than anytrhing that upsets me as i have tears rolling down my face as i write this. the hurt is unbearable
articles like this..intended to make people happy...just make me sadder....

you know it's really hurting today all over again. everyday I think that maybe I can get over it just a little bit. then I read articles like this, and it's like I start bleeding all over again. something really changed on June 25th for us. and I think it's not just losing him, it's like we lost the fight... all of us... he and we. we lost the fight in a way. that's what I feel like right now. maybe I won't in a while. maybe I'm just reacting right now. but to hear Daniel call him Mikey and to picture them crying, falling to their knees, oh dear god. it's too much to bear all of a sudden.

the last 10 years have been nothing but one fight after the after. from the mess with vince to the ulitmate fight in 05. and then u get to this where finally at last something good for mj and us and this happens. its like some sick joke has been played on all of us. you couldnt write a film script like this. we always fought for mj and now all we are left with is all the evil doers who hurt and persecuted him are still here and hes not. theres no jusitce in this world and this is the one thing more than anytrhing that upsets me as i have tears rolling down my face as i write this. the hurt is unbearable

I feel completely the same.
the last 10 years have been nothing but one fight after the after. from the mess with vince to the ulitmate fight in 05. and then u get to this where finally at last something good for mj and us and this happens. its like some sick joke has been played on all of us. you couldnt write a film script like this. we always fought for mj and now all we are left with is all the evil doers who hurt and persecuted him are still here and hes not. theres no jusitce in this world and this is the one thing more than anytrhing that upsets me as i have tears rolling down my face as i write this. the hurt is unbearable

I difficult to be optimistic after this. :( Finally there was a light! And it got smashed into 10000000 pieces.
"Michael Jackson's last day of life"

I cannot accept that quote, or any quote regarding him no longer here :cry: it's too much. Michael deserved this chance :( It's not fair. I can't accept he's no longer here. I miss him too much.

I'm heartbroken
I difficult to be optimistic after this. :( Finally there was a light! And it got smashed into 10000000 pieces.
So true. I believe MJ would have done great and that was suppose to happen; however, stupidity from doctor who was hired and did not do his job help crushed it.
Daniel Celebre also spoke about working on This is It with MJ on Canada AM, 4 minute interview here:

"Dancer Daniel Celebre took part in countless grueling rehearsals for Michael Jackson's planned 'This Is It' tour. Celebre said Jackson's true artistry was only evident in-person."

He tells a cute story about one of their "exchanges".
indeed, the tale of two cities. the tale of two stories. one story where Michael was spry, is told by dancers who were right there with him, every day...

another tale of MJ being dazed, confused, sickly, and high on drugs, told by people who say they are fans, and confidants..
In fact, on June 24, the last day of Jackson's life, director Kenny Ortega staged the show and "we ran through the whole thing and finished at about 1:30 in the morning," Celebre, a dancer based in Toronto, recalled in an interview yesterday at the midtown BDX dance studio.
All other stories say Michael left for home at midnight.
"We even ran `Thriller' for the first time in costume and the people from wardrobe were in the audience crying. They told us `You guys don't understand how amazing it looks.'"

Why wasnt that on TII then?
Those dancers are hired by AEG. Of course they are going to tell lies as who would want to go against a corporation? Plus, they are under AEG contract with handsome salary.

If Zaldy's photos aren't evidents that MJ's not well, I don't know what is. In fact, the TII footages show MJ's not well. He's skeletal, severely underweight. Anyone who says otherwise should go and check their eyes.
Those dancers are hired by AEG. Of course they are going to tell lies as who would want to go against a corporation? Plus, they are under AEG contract with handsome salary.

If Zaldy's photos aren't evidents that MJ's not well, I don't know what is. In fact, the TII footages show MJ's not well. He's skeletal, severely underweight. Anyone who says otherwise should go and check their eyes.

those dancers obviously have no reason to work for AEG anymore. and i have a copy of of the beholder. there are those who would ask me to check my eyes..and there are those who would ask you to check yours.

as far as the dancing and singing..i agree with the dancers, completely.