Countdown to Christmas 2010


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
MJJC Christmas Thread 2010!!!

All discussions, stories, photos etc about Christmas 2010 in here.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
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:woohoo: I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! I'm counting the days too! :D
Countdown to Christmas at the start of October? Sure why not... :D haha

I actually cant wait, at this time of year you just cant wait for Christmas time to come and brighten up the winter.

Actually if you think about it, its like 58 days till Christmas time. I look forward to Christmas time rather than actual Christmas day. The build up is the best part!
Early, what y'all talkin' bout? :lol: It ain't neva too early to prepare for Christmas. As far as i'm concerned as soon as October rolls in, the season is here lol. I've already started listening to songs, but only one or two a day cause i don't wanna over do it, just yet that is lol.

All my friends know my 'little' obsession with the holiday season - the snow, the songs, the tree, the whole shebang. We were just joking about it at the office the other week and someone said exactly that - it ain't 2 early for me.

For me, Christmas lasts about half an year, from October up to April. Both last year and this i've had trees in both houses (my folks' and my own) and in one of them i've only taken the tree down in April lol. And the other half of the year is Easter btw lol. :D

I actually resent the commercialization of the holiday and the various attempts at taking Christ out of Christmas, but all of that cannot ruin it for me. It is the season of love and joyful giving.
We have a christmas song who says christmas last until easter.But then it says that´s not true the lent comes between.

There is advent 4 sundays before christmas and on 1 advent we can put up our candlesticks ,stars and outdoorlightning.
It´s beautiful to see the electric candlestick and stars in the windows and the lightning outdoors.I think it´s beautiful with lightdiodes in trees.

I don´t usually go to church but on 1 advent i want to go and hear the traditional christmassongs.It´s another acoustics in a church .
I´m looking forward to go to midnightmass on christmaseve and there has to be someone who sings oh holy night.
I'm actually not looking forward to Xmas this year. It's going to be a bad year for me and my family. I've been unemployed for almost 2 months now. No one will hire me, I have bills that need to be paid that are piling up. I just can't afford Xmas right now. :(
i hate xmas. all it is is ppl feeling pressured into spending money they dont have.then they end up in debt. its totally depressing
I LOVE christmas and like Arklove I love the whole December month. We celebrate the birthday of Sinterklaas (dutch event) on December 5th of course but after that all the christmas decoration will come out of the boxes :D

I wanted to share one of my favourite songs to just to get into the christmas spirit ;)
I love Christmas and the Advent season but the annoying thing is that supermarkets start selling Christmas sweets and biscuits as early as September. I am not in the mood for Christmas yet.
I hate to be a downer but I'm not that much of a Christmas fan. It has turned into a very stressful time for me. I wish it was less commercial and less about spending money I don't have on unappreciative family members, lol. I loved Christmas when I was a child. Christmas is for children. Yes, I guess I only begin to get into the Christmas spirit the week of Christmas but until then I'm fighting it all the way.
I'm actually not looking forward to Xmas this year. It's going to be a bad year for me and my family. I've been unemployed for almost 2 months now. No one will hire me, I have bills that need to be paid that are piling up. I just can't afford Xmas right now. :(

Aww I'm so sorry about your situation. I think this Christmas will be tough for many people with the bad economy. I think our society needs to simplify Christmas. We need to get back to basics. It's about having family around and celebrating the birth of Christ. Not how much money I can put on my credit card. Heh! Good luck to you. :)
I absolutely love Christmas, but its just too damn early for all the decorations and stuff I see going up! Christmas time is supposed to be sprecial, the first week of November would be okay with me for all the Christmas excitement to start.
Prince Of Pop;3008180 said:
I'm actually not looking forward to Xmas this year. It's going to be a bad year for me and my family. I've been unemployed for almost 2 months now. No one will hire me, I have bills that need to be paid that are piling up. I just can't afford Xmas right now. :(

J hope you get a new job soon.
I´ve had bad years too, but I was lucky to be able to work when people had vacations and were sick.
Nowadays it´s good times for me ,don´t give up hope that good times will come again.
Maybe you have secondhand shops were you can buy things for your children for christmas.
Last year I was unemployed too during xmas, it took me 6 months to find a new job and it sure wasn't all happy and joyful but I had my family and we did have a good time :)
We'll have a big family gathering this Christmas, I just hope everyone will behave :D
We decided on small (!) presents. I don't like big presents anyway, if I want something expensive, I'd rather buy it myself, otherwise I feel like I owe the other person a present which is just as expensive.
I am glad some of you guys are looking forward to Christmas. But I'm most certainly am not. I hate Christmas and I totally stopped celebrating it. After I had lost my favorite aunt about a week before Christmas of 2001 I had totally lost the Christmas spirit. And plus when I think how bad Christmas of last year was for me. Not being able to be happy because of what happen to Michael that year. That was just final straw for me because 3 times I had nearly lost it when some of my presents were MJ items. I just can no longer celebrate it anymore cause I know it is just going to be same for me this year as it was last year. Because I almost always get some kind of MJ item for Christmas.
I am glad some of you guys are looking forward to Christmas. But I'm most certainly am not. I hate Christmas and I totally stopped celebrating it. After I had lost my favorite aunt about a week before Christmas of 2001 I had totally lost the Christmas spirit. And plus when I think how bad Christmas of last year was for me. Not being able to be happy because of what happen to Michael that year. That was just final straw for me because 3 times I had nearly lost it when some of my presents were MJ items. I just can no longer celebrate it anymore cause I know it is just going to be same for me this year as it was last year. Because I almost always get some kind of MJ item for Christmas.

I feel a bit sad for you, but you gotta remember that the true meaning of Christmas is'nt about the presents we get or give, but about the birth of Christ. For me, as long as I have my family around its all good.
Soon cities the world over will be dressed up for the holidays in decorations. We should all take photos of the decorations in our cities and towns and post them here.

I used to take my own photographs of the Christmas/holiday decorations around NYC and use them to make Christmas cards to send out to family and friends. But it got to be too much of a chore for me after a while (like everything else, heh).
Soon cities the world over will be dressed up for the holidays in decorations. We should all take photos of the decorations in our cities and towns and post them here.

I used to take my own photographs of the Christmas/holiday decorations around NYC and use them to make Christmas cards to send out to family and friends. But it got to be too much of a chore for me after a while (like everything else, heh).

Posting photos of our city's decorations is a great idea! :D

NYC must be so pretty during Christmas. It's summer during Christmas here, so it's totally different!
Once Halloween is over... Christmas is on the horizon :D
Its not just Christmas day i'm looking forward to though, its the whole month of december. Decorations, carols, coldness!!
Can't wait!!
Since last year, xmas doesn't mean anything to me.. it's just a ''X,5'' years counting now...
But for those of you who'llc elebrate, I hope you'll have a nice xmas :)