Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

All these people who have been / are using MJ as clickbait seem to be doing badly financially. Maybe they should have looked for the truth instead of peddling lies....

Radar staff cuts create shutdown fears as layoffs also hit sister publications

The popular entertainment and gossip website Radar Online was decimated by cutbacks within the parent company’s digital operations that have left it struggling to find copy to fill out the site.

American Media on Friday took an ax to the digital staffers of many of its celebrity titles, including OK!, Us Weekly and In Touch. But Radar Online, a joint venture with Ron Burkle’s private equity company the Yucaipa Cos., was hardest hit, sources said.

One source said nearly all of Radar’s digital staffers were laid off, giving rise to speculation the site could be closed entirely.

An American Media spokesman denied that Radar Online was going dark, however.

“Absolutely not true, the site is not shutting down, not temporarily, not at all,” he said.

But the cutbacks appear to have hamstrung the site’s ability to post new content. The only new story posted Tuesday was an evergreen about shows to binge-watch. And the site posted just two stories on Sunday and again on Monday.

Across the company, up to 23 digital staffers at American Media were given the heave-ho, according to Business Insider.

“Like many in the industry who have been negatively impacted by algorithm changes at Google, Facebook and others, American Media is right-sizing the cost base to the revenue base, with strategic decisions that improve efficiencies and profitability,” the company said in a statement.

The company made similar cuts late last month at Men’s Journal as part of a plan to relocate the magazine to Carlsbad, California. American Media had purchased a bunch of sports-enthusiast titles also located in Carlsbad from the Enthusiast Network last year, including Transworld Snowboarding.

The media company has been cutting staff amid a cash crunch that has not been solved by the planned sale of the National Enquirer to James Cohen, chief executive of the magazine wholesale operation Hudson News, for $100 million. The deal, announced in April 2019, has yet to close for unknown reasons.

The sale was supposed to have allowed Chatham Asset Management — the hedge fund that owns 80 percent of the equity of American Media as one of its big investments — to satisfy some of its investors who were not happy about the supermarket tabloid’s numerous scandals, including paying off women who claim to have had affairs with President Trump.

Last year, the tabloid and its then-editorial director Dylan Howard were accused by Amazon founder and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos of trying to blackmail him by threatening to disclose additional damaging pictures of himself with his then mistress, Lauren Sanchez. (Howard has since taken on a new role.)

The Enquirer tried to break the story of the affair before Bezos pre-empted them and then allegedly threatened to publish more damaging photos before Bezos went public with his blackmail claim.

In its latest bid to raise cash, American Media sold the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding exhibitions and shows, along with Muscle & Fitness, Flex and Muscle & Fitness Hers magazines to Arizona businessman Jake Wood. One source estimated the sale at $70 million.

That was some $30 million less than Cohen was offering to pay for the National Enquirer — but he’s still not forked over the cash. However, nobody thinks Cohen is in any kind of rush to buy the title, in a move viewed as more of a favor to a longtime business associate, David Pecker, American Media’s CEO, who was a big booster of Trump.

Chatham Asset gave the company an infusion of cash at the end of last year. American Media’s fiscal year ends March 31. buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

The celebrity magazines sold 7 million fewer copies in 2019 than the year before, sources said, although a spokesman said that a $1 cover price hike offset some of the hit.

Currently, American Media’s debt payments are about $41 million a year on debt of $460 million that remained after the last restructuring in January 2019.

and remembering this article from 2015:

The Weinstein Co. is partnering with American Media Inc. to develop and produce a talkshow with gossip and entertainment site Radar Online.

The live daily program is described as a fresh take on the newsmagazine and celebrity format, bringing Radar Online’s pop culture, lifestyle and reality entertainment coverage to TV. It’s unclear whether the show will be pitched for cable, network or syndication.

“We’re so delighted to be partnering with American Media and their Radar Online brand in this exciting new venture,” Weinstein co-chairman Harvey Weinstein said in a statement.
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TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

Very sad news from Poland, TVN Style station will air "Leaving Neverland: Ciemna strona Michaela Jacksona" on monday 9.03.2020 23:00. :-/
This will be premiere of this movie in Polish tv.

Its insane that after year, with a lot of lies discovered in a movie they still try to make money on this "documentary".

Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

Seriously what the actually heck?!
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

It's only in your own little universe that Leaving Neverland gets discredited. MJ is still pretty much seen as guilty all over the world since it aired. It's just that the overall impact it has on people is rather small but go out and ask people if he is guilty. Most people will say yes.
The fans have done an enormous job in battling the the false claims but it never reached the general public opinion, it stays in this little MJ universe we are all part of and we make ourselves happy with it but I haven't heard a single news item about false claims, I haven't read a single item discrediting the accusers and I'm 100% sure not a single big network will broadcast the upcoming Taj documentary.

MJ has lost the battle last year in March and not a single rebuttal film will make people change their minds unless Robson, Safechuck, Chandler and Arvizo say they made it all up.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the truth, sadly enough.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

It's only in your own little universe that Leaving Neverland gets discredited. MJ is still pretty much seen as guilty all over the world since it aired. It's just that the overall impact it has on people is rather small but go out and ask people if he is guilty. Most people will say yes.
The fans have done an enormous job in battling the the false claims but it never reached the general public opinion, it stays in this little MJ universe we are all part of and we make ourselves happy with it but I haven't heard a single news item about false claims, I haven't read a single item discrediting the accusers and I'm 100% sure not a single big network will broadcast the upcoming Taj documentary.

MJ has lost the battle last year in March and not a single rebuttal film will make people change their minds unless Robson, Safechuck, Chandler and Arvizo say they made it all up.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the truth, sadly enough.

I disagree. Many people think MJ is innocent. that is why certain media push it because they want to turn people against MJ for their agenda. It is not working. I find more gloom doom in here than in the society. Stop listening to a few people to make you think everyone is against MJ. That is a LIE. Look how the media said Joe Biden was done and I said "they do not know. We will know when people come out to vote". And look, Joe Biden BLOW everyone out of the water even on Super Tuesday. The point is the media tell you one thing but they push what they think (they know nothing). People have sense and most people can smell BS (I do not care about haters. everyone has some haters who love to grab lies and run with them to push their hate/jealousy/etc). This is the same with MJ. There is commercial that still runs that plays the ABC. I have seen no change in how MJ was treated here in my surrounding areas or on the radio on all the station-I have the radio on all day on my job turning station to station and MJ music is on all of them and has never stop playing and people listen and I deal with a lot of people.
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Anther dark day for the tabloids world. Oh good joy.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

I must warn my friend about this now.
Here's something that always makes me roll my eyes. The people who think MJ is guilty will bring up other celebrities like R.Kelly or O.J Simpson to try and prove their point. But just because a celebrity is guilty of something they're accused of doesn't mean ALL celebrities are guilty of something they're accused of.

If a postal worker is guilty of something they're accused of then that must mean ALL postal workers are guilty of something they're accused of accorded to these people's logic.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">An overdue public THANK YOU to the person who makes this Twitter account possible. <a href="">@JaDversary</a> - Thank you for providing your time, energy, and technical skills in this endeavor. All of your hard work in advocating for the truth is greatly appreciated.&#128071;<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; #RetractOprah (@retractoprah) <a href="">March 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

I disagree. Many people think MJ is innocent. that is why certain media push it because they want to turn people against MJ for their agenda. It is not working.

I agree.
Here's something that always makes me roll my eyes. The people who think MJ is guilty will bring up other celebrities like R.Kelly or O.J Simpson to try and prove their point. But just because a celebrity is guilty of something they're accused of doesn't mean ALL celebrities are guilty of something they're accused of.

If a postal worker is guilty of something they're accused of then that must mean ALL postal workers are guilty of something they're accused of accorded to these people's logic.
Those are bigots who want to think all blacks are alike and guilty. Even with these men, OJ case was a murder case. regardless if he did it or not, OJ was held liable in a civil suite and he serve 10 years in the Vegas case which he should have just received probation; so even at that, the system found a way to punish OJ (I still have questions about OJ case in where is the one tude of blood that they never recovered from the police. It pains me to say this about the criminal justice system but in LA, LAPD are KNOWN to set up and plant evidence on black/brown men. In 1996, the system had to let go over 200+ black/brown men due drugs,evidence bring planted on the black/brown men. This was revealed AFTER the OJ verdict the next year). As for R Kelly, there is much creditable evidence is against him but we will see when his trial start. if anyone bring that up to you again in trying to compare MJ to these men, bring up EMMIT Til and black men who were FALSELY ACCUSED who are not been let out of prison for LIES which shows how quick black men are also falsely accused and people are quick to want to believe the LIES. I shut those kinds of comments down real quick when I give these examples.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

It's only in your own little universe that Leaving Neverland gets discredited. MJ is still pretty much seen as guilty all over the world since it aired. It's just that the overall impact it has on people is rather small but go out and ask people if he is guilty. Most people will say yes.
The fans have done an enormous job in battling the the false claims but it never reached the general public opinion, it stays in this little MJ universe we are all part of and we make ourselves happy with it but I haven't heard a single news item about false claims, I haven't read a single item discrediting the accusers and I'm 100% sure not a single big network will broadcast the upcoming Taj documentary.

MJ has lost the battle last year in March and not a single rebuttal film will make people change their minds unless Robson, Safechuck, Chandler and Arvizo say they made it all up.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is the truth, sadly enough.

Well, thats not The truth. Just saw comments and reactions about this on TVNs Facebook Page and... 90% of people are angry that they are airing it. Seriously ifs hard to find any comment supporting wade or james. Almost all are pro MJ, which is a very nice surprise!
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

I'm not on social media, many people are not. I'm not blind nor dead MJ is a whole lot less featured on the radio or in tv spots with his music, his songs are much less picked to sing on talent shows. Reactions on the radio after playing his music are mostly cold and short, before 2019 it was full of praise. The popularity MJ gained since his passing has taken a big blow. Spotify spins are lowering, he fell outside the top 100. The docu had an impact, denying it won't make it disappear. I believe us fans despite the being in the millions are the minority in this case but minorities are always the most vocal. Being the most vocal doesn't mean we are in the majority.
Sure the Facebook page might be positive but c'mon almost all comments are surely by hardcore MJ fans, who else would visit that page anyway.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

I'm not on social media, many people are not. I'm not blind nor dead MJ is a whole lot less featured on the radio or in tv spots with his music, his songs are much less picked to sing on talent shows. Reactions on the radio after playing his music are mostly cold and short, before 2019 it was full of praise. The popularity MJ gained since his passing has taken a big blow. Spotify spins are lowering, he fell outside the top 100. The docu had an impact, denying it won't make it disappear. I believe us fans despite the being in the millions are the minority in this case but minorities are always the most vocal. Being the most vocal doesn't mean we are in the majority.
Sure the Facebook page might be positive but c'mon almost all comments are surely by hardcore MJ fans, who else would visit that page anyway.

I don't like your negatively....
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

Well, thats not The truth. Just saw comments and reactions about this on TVNs Facebook Page and... 90% of people are angry that they are airing it. Seriously ifs hard to find any comment supporting wade or james. Almost all are pro MJ, which is a very nice surprise!

You're right. people are waking up from it it's just people who keep pushing it because they don't have anything else to do. at this point everybody knows Michael is innocent.
Paris78;4283057 said:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">An overdue public THANK YOU to the person who makes this Twitter account possible. <a href="">@JaDversary</a> - Thank you for providing your time, energy, and technical skills in this endeavor. All of your hard work in advocating for the truth is greatly appreciated.&#55357;&#56391;<a href=""></a></p>&#8212; #RetractOprah (@retractoprah) <a href="">March 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

It's really time to stop using the mute who hashtag. Michael been playing since LN came out. people know he is innocent but they just keep pushing saying he guilty just doing so. seeing this made me very happy. last year was awful. but to see people who care about Michael even though this crap came out is great news and easy news to me.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

You're right. people are waking up from it it's just people who keep pushing it because they don't have anything else to do. at this point everybody knows Michael is innocent.
The shock value has worn off and now the thinking caps are on for people who want to know the truth and for others who want to believe the lies, they know it lies but do not want to admit they were wrong.
Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

I'm not on social media, many people are not. I'm not blind nor dead MJ is a whole lot less featured on the radio or in tv spots with his music, his songs are much less picked to sing on talent shows. Reactions on the radio after playing his music are mostly cold and short, before 2019 it was full of praise. The popularity MJ gained since his passing has taken a big blow. Spotify spins are lowering, he fell outside the top 100. The docu had an impact, denying it won't make it disappear. I believe us fans despite the being in the millions are the minority in this case but minorities are always the most vocal. Being the most vocal doesn't mean we are in the majority.
Sure the Facebook page might be positive but c'mon almost all comments are surely by hardcore MJ fans, who else would visit that page anyway.
If you think most people is sitting around wanting to think MJ is guilty is silly. Many people do not follow this trash either and many who heard about it feel it is just lying trash picking on dead man who is not here. I am not just judging it based on radio but dealing with people compare to the way the media wants to push this lying trash. Being vocal with hate towards MJ does not make that the majority either. Bottom line for MJ Estate and music to still be making MILLIONS to what he was falsely accused show MJ is doing great. The only impact LN had is it was annoying and media pushed. Yes, there are some people who may believe it but that is often because they already had something against MJ that is why those types of people bring up what he looks like and every other non issue other than the facts but a reasonable thinker after what MJ has gone through can see the nonsense. Also for MJ who has been gone for 10 years and a half who would have been 61years old if he had lived to be going still up against TODAYS artists despite all the lies that he had to deal with is a great achievement as well as being the highest paid dead celeb (removing Elvis from this spot since his death and even last year). Even a YOUNG artist with no drama would wish for an ounce of MJ's success on MJ's worst day.
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Re: TVN Style (Polish TV) is going to air fake documentary about Michael Jackson - Leaving Neverland

If you think most people is sitting around wanting to think MJ is guilty is silly. Many people do not follow this trash either and many who heard about it feel it is just lying trash picking on dead man who is not here. I am not just judging it based on radio but dealing with people compare to the way the media wants to push this lying trash. Being vocal with hate towards MJ does not make that the majority either. Bottom line for MJ Estate and music to still be making MILLIONS to what he was falsely accused show MJ is doing great. The only impact LN had is it was annoying and media pushed. Yes, there are some people who may believe it but that is often because they already had something against MJ that is why those types of people bring up what he looks like and every other non issue other than the facts but a reasonable thinker after what MJ has gone through can see the nonsense. Also for MJ who has been gone for 10 years and a half who would have been 61years old if he had lived to be going still up against TODAYS artists despite all the lies that he had to deal with is a great achievement as well as being the highest paid dead celeb (removing Elvis from this spot since his death and even last year). Even a YOUNG artist with no drama would wish for an ounce of MJ's success on MJ's worst day.

My sentiments exactly.:clapping:
Woody Allen's memoirs will not be published because of an outrage. That's exactly what I'm getting at, wait and see when Taj's docu arrives NOBODY will pick it up for broadcast. Not a single network will want to anger the crowd. Yes call me negative, I am but I can't see this going any other way.

Most people don't give a **** but if you ask them the question. What do you think happened between MJ and kids? I'm sure they would say" where there's smoke there's fire. That's how it works. I'm basing this on people and friends (not fans) I know in person who all thought MJ was not guilty before LN, after airing of LN they don't care (they are not muting him or anything) but they say he probably did do it.

I will try to leave it at this because me feeling negative will lead to me getting banned and getting ridiculed eventually but we can't all be positive and I'm very sorry for that but that's the way I think.
Woody Allen's memoirs will not be published because of an outrage. That's exactly what I'm getting at, wait and see when Taj's docu arrives NOBODY will pick it up for broadcast. Not a single network will want to anger the crowd. Yes call me negative, I am but I can't see this going any other way.

Most people don't give a **** but if you ask them the question. What do you think happened between MJ and kids? I'm sure they would say" where there's smoke there's fire. That's how it works. I'm basing this on people and friends (not fans) I know in person who all thought MJ was not guilty before LN, after airing of LN they don't care (they are not muting him or anything) but they say he probably did do it.

I will try to leave it at this because me feeling negative will lead to me getting banned and getting ridiculed eventually but we can't all be positive and I'm very sorry for that but that's the way I think.

I think the main problem here was that Hachette had already published Ronan Farrow's book 'Catch and Kill', so I'm amazed that Allen went to the same publisher for his book. It would be like Taj going to Channel 4 / HBO to screen his doc.

I'm sure Taj will find other means to screen his documentary- It won't be on Apple TV (Oprah is there), but there are other 'channels' that are likely to be interested, even if only on the basis that 'LN' created such a media 'buzz'. Let's hope the same buzz will help Taj.

(I expect Allen will also find another publisher).
Woody Allen's memoirs will not be published because of an outrage. That's exactly what I'm getting at, wait and see when Taj's docu arrives NOBODY will pick it up for broadcast. Not a single network will want to anger the crowd. Yes call me negative, I am but I can't see this going any other way.

Most people don't give a **** but if you ask them the question. What do you think happened between MJ and kids? I'm sure they would say" where there's smoke there's fire. That's how it works. I'm basing this on people and friends (not fans) I know in person who all thought MJ was not guilty before LN, after airing of LN they don't care (they are not muting him or anything) but they say he probably did do it.

I will try to leave it at this because me feeling negative will lead to me getting banned and getting ridiculed eventually but we can't all be positive and I'm very sorry for that but that's the way I think.

If people got banned just for feeling negative there'd be no one left. Haha.

LN took a huge toll on the fans and made a giant dent in MJ's legacy, but he's still standing. Anyone else would have been totally obliterated by what he's been hit with over the years.
I know LN made a lot of people who previously thought MJ was guilty finally do their research and they changed their minds. And things like the parents voting to keep Michael's name on that school auditorium in LA are proof that there's plenty of people out there with sense. It's not all doom and gloom.

We don't know what will happen with Taj's documentary or the initial impact it will have, but he's already mentioned interest from major providers. The important thing is that it will be out there now and for future generations. No one will remember LN even exists in 50 years. It's all just another blip on the timeline.
Woody Allen's memoirs will not be published because of an outrage. That's exactly what I'm getting at, wait and see when Taj's docu arrives NOBODY will pick it up for broadcast. Not a single network will want to anger the crowd. Yes call me negative, I am but I can't see this going any other way.

Most people don't give a **** but if you ask them the question. What do you think happened between MJ and kids? I'm sure they would say" where there's smoke there's fire. That's how it works. I'm basing this on people and friends (not fans) I know in person who all thought MJ was not guilty before LN, after airing of LN they don't care (they are not muting him or anything) but they say he probably did do it.

I will try to leave it at this because me feeling negative will lead to me getting banned and getting ridiculed eventually but we can't all be positive and I'm very sorry for that but that's the way I think.

I understand what you are saying but it isn't a good thing to feel negative all the time. Try to focus on the good things, not the loud minority.
Woody Allen's memoirs will not be published because of an outrage. That's exactly what I'm getting at, wait and see when Taj's docu arrives NOBODY will pick it up for broadcast. Not a single network will want to anger the crowd. Yes call me negative, I am but I can't see this going any other way.

Most people don't give a **** but if you ask them the question. What do you think happened between MJ and kids? I'm sure they would say" where there's smoke there's fire. That's how it works. I'm basing this on people and friends (not fans) I know in person who all thought MJ was not guilty before LN, after airing of LN they don't care (they are not muting him or anything) but they say he probably did do it.

I will try to leave it at this because me feeling negative will lead to me getting banned and getting ridiculed eventually but we can't all be positive and I'm very sorry for that but that's the way I think.
woody Allen is not the same as MJ. How much outrage do you see when Woody Allen is talked negative about? NONE. Look at MJ, even OPRAH caught HELL and it backfired on BIG OLD POWERFUL OPRAH on what she did to Michael even she will tell you that; and MJ is defended by many and people are speaking out more. How many people got a backlash from talking negative about someone who was accused? R Kelly did not get that over support, neither did Harvey Weinstein or Epstein and others. I am bashing my views on people, friends and my whole surroundings ( I am in the criminal justice system and many of them do not believe it and this kind of stuff is part of their jobs to investigate). You feeling negative is your feelings but we are letting you know all of that is NOT true. I still see more positive toward MJ than negative. That is my point. NO ONe is going to be loved by everyone even if they are drama free but what MJ has been through and to still be standing is a great feat. Even the FEW outlets than banned him now have him back on air. he is even being played back in Starbuck which I heard this week.
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I understand what you are saying but it isn't a good thing to feel negative all the time. Try to focus on the good things, not the loud minority.
We understand you and you were not the only one but again it is not all of that. That is what I am trying to help you with. Even if you are around negative people, those people do not represent everyone else. Keep your head high.
If people got banned just for feeling negative there'd be no one left. Haha.

LN took a huge toll on the fans and made a giant dent in MJ's legacy, but he's still standing. Anyone else would have been totally obliterated by what he's been hit with over the years.
I know LN made a lot of people who previously thought MJ was guilty finally do their research and they changed their minds. And things like the parents voting to keep Michael's name on that school auditorium in LA are proof that there's plenty of people out there with sense. It's not all doom and gloom.

We don't know what will happen with Taj's documentary or the initial impact it will have, but he's already mentioned interest from major providers. The important thing is that it will be out there now and for future generations. No one will remember LN even exists in 50 years. It's all just another blip on the timeline.
LN is fading now. Only tabloids and trashy media outlet out to desperate to get clicks still want to talk about it. If LN was so great, Kew media would be able to pay their bills. LOL
I'm gonna make this very clear. a lot people not gonna like me because i'm too positive. sure i can be negative too sometimes. but most the time i'm positive. i'm very positive person. just making a statement. if don't like positive then stay the heck away from me. :)
LN is fading now. Only tabloids and trashy media outlet out to desperate to get clicks still want to talk about it. If LN was so great, Kew media would be able to pay their bills. LOL

I've been saying LN's dead for a while now and it will be completely dead like right now tabloids and lies are dying away.