Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]


This is class haha

(The original article is in french - i used google for translation)

End of boycott of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is out of purgatory. Radios, including Rythme FM, have started playing his songs again. His records continuous listening increases. The repercussions of Leaving Neverland have been short-lived.

Released on HBO in March, the documentary had created a shock wave by presenting the testimony of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two men who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Jackson when they were 7 and 10 years old respectively.

In Quebec, Rythme FM and The Beat, two branches owned by Cogeco Media, had stopped broadcasting the singer's plays. "Last winter, people reacted a lot," says the director of communications of the company, Christine Dicaire. It was pretty virulent. It was better to take a step back and assess the situation. "

In recent weeks, The Beat and Rhythm FM have brought the catalog of the late "King of Pop" on air. And no station has received complaints from listeners. "Their response was positive," says Christine Dicaire.

A legacy too strong

Same story on the streaming music network Stingray, who had removed Jackson's songs from some of the channels he owns, but never as radically as he did for other artists accused of sexual misconduct like Gary Glitter, R. Kelly or Hedley.

"The strong musical legacy of Michael Jackson has made it hard for us," says his program and content director, Patrick Binette. The reactions were 50-50. Surprisingly, many people asked us to keep his songs. "

Of note: Jackson has still not re-entered Stingray's music video channels, or even his family-friendly karaoke apps. On YouTube, however, the singer's 1980s clips (Billie Jean, Beat it) continue to accumulate hundreds of thousands of daily screenings, and Thriller will remain one of the most played songs on Thursday, October 31st. According to a study of the Play Like Mum website, the 1983 hit appears on 92 Halloween playlists on Spotify, more than any other play.

Low impact

Moreover, the punishment inflicted on Michael Jackson seems to be over in the United States. Although compiling Nielsen Music's data, Billboard has seen a 32% radio audience drop for the artist since Leaving Neverland, and his success has never seen a drop in streaming.

"Leaving Neverland has not changed much," says music columnist Mike Gauthier. Those who believed [he had sexually assaulted children] still believe in it, and those who did not believe it do not believe it anymore. This story spanked more socially than musically. "
It is NOT about a "strong legacy". It is about seeing through LIES. As I keep saying, MJ was more investigated and dragged through the mud more than anyone who was accused (famous or non famous) and those people were all shown to be liars, changing stories, paid to lie/admitted to lying on MJ, etc. And anyone at this point who want to believe MJ abused kids are just sick minded people who just want to believe the lies due to being jealous of MJ, racial bigots, pitiful lives that they want to believe something negative on someone like MJ, or they can not admit they WERE WRONG and got DUPED by the lies all these years. Let those people who believe this trash get lied on and see how they feel.
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Paris78;4273517 said:

(The original article is in french - i used google for translation)

End of boycott of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is out of purgatory. Radios, including Rythme FM, have started playing his songs again. His records continuous listening increases. The repercussions of Leaving Neverland have been short-lived.

Released on HBO in March, the documentary had created a shock wave by presenting the testimony of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two men who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Jackson when they were 7 and 10 years old respectively.

In Quebec, Rythme FM and The Beat, two branches owned by Cogeco Media, had stopped broadcasting the singer's plays. "Last winter, people reacted a lot," says the director of communications of the company, Christine Dicaire. It was pretty virulent. It was better to take a step back and assess the situation. "

In recent weeks, The Beat and Rhythm FM have brought the catalog of the late "King of Pop" on air. And no station has received complaints from listeners. "Their response was positive," says Christine Dicaire.

A legacy too strong

Same story on the streaming music network Stingray, who had removed Jackson's songs from some of the channels he owns, but never as radically as he did for other artists accused of sexual misconduct like Gary Glitter, R. Kelly or Hedley.

"The strong musical legacy of Michael Jackson has made it hard for us," says his program and content director, Patrick Binette. The reactions were 50-50. Surprisingly, many people asked us to keep his songs. "

Of note: Jackson has still not re-entered Stingray's music video channels, or even his family-friendly karaoke apps. On YouTube, however, the singer's 1980s clips (Billie Jean, Beat it) continue to accumulate hundreds of thousands of daily screenings, and Thriller will remain one of the most played songs on Thursday, October 31st. According to a study of the Play Like Mum website, the 1983 hit appears on 92 Halloween playlists on Spotify, more than any other play.

Low impact

Moreover, the punishment inflicted on Michael Jackson seems to be over in the United States. Although compiling Nielsen Music's data, Billboard has seen a 32% radio audience drop for the artist since Leaving Neverland, and his success has never seen a drop in streaming.

"Leaving Neverland has not changed much," says music columnist Mike Gauthier. Those who believed [he had sexually assaulted children] still believe in it, and those who did not believe it do not believe it anymore. This story spanked more socially than musically. "

I still don’t trust Cogeco, they’re the main reason why I’m against the province all together let alone refuse to set my foot near or in Montreal.
Leaving Neverland is over, the crap is done..... we may still have the odd ripple going forward but the majority of the stress is over. I was at another wedding last night and they were blasting The Way You Make Me Feel! This is the 3rd wedding I've been to this year with Michael Jackson playing.

Michael survived , even with a total media campaign against him. He was #1 earning dead celebrity yet this year it was barely picked up by mainstream media. In a normal year I see close to 100 media outlets pick up the Forbes story... this year basically 5-6 outlets reported it. The reason was because MJ was #1, and that goes against their narrative to destroy him. Think about it, this Halloween Thriller was #1 on Amazon, #1 on i-Tunes, was viewed millions of times on YOTUBE, dances/tributes all over the world. ZERO media coverage other than 1-2 random articles. But Elton John calls him disturbed in some far off UK interview for his book and its front page news all over the world. Let that sink in....

Regardless, Michael Jackson fans have fought hard we really helped his legacy, without us this may have ended differently. We fought an entire corrupt media and we beat them at their own game thanks to social media.
leaving neverland is over, the crap is done..... We may still have the odd ripple going forward but the majority of the stress is over. I was at another wedding last night and they were blasting the way you make me feel! This is the 3rd wedding i've been to this year with michael jackson playing.

Michael survived , even with a total media campaign against him. He was #1 earning dead celebrity yet this year it was barely picked up by mainstream media. In a normal year i see close to 100 media outlets pick up the forbes story... This year basically 5-6 outlets reported it. The reason was because mj was #1, and that goes against their narrative to destroy him. Think about it, this halloween thriller was #1 on amazon, #1 on i-tunes, was viewed millions of times on yotube, dances/tributes all over the world. Zero media coverage other than 1-2 random articles. But elton john calls him disturbed in some far off uk interview for his book and its front page news all over the world. Let that sink in....

Regardless, michael jackson fans have fought hard we really helped his legacy, without us this may have ended differently. We fought an entire corrupt media and we beat them at their own game thanks to social media.
exactly. And I will make it my mission when I see a site talk about LN, I will point out Lies in Leaving Neverland and Square One and why wont they talk about it along with LN. If they can not talk about ALL them, they need to talk about NONE OF THEM none of it otherwise it prove they are FAKE MEDIA. The media does not like to come across in proving Trump to look right about them being fake news.
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Why does Rotten Tomatoes have a listing for 'Leaving Neverland: The Aftermath'
:ranting:F:censored:ING F:censored:ERS!!!:ranting:

I just checked the guide on my family’s Bell satellite on MUCH for “Stark Raving Dad” next week and it’s not there! Fellow Canadians, I urge you to launch a complaint against MUCH and Bell Media over this and show the evidence of FXX got the episode back from the dead and play it. If that episode is not playing in Canada, then “The Simpsons” is still dead to me! And make note that Bell owns HBO Canada.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RE MJ Estate v HBO: Next hearing is on 11/7/19 (this Thursday) and Judge Wu should decide whether the stay will be granted or not. If granted a stay would halt all proceedings pending the appeal. Appeal could take about a year.</p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">5. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There is ABSOLUTELY NO credible evidence.... NONE...and a 10 second google search would have told you that. And the guidelines are “using common sense”. Luckily most people are starting to make up their own minds and learn and spread the truth. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FactsDontLiePeopleDo</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="">5. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wow. Michael Jackson went through hell and back in 2005 to prove his innocence in court. He died an innocent man and is STILL innocent. How dare you spout lies as facts. Leave my uncle’s name out of your ignorant tweets. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Sneddonitis</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Taj Jackson (@tajjackson3) <a href="">5. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Safechuck claim in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LeavingNeverland</a> and in his filing that Michael gave him 1 of the 2 Thriller jackets during a visit to Hayvenhurst has never added up. No proof provided. Not one photo of Safechuck wearing it has ever surfaced and zero independent corroboration. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Leaving Neverland Facts (@NeverlandFacts) <a href="">4. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hey <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJFam</a> here's a new interview with Mesereau! He debunks all of the allegations, as usual. Enjoy, and please write a review of this episode on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher! It would greatly help out Dr. Shepp! <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LeavingNeverland</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MeToo</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SaneMJfan (@sanemjfan) <a href="">5. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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I see that HBO and the BBC want to work with Reed again. He is continuing to work on 'scripted drama'.
I sincerely hope that they won't allocate any research on this topic to him, and that he will be used just as a 'cameraman'.

HBO, BBC, ‘Leaving Neverland’ Director Dan Reed Team Up for ‘Superbug’ Documentary

“Leaving Neverland” director and producer Dan Reed, the BBC and HBO are teaming up on antibiotics documentary “Superbug,” which will be sold internationally by Kew Media Distribution.

Produced by Reed’s Amos Pictures, the feature-length film will tell the story of how humanity gained a wonder cure in antibiotics, but now faces losing it as so-called antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” are on the rise. It will play as a hybrid documentary with scripted elements, and tell the story of how this happened and what it means for the future humankind.

The scripted piece of the project will offer the opportunity for Hollywood talent to be involved, the producers said.

‘Superbug’ will feel like an epic, entertaining movie, using the full arsenal of screen storytelling: movie-grade computer-generated imagery, scripted drama and cinematography, and an orchestral musical score alongside classical documentary techniques with all the truth, intimacy, immediacy and sense of engagement that they deliver,” Reed said.

Kew Media will be on distribution duty, having previously sold Reed’s controversial “Leaving Neverland,” about alleged sexual abuse by Michael Jackson.

“The use of new digital technologies in ‘Superbug’ will enhance traditional storytelling and bring a cinematic experience into each viewer’s living room,” said Jonathan Ford, EVP of sales for Kew Media Distribution. “We are honored to build our catalogue of documentaries from the award-winning producer, Dan Reed.”

“Superbug” was commissioned by HBO joint head of documentaries Nancy Abraham and BBC Two commissioning editor Clare Sillery. It will bow in the U.K. and U.S. in 2021.
&#8220;We are honored to build our catalogue of documentaries from the award-winning producer, Dan Reed.&#8221;

The seem to want to push this for Dan and want to "label" him award winning to give his creditability. NOT. It is so obvious and laughable. The way MJ is being celebrated show the world have moved on from this trash. These fools are only entertaining themselves. MJ was talked about on the radio and tv about franks auction and no mention of LN. People have moved no.
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So, apparently a new HBO documentary about the Apollo has just aired – without any mention of MJ or the Jackson 5.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;Perhaps the most glaring omission in the film is the near-complete absence of Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, who rocketed to fame after their Amateur Night performance.&quot; Once again, <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#HBO</a> rewrites history... <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@idaorg</a></p>&mdash; Leaving Neverland Facts (@NeverlandFacts) <a href="">November 6, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hey <a href="">@HBO</a>, from the Chitlin' Circuit on, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 are an important, integral part of <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TheApollo</a>'s history. You cannot rewrite his history, no matter how hard you try. The Apollo Theater's marquee on 6/25/09 says it all. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ATrueApolloLegend</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; andjustice4some (@andjustice4some) <a href="">November 7, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Rewriting history …

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.” &#8213; George Orwell, 1984

Head over to Twitter and let The Apollo know what you think about this.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We can&#39;t thank you enough for tuning in to embrace, to witness, to celebrate, to watch the premiere of <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TheApolloDoc</a> on <a href="">@HBO</a> <a href="">@HBOdocs</a>! Here&#39;s WHAT&#39;S NEXT for our historic theater - and we do hope to be seeing you walk through our doors very soon! &#10084;&#65039; <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Apollo Theater (@ApolloTheater) <a href="">November 7, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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This is beyond pathetic now. It's like talking about silent comedy without mentioning Charlie Chaplin.

It's rewriting history right before our eyes.
I just don't get at all who's behind all this? Who benefits from erasing MJ from history? Who are willing (and powerful) enough to go after MJ to this extent even 10 years after his death?

HBO have not much to gain from this, so why are they willing to risk their reputation over it when there is not much in return for them (let's face it: LN wouldn't have been that big of a thing even if it wasn't the debunked flop it was).

It's a mystery.
Yes they definitely profit form the situation (for decades now), but that's too vague while all this requires orchestration and consistency. Plus it started way before the first allegation.

It looks like the main goal always was to diminish and eventually erase his cultural impact: it started with labeling him just a song and dance man without real artistry or control, then continued with mocking him to the point of dehumanisation, and then came the allegations that were just further excuses/tools in accomplishing the goal. The bigger he got the harsher the attacks became, but always without merit.

I really want to know the names behind this, who initiated it, who joined in it, who was paying the bill, who they were hiring to do the job... Not on a conspiracy level but the real facts. I swear this is a way bigger and interesting story than any kind of LN or other age-old boring stories about MJ. Sadly no one would dare to touch it.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fusselkopf (@Fussel_kopf) <a href="">7. November 2019</a></blockquote>
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What all those clowns fail to understand is that we have the internet now and we are many. Whatever they&#8217;re trying to achieve here, it won&#8217;t work.
This is beyond pathetic now. It's like talking about silent comedy without mentioning Charlie Chaplin.

It's rewriting history right before our eyes.

They will never removed MJ from Apollo history. This is HBO and what they have to focus on. There are other doc that is more truthful that this who the Estate is suing HBO.
Yes they definitely profit form the situation (for decades now), but that's too vague while all this requires orchestration and consistency. Plus it started way before the first allegation.

It looks like the main goal always was to diminish and eventually erase his cultural impact: it started with labeling him just a song and dance man without real artistry or control, then continued with mocking him to the point of dehumanisation, and then came the allegations that were just further excuses/tools in accomplishing the goal. The bigger he got the harsher the attacks became, but always without merit.

I really want to know the names behind this, who initiated it, who joined in it, who was paying the bill, who they were hiring to do the job... Not on a conspiracy level but the real facts. I swear this is a way bigger and interesting story than any kind of LN or other age-old boring stories about MJ. Sadly no one would dare to touch it.
MJ is still getting the VICOTORY so these things are failing and they (who ever behind it) is not working.
ozemouze;4273796 said:
It looks like the main goal always was to diminish and eventually erase his cultural impact

A black man walking the earth spreading joy, doing good, and telling people to love each other – what was he even thinking, the little troublemaker? Should have stuck with dancing for the white folks and singing other people’s songs instead of challenging their status quo. ;)
ScreenOrigami;4273811 said:
A black man walking the earth spreading joy, doing good, and telling people to love each other &#8211; what was he even thinking, the little troublemaker? Should have stuck with dancing for the white folks and singing other people&#8217;s songs instead of challenging their status quo. ;)
And let alone BUYING THE ATV CATALOG of one of the biggest groups (Beatles) in history. I still say a lot of it goes back to that when it comes to the media. Notice the UK named him w**** J**** after he brought that catalog. Notice no one else get "labeled" even for them being accused of being "eccentric'. It is much deeper.
I've just been reading that Reed is bringing out a new documentary with HBO, I wonder if that's all going to be lies as well, or can he manage to stick to facts this time
terrell;4273812 said:
And let alone BUYING THE ATV CATALOG of one of the biggest groups (Beatles) in history. I still say a lot of it goes back to that when it comes to the media. Notice the UK named him w**** J**** after he brought that catalog. Notice no one else get "labeled" even for them being accused of being "eccentric'. It is much deeper.

Agreed. And he wasn&#8217;t pulling off any dirty business tricks there either. The catalogue was up for sale and he bought it. How dare he, right?
I agree it started with the catalogue and the universal impact of Thriller (he became too big and influential while totally in control). The hate started way before the real scandals.
ScreenOrigami;4273811 said:
A black man walking the earth spreading joy, doing good, and telling people to love each other – what was he even thinking, the little troublemaker? Should have stuck with dancing for the white folks and singing other people’s songs instead of challenging their status quo. ;)

This. Not to mention he united people of all ages, races (as we are ALL human) and backgrounds. It must have scared the super rich and powerful folk.

They will never erase his cultural impact or legacy. What they fail to realize is that he was an artist of the people and we are many. They can't break every cd, dvd, youtube video, reference to him, every photo, book, article, artwork etc etc. Even if some apocalyptic event would happen that will wipe out all of mankind the aliens still going to find images and music of Michael. Lol. He is bigger than them. He still is and it scares them.

Wouldn't it be fun if Reed WOULD make a docu around a scientific topic? If he then gets a fact wrong is he also going to just point to his docu saying 'No just watch the documentary it all makes sense!'.....? I mean who cares about verifiable facts right. HBO sure puts a lot of faith in a man who couldn't recognize a fact even if it hit him in the face. Or is he just going to cut scenes that show inconsistencies out of it too long after it has been finished and aired? :rofl:
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Where other black artists hit the proverbial glass ceiling, MJ cut through it with such a precision that no one noticed, and next thing they knew he was already way up there. And all the hate that followed comes down to &#8220;How can we take him down, and how the hell did he get up there in the first place?&#8221;
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This hate began because he was black. Period. If he was a white man this kind of harassment didn´t happen. What a sad sad world we live in!