Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

myosotis;4257824 said:
More LN 'bullsh1t': (I'd love to know what the sales figs. for this soundtrack are.)

(Incidentally, I notice that gREED and HBO are given credits for the photos of Wade and MJ in the photos accompanying the article. That can't be right? Has gREED/ HBO purchased the rights to these pics, I wonder? )

‘Leaving Neverland’ Composer Chad Hobson Reveals Why He Didn’t Want to Release the Soundtrack'

Awards Daily’s Megan McLachlan talks with Leaving Neverland composer Chad Hobson about the process of creating the stunning score and why director Dan Reed’s filmmaking is so effective: ‘He’s very clear, but open at the same time, for you to really make the choice.’

One of the most exciting things a musician can experience is fan-demand for the release of music. Not so for Chad Hobson, music composer for HBO’s Leaving Neverland, the documentary that follows the years of alleged child sexual abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson. Fans urged Hobson to release the music from the Leaving Neverland soundtrack, but he was reluctant to do so.

“Do you want to be the guy that brought down Michael Jackson?” says Hobson. “But I was completely bombarded by people who wanted the music. I don’t think anyone realized how it would hit the #MeToo movement; I didn’t realize how empowering this would be for victims. When I realized that, I knew I had to put [the music] out. Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you’re above it.”

For the soundtrack to be memorable in one of the most-talked-about documentaries of the year is a true testament to the music adding to the narrative. It sounds like something out of a fairy tale.

“I’ve truly been overwhelmed by the reaction of the music. I really didn’t think that would register in people’s minds, other than the duty of the music to tell the story. It was a difficult process. My father died the weekend that I started work on it. I was in this really strange situation. And I felt the healing of that was to throw myself into what I loved most, which was music.”

The Composing Process

Before he even started working on the score, Hobson was called in by director and frequent collaborator Dan Reed to see a top-secret edit the film; the composer was left awestruck by what he viewed.

“They showed me the first twenty minutes, I didn’t utter a word. My jaw hit the floor. I thought, ‘All right. Okay. Here we go.’ Until I’d seen the rest of the edit, I thought, ‘How is this going to be four hours?’ Then you watch the first two hours, and you’re dying to find out what the next part is.”

After seeing the cut, Hobson set out to depict the idea through music of what it would be like to meet the King of Pop.

“You needed to feel the excitement and incredible coincidence of meeting this enormous star, and the magic and the joy—before we could get into the rest of the story, you really needed to feel that amazement. Michael Jackson is standing right in front of me. The magical element of the orchestra was all about the complete craziness of meeting this guy who was at the height of his powers.”

Hobson describes the process of composing the music as “properly bonkers,” especially when the movie grew from a two-hour film into a two-night, four-hour HBO event. He wrote, recorded, and delivered 132 cues in just two months, often having to work with orchestrations in different time zones from LA to Ecuador.

‘I’m a Happy-Go-Lucky Guy!’
This isn’t the first time Hobson and Reed worked together, as Hobson is often Reed’s go-to guy for music composition, on films with dark, tragic themes.

“I’ve worked with Dan many times and his filmmaking is always on the edge, with very difficult subject matter. Totally brilliant, and I love the challenge of trying to elevate myself to the standards that he has. He’s way up there, multi-award winning and all that and a great guy.”

Topics of Reed’s documentaries have included children dying of cancer and the Charlie Hebdo attacks, among others. But Hobson describes himself as a “happy-go-lucky” guy despite working on a lot of somber projects.

“I am a bit of a crazy person,” says Hobson. “I like difficulty. All of these despicable acts [on film] have their challenges of how to engage people in the story. As a composer, I always think it’s my duty to help tell the story. Why else would you want to do a job unless it’s challenging? If you’re going to stretch yourself artistically, you have to challenge yourself.”

Thoughts on Michael Jackson
When it comes to Hobson’s opinion on the Michael Jackson allegations in the film, he says he was in disbelief like much of the rest of the world, making the same assumptions people have for years—that it’s just Michael Jackson, he’s eccentric; that some people might just be trying to get money out of him. Wade Robson and Jimmy Safechuck’s stories in the film are too loud to ignore.

“At the premiere in the UK, the last time I heard an audience react like that was Schindler’s List. Nobody moved. Nobody said a word. The credits went up and you could hear a pin drop. Dan’s filmmaking is like that. He’s very clear, but open at the same time, for you to really make the choice—here’s the stuff, you make your decision. I think he’s always been very fair with that. He doesn’t try to stick any kind of message down your throat. In other words, if the boys were lying, you would have seen them for what they were, and if they’re telling the truth, then you see that.”

Hobson just wanted to support Reed with music that honored the story.

“Whether he’s guilty or not guilty, I wanted to tell the story the best I could with music, and hopefully I managed to do that. That was my job.”

As a musician himself, he understands why listening to MJ’s music might make people uncomfortable now, since some of the lyrical content has a different frame to be viewed through [“P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)” comes to mind]. He doesn’t find himself listening to Michael Jackson for an entirely different reason.

“It’s such a difficult one. The man or the music? I grew up with Michael Jackson. While I wasn’t a massive, crazy fan, I was a fan. Not sure how much playing of Michael Jackson I do these days, not so much because of all this, just because there’s loads of music to play. No need to play 30-year-old music.”

Has any other doc about this subject released a soundtrack?? ANYTHING FOR $$$ Makes me sick. You dont think any of those sales go to Wade/James? Motives are clear.
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The funny thing is, the vast majority of the public has ZERO interest in this documentary or the soundtrack. In fact at least half the people I've talked to in the past few months have had no idea this doc even existed. The mainstream media and the METOO crowd have pushed this hoping for it to catch on.

But in reality, the Cirque Du Soleil show is still going on and selling well, broadway still planning to go ahead, MJ's music still being played, etc. His legacy was damaged but not destroyed. It will repair trust me. Music is VERY powerful, especially when you're looked up to like a god. Michael is considered gold in the industry. He's like Godzilla. His music will live forever.

Broadway what?
Will you support Lynn Nottage who said MJ is a pedophile!
1nn5;4257848 said:
And suddenly, Prince Jackson remembered that his father is Michael Jackson.
But why he didn't remember that when JS and WR and Dan Reed accused MJ (his father) of pedophilia ! Strange.

This has to be one of the most ignorant statements posted in this forum. Some of you fans go to far. When has Prince EVER denied that Michael was his father. I’ll wait for the statement or video of your claim.
Hes talking about it interms of jr not defending him not the paternity. agree the poster needs to give it a rest. The biggest publicity the docu would get is if the kids started relasing statemens and then the follow up tweets etc that would come from reed.reed would love the attention and would love to get in a slanging match. If they dont understand that sometimes its better not to fan the flames then... what can you say
Hes talking about it interms of jr not defending him not the paternity. agree the poster needs to give it a rest. The biggest publicity the docu would get is if the kids started relasing statemens and then the follow up tweets etc that would come from reed.reed would love the attention and would love to get in a slanging match. If they dont understand that sometimes its better not to fan the flames then... what can you say

Thank YOU!! Plus, they will not be taken serious because they were not born (1993) and they were too young (2005).

Side note: I tell fans some people on the internet are trolls and just want to trash anyone who is the topic. Look at what TROLLS did to movie icon Doris DAy Wikipage. She died today at 97 years old. They have corrected it but the point is to show how some people behave and their goal to create drama online.
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Broadway what?
Will you support Lynn Nottage who said MJ is a pedophile!

Im not jumping on that train just yet. One interview with a tabloid in the UK, and she basically retracted her comments in the NYT interview a week later. She said plenty of very nice things about Michael as well. Personally, Im willing to hold out and see how this whole thing transpires before I write off the project.
I watched a show about legal matters and such things and it got me wondering about something. Is there any chance at all that Robson and Safechuck will win this and that they get the money that they are suing for? Any chance at all? God I hope not, because that would pretty much be the worst outcome.
Im not jumping on that train just yet. One interview with a tabloid in the UK, and she basically retracted her comments in the NYT interview a week later. She said plenty of very nice things about Michael as well. Personally, Im willing to hold out and see how this whole thing transpires before I write off the project.
And why she retracted her comments? Because fans got angry after her real interview with a tabloid.
She thinks MJ is a pedophile, that's not hard to understand that.
Her last interview when she said "nice things" about Michael, doesn't reflect her REAL opinion about MJ.
Just went through the previous pages and read it about Jada Pinkett Smith. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised anymore. She definitely was the kind of person I would have expected to think first, talk afterwards. Look up facts, do research and find out what is what. It would only take her a few minutes to find out what these two criminals are really about, their motives and their bullshit.

I'm really done with these big name celebrities that give their ridiculously inunformed opinion about two fake victims, two ****ing proven, admitted liars for christ sake.

I watched a show about legal matters and such things and it got me wondering about something. Is there any chance at all that Robson and Safechuck will win this and that they get the money that they are suing for? Any chance at all? God I hope not, because that would pretty much be the worst outcome.

Zero chance of getting anything from the estate in a court.
I wonder if JS and WR declarations in LN (and with Oprah) could be considered on appeal.
I watched a show about legal matters and such things and it got me wondering about something. Is there any chance at all that Robson and Safechuck will win this and that they get the money that they are suing for? Any chance at all? God I hope not, because that would pretty much be the worst outcome.

You can believe the Estate will bring in the LIES they told in the last law suits and expose their lies in those law suits. These guys may have played around with the media and haters/Oprah but that wont work in court.
I wonder if JS and WR declarations in LN (and with Oprah) could be considered on appeal.

Zero chance they hoped the film would cause the legislators to change the status of limitation but nothing of this sort happened at all. The legal community knows these r frauds. The media have tried very hard but the worst is behind us no status of limitation laws will be changed and their cases will be thrown out of court plus they will have to pay the estate the legal fees plus interest.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hopefully, this article by <a href="">@eScarry</a> will be the impetus the American media needs to question the veracity of LN. <br><br>We all know we’ve been deceived, we just need to start talking about it.<br><br>I don’t believe Michael Jackson’s accusers in ‘Leaving Neverland’ <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; icutmyownhair (@icutmyownhair2) <a href="">11. Mai 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Religion &amp; Culture | Standing up to <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MeToo</a> - The Michael Jackson case <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Leaving Neverland Facts (@NeverlandFacts) <a href="">13. Mai 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">*Taj has posted an update.* Please continue to donate everyone. No matter the amount it all helps. Michael gave us so much of himself, we can do this.<br> &#128175;&#10084;<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#mjinnocent</a><br>Untitled Michael Jackson Documentary Series <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; &#128142;&#127803; I Want 'Destiny'&#127803;&#128142; (@Indigostarr777) <a href="">13. Mai 2019</a></blockquote>
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Here’s a quick update for this past week.
It’s May 12th and I feel really good about the forward momentum and also what’s going on behind the scenes.
Each day more and more people are realizing that Leaving Neverland is one big fat lie. I am also grateful that Madonna took a pro stance defending my uncle Michael. However there is still a lot to do.
This project, as I have stated many times before, will focus on and debunk the biggest lies and rumors that the media has been carelessly recycling for decades.

Good News:
Some major allies have offered their help and support. I am constantly amazed at and reminded of the love and support for my uncle that has come from all over the world.

Phone Chats:
I have had some very interesting and important phone conversations this last week. I have a couple more in upcoming days.
The more people I talk to, the more I am sure that my approach will be the right one.

I’ve also have been watching Documentary after Documentary on my free time. Some of them really good, some of them not.
One thing is for sure, this project has to be high quality and be at the standard my uncle would have demanded.

Last but not least, I have done a couple of camera tests this past week and have some more next week.

I truly appreciate you guys supporting my uncle and wanting to see justice.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So, I’ve walked through Mandalay Bay on 4 different days on our Vegas trip so far. Huge crowds heading to see the <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MichaelJackson</a> ONE show every single time. <br><br>Remind me who y’all were trying to mute again? &#128514; The public know better. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MJInnocent</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Casey Rain (aka S-Endz) (@CaseyRain) <a href="">13. Mai 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">TV HOST &amp; Pop Culture Expert Jawn Murray discusses Leaving Neverland, the allegations surrounding Michael Jackson and the TRUTH!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; JR (@jamster83) <a href="">10. Mai 2019</a></blockquote>
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Paris78;4257875 said:
*Taj has posted an update.* Please continue to donate everyone. No matter the amount it all helps. Michael gave us so much of himself, we can do this.
Untitled Michael Jackson Documentary Series
— &#128142;&#127803; I Want 'Destiny'&#127803;&#128142; (@Indigostarr777) 13. Mai 2019
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Here’s a quick update for this past week.
It’s May 12th and I feel really good about the forward momentum and also what’s going on behind the scenes.
Each day more and more people are realizing that Leaving Neverland is one big fat lie. I am also grateful that Madonna took a pro stance defending my uncle Michael. However there is still a lot to do.
This project, as I have stated many times before, will focus on and debunk the biggest lies and rumors that the media has been carelessly recycling for decades.

Good News:
Some major allies have offered their help and support. I am constantly amazed at and reminded of the love and support for my uncle that has come from all over the world.

Phone Chats:
I have had some very interesting and important phone conversations this last week. I have a couple more in upcoming days.
The more people I talk to, the more I am sure that my approach will be the right one.

I’ve also have been watching Documentary after Documentary on my free time. Some of them really good, some of them not.
One thing is for sure, this project has to be high quality and be at the standard my uncle would have demanded.

Last but not least, I have done a couple of camera tests this past week and have some more next week.

I truly appreciate you guys supporting my uncle and wanting to see justice.
Great. But this is beyond MJ. This deals with LIARS. This deal with defending the dead. This deals with lynch mob and the role the media plays in it (That is how Jussie case blow up in the way it did. THE MEDIA did not wait). This deal with Perjury of the law. This deal with using real issues to con others and real victims may pay a price. This deal with the falsely accused even when facts are proven to show lies. etc.
The fact they released a motion picture soundtrack just makes the documentary seem ridiculous and comes across more like a movie.
Not sure this was ever asked and answered already, but, who is paying for WR and JS’s legal fees all these years? There in no way any lawyer would do s pro-bono with them? They already lost 2 times? They need to paid, so who is footing the bill this whole time?

I’m thinking the reason the Estate wants this lawsuit with HBO out in the open is because I think they want to expose the connections between HBO and the liars. I hope they get to arbitrate in an open way &#128591;&#127995;
The fact they released a motion picture soundtrack just makes the documentary seem ridiculous and comes across more like a movie.

Exactly. To my knowledge there hasn't been a OST for Untouchable and Surviving R Kelly, has there? And for any other docs about abuse in general? Don't believe so. Does this mark LN OST mark the first time a OST has been released for a abuse "doc"?
Exactly. To my knowledge there hasn't been a OST for Untouchable and Surviving R Kelly, has there? And for any other docs about abuse in general? Don't believe so. Does this mark LN OST mark the first time a OST has been released for a abuse "doc"?

let these idiots do it. It will prove our case even more. Conartist liars.
Exactly. To my knowledge there hasn't been a OST for Untouchable and Surviving R Kelly, has there? And for any other docs about abuse in general? Don't believe so. Does this mark LN OST mark the first time a OST has been released for a abuse "doc"?

I'm not sure. Tbh I've never seen a soundtrack on sale for any documentary, let alone one about abuse. They'll be selling t-shirts next.
Does anyone know why Norma Staikos isn't suing? Few people alive have been so falsly accused and slandered? Is it because of the costs or what? I haven't heard anything from Staikos since 2013, but of course I might have missed it.
MJPoetryFan;4257886 said:
Not sure this was ever asked and answered already, but, who is paying for WR and JS&#8217;s legal fees all these years? There in no way any lawyer would do s pro-bono with them? They already lost 2 times? They need to paid, so who is footing the bill this whole time?

Their fees are on hold until they lose their appeal, as far as I understand.
This whole thing is stupid. making a soundtrack of a mockumentary? this is ridiculous and need to be put to a stop.