Elusive, I hope this doesn't come off as rude but I think your personal loving nature makes you naive with Dan.. Dan is the driving force behind this documentary, he was not lied to by Wade and James.. THEY are lying to us.. He is the one that carefully edited that documentary, talked them through the process, cleverly used out of context situations to make Michael Jackson look like a pedophile.. If it was not for DAN, this would not be happening.
If anything, he is their leader.. (not in the accusation) but as to how they present the accusations. Dan is a liar, fake, manipulative narcissist. While Wade and James are the equipment this 'ship' is made out of, DAN is the 'contractor' that approved the building of the ship as Wade and James built it (along with their legal teams). Gave Dan the 'helm' as the CAPTAIN of the ship to drive the ship right through Michael Jackson into the hearts of millions of Michael Jackson supporters.. We bleed because of him!
Without him, (up until the moment he grabbed that 'gun') we had very little concern about these allegations.. mind you, they've been around for 7 years now.. THEY were failing, and he was seen as their savior.