Controversial MJ Documentary Leaving Neverland [GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD]

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

And that is where u have to break it down. And if he thought Mj was an "evil" man by 2005, why did it take wade in 2013 to make his so called see it? That makes no sense.

NONE of it makes sense and they were even contradicting themselves during the CBS interview too but Gayle is so far up their ass with her agenda that she won't point that out and obviously the rest are too stupd to think logically.

They say it was a "love story and no they didn't feel afraid or frightenede because it was all very loving and MJ said it#s a sign of love what we were doing". But then they also say "MJ threatened us and told us that we will go to jail if we ever tell anyone". But then they ALSO claim that they "had to keep it a secret" for 20 decades.....but also say they "didn't realize they were abused" until 2012. How can you keep something a secret if you AREN'T AWARE of any wrong doing as you say. What is there to keep secret about when you say you believed it was all "loving and didn't think there was anything bad or wrong about it". But then if MJ threatened you, how was it "loving". As I said...their stories make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE but f course NO ONE in th emedia reports about THAT and ponts that out and no one challenges them. And Gayle was intentionally manipulating the audience by asking ONLY about them "chaning their story" about what they said under oath in 2005 and why they changed that story. And made it seemed like they ONLY lied about that. But won't challenge them and ask them to explain how their different versions go together and how all the contradicting versions would ever work in reality and really grill them about it.

I'm at a point where I won't give any of thee media people any mor eattention nor any more clicks. CBS is struggling to get any likes or RT's or even comments so I will just let them fade into oblivion. They want attentiion? They won't get it. And the same goes for all these other media outlets. From now on I will nly watch YouTubers and support radio shows that are willing to report facts.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

What surprises me the most is the apparent radio silence from Safechuck's friends or associates.

Plenty of people have come out against Robson, but absolutely no one has offered commentary on Safechuck. Surely someone has to have an opinion on this?

Assuming he actually HAS friends and "associates"....
Boltzmann;4243794 said:
I am not Dan Reed. I have been a fan for 30 years. But that doesn’t mean that I have blinders on and can’t see the public opinion on this.

It pains me to go through this a third time. It was hell in 93, much worse in 2002-2005 and here we go again.

The general public is primed to accept this story and absent energetic and persuasive action by believable and convincing people, Michael’s legacy will be tarnished. That’s obvious. Recognising and saying this doesn’t make me the enemy.

I think you're wrong on this one. I don't care what people think. If they believe that nonsense, that's their loss. Not mine. Michael's legacy is a part of me, and that will never go away
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

98% of the comments on the BBC interview are hostile toward them. I pray people continue to have a critical mind when they hear them speak. Problem is in these interviews Dan Reed did not have the opportunity to get his dirty hands on them and makes them more dramatic but he did that with the doc. a ****ing psychopath.
Boltzmann;4243794 said:
I am not Dan Reed. I have been a fan for 30 years. But that doesn’t mean that I have blinders on and can’t see the public opinion on this.

It pains me to go through this a third time. It was hell in 93, much worse in 2002-2005 and here we go again.

The general public is primed to accept this story and absent energetic and persuasive action by believable and convincing people, Michael’s legacy will be tarnished. That’s obvious. Recognising and saying this doesn’t make me the enemy.

Stop the gloom doom. To me, I doubt the average person cares at this point. We either love MJ or U don't at this point. The people even in the media are the same outlets who did the same thing back in 2005 (I had to help cool some fans down even back then who were doing the same thing. And look, we got through it and MJ came back and even brought out Thriller remix that went through the roof). To me, it is just being tick off from people doing the same trash to MJ over and over. The media and tabloids ALWAYS had a thing against MJ because he brings in $$$$$$ (It's it funny this same media giving their views on this doc are the same ones who are not covering Harvey Weinstein doc or anyone else-and the ONLY reason why some talked about RKelly was because it was forced on them to cover; otherwise, Rkelly case/doc would have been overlooked. so that lets U know the real motive). Again, I can not speak for what going on in the UK, Germany, and other foreign lands when it comes to this but here in the United States, this story is still not to the level of 2005; now, next week, we will see and I hope everyone is armed. We in America already had egg on our face with the Jussie Smollett issues and most of our focus in on Trump/Cohen testimony even set for next week. I still say, as I always said on board, we can not take the comments of a few to make u think EVERYONE is sitting around trashing on MJ. The mere fact that two guys who defended MJ for years and now all of sudden going tv to tv in a doc is going to take MJ's career down. WONT HAPPEN. What would be the argument? Sorry MJ's case is NOT like RKelly. In America, IT WILL @#$% if anyone comes with trying to remove MJ or anything. Most of us know our media are trash with few exception (That is why trump can get away with saying "fake news" even though he causes more drama on himself). Like I say, the fact these people keep bothering MJ ticks me off; however, I keep things in perceptive even when I am debating a troll/MJ hater/poster online to know these fools are not the majority. And I still say, let Wade, james, Dan, have fun today and even the weekend, but come TUESDAY, when this two night trash air, the gloves of the dissect will come off. Bet on it. When Jussie mess broke out, many people were quiet on shows, radio, etc (this is why I tell fans do NOT say you know someone who talks to these fools believe them. people have to look "compassionate' for tv when they are told something for that moment); however, when @#$ hit the fan, then they reveal what they were thinking as they did with Jussie. I am look at Rachel Madel on MSNBC and Cumo on CNN are now dissect Trump' lies.
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

NONE of it makes sense and they were even contradicting themselves during the CBS interview too but Gayle is so far up their ass with her agenda that she won't point that out and obviously the rest are too stupd to think logically.

They say it was a "love story and no they didn't feel afraid or frightenede because it was all very loving and MJ said it#s a sign of love what we were doing". But then they also say "MJ threatened us and told us that we will go to jail if we ever tell anyone". But then they ALSO claim that they "had to keep it a secret" for 20 decades.....but also say they "didn't realize they were abused" until 2012. How can you keep something a secret if you AREN'T AWARE of any wrong doing as you say. What is there to keep secret about when you say you believed it was all "loving and didn't think there was anything bad or wrong about it". But then if MJ threatened you, how was it "loving". As I said...their stories make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE but f course NO ONE in th emedia reports about THAT and ponts that out and no one challenges them. And Gayle was intentionally manipulating the audience by asking ONLY about them "chaning their story" about what they said under oath in 2005 and why they changed that story. And made it seemed like they ONLY lied about that. But won't challenge them and ask them to explain how their different versions go together and how all the contradicting versions would ever work in reality and really grill them about it.

I'm at a point where I won't give any of thee media people any mor eattention nor any more clicks. CBS is struggling to get any likes or RT's or even comments so I will just let them fade into oblivion. They want attentiion? They won't get it. And the same goes for all these other media outlets. From now on I will nly watch YouTubers and support radio shows that are willing to report facts.
It will be challenge. Again, next week is the Week.
ManBehindTheMirrOr - Dona;4243769 said:
I saw parts of The Wade & James cbs interview on ET canada.

Yesterday the two ET canada journalists were scepitcal now they belives them!

Well, from what I saw Graeme said "I am not saying I do not believe them". Not very convincing. Did you hear something else?

Anyway, I just sent the following message to Graeme:

"Hello Graeme and sorry to disturb you!

I am from sweden and I watched a few clips with you about the Leaving Neverland Michael Jackson film.

I think generally you´ve been very fair and unbiased compared to other media. One thing I do not understand is that nobody mentions these men have MILLIONS $ of reasons to lie.

Wade Robson and Safechuck have a multi million dollar civil lawsuit pending against The Michael Jackson estate. (its on appeal after being thrown out)

Also Wade Robson tried to shop a book deal about the allegations which no one would publish since they did not find him credible. (A person one of these companies have said Robson asked for a large amount money for his book)

Add the fact that Wade Robson started his allegations after The MJ estate denied him the directors job for the Michael Jackson cirque du soleil show in Las Vegas. A job court records show Robson was begging for.

Coincidently Robsons career was tanking in 2012 and in court records family members admits Robson was afraid he would not be able to provide for his family.

It was ONLY then he suddenly realized he had been abused by Michael Jackson after praising him in interviews and doing tributes for him 2009 to 2012.

Furthermore Robson has started a not for profit foundation and is soliciting donations. There can be no transparency, as he’s parked his 501 c3 very cleverly under something called the Hawaii Community Foundation. That way, Robson doesn’t have to file a form 990. We’ll never know if the makers of “Leaving Neverland” have donated money to it, for example. Its hidden. This was done on purpose. Leonardo DiCaprio does the same thing with his Foundation.

Dont you think what I mentioned above is worth mentioning? I find it absurd that people say these 2 men have "no financial interest" at all in whats going on when they have millions of dollars at stake in their lawsuit against the MJ estate.

At last, Robson has been caught lying multiple times during his litigation against the MJ estate, he hid the fact that he had been shopping a book deal EVEN from his own lawyers. In fact they judge called him out one time and said nobody could believe what he was telling was the truth.

As for Safechuck:

In his lawsuit, Safechuck described Michael Jacksons record company MJJ Productions as "a school" and therefore MJJ Productions would be responsible for all "the children within it". This was so laughable that the judge called Safechuck out for it!

But it raises a more alarming factor. If MJJ Productions were indeed a school, they would not only be civically responsible for the ALLEGED molestation, but also CRIMINALLY responsible!

So why did Safechuck not file a CRIMINAL case then? I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that a criminal case would not get him ANY MONEY!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If someone cared to dig a little deeper they would see these accusers who are admitted perjurers also have a long list of credibility problems and contradicting their own stories during the years 2013 to 2019.

Its all there in writing, if you look into their civil cases against MJ estate from 2013 to 2017.

But no one seem to be interested in doing even a little research, instead just taking the claims as truth. When I ask if if they have read the court transcript, they reply "Watch the film, its powerful" the say.

MJs lawyer Tom Mesereaus words: "Just becaue its graphic, does not mean its true"

Unless people researched the evidence, being NEUTRAL should be the norm. Not publicly lynching a man that was exonerated in court and by FBI, POLICE, CPS etc.
Anyway, this was not criticism against you AT ALL, I just hope you could maybe keep this in mind and maybe mention the MULTI million dollar lawsuit the next time discussing the case.

Thanks for being unbiased, take care and keep up the good work!"
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

98% of the comments on the BBC interview are hostile toward them. I pray people continue to have a critical mind when they hear them speak. Problem is in these interviews Dan Reed did not have the opportunity to get his dirty hands on them and makes them more dramatic but he did that with the doc. a ****ing psychopath.
And see, soon, that is going to backfire. Who is the @#$ will be doing interviews like this in what they are claiming after losing two law suites and praising a man for years even in court under oath? Most people are NOT that stupid to believe such a thing. Again, I can careless about haters/trolls. And yes, there maybe on or two people to go into shock when they hear that trash but the "reality" will start kicking in like 'wait a minute" something aint right here.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

MJs lawyer Tom Mesereaus words: "Just becaue its graphic, does not mean its true"

keep going back to the Jussie Smollett story: white men attacking a black man in a predominate black neighborhood in Chicago "rough side", wearing MAGA hats by Trump, attacking in 20 below degree weather in Chicago, hitting me in the face with noose around my neck and walking down the street with the noose still attach to me; sent me a letter; why would I lie about something this serious; I am an activist; blah, blah
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I dont think it's a reaction to LN at all .
They overvalued the ranch in the first place , plus it has been incredible difficult to sell it .
Neverland has a very strong identity , it will always be linked to MJPotential investors could never invest it emotionally as for the general public it's stays Michael Jackson ranch no matter what .
I hope it does not sell and the family can get it back.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Safechuck claims Michael and him was still in love at this time.

Lisa Marie was just a distraction too fool the media.

Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Safechuck claims Michael and him was still in love at this time.

Lisa Marie was just a distraction too fool the media.

Oh please, this fool knew many people were not into believing MJ & lMP was some great love. I think she cared for him and he cared for him in what he was going through. Not to fool someone. When someone Is trying to fool someone, they date publicly and it is well-known they dated in public; then they have big wedding publicly; with LMP and MJ, the public did not even know they were married for over 1-1/2, not even their families. So how is that trying to fool the public? His marriage to LMP had nothing to do with his @$$. And to see U here walking with an umbrella, boy please, stop lying.
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Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

I think you're wrong on this one. I don't care what people think. If they believe that nonsense, that's their loss. Not mine. Michael's legacy is a part of me, and that will never go away
Let the church say: AMEN!
Sorry, I’m just seeing your message.

Michael Jackson’s brothers say accusers’ film neglects facts
By ANDREW DALTON yesterday
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LOS ANGELES (AP) — The family of Michael Jackson had a feeling the years-old child molestation allegations against the pop superstar would resurface at some point. So they say they weren’t entirely surprised to learn that a forthcoming HBO documentary would feature two of his accusers.
“I thought, ‘Oh here we go again,’” Jackson’s oldest brother Jackie Jackson said Tuesday of the moment he learned of “Leaving Neverland” while on tour in Australia. “That’s the first thing we said,” Jackie Jackson said during an interview with The Associated Press seated next to his brothers Tito, Marlon and his nephew, Taj.
The documentary, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival to a standing ovation , will starting Sunday air the abuse allegations of two men , Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who had previously denied Jackson molested them and supported him to authorities and in Robson’s case, very publicly.
“It was going to be the 10-year anniversary,” Taj Jackson said, referring to his uncle’s June 2009 death. “I remember a year ago I was like, ’This is too appetizing for the media. They’re going to do something. This is the time when everyone comes out of the woodwork, the same cast, the same characters that have been discredited throughout the years. They have a platform now to talk about Michael Jackson.”
It was the latest and most public pushback from the family and Jackson estate, which have repeatedly denounced the documentary in recent weeks through written statements, a lawsuit , and letters to HBO and Britain’s Channel 4, which plan to air the film. HBO announced Wednesday that it will air a special on Monday night in which Oprah Winfrey also interviews Robson and Safechuck .
Their central criticism has been the film’s failure to talk to family members or other defenders of Jackson, whom they insist never molested a child.
The brothers said they would have answered the allegations had the filmmakers asked them.
“Oh, we definitely would have come and talked to them about the situation ... to protect our brother,” Tito Jackson said. “He’s not here no more. He’s passed, and, we’re his brothers, we’re supposed to do this.”
Marlon Jackson added, “I look at it as yes, you’re protecting your brother, but you’re telling the truth, and we want people to understand the truth. And I do not understand how a filmmaker can make a documentary and not want to speak to myself or some of the other families that were at Neverland.”
The documentary’s director Dan Reed has repeatedly defended his film, which uses only the voices of Robson, Safechuck and their families.
“It’s the story of these two families and not of all the other people who were or weren’t abused by Michael Jackson,” Reed told the AP the day after the film’s premiere. “People who spent time with him can go, ‘he couldn’t possibly be a pedophile.’ How do they know? It’s absurd.”
Robson, 36, and Safechuck, 40, both came forward as adults, first via 2013 lawsuits and later in the documentary, to talk about the alleged abuse, which Robson says started when he was 7, Safechuck when he was 10.
Both had previously told authorities there had been no abuse, with Robson testifying in Jackson’s defense at the 2005 molestation trial that ended with the superstar’s acquittal.
Jackson family members say they were especially stunned to first hear such allegations coming from Robson, a noted choreographer who has worked with Britney Spears and ’N Sync. Many Jacksons, including Taj, had known Robson and his family since he was a child. Robson had dated Jackie Jackson’s daughter for over seven years.
“I was like ’No that can’t be Wade Robson not the same guy that I knew, They must have got the names wrong,” Taj Jackson said. “Wade was the most adamant person when it came to 2005 and the trial. He was their first defense witness. He was the star witness. He was adamant that nothing ever happened.”
Taj Jackson said he remembers thanking Robson the day he testified, and Robson responding that it was the least he could do for Michael.
“To see that 180, it feels like the biggest backstab that you could possibly feel,” he said.
The film acknowledges and discusses the men’s initial denials of abuse. Both say they experienced trauma that emerged as adults when they started to accept what happened to them.
No one in the Jackson family has any memory of meeting Safechuck. They have focused their criticism on Robson, whose allegations, they say, have coincided with financial problems.
They say in particular that being denied a job with a Jackson-themed Cirque du Soleil show prompted him to change his story.
Robson has said it had no bearing on the allegations, and that he actually removed himself from the Cirque du Soleil show because he was having nervous breakdowns. Those prompted him to talk to his therapist for the first time about the abuse.
Robson’s attorney Vince Finaldi said Wednesday that it was in fact the trauma from reliving the sexual abuse that caused Robson’s financial problems, because he stopped working to deal with it.
“One of the keys to his healing was stepping away from the entertainment industry,” Finaldi said.
The men’s lawsuits have been thrown out on technical grounds, but their attorneys are appealing the rulings. Finaldi said they will pursue all available means whether via the law or media to tell their stories.
“They’re never going to stop speaking their truth,” he said.
The Jackson estate’s lawsuit , filed last week, alleges “Leaving Neverland” violates a 1992 contract agreeing the channel would not disparage Jackson in the future. HBO called the lawsuit a desperate attempt to undermine the film.
Jackson’s family urged those inclined to watch “Leaving Neverland” to look deeper into the situation.
“That’s all we’re worried about is just facts,” Marlon Jackson said. “The facts, which are public record, tell a totally different story than what this documentary talks about.”
Follow Andrew Dalton on Twitter:
“People who spent time with him can go, ‘he couldn’t possibly be a pedophile.’ How do they know? It’s absurd.”

Ok, but You Dan Reed who NEVER talked to MJ or studied his case can act like YOu know he is a pedophile and who are talking to two liars? That is absurb. I would tell Dan Reed, I think he is a pedophile since he seem to be so fascinated by the subject and ready to label someone else whom he does not know and hiding behind the title "director" to hide his feelings.
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Robson’s attorney Vince Finaldi said Wednesday that it was in fact the trauma from reliving the sexual abuse that caused Robson’s financial problems, because he stopped working to deal with it.

Wasn't this fool trying to sell stuff to Julian Auction in 2012 and having "money problems" BEFORE having this so called "breakdown"? These people think people are stupid.
terrell;4243816 said:
“People who spent time with him can go, ‘he couldn’t possibly be a pedophile.’ How do they know? It’s absurd.”

Ok, but You Dan Reed who NEVER talked to MJ or studied his case can act like YOu know he is a pedophile and who are talking to two liars? That is absurb. I would tell Dan Reed, I think he is a pedophile since he seem to be so fascinated by the subject and ready to label someone else whom he does not know and hiding behind the title "director" to hide his feelings.
I so....100% AGREE with you about Dan Reed. He can be described as a Pedophile promoter.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

Some people in the media (e.g. Oprah Winfrey and Dan Reed) are using "Leaving Neverland" as a
license to discuss their own secret obsession about pedophilia. This reflects on their true nature not Michael Jackson's.
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"


Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

^ I sure hope the estate has more plans than a letter from a religious group. We need big guns here. Clearly that 100 million dollar lawsuit isn't worrying HBO at all. Get ready guys, today was just day 1 of the shit show. The next 7 days are going to be horrendous..... I know its been impacting me emotionally. Im anxious, its affecting my sleep. I feel defeated and angry. Things were so incredible the past 10 years, but we are right back to 2005 again. Ughhh
[FONT=&amp][/FONT]Richard Plepler Departing HBO After Three Decades at Cable Giant[FONT=&amp]

2:24 PM PST 2/28/2019 by Kim Masters , Michael O'Connell

<figure class="main-media main-media--image main-media--landscape is-content-initialized" data-media-type="image" data-media-id="1191496" data-content-type="expandableImage" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 1em 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: &quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; vertical-align: baseline; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
<figcaption class="media__details-text" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0.5em 0px; border: 0px; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;">Daniel Zuchnik/Getty
Richard Plepler

</figure>[FONT=&amp]It's the end of an era.

One of the most storied runs in TV is coming to an end. Richard Plepler is leaving HBO after 27 years with the cable giant, three decades that saw the “Home Box Office” become the premiere generator of prestige TV content and a global brand with few contemporaries. Plepler informed staff of his decision in a Thursday memo.
"My dad always gave the best advice," reads the letter Plepler sent company-wide. "Whenever there was a difficult decision to make, he counseled that since no one could ever have perfect visibility into the future, the best thing you could do was trust your instincts. It has been a touchstone for me throughout my life, and I have found myself returning to it again recently as I think about what is an inflection point in the life of this wonderful company. Hard as it is to think about leaving the company I love, and the people I love in it, it is the right time for me to do so."
News of Plepler's departure comes nine months after AT&T's $85 billion-$105 billion acquisition of HBO parent Time Warner was approved and finalized, forming WarnerMedia, and days after The Hollywood Reporter reported that Bob Greenblatt is in talks with the company about a big new role — one that would put the former NBC Entertainment chairman in a leadership position atop a sprawling TV portfolio.
The 59-year-old Plepler is said to have reached his decision to leave several weeks ago. Sources cite HBO's shrinking autonomy within the expanded WarnerMedia portfolio as a major motivator and say that Plepler had a "gracious" conversation WarnerMedia CEO John Stankey about departing before the chatter about a new top programming hire at the parent company had started.
Plepler joined HBO in 1992, eventually rising to co-president (a role he held from 2007 to 2012) and then chairman and CEO in 2013. Some of his biggest contributions to the pay cabler include giving the green light to such legacy hits as Game of Thrones, Girls and Veep and overseeing the launch of primetime originals at sister network Cinemax and a successful segue into streaming with HBO Go and OTT option HBO Now. Classic cable users, combined with those who exclusively stream, have the current global HBO imprint at just under 130 million subscribers. (Including Cinemax, Plepler's portfolio has over 142 million subscribers.)
Recent years have seen HBO's industry dominance challenged by the rise of Netflix, both in the streamer's play of subscribers and prestige. There was a bit of an upset at the 2018 Emmys when Netflix surpassed HBO in nominations, though the two ultimately tied in wins. Plepler and entertainment president Casey Bloys had brushed off suggestions that HBO would need to up its content tally, modest in comparison to Netflix's, but all that changed when WarnerMedia was formed. The network is now looking to ramp up its original offerings in an effort to stay competitive with Netflix, Amazon and umpteen other upcoming streaming rivals.

Read the full memo below.
My dad always gave the best advice. Whenever there was a difficult decision to make, he counseled that since no one could ever have perfect visibility into the future, the best thing you could do was trust your instincts. It has been a touchstone for me throughout my life, and I have found myself returning to it again recently as I think about what is an inflection point in the life of this wonderful company. Hard as it is to think about leaving the company I love, and the people I love in it, it is the right time for me to do so.
In the past weeks, I’ve thought a lot about the incredible journey of this company in the nearly 28 years that I have been blessed to be here. It’s a journey of great pride and accomplishment because so many of you, and many others before us, have made HBO a cultural and business phenomenon. Thanks to all of you, we are today churning on all cylinders both creatively and as a business. Thanks to all of you, I can move on to the next chapter of my life knowing that the best team in the industry remains here to carry on our continued progress and success. As I have said before, this is the team of teams.
It has been the great joy of my professional life to share this ride with you over these many years. And the great honor of my professional life to be your CEO. I don’t have the words to express my gratitude for the support and talent that made our success together possible. But suffice it to say, my love for this place, and for all of you, is deeply a part of me and will last a lifetime. I look forward over the coming weeks to thanking as many of you as I can for the thousands of contributions big and small that have made “this thing of ours,” to quote Tony Soprano, so special. I have told John, who has been nothing but gracious since we spoke, that I would work closely with him to assure a seamless and organic transition.
We’ve created a great and unique enterprise and I know that you will protect its legacy and do all to enhance its future in the years to come.
Know that I will always be cheering loudly, even when I am outside this building, as HBO continues to thrive.
With respect, admiration, and gratitude,

travis3000;4243821 said:
^ I sure hope the estate has more plans than a letter from a religious group. We need big guns here. Clearly that 100 million dollar lawsuit isn't worrying HBO at all. Get ready guys, today was just day 1 of the shit show. The next 7 days are going to be horrendous..... I know its been impacting me emotionally. Im anxious, its affecting my sleep. I feel defeated and angry. Things were so incredible the past 10 years, but we are right back to 2005 again. Ughhh

Are you sure the shitstorm will last only 7 days? Considering the following schedule:

3rd and 4th march - USA
6th and 7th march - United Kingdom
8th March - Netherlands
8th March - Belgium
8th march - Denmark
8th March - Norway
9th and 10th march - Australia

9th March - Sweden (STREAMING)

12th and 14th March - Sweden (TV)

21th March - France - With the re-named title - &#8220;Michael Jackson: The Victims&#8217;s voices&#8221;
CherubimII;4243819 said:
Some people in the media (e.g. Oprah Winfrey and Dan Reed) are using "Leaving Neverland" as a
license to discuss their own secret obsession about pedophilia. This reflects on their true nature not Michael Jackson's.
I agree. I’ll say this again, I think Dan Reed is an undercover child molester. And Wade and Jimmy are as well, or gay. The male Billie Jeans/Dirty Dianas. Hollywood is full of them
CherubimII;4243819 said:
Some people in the media (e.g. Oprah Winfrey and Dan Reed) are using "Leaving Neverland" as a
license to discuss their own secret obsession about pedophilia. This reflects on their true nature not Michael Jackson's.

travis3000;4243821 said:
^ I sure hope the estate has more plans than a letter from a religious group. We need big guns here. Clearly that 100 million dollar lawsuit isn't worrying HBO at all. Get ready guys, today was just day 1 of the shit show. The next 7 days are going to be horrendous..... I know its been impacting me emotionally. Im anxious, its affecting my sleep. I feel defeated and angry. Things were so incredible the past 10 years, but we are right back to 2005 again. Ughhh
It’ll be alright, we’ve been through this before, and this will not be any different. We got our social media platforms. Keep God in your heart. Remember, the only way to cancel Michael Jackson is you. Don’t worry about what people think. Most of them won’t even care anyways.

SCLC is from my hometown, Altanta. ATL’s in the house!
Carmour260;4243825 said:
It’ll be alright, we’ve been through this before, and this will not be any different. We got our social media platforms. Keep God in your heart. Remember, the only way to cancel Michael Jackson is you. Don’t worry about what people think. Most of them won’t even care anyways.

SCLC is from my hometown, Altanta. ATL’s in the house!
So True!!!!
Carmour260;4243824 said:
I agree. I&#8217;ll say this again, I think Dan Reed is an undercover child molester. And Wade and Jimmy are as well, or gay. The male Billie Jeans/Dirty Dianas. Hollywood is full of them

I agree with you, and I think Dan Reed should be investigated by the authorities.
La74;4243743 said:

So it very graphic but it it Safechuck mother says she danced then she heard Michael was dead but Michael died in 2009 and Safechuck didn’t ”realize he was abused” until 2013..

This is not correct. safechuck tells in his lawsuit that in 2005 he did not support michael in the trial because he already knew he was "a bad man" and it was in 2005 when he told his mother that something bad happened with Michael and him when he was a child .
in 2013 it was when he was "prepared" to tell it openly and denounce
Re: Sundance Festival 2019 - Controversial MJ Documentary "Leaving Neverland"

This is not correct. safechuck tells in his lawsuit that in 2005 he did not support michael in the trial because he already knew he was "a bad man" and it was in 2005 when he told his mother that something bad happened with Michael and him when he was a child .
in 2013 it was when he was "prepared" to tell it openly and denounce
Wade and James are liars. We know that, and their promoters like Dan Reed and Oprah know this. They are using Michael Jackson to achieve their real agenda:
the normalization of pedophilia.
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Carmour260;4243824 said:
I agree. I’ll say this again, I think Dan Reed is an undercover child molester. And Wade and Jimmy are as well, or gay. The male Billie Jeans/Dirty Dianas. Hollywood is full of them

What would be the relevance of their sexual orientation?.... I'll help you out, its zero!!