Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No Links allowed]

Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Admin note: Thread cleaned. As stated in the opening post of this thread.
Let's keep the topic/discussion in this thread focused on Conrad Murray.

Take ANY discussions about Katherine, the Jackson's, restitution/ restraining orders etc. to
The Jackson Family actions concerning Conrad Murray. [Discussion Thread

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Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

On TMZ Harry Levin (name right ?!) just spoke about this mess:

Quote: CM ist an absolute asshole.He violated the patient-doctor-relationship. Anyone who thinks this guy has his right as a doctor, has to be sick in his head. He said he loves MJ- he doesnt even know what love is.This is so sick...he *** on MJ's grave. This all will do nothing to bring up the truth.
All about the money - so disgusting.

To say it short: I agree.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Dr. Patrick Treacy ?@peege 1h
Lies lies & lies. If there was no propofol infusion attached I suspect it's only because Murray himself first hid it.
Just saw the Daytime Interview-the Interviewer didn't seem to like CM at all ("you are taking about you being the victim-what about the family-his children)...and as for Murray when asked, why he didnt call 911..."i'm a specialist"

OMG !!! Just shut up !
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

On TMZ Harry Levin (name right ?!) just spoke about this mess:

Quote: CM ist an absolute asshole.He violated the patient-doctor-relationship. Anyone who thinks this guy has his right as a doctor, has to be sick in his head. He said he loves MJ- he doesnt even know what love is.This is so sick...he *** on MJ's grave. This all will do nothing to bring up the truth.
All about the money - so disgusting.

To say it short: I agree.

OK. Then why did TMZ write that article about it with that inflammatory title?
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Cause most media types are hypocrites!
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

OK. Then why did TMZ write that article about it with that inflammatory title?

He said, in the beginning the tried to be openminded (yes - dont need to comment,i know its TMZ ),'cause they think Murray didnt want to kill MJ.But now every little bit of trying to understand is gone.

and at the end - its TMZ- Media-what else do we have to say...just sad
Transcript for 60 Minutes Interview Video Clip

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: This transcript may contain very graphic and disturbing content and information some may find highly sensitive.


CM: I love Michael, I love Michael Jackson. I love him.

Not quite how you would expect a doctor to describe his relationship with a patient.

Int: How close was that relationship?

CM: Ahhh, I was his closest friend. See, indeed I was Michael’s doctor, but I spent more time with him as a friend and taking care of him medically. I love Michael. I will mourn him loss forever. I am so sad that he’s not here.

Int: When did you accept that Michael Jackson was dead?

CM: Oh at UCLA.. UCLA. I can tell you that I tried the best I can, I was one man doing CPR, ventilating him with an Ambu Bag and did mouth to mouth resuscitation but I wanted to help Michael wholeheartedly. I loved Michael.

Int: You shut down your practice basically to go and work exclusively with him. Did you do that for the money because you were in debt? Were you starstruck? Were you seduced by fame?

CM: Not at all, I’d been Michael Jackson’s doctor for three years before that time, i was not starstruck by Michael. If it was anything, I was so sympathetic to Michael because of the things I have learned about Michael, the things he had shared with me. I did not agree with Michael in using such a powerful sedative for sleep so what i told Michael was that “we have to get you off of that substance” however, I mean call it ideal or non ideal, Michael Jackson is not a guy you can just say “stop it”.

Int: But it’s not a treatment for insomnia no matter what he said to you, no matter how he begged, no matter how hard it is that he is Michael Jackson asking you. The truth is, and it is the thing.. I don’t know why you don’t accept is that you should have never given it to him ever.

CM: Michael Jackson had a lot of doctors who treated him with Propofol. Conrad Murray was a doctor who treated him with Propofol but with the intention of getting Michael to understand “I do not want you using the substance again” and I succeeded. You may not believe….

Int: But you didn’t succeed though. He died.

CM: Let me finish, let me finish. Maybe I’m not making this point very clear.

Int: I’m hearing you but you’re not accepting that you thought you were doing the right thing by trying to get him off it but still using it. Frankly, you should have never given it to him in the first place.

CM: Listen to me if I had wanted to blackmail Michael Jackson it wouldn’t take that phone call, it would be far worse than that. It would shatter the world. Okay?

Int: What do you mean by that?

CM: Just what I said. When he said to me, “If I don’t go to rehearsal, I’m going to lose everything.” I was already informed that Michael Jackson was over 40 million dollars in the hold and climbing. When I saw how desperate he was and I knew how much of a destitute he was and what he was facing if he did not do this, it all again, fell on my heart.

Int: But you’re not his accountant. You’re his doctor.

CM: I’m not his accountant. I’m not his accountant, but I’m just trying to tell you that when I put the whole situation together, I was very concerned for Michael.

Murray gave in and he says he gave Jackson a small amount of Propofol and when he considered it safe to do so he left the room for a short time.

Int: What was that moment like when you walked into that room and saw he wasn’t breathing?

CM: Oh my God, I was stunned in a sense, I mean initially you know, what happened here? What happened?

What happened saw Conrad Murray sentenced to four years jail. (video of guilty verdict)

Int: The coroner found that Michael Jackson died from acute intoxication of Propofol and that his body had enough Propofol in it that would be equivalent to someone having major surgery. How did that get into his body?

CM: Well (clears throat) this takes an education.

Int: A simple explanation is….

CM: I did not give it to him.

Int: Okay so if you didn’t put it there who did?

CM: Michael.

Int: And again, I think the Deputy Coroner has pointed out that that is absolutely absurd.

CM: No it’s not.

Int: It would be almost impossible for him to come out of his sleep, inject the Propofol and be unconscious and indeed no longer breathing, in the two minutes that you say you left the room.

CM: One of the good things of the properties of Propofol is that it is so quick to act and it is so quick for the effect to leave you.

Int: In two minutes he’s come out of his sleep, he’s injected himself with Propofol that I am assuming is handy to him to be able to do, and then he’s gone back to sleep and blow me down he’s died and you were not there.

CM: I’m saying that Michael Jackson died unfortunately from an accident based upon his actions.

Int: Hand on heart, you don’t believe that do you?

CM: That what?

Int: You made that up. That’s just not true.

CM: No, that’s not the case.

Int: You are his friend.

CM: mmhhmm

Int: You would not tell that story.

CM: I was not present when Michael Jackson took matters in his own hand. Michael Jackson, as you have realized now is a drug addict.

Int: I’ve got to be honest and say a court didn’t believe you, jurors didn’t believe you, the judge said it was “medical madness” that this was a homicide case. It’s not even malpractice. Michael Jackson died because you killed him.

CM: I did not kill Michael Jackson. I met Michael Jackson in his state, lifeless or not. I met him a state that all I did — I did my best to help and to survive (sic) revive him— (stutters) I mean I can give — I’m giving instructions, they’re doing CPR. I can basically say this is going to be so explosive

Int: But surely…

CM: I’m telling you what I did…

Int: But surely, it’s like “what?” Wouldn’t you do that afterwards? You have Michael Jackson on a gurney here..

Dr. Murray’s behavior that day concerned many, including the fact that he failed to tell Paramedics he’d given Jackson Propofol.

CM: Why not?

CM: Because Propofol was not an issue based upon the treatment that I’d given Michael.

Int: But you told the paramedics about the other drugs so why not mention that as part of what’s occurred in the past few hours?

CM: Some of the other things that I mentioned to the paramedics, the place was really .. it was horrible.

Int: But Propofol is the one drug that you would probably would mention.

CM: But Propofol had no effect because I understand Propofol, I use Propofol, his Propofol was totally gone. There’s no reason….

Int: As it turns out it was the drug that killed him. That’s what the Coroner found he died from.

CM: But it was not related to what I had given him.

Int: Do you speak to Michael?

CM: Have I spoken to Michael?

Int: Yes.

CM: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes I have. The last time Michael spoke to me day that I — when the verdict came for the civil trial (chuckles). Michael touched me. He put his hands on my shoulder and he touched me and he spoke to me. Michael speaks to me. He does.

Int: What does he say?

CM: Umm… It’s too emotional to go into at this time. Just too emotional.

Int: What do we make of a man who slept with a dolly and had a urinary bag attached to him? What do we make of that?

CM: Michael… (silence) I’m going to be so .. I’m fair and I’m open and let me just say that Michael is not a perfect man by far. Michael has a huge dark shadow. Michael slept with dolls yes. Is that normal? No, it’s not normal but if you understood the history of Michael as a child and the things that he has encountered in life and you’re willing to listen. You probably wouldn’t judge him.

Int: Do you believe he’s a pedophile?

CM: (Silence) I am not prepared to answer that question. Not now, and I will tell you the reason why. My interview with you is quite candid and honest. I would not make up or fabricate anything…

Int: As a friend and somebody that is his closest friend, I would have expected you to say “absolutely not”.

CM: Well sometimes expectations are not alway satisfying but one thing I’ll tell you is this I may have formed an impression of an individual based upon certain things that I have seen or encountered.

Int: The reason I’m pressing you is because by saying what you are saying, are you deliberately mudding the waters here? Because that’s what you’re doing. You’re leaving it unclear about your thoughts. Is that fair to Michael Jackson or do you have something that you know?

CM: I will never be unfair to Michael and I’m not here to destroy Michael. You’ve asked a question and I’m not prepared to answer it. Not now.

Int: What responsibility do you take?

CM: For his death?

Int: Yes.

CM: None.

Int: None?

CM: None.

Int: Absolutely nothing?

CM: Nothing. Nothing that I gave Michael Jackson should have killed him.

Transcription By: @SGAA_MJ
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Llinks allowed]

See, even in his interview, Conrad is making no sense. That is often the true sign someone is talking BS.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Llinks allowed]

Thing is ( this is no offense to any amercian mj fans here) but most of the general amercian public hate michael so much that they truly do take murray's side will watch it and getb his book anyway
I disagree. I think most people love MJ but it is the haters that gets the attention. If americans hated MJ, when MJ died, Americans would not have been upset over his death. Even before death, MJ was doing good and people even in America wanted him to tour here.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Leave it up to Debbie to say something so bold, but she knows Murray crossed the line and he has jeopardized his own safety.

And I don't blame her one bit for being angry. Why did Murray even need to bring her up in that interview and say such insulting things about her?
I am not mad for Debbie for the comment she made. I feel the same way she feels.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

How can anyone believe what he says is the true when it has been demonstrated that he's a liar. Sometimes I wonder if he wants to be believed or if he just want money. Leaving the answer about the molestation open, it only opens the door for others in the media to offer more money for more dirt and it won't surprise me if he joins forces with Wade.

I wonder if his license is reinstated if he would stop talking about Michael. Conrad says he was Michael's friend & I say he's a cruel friend. If those intimate details are true, a good friend would keep it as a secret. Friends don't talk about friends.

Right now, people who are hearing this story is upset. I have listen to three radio shows just morning and this evening and people are going off on this man. Again, do not sell people short. See what Murray is doing is something we have have to wonder about. WIll our doctors do the right thing. Even if he had to do that thing for MJ private part, big deal, Murray is a doctor and MJ was unconsciou. When you are unconscious, you have to be catherize and anyone who has been under surgery will tell you that so Murray is NOT doing anything special and that does not make you close to a patient.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

I can't take this. I feel so bad for his kids right now.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Michael talks to him? Lol well I think he is not going to like what Michael has to say after these interviews.

Murray is barking mad and it's time the media pick up and focus on that rather than the mad mans comment about Michael.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Murray is nuts and it's scary that this insane man was a medical doctor
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Conrad Murray is the hero of his own narcissistic fantasy world. Everything is someone else's fault, he's always the victim, and no one will ever get him to take responsibility for anything.
Int: I’m hearing you but you’re not accepting that you thought you were doing the right thing by trying to get him off it but still using it. Frankly, you should have never given it to him in the first place.

CM: Listen to me if I had wanted to blackmail Michael Jackson it wouldn’t take that phone call, it would be far worse than that. It would shatter the world. Okay?

What an incredibly arrogant threat by that guy. The interviewer is grilling him about why he continued to give him propofol, and all Murray can come up with is a threat of blackmail by making a phone call that would shatter the world. What kind of psychopath is this guy???:unsure:
How Do You Explain This, Conrad? Michael Jackson’s Fingerprints Were Never Found On The Vials Which Death Doc Claims Pop Star Injected!

Posted on Nov 25, 2013 @ 14:39PM | By Jen Heger - Assistant Managing Editor

Conrad Murray-lie exposed

Michael Jackson‘s death doctor, Conrad Murray, has insisted the singer accidentally ended his own life after injecting himself with a lethal dose of a surgical anesthetic.

But the singer’s former personal physician has been caught in what appears to be an EPIC lie: The King of Pop’s fingerprints were never found on any of the medical equipment or vials which were found at the Holmby Hills, Calif., death scene.

In his first interview after being released from prison, the defiant doctor said: “That night he just couldn’t sleep. I prescribed him drugs to help, including valium and lorazepam [an anti-anxiety treatment], but he was begging, pleading, close to tears. ‘I want sleep, please Dr Conrad, I need sleep.’ I told him, ‘This is not normal. What I’ve given you would put an elephant to sleep.’

“In the other bedroom [Michael’s private chamber], the police found an open bottle of lorazepam. They found tablets in his stomach. I didn’t give him those. Michael took extra tablets. And he injected himself.”

But as first revealed in the middle of Murray’s involuntary manslaughter trial, Jackson’s fingerprints were never found on ANY Propofol or Lorazepam bottles, or intravenous tubing.

“The Los Angeles Police Department didn’t find any fingerprints of Michael Jackson’s on any Propofol bottles or the Lorazepam bottles. There were no partial fingerprints of Michael’s or any unknown prints on the medication bottles,” revealed a source close to the initial investigation.

During Murray’s media blitz since being released from jail, the disgraced doctor has said Jackson wasn’t the biological father to his three children — Prince, 16; Paris, 16; and Prince Michael II, 10, who’s also known as Blanket — and that he held the legendary singer’s penis every night whilst he administered Propofol.

In another development, has learned Jackson family matriarch Katherine was “implored” by the Deputy District Attorney to seek restitution from the disgraced medico.

But Jackson’s mother refused to pursue that option, because her attorneys who would later unsuccessfully try her wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live believed it would jeopardize their case.

Said one source: “Katherine now has to read all of this utter nonsense that Conrad is spewing to any media outlet that will listen. Murray is so delusional and narcissistic, the claims that he is making about Michael will only get more sensational.”

Source: Radar Online

Int: Conrad Murray served two years of a four year sentence. He joins us now live from the USA. You do honestly believe Mr. Murray that you did all that you could to save Michael Jackson, he was a very vulnerable and fragile patient, do you think you did all that you could?

CM: Yes I did.

Int: You do, you think… because really he trusted you, didn’t he? He trusted you and why didn’t you call the Emergency Services right away?

CM: I am a clinical specialist, I am clinically trained in medicine of the highest level as a specialist as well as a sub-specialist and therefore that is my forte, reviving patients who are requires (sic) resuscitation is what I do. So if I stumble upon someone in need of that type of resuscitative effort then I will go straight in to that mode to try and help.

Int: So you honestly believe that you took proper care, at the time Michael Jackson was in your care, that you took proper care of him.

CM: Just absolutely.

Int: Do you feel any remorse or feel guilty about what happened to him?

CM: I feel very sorry that Michael is dead, there’s no doubt about it. It is a loss I will never recover from, but as far as having remorse from doing something wrong, I did not do anything wrong. Actually, I am an innocent man who was persecuted to the maximum, sent to jail, and has been demoralized over years as far as, you know, being harshly persecuted in every possible way that I can think, but despite the pain and suffering I have felt I carry no grudges, I’m not in any way looking to avenge what has happened to me. I would like to have my story, hopefully on adversity I’ve encountered be used well so that I can save the lives of many.

Int: You talk about your pain and suffering. What about the suffering of Michael Jackson’s family, especially his children and his fans. I mean his family, they were traumatized by this and as were his fans too. Don’t you… I mean you talk about your suffering but what about theirs?

CM: I am very, very sad about Michael’s children, there is no question about it. You know I remember Michael’s daughter, Paris was telling me that she didn’t want to be an orphan. I was close to those children as a parent can be.

Int: You’re not close to them now though? You’re not close to them now surely? Not in anyway at all, they want you to go away really, I mean they’ve actually said that. They would actually like you to leave the United States and to be quiet.

CM: Well you know I can tell you this. The Jackson’s have caused so much damage to their own son, and if you are a person that is impartial and if you understand Michael - Michael has been devastated through the years by his own family. Michael severed all ties with every member of his relatives before he died. Now you don’t know that because you were not that close to him but clearly I do because I was right in his presence when he made some statements. There was no communication whatsoever.

Int: Well his family aren’t here to actually rebut these allegations they you’re making but clearly what you’re saying… You’re saying you are an innocent man, the jury didn’t agree. You went to jail, you were convicted and you went to jail and yet you sit here still maintaining your innocence.

CM: Absolutely. Have you ever seen innocent men that have been incarcerated and have then found out that an error was made and they finally are released. I’m a man who has been persecuted to the extent. At this time, up until now, I have been blamed by a key witness Dr. Shafer, who states that there was Propofol and in Propofol there was Lidocaine, and although he makes the claim, they have refused my defense team and or myself, despite all of our efforts to test the substance to further show that there is no Propofol that is left in Mr. Jackson, there’s no Lidocaine, there was no infusion. The evidence was very clear. There was no evidence of Propofol in the bag, in the line that should have been attached to the patient, none of that. It was not there. The evidence does not support that.

Int: Well that’s what you are saying, again I say to you the jury did not agree with you and that’s why you went to jail and if you’re saying you had nothing to do with it then why did Michael Jackson die? What happened?

CM: Michael Jackson? I met Michael Jackson in a state of distress. Michael Jackson was basically lifeless. I was not there, you know my arms could only stretch so far, I was not even present in his bedroom…

Int: Why weren’t you present? Why weren’t you there and what were you doing rather than attending your patient?

CM: There was no reason for me to attend to Mr. Jackson any further. Mr. Jackson was given a small dose of Propofol around 10:40 in the morning. I did not leave his bedside until about 11:20 - 11:25. The effects of Propofol are completely gone within 15 minutes of administration. He had no issues, I didn’t even expect Mr. Jackson to be sedated and to fall asleep with such a minuscule dose of Propofol. But in my absence, after leaving his bedside when the effects of Propofol was gone way beyond the 15 minutes, I was not on the phone you can also look at the phone records that they gave me. The last phone call I made ended was at 10:43. At 11:07 there was a one minute call that came in that was a voice mail call and the next time I used my phone was 11:20 - 11:25, I moved from his bedside only so I do not disturb him, but this was a man after nine hours of no sleep umm I wanted him to get some rest if it was possible.

Int: I find it absolutely astonishing that someone is being given a powerful drug like that, a drug that’s used, as I know personally, is actually used to put you out during operations. We’re going to have to leave it there for the moment, we’re going to talk to you lots, lots more about your relationship with Michael Jackson and your plans for the future. Mr. Murray thank you for the moment.

Transcription By: @sgaa_mj
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

I do strongly feel that on the subject of incontinence (bed wetting) Murray is just trying to back up his lie that he only gave Michael a tiny amount if propofol. He has to come up with an excuse for why Michael was wearing a catheter, if you have tiny amount of a sedative you don't need a catheter but if you are under for a long period of time you do. Common sense as far as I'm concerned.
Great point last tear. I just figured murray ranting on about the incontinence issue was just him degrading mj, but of course he was also explaining away the fact mj was on a catheter when he was found by the paramedicas and murray vehmently denies mj was on a drip and so has to explain the catheter.

It's obvious he's been spending his time in jail trying to get his lies to stack up. The other lie is the weaning mj off propofol. He has to explain the gallons of the stuff he ordered in 09 and the fact he was giving it to mj in may and june. He now seems to be claiming that mj was already on prop from other doctors when he came into the picture in may and so he had to try and wean mj off gradually which is what he was trying to do in may and june, finally succeeding just before 25 june . But absolutely no evidence of mj using prop in 09 from any other doctor came up in the aeg trial, just 2 doctors who were asked during this time period for prop by mj and they didn't give it to him. And the stopping of prop before mj died was only because murray was forced to act because the state of mj on the rehearsals of 19th june forced aeg to take notice that something was up with mj and raise concerns with murray.

Murray also tries to handle the doctor/patient confidentiality issue although i didn't actually see any interviewer mention it. He makes it v clear that he's mj's closest friend, and that he knows mj far better as a friend rather than a doctor, hence knowing all his 'secrets'. But he fails miserably as he describes stuff that only a doctor wd know, and in any case i don't know how anyone cd believe mj wd see this crude, vain moron as a sympathetic confidante. I'm sure mj just tolerated murray, Mj seemed real anxious before tii to find another doctor for london even tho' murray was doubtless desperate to accompany him on tour. The aeg trial showed that all doctors and nurses who came into contact with mj were under the illusion they were 'friends' with mj, and acting like spurned partners when mj forgot to send them a birthday card.
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Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Conrad Murray DaybreakITV Interview Part 2-Video is uploaded to our youtube and posted to our tumblr. No media links.

Thanks for the link. I see he's still carrying on about getting his medical license back. He's not living in reality. After this latest stunt, he's thrown any chance of that out the window.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

I just wish someone would throw him in a cage with lions and let them do the rest. This MF does not deserve anything else but to rot eternally and burn in the fire of hell. Nasty sociopath, it baffles me that this mental case was around Michael and his children for as long as he was. I love Michael more than a million words can ever express, but I do believe he trusted people too easily.

To read him say he could have made one phone call to blackmail/'expose' him wtf?! You narcissistic asshole how dare you even think of something like that, I can not believe this asshole was a doctor. SMH. Mankind is failing Michael Jackson, again and again.

Whatever Michael Jackson was, he was a billion times better human being than 90% of this world, it's painful to see what he had to and still has to endure. 4,5 years after his death and he is STILL NOT given a break.
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Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

I seriously don't understand how murray can live with himself. I honestly believe this man does not have a soul. God bless Michael and god bless his kids.
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Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Anyone with any common sense would know that anything negative Murray says about MJ is obviously not true because it's more than obvious that he's got an axe to grid, and if people do believe him then either they are idiots or they are blatant Michael Jackson haters
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

I don't understand why Michael continues to be hurt like this. He never hurt anyone and people keep doing this to him. I don't understand.

Anytime we try to find some peace and focus on the positive, Michael gets dragged down and as fans we feel sadness. Then I think about Prince, Paris and Blanket and I feel bad for them that they have to hear this garbage. It's not right and I just don't get it.
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Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

Anyone with any common sense would know that anything negative Murray says about MJ is obviously not true because it's more than obvious that he's got an axe to grid, and if people do believe him then either they are idiots or they are blatant Michael Jackson haters

EXACTLY, I just keep screaming people use your common sense that the good lord gave you. don't let it go to waste, USE IT AND THINK.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]

If there is anyone, particularly former patients, watching Murray doing his media rounds and still want to have him as their doctor, then I say they belong in an institution right with him. I hope the medical boards are watching too because if they can sit there and watch him blab on about his dead patient, it should be enough to give them pause. No responsible medical board would ever allow him to practice medicine again. Not in a million years! And if they do, well they can expect a scathing letter from me. I'm not that worried though because by the end of his media tour, he will have shot himself in the foot.
Re: Conrad Murray News and discussion thread [No media Links allowed]


It's ridiculous one journalist sit with Murray to hear a lot of shit. All this is crazy and insane.