Concerts Are Now Sold Out!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Congrats Michael.

I Love You, With All My Heart Baby
Congratulations michael ! :wub:
congratulations to all those who got tickets :wub:
gigantic huggs to those who didnt :hug: :hug:
Thanks... that was actually a nice interview. :yes: I liked it when he said they are going to make this as comfortable for him as possible, with a house in the country etc.
god...with 50 concerts in London...will there still be a chance..of a world tour??? I mean.... I seriously can't afford to fly over to London.... :(

But on the other hand, I don't even know how to respond to 50 concerts being sold out anymore. It's like a "hahahahaha this is a dream i know hahahaha now cut it out" type feeling. I can so imagine MJ crying at this, why wouldn't he?! i mean i'm like crying for him!! this is I believe beyond ANYONE's wildest imaginations, sure, we thought 30, maybe a bit more, but i don't think anyone in this world would have predicted 50 concerts sold out. and Still not enough for the demand. Incredible doesn't even start to cut it. Bless you Mike.