Communicating with people hostile to MJ

Bo G

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Never. friggin. mind. I've deleted the post, so all can relax.

This post CLEARLY said it was a discussion of responses when OTHER people raise the issue of MJ's appearance or the allegations, and you WANT to respond to correct tabloid-driven misperceptions. It did NOT say anyone HAD to bring ANYTHING up or defend ANYTHING that you don't wish to discuss.

Commenters who didn't really read my post have twisted it into something beyond recognition.

Instead of folks writing, "Well, I've found that responding with X or Y is helpful..." I was attacked as if I ORIGINATED these ideas!

I really despair of trying to discuss anything calmly and sensibly here.

(A link to the post, where it's buried under a different topic, remains downthread if anyone's curious).
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Okay, I think I get what you're getting at a way to make some folks to open up to Michael more right?

As far as his face and everything I'd just say, he had vitiligo and the whole burn incident, and other than that I don't care because it's his face so he could do what he wants people do stuff all the time. (I haven't really thought about it so I don't know if I would use the word unfortunate. The worst I've had recently was someone saying he was gay because he wore eyeliner, which is ignorant.)

As far as the cases and such I'd try to explain some of the facts in a rational manner.

Then there are people who will just be negative no matter what.
I have been falling out with long time friends cos of my love for MJ :-(

As regards to his face.............ops.etc that is HIS business!!!
WHY oh why do people pick up on that??? Who cares? MJ is the most beautiful amazing man............what he chose to do is his business................why dont they focus on his genius in music dance poetry and kindest purest heart???
FFS why???
As for child molestation................dont even go I said kibdest purest heart!!!
Innocence and beauty OUR MJ :)

End of rant!!! xxx
I too have lost some friends over this. I can't be around anyone who thinks bad of MJ. I think if they can't find out the truth before they spread jokes and rumors I don't want to be teir friend anyway. I never thought his face looked bad, it changed but never looked bad. Most people look a lot worse at 50 than he did.
I'm glad you made a thread of this.
I really like what you posted back in the Sex God thread.

The truth is when you gush and get angry -- you risk sounding like someone who isn't level-headed or capable of seeing things objectively.

When you can say "I see where you're coming from and I acknowledge that, but here's why I believe what I believe" -- people are more likely to take you seriously.

I think it's an important lesson to learn, even outside of MJ-related arguments.
I think it helps too if we think about our reaction to someone we're not necessarily "in to". A friend of mine is crazed about an actor that has limited appeal for me. She can talk about this guy all she wants, tell me how his eyes sparkle, and when he grins, she melts. Yeah, right. He does very little for me, BUT I respect how he affects her because of the way Michael affects me. Others may not show us that respect, but still we can relate to not "connecting" to someone as they have and trying to be convinced why we should be.

What made Michael so unique is that he connected with millions upon millions on such a visceral level that I don't think any of us will ever be able to truly understand it. And his sexiness was apart of that connection. When you think about how he actually unfied races, cultures, the very young, the very old with his voice, dance, and demeanor you realize how absolutely incredible his spirit was. He indeed was a beautiful gift from God. If others do not feel that connection, or see his beuty, it really is their loss. But trying to convince them of it is pretty much a waste of time for me. I don't even bother. I do recommend they see TII because even those who never connected to him will be entertained by that movie.

He is one of the sexiest things to ever touch the planet to me. And I don't deny that the changes in his face at certain stages were disheartening. I also admit however I was just so glad to see him in TII, smiling, talking, tipping down that fedora that I swooned. I go to see it for the third time this weekend.
Good post.

But he didn't just look good up until the Bad Era...but the Dangerous and early HIStory era as well, he lost a lot of weight around 1997, though.

Through most of 2000, he didn't look very good at all...but for one reason...his hair. Who styled his hair then? The person responsible should be shot! Unless it was MJ himself. :)

When he reverted back to the jheri curls in This Is It...well he looked GREAT! I mean he didn't even look that much different from the Dangerous era.
Good post.

But he didn't just look good up until the Bad Era...but the Dangerous and early HIStory era as well, he lost a lot of weight around 1997, though.

Yeah, the early to mid nineties is when he was really filling out those gold pants! And when he did the Moscow video which is one of his supreme sexiest periods. His face, his body, the rain pouring down on his face....oh me oh personified.
i know alot of people who disliked Mj cause of the trial and the way he looked with the surgies but i do not pay them any mind i tell them i like Mj and his music and thats it,,,,,,they laugh at me,,,but i do not carre,,,i have always been and still am a MJ fan
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I focus on his music and performance because that is a large part of what is his impact and legacy is about.

Can you give me a credible source for the statement I've quoted below? I'd love to be able to say this, but I can't unless I've seen the evidence.

then say: "I've examined the evidence with an open mind. More information about the parents has come to light. And it looks pretty clear that the poor children's parents were extortionists who manipulated their own children. MJ's insurance company forced a quick settlement against his wishes so as to salvage the expensive tour he was on."

These are some thoughts of mine that bubbled up during our discussions in the MJ was a Sex God -- While Media Pretends Not to Notice thread. It was pretty off-topic there, so thought I'd put it out for discussion/improvement/debate/entertainment/dismay... whatever may come...

Communicating with people hostile to MJ: on sharing the love

Michael's Face.

I think it would help fans wanting to share their enthusiasm with friends if they could openly acknowledge what their friends' biggest obstacle is. Most folks are simply not going to find very credible a critique from someone who denies MJ's facial changes were unfortunate. There's a lot of denial on this site.

Look, I know you all find his face beautiful no matter what, but you need to understand that this alone is what's going to always separate you from the rest of the pack. People are rethinking the pedophilia... but not the face, gang. They're trying to get used to it in the movie, but it's really hard for them. Don't push it.

Acknowledge it. Say up front, yeah, I know about his face. Between the burns, the vitiligo, and botched surgery, what happened to his face is unfortunate. Just remind people that he was widely considered gorgeous during the Bad era, which was after most of the changes. But he became fed up with all the makeup to hide the vitiligo blotching and just depigmented his face. The changes became too prominent then. He should have explained sooner, but was incredibly embarrassed. People relate to this.

But tell them: there's more to a man, a singer, songwriter, and dancer than a pretty face! Explain that his sexiness is in how he MOVES!!!!! And in his singing and lyrics... And did I mention, how he MOVES?!!!!

Tell them there was little coverage of his sexual charisma, of the world tours sold out to millions of screaming, fainting women and men, because the media sold more papers showing MJ with his pet chimp.


It's no good to gush that he's a saint, an angel on earth, loves all children, and would never do such a thing... they're going to roll their eyes and stop listening. IF the following is true for you (and it SHOULD be), then say: "I've examined the evidence with an open mind. More information about the parents has come to light. And it looks pretty clear that the poor children's parents were extortionists who manipulated their own children. MJ's insurance company forced a quick settlement against his wishes so as to salvage the expensive tour he was on. And of course he was acquitted of all charges."

Do NOT bash the children involved in the allegations. MANY people have personal connections to abused children or were themselves -- it's friggin' RAMPANT. You MUST show great empathy for this. If you see this is upsetting them, it may be they themselves were abused. DROP IT. Your friends' trauma comes before your love for MJ.

Yes, MJ had a thing about children. Kenny Ortega in a recent interview said that, while on tour with MJ, as soon as they'd arrive at the next airport, MJ would say: Let's go visit the orphanage! And off they'd go! Yes, it's unusual. This was not your normal rockstar.

And leave it at that. Don't overdo it. Don't repeat debunked rumors, like "the boy has since recanted his story." No he hasn't. Don't overstate your case -- you'll look stupid. If you sound calm and objective, people will say, Wow, I didn't know that, I'll have to look into that.

I love this list, I think that this is the best way to do this.:clapping:And the more openmined the person is, the more likely that this will work.
Good post.

But he didn't just look good up until the Bad Era...but the Dangerous and early HIStory era as well, he lost a lot of weight around 1997, though.

Through most of 2000, he didn't look very good at all...but for one reason...his hair. Who styled his hair then? The person responsible should be shot! Unless it was MJ himself. :)

When he reverted back to the jheri curls in This Is It...well he looked GREAT! I mean he didn't even look that much different from the Dangerous era.

I disagree... I dont know why but the 2000s Michael was most beautiful to me :wub:
These are some thoughts of mine that bubbled up during our discussions in the MJ was a Sex God -- While Media Pretends Not to Notice thread. It was pretty off-topic there, so thought I'd put it out for discussion/improvement/debate/entertainment/dismay... whatever may come...

Communicating with people hostile to MJ: on sharing the love

Michael's Face.

I think it would help fans wanting to share their enthusiasm with friends if they could openly acknowledge what their friends' biggest obstacle is. Most folks are simply not going to find very credible a critique from someone who denies MJ's facial changes were unfortunate. There's a lot of denial on this site.

Look, I know you all find his face beautiful no matter what, but you need to understand that this alone is what's going to always separate you from the rest of the pack. People are rethinking the pedophilia... but not the face, gang. They're trying to get used to it in the movie, but it's really hard for them. Don't push it.

Acknowledge it. Say up front, yeah, I know about his face. Between the burns, the vitiligo, and botched surgery, what happened to his face is unfortunate. Just remind people that he was widely considered gorgeous during the Bad era, which was after most of the changes. But he became fed up with all the makeup to hide the vitiligo blotching and just depigmented his face. The changes became too prominent then. He should have explained sooner, but was incredibly embarrassed. People relate to this.

But tell them: there's more to a man, a singer, songwriter, and dancer than a pretty face! Explain that his sexiness is in how he MOVES!!!!! And in his singing and lyrics... And did I mention, how he MOVES?!!!!

Tell them there was little coverage of his sexual charisma, of the world tours sold out to millions of screaming, fainting women and men, because the media sold more papers showing MJ with his pet chimp.


It's no good to gush that he's a saint, an angel on earth, loves all children, and would never do such a thing... they're going to roll their eyes and stop listening. IF the following is true for you (and it SHOULD be), then say: "I've examined the evidence with an open mind. More information about the parents has come to light. And it looks pretty clear that the poor children's parents were extortionists who manipulated their own children. MJ's insurance company forced a quick settlement against his wishes so as to salvage the expensive tour he was on. And of course he was acquitted of all charges."

Do NOT bash the children involved in the allegations. MANY people have personal connections to abused children or were themselves -- it's friggin' RAMPANT. You MUST show great empathy for this. If you see this is upsetting them, it may be they themselves were abused. DROP IT. Your friends' trauma comes before your love for MJ.

Yes, MJ had a thing about children. Kenny Ortega in a recent interview said that, while on tour with MJ, as soon as they'd arrive at the next airport, MJ would say: Let's go visit the orphanage! And off they'd go! Yes, it's unusual. This was not your normal rockstar.

And leave it at that. Don't overdo it. Don't repeat debunked rumors, like "the boy has since recanted his story." No he hasn't. Don't overstate your case -- you'll look stupid. If you sound calm and objective, people will say, Wow, I didn't know that, I'll have to look into that.

i don't have to admit anything about his face, since i nor they know anything. a lot of people find MJ's face beautiful. a lot of people find Angelina Jolie's face to be ugly. people think what they think. we all know about beauty, and the eye of the beholder.

i'm not here to convert people to Michael Jackson. MJ has many fans. the world won't end, if the haters keep hating. their hate will consume them. they don't need my help.

i don't know of anyone in history who was liked by everyone. there have always been people who detracted just for the sake of detracting. they live alone with their detractions. it's on them.
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Say up front, yeah, I know about his face. Between the burns, the vitiligo, and botched surgery, what happened to his face is unfortunate.

Ok.... good points about the extortion attempts.

I can only speak for me but I won't be defending the Michael's face as if there is something wrong with it.

I think he has aged gracefully and find him more attractive in the latter years.
But that is me. Beauty is so subjective. And each individual has different taste and likings and such.

Maybe I am the lone wolf here but I thought he was and is gorgeous, especially in recent years. Of course everybody has their good days and bad.

I have friends who doesn't share my opinion on this issue but thats ok.

What's not ok is to defend and conform to others who find MJ unattractive for the sake of agreement or conversion.

Maybe I am misreading or misunderstanding the above statement.

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I get what you are saying about the child molestation thing and that's how I handle it when haters bring it up. However, about his face -

Wtf is that anyone's business? That's like me coming up to you and being like "Hey! I don't like that mark on your face so that's your problem!"

Michael's face is the most beautiful face in history to my eyes and whoever has a problem with that can go and beat it!!

And just because you or the majority think he was beautiful during BAD and that was it, doesn't mean that everyone else agrees, okay? Don't state it like its fact!

Michael Jackson, was and is beautiful to me, both on the outside and inside from 1958-2009!
Well I always loved and will love Michael just the way he was and is .........what ever he looked liked I didn't care ..sure I wanted him to look healthy...but I mean it is Michaels right to do what he wanted...
And I don't look that way sure it is nice when someone looks beautiful...but if the persons inside is ugly than the outside to me is than ugly too....Michael is beautiful inside and outside and because of his sweet and kind nature the good glows from inside to the ouside .......Michael just glows.....his love just glows around him ...
i agree with you,,,beauty shows from the inside out and is reflected in your outward person....Michael was beautiful inside and out
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I focus on his music and performance because that is a large part of what is his impact and legacy is about.

Can you give me a credible source for the statement I've quoted below? I'd love to be able to say this, but I can't unless I've seen the evidence.

Um, that would be me. It's my own suggested language, but in no way constitutes evidence of a darn thing. I really applaud your statement that you can't unless you've seen the evidence. It's way beyond my time allotment to present a summary defending MJ against these allegations. Wish I could, because I would place that front and center here.

I did my own research which convinced me by starting with Wikipedia (again, not an ultimate source itself, but a valuable portal to the sources), which provided a good summary last time I looked, with links. It began with me with the GQ article about the 1993 allegations, which made him vulnerable in 2005, as described by Aphrodite Jones and others, some transcript excerpts, many news articles, analyses, etc.

Perhaps someone else here can point to a good starting point for someone who has a little (not a LOT) of time to evaluate the evidence, so that they come to their own conclusions? I spent more time than we can reasonably expect most people to do. This would be a really valuable service. Can someone help? Thanks!
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Ok.... good points about the extortion attempts.

I can only speak for me but I won't be defending the Michael's face as if there is something wrong with it.

I think he has aged gracefully and find him more attractive in the latter years.
But that is me. Beauty is so subjective. And each individual has different taste and likings and such.

Maybe I am the lone wolf here but I thought he was and is gorgeous, especially in recent years. Of course everybody has their good days and bad.

I have friends who doesn't share my opinion on this issue but thats ok.

What's not ok is to defend and conform to others who find MJ unattractive for the sake of agreement or conversion.

Maybe I am misreading or misunderstanding the above statement.


His face absolutely kept an amazing kind of beauty for me, and for those of us who loved him, his inner beauty gave it an even greater glow.

But I'm just trying to honestly report the sense among the general public. Perhaps some of you think I'm misreading the public on this, and that's fair, because I haven't seen a poll to back it up. Just an enormous amount of public discussion.
I get what you are saying about the child molestation thing and that's how I handle it when haters bring it up. However, about his face -

Wtf is that anyone's business? That's like me coming up to you and being like "Hey! I don't like that mark on your face so that's your problem!"

Michael's face is the most beautiful face in history to my eyes and whoever has a problem with that can go and beat it!!

And just because you or the majority think he was beautiful during BAD and that was it, doesn't mean that everyone else agrees, okay? Don't state it like its fact!

Michael Jackson, was and is beautiful to me, both on the outside and inside from 1958-2009!

It's fine to tell the public to "beat it," that his appearance is not their business, etc. But obviously that's not "sharing the love," which is the point of this thread. So it's not intended for you. Which is fine.

This is to generate positive discussion for those who WANT to "share the love," who WANT to "communicate with those hostile to MJ." Some of us do have a desire to help our friends get past their tabloid misconceptions and give them a fresh chance to enjoy MJ's real beauty and artistry. Really, it's a kind of gift we want to give, because he's given US so much pleasure, we hate to hog it for ourselves. :)

It's a basic premise that if you want to persuade someone (I get that you DON'T, which is cool, but some of us do), you must first EMPATHIZE with the other person. This means you have to truly be able to see the thing from their perspective. If you are truly unable to do that, you'll not have much luck persuading. That's all I'm saying here. Really, it's not controversial, it's just basic psychology.
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His face absolutely kept an amazing kind of beauty for me, and for those of us who loved him, his inner beauty gave it an even greater glow.

But I'm just trying to honestly report the sense among the general public. Perhaps some of you think I'm misreading the public on this, and that's fair, because I haven't seen a poll to back it up. Just an enormous amount of public discussion.


Maybe I should care about the general public but I just don't. Even if that includes friends or anyone else. :no:

It goes to the point that Beauty is very subjective.

The whole world doesn't have to believe Michael was the most talented, the most attractive, the most saintly, the most etc. etc. etc.

There are issues to be rightly DEFENDED. Certainly, as you pointed out accurately the extortion issue is case in point.

Now I will and have always defended Michael on the extortion attempts ... that is something we can care about and have discourse about.

But defending Michael's face to anyone is offensive. I would probably find the very people that find Michael's face "disgusting", disgusting themselves.

Even if one finds anyone unattractive, if people label and view anyone "disgusting", defending Michael's face would be a lost cause.

I guess I am just deaf, dumb and blind. :D
I am deaf to foolish people that would ridicule Michael.:D
I am too dumb to realize what factors into someone being label attractive.:D
I am blind to what others see as attractive.:D

I don't find Michael's face "unfortunate". I find the general public's view "unfortunate".
It goes to the point that Beauty is very subjective....I find the general public's view "unfortunate".

Beauty is indeed very subjective. I have many posts here and elsewhere where I rail about "looks-ism." I agree with you that one should never feel the need to "defend" someone's looks. I think the distinction here is someone's "natural" looks, which none of us can help, so judging someone this way is cruel, even bigoted.

But MJ is a very, very different matter. Lisa Marie in the Diane Sawyer interview, "defended" MJ's face as he nodded suppportively beside her. I don't have time to get the exact quote, but it's easily findable on YouTube. She says something to the effect that MJ thinks of his face and body as a canvas, a medium for his artistry and creativity. Either MJ or someone quoting MJ repeats this again on another occasion; sorry I don't have that link right now.

MJ put his art out there to be critiqued. He reshaped, recolored and tattooed his face as part of his art. People can, I think, be forgiven for therefore critiquing this aspect of his art. To be mad when they do is just not being realistic.

Yes, it's my impression that the majority of the public found this "artwork" too unnatural. I do stand by this based on the vast amount of discussion in the world and online about this, but I admit I have no quantitative polls to point to that summarize this conclusively. Others are welcome to disagree.

Others found it beautiful. But it was a kind of sculpture that people are entitled to different opinions on. So I don't think we judge people harshly for this.

But really, the crux of my "defense" of his face was the explanation of vitiligo -- many people simply need to be educated about this disease. It's also an opportunity to remind people that scars can cause reconstructive work that should not lend itself to "looks-ism." I can be a "teachable moment" to spread tolerance.

I don't think we should be harsh with those in the African-American community who for a long time were upset with Michael, who had yet to speak openly about his condition, for seemingly wanting to appear more Caucasian. The evidence DID seem to point that way. Michael should have said something sooner, but was too shy. When he did, and expressed great pride in being black, the AA community rallied around him. But the word still didn't get out to everyone, so I repeat that we shouldn't be too harsh on them; just educate them. It's a sensitive subject.

I'm not saying anyone needs to do anything in my post. It's just my thoughts for those of us who are so inclined.

Don't shoot the messenger :)
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It's fine to tell the public to "beat it," that his appearance is not their business, etc. But obviously that's not "sharing the love," which is the point of this thread. So it's not intended for you. Which is fine.

This is to generate positive discussion for those who WANT to "share the love," who WANT to "communicate with those hostile to MJ." Some of us do have a desire to help our friends get past their tabloid misconceptions and give them a fresh chance to enjoy MJ's real beauty and artistry. Really, it's a kind of gift we want to give, because he's given US so much pleasure, we hate to hog it for ourselves. :)

It's a basic premise that if you want to persuade someone (I get that you DON'T, which is cool, but some of us do), you must first EMPATHIZE with the other person. This means you have to truly be able to see the thing from their perspective. If you are truly unable to do that, you'll not have much luck persuading. That's all I'm saying here. Really, it's not controversial, it's just basic psychology.

Don't judge me because of that, Jeez.

I have made some people MJ fans, wrote essays with FACTS about him in school and done solo talks about him and people around me truly respect him as a person and artist because of what I told them (with fact!)

Thing is, the face bit was very offensive (to me, anyway). I've never even came across someone who has dissed his face and if they did - I wouldn't let it go like that.
I've never even came across someone who has dissed his face

I'm regret you're offended, and am happy for you that you've not encountered this. However, many others have. I posted this at the recommendation of other members here who found this resonated with their own experiences.

Perhaps it's different where you are. In the US this is the conventional perception in mainstream media and among most people I know. Barely a news article is written about him, including TII reviews, that does not make an unflattering reference to his skin color and plastic surgery. (And no, I'm not speaking of tabloids). I'm sorry to be the bearer of what is apparently startling news to some of you...

Here is where this discussion began:
The face issue isn't about whether or not his admirers found him beautiful. It should still be acknowledged that it's unfortunate that he had vitiligo, and unfortunate that he had so many psychological issues about his appearance (which he himself admitted to) that caused him to pursue drastic change in at least one area (the nose). You can do that and still convey that it isn't anybody's business what he does to his body, that he's not the only one who does it, that it shouldn't make one lick of difference if you appreciated him as an artist and/or a person, and all that good stuff. No one's saying that you have to call him ugly.

This certainly doesn't mean that I'm judging MJ for being so insecure about his appearance. I'm simply saying that the problem existed, and it's sad. Fans who give the impression that everything was hunky dory and awesome pertaining to Michael Jackson's face instantly come off as idol worshippers and often aren't taken very seriously by people who may very well have taken their point of view seriously if it was conveyed more sensibly. Again, the point isn't calling Michael Jackson ugly. I myself found his appearance to be enigmatic and part of his superstar quality, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any problem going on there. There obviously was. If there wasn't, then he wouldn't have had those phone conversations about how much he hates the way he looks, which I unfortunately heard a part of on TV.
The face issue isn't about whether or not his admirers found him beautiful. It should still be acknowledged that it's unfortunate that he had vitiligo, and unfortunate that he had so many psychological issues about his appearance (which he himself admitted to) that caused him to pursue drastic change in at least one area (the nose). You can do that and still convey that it isn't anybody's business what he does to his body, that he's not the only one who does it, that it shouldn't make one lick of difference if you appreciated him as an artist and/or a person, and all that good stuff. No one's saying that you have to call him ugly.

This certainly doesn't mean that I'm judging MJ for being so insecure about his appearance. I'm simply saying that the problem existed, and it's sad. Fans who give the impression that everything was hunky dory and awesome pertaining to Michael Jackson's face instantly come off as idol worshippers and often aren't taken very seriously by people who may very well have taken their point of view seriously if it was conveyed more sensibly. Again, the point isn't calling Michael Jackson ugly. I myself found his appearance to be enigmatic and part of his superstar quality, but that doesn't mean there wasn't any problem going on there. There obviously was. If there wasn't, then he wouldn't have had those phone conversations about how much he hates the way he looks, which I unfortunately heard a part of on TV.

the thing is....when you are trying to persuade someone of something, how do you know when to draw the line? if they don't want to be persuaded, how do you know that you're supposed to quit, and leave them alone, before they decide you are harrassing them? you can spread love, without having to persuade everybody. i think people get the wrong idea...that 'hardcore fans' means, a small population. MJ has a successful size fanbase. always has. if anything...the greatest way to spread love is to enjoy it for yourself..and if others feel left out..all the better, cus then, hopefully, they'll want to join. but, if they don't want to..we're still spreading the love, whether we reach everyone, or not. acquiescing to other people isn't spreading love. if you believe what you believe about MJ's face, that doesn't mean that you are not spreading love. and being insecure..well...that's everybody's gig. who isn't, about something? the thing with MJ is...people who were insecure had the gall to attack MJ, when they had glass houses.
the thing is....when you are trying to persuade someone of something, how do you know when to draw the line? if they don't want to be persuaded, how do you know that you're supposed to quit, and leave them alone, before they decide you are harrassing them? you can spread love, without having to persuade everybody. i think people get the wrong idea...that 'hardcore fans' means, a small population. MJ has a successful size fanbase. always has. if anything...the greatest way to spread love is to enjoy it for yourself..and if others feel left out..all the better, cus then, hopefully, they'll want to join. but, if they don't want to..we're still spreading the love, whether we reach everyone, or not. acquiescing to other people isn't spreading love. if you believe what you believe about MJ's face, that doesn't mean that you are not spreading love. and being insecure..well...that's everybody's gig. who isn't, about something? the thing with MJ is...people who were insecure had the gall to attack MJ, when they had glass houses.

I didn't say anything about incessently preaching to people about Michael to the point of harrassment. The topic is about when the subject of Michael is being discussed in conversation. And yeah, everyone is insecure, hence why I said I'm not judging but just acknowledging.
widely considered gorgeous during the Bad era

Lol, I do not comment what people say about that era (and I don't say anything against that cause I do agree as it is what I see).
I know how to communicate with all kind of people and there was never trouble regarding MJ. If you think MJ's face did change "unfortunate" then I wonder how you call the changes of other people, cause life means -though it is hard to accept- changing & getting old. You cannot not change so what are you worry about? Just look at a picture of your grandma as a young girl and now compare it with a picture of her at the age of 80. What do you see? Slightly different appearance. Sad, huh?
Anyway there have been and are others who did more to make some changes and just because no one talks about them...I'd say those without surgeries throw the first stones.

We are talking about a man that has worked harder as other people - people who did not work half as hard as MJ and did not start with 5 years and did not go through such sh...Open your eyes.
I must lie if I'd say I look at pics of other celebs and think: Damn MJ is the less fortunate. There will never be a 50 year old looking better. Appreciate it or not.

The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.
James A. Baldwin
I get what you are saying about the child molestation thing and that's how I handle it when haters bring it up. However, about his face -

Wtf is that anyone's business? That's like me coming up to you and being like "Hey! I don't like that mark on your face so that's your problem!"

Michael's face is the most beautiful face in history to my eyes and whoever has a problem with that can go and beat it!!

And just because you or the majority think he was beautiful during BAD and that was it, doesn't mean that everyone else agrees, okay? Don't state it like its fact!

Michael Jackson, was and is beautiful to me, both on the outside and inside from 1958-2009!

Thank you!! I couldn't agree more!!!
All I say is that if people cant see the beauty and love through Michael, then that's there problem, their the ones missing out not us. Michael was beautiful the day he was born to now and forever. I can never pick a certain era I love most because michael was just GORGEOUS Period!!!!