Coming Soon: A Wave of Michael Jackson Merchandise (AEG Involved)

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I can confirm that H&M stores in Canada are selling Michael Jackson t-shirts. As far as I know they are selling 2 different styles, but there might be more. My girlfriend spotted them today in Toronto but only seen 2 styles, there might have been more though. Prices were around $30 or so I was told. H&M is a popular European style clothing store found in most upscale malls around Canada. They are known for their promotions with Madonna. Just a heads up to Canadian fans who maybe want some MJ shirts but can't afford the shipping online.
$$$$$$$$$$$....thats what everyone sees when Michael is mentioned.

I was reading a book written by Margarate, Jermain's 2nd ex wife. And I Got so Much insight in what was going on in the family. Read it and You'll see how Michael was sooo Loving and caring to her and Jermain's children even when Jermain said the children was not his.

She says that the only Jackson she trusted was "Michael", and that after her separation from Jermain, Michael was the only one calling and checking up on her and her children.

Just read the book and you'll understand how manipulative ppl. that say they love Michael really were.
yes. he has genuine care for people. :(

btw, i'm not buying any of these craps