Coming Soon: A Wave of Michael Jackson Merchandise (AEG Involved)

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
Just keep in mind yall, Michael's portion of the sales will go to the Trust for his children. So it's all good.
if some of the money goes to MJ's Family's pocket and it helps pay some of MJ's debts. i'll start buying.
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Can anybody tell me what they released for the opening shopw (july 13thL
Only the red t-shirt with the number 1 on the back??:)
the only thing i can say to this is that it was already planned!!! MICHAEL would not of wanted for the world to stop and to keep making everybody happy with his work, this is all signed off and authorised by Michael so i think it is definetly safe to say he would of wanted you to buy and wear this with pride!!

I agree, this keeps his legacy alive. I would rather the t-shirts and other merchadise that he helped design then the guy on the corner who just put t-shirts together and is selling them out of his trunk. Just my thought.
Not interested.

Until we get to the bottom of what happened to Michael, Im not parting with any money that might line pockets of AEG.

Same here, I feel sick right now.

I'd rather give cash to a market holder on the street selling MJ items right now then give cash to people who 'might' have been responsible for his death.
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if some of the money goes to MJ's Family's pocket and it helps pay some of MJ's debts. i'll start buying.

'if' it does, I heard that possibly AEG has full rights to anything associated with TII but maybe not all this merchandise, but still even if some goes to MJ's family - some would still go to AEG.
like someone said if the portion that was to be Michael's goes to his kids im going to buy but if it doesn't then its just a pathetic attempt to make some bucks on his name.
Omg i have just looked backon that website and i cant believe how much stuff thay have on there and how quickly this is all happening,my tummy feels like its in my thoat at the moment i feel truely sick,as a fan i do want to buy things but i just dont know wat to do if i am honest just everything is so sad :-( x
i just wonder, would they have had all that stuff if he weren't gone? shaun and i were looking while in buellton and they only had a few shirts. now there's a bunch....?
like someone said if the portion that was to be Michael's goes to his kids im going to buy but if it doesn't then its just a pathetic attempt to make some bucks on his name.

Michael's not stupid. He signed a merchandising contract, and to all those not believing that he had a say in the merchandise... I say you're wrong. Michael was always involved in every aspect of everything he did. He only wanted the best for his fans, merchandise included. Plus, since he signed the contract, he IS getting profit.
Remember back in 2003 Michael in his speech at the birthday party said "A new Michael Jackson clothing line" ... Well... It's finally happening. I say if Michael was apart of making these then I think it's okay. Plus we can show how we are fans of Michael and continue his legacy.
a clothing line is NOT a picture of the man on a tshirt that's running for fourty bucks. a clothing line is a design concept made from his mind....hell, explain how all tehse shirts came on the site? we saw five, now there's hella shirts.

so what happened form the time me and shaun were in buellton to now?
a clothing line is NOT a picture of the man on a tshirt that's running for fourty bucks. a clothing line is a design concept made from his mind....hell, explain how all tehse shirts came on the site? we saw five, now there's hella shirts.

so what happened form the time me and shaun were in buellton to now?

Well they had the shirts up on the site mere days after his death. Which means, the designs were already in place and ordered. So it seems to me like this stuff has been in the works for awhile and were going to come out regardless of his death. This Is It was going to be HUGE, it doesn't surprise me that they'd have countless shirts and merch for sale at the shows.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I'll buy merchandise when I can...kind of broke right now.
god i HATE people that are cashing in on mJ's death.

I never felt so SICK to see MJ T shirts on display in the front of stores now.

I CAN NOT stand it.

The only solace is that it'll go to his family.

But AEG milking it for all its worth...i can't stand it. sorry.

Hey, according to this article, these deals are somethings Michael had prepared for before his death. Even so, this is official merchandise that his estate and ultimately his children will profit off of. This is also ample time to bring alot of this stuff on while he is immensely popular and reintroduced in a positive light to a newer generation of fans following his passing. Look at it that way.
I hope these weren't the original prices that they were going to charge us had he not died, if so my ass would've had to sell some a$$ in order to pay for the stuff I want. Damn this stuff is high..
*excuse my language but this is just outrageous*
^ lol that's what I was thinking:hysterical:. Them shirts about to be higher then the cheapest tickets. They must have jacked up the prices after michael passing. Yall know how aeg do.:smilerolleyes:
It really is sad to see all this cashing in on Him!
But *cringe* its not gunner stop me from buying the stuff i dont think i saw the stuff days and days ago and i already know the things i want! ope that dont sound bad! xx
I hope these weren't the original prices that they were going to charge us had he not died, if so my ass would've had to sell some a$$ in order to pay for the stuff I want. Damn this stuff is high..
*excuse my language but this is just outrageous*

Are you kidding? The shirts are WAY cheaper than I expected. Shirts at a Green Day show are $40.
Are you kidding? The shirts are WAY cheaper than I expected. Shirts at a Green Day show are $40.

Um did I read that correctly did you say $40????!!!!!!!! Great day in the morning.. That goes to show I am so out of touch with concerts.. I said I was only going to see MJ and Sade. Well now I am down to just Sade.. I know concert stuff can be high but damn $40 for a shit that is not top quality.. I just can see it.
Um did I read that correctly did you say $40????!!!!!!!! Great day in the morning.. That goes to show I am so out of touch with concerts.. I said I was only going to see MJ and Sade. Well now I am down to just Sade.. I know concert stuff can be high but damn $40 for a shit that is not top quality.. I just can see it.

Well that's $40 Canadian, haha. Which is $36 for you. But still, concert merchandise in general is very expensive these days, so for Michael Jackson, the prices actually aren't that bad. I expected them to be much higher since it's Michael.
Well that's $40 Canadian, haha. Which is $36 for you. But still, concert merchandise in general is very expensive these days, so for Michael Jackson, the prices actually aren't that bad. I expected them to be much higher since it's Michael.

Wow, I am so out of the loop, my last show was Justin Timberlake back in ' I only got a poster and come to think of it, that was rather pricey. I am starting to sound like my parents, because my mom complained when she bought me all the MJ stuff when we were at the Victory and Bad

I hope those shirts don't
'if' it does, I heard that possibly AEG has full rights to anything associated with TII but maybe not all this merchandise, but still even if some goes to MJ's family - some would still go to AEG.
I'm sure MJ's family will get some of the profits out of this. AEG wants profit they aren't doing this for free. not sure but i heard AEG loss money they put in the MJ's 50 concerts due to MJ's death. AEG had insurance but didn't cover all the cost and they are probably trying to make up for the loss money with this footage and Merchandise.

MJ signed a deal with AEG. MJ is smart, MJ wouldn't sign a deal for free an less it was for Charity Imo.
I find it odd that we never heard anything about Michael designing a whole bunch of merchandise. Now that he's gone, there's TONS of stuff that he supposedlyl designed? I find it very very strange.
What r u guys buyin ? i wont buy if u guys wont buy .

But im loving the floral hat and china plates :)