CNN Icons / Michael is the winner.

Re: CNN Icons

Whatever the history is between MJ and Sony, I think from now on it's in their interest to support MJ's image.

I agree that MJ is underrated in the media compared to acts like Madonna, Elvis and the Beatles. This poll and that they had to put a negative spin in the article on MJ, despite just having been voted Nr 1, while they had nothing negative to say about others, just shows that.

But I think time will work for MJ. I seriously do. I look at the bigger picture and what I see is that the greatest artists (and scientists) were often put down by their peers (and other, less significant artists were praised above them) - but the later ages rehabilitated them.

IMO the fact the media and his peers treated him like dirt, will work in his favour in the longer term! Because the truth will come out - it already is coming out. I have seen a lot of people say "I thought he was guilty, because I didn't really care, I just swallowed whatever the media put in front of me, but since his death I looked into it and now I think he was innocent". I think more and more people will realize that with time. And then the fact he was treated the way he was treated will make him like a modern day martyr which will only boost his image on the long term. Tom Sneddon, Diane Dimond, The Chandlers, The Arvizos - they will go down as the evil ones in history on the long term, not Michael. That's how I see it.

Awesome post! I agree!:agree::clapping::punk:
Re: CNN Icons

Michael's win should be added to the thread title. I'm happy he won :)
Re: CNN Icons

The Beatles might be a bit overrated but not terribly IMO. I personally think Elvis is a lot more overrated. He never wrote songs and he basically just stole black music and built a career on it. OK, this might sound a bit rude, but he was not creative, nor innovative. He was just a good looking white kid with a good voice at the right place in the right time, IMO.

As for Madonna, I think the only thing she was groundbreaking in is creating and manipulating her image, not in an artistic way.

Yeah, of course we are all free to have our opinions. We are just discussing ;)

Oh wow you are so RIGHT!! I'm not a fan of the Beatles, but you cannot deny they at least wrote their own songs (Lennon-McCartney) and had some good songs.

Elvis, like you said, was a good looking white kid at the right place at the right time- As far as his musical talents- well he had none. He had an avg voice and barely played the guitar, could swing his hips a little, but that was it. He never, ever wrote one song, produced, arranged anything. There was nothing ever innovative, groundbreaking or creative about him. But the media loved him- and you know the power of the media.

Madonna to me- hardly talented. Can dance some, but after years of dance school and lessons, who wouldn't? Her only real talent was in manipulating the media and creating controversy to enhance her career. And of course sex and the catholic church were her targets. I think that is a disgusting way to create a career. But again, the media seem to have a love/hate relationship with her- more love though.

In the end Michael was the only clear, true winner. Even if I wasn't an MJ fan, I would definitely believe this. Just compare Michael's talents and achievements and all he has contributed to the music world- and no other artist could ever compare.

I am so glad Michael won- he deserved it. But again the biased media still is set on putting him down. They hate the fact that this black icon is beating ppl like Beatles and Elvis. And the fact that these accusations are still in the air doesn't help matters.

Like another fan mentioned, in the long term Michael will be completely vindicated. History always has a way to right what was wrong, and Michael will be the full beneficiary of this. There is no arguing his talents, even haters have to admit that, but what is getting in the way is those nasty allegations. And those in the long term will be erased and the real evil, greedy ppl will be exposed for who they really are. Michael will become a martyr in a way and will be even more beloved and treasured.
Awesome :punk:

THE Greatest Artist of ALL time. Nobody comes close.
WE did it again!!! To those of you who say I wish he was here to see it, don't worry. He is really seeing everything, because he is a pure spirit now. This is my comfort right now.