Close Up Pics of Michael Jackson's Julien Auction/Museum

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I like the close up of the crotch on the gold pants :lol:

And I LOVE this picture, it's beautiful, I want it :yes:

Wow...he has amazing stuff! I wish I could go see this. :eek: The jackets are especially cool. And the throne! *wants everything*
But seeing the gates from Neverland made me very sad.
I went to this and it's really amazing.

For those who are interested I was told that they will be selling the silk drapes that have different pictures of Mike after the exhibit. The price is $600 to $2000. I don't know who you'd have to talk to about this. I'm planning on going again on Saturday I can ask if anyone is interested.
When somebody that hates to fly as much as Whoopi will fly to see something, you know its serious.

^^I'm sure Whoopi would have been one of the countless famous bidders.
I always am amazed what a great taste MJ has. Love esp. Regina the music Box and the books. Are those the real scissor hands from the movie?
When Neverland was raided the second time, the police purposefully broke a lot of Mike's stuff, including many of the PETER PAN figurines. Think of the symbolism there. Some of the broken porcelain was on display. They also broke several of the jukeboxes and Lladro figures.

Some of the bone china was thought to be stolen by employees during that time their payroll was late.

The auction house movers damaged and/or cracked several display cases, including both the mirrored castle and the replica castle.

Some of the costumes were too small to fit the smallest mannequins in stock and had to be pinned on.

^^It's such a shame, that they came away with it says alot
these pictures really grasp the feeling of this place. amazing.

I'm really interested in the two paintings that Michael painted. Exspecially the first one can say MUCH about he's state of mind when he was drawing it!

I often do these patterns myself. It feels good to make them cross eachother and go out of the picture. I wonder why..
yeah..put out that palace on wheels. MJ's moving on to bigger and better things. he doesn't have any use for the palace on wheels anymore. lol

dayum...u go, MJ boy
amazing pictures, thanks for posting. sad to see all this stuff isn't in his home any more but gives a great insight into the man himself
Wow, what an amazing collection! I think it's all beautiful stuff, and just knowing that Michael collected it makes me feel drawn to it or something. I am very, very happy that he will not be selling it off and the museum idea is good, as long as he wants to do it. I loved seeing all of his costumes and things too, and those were beautiful paintings! Were they done by fans for him or did he have them done? It was sad to see some things that said Neverland Valley on them, esp. the gates.
Thanks to all for sharing the pix. It's interesting how the catalog doesn't do some of the items justice. Lots of items are much larger than I imagined...especially the paintings. It would be really nice if they could find a way to continue housing everything there so fans and tourists could get to see it at some point. It would be like the Neverland cows where it's something that doesn't need a lot of upkeep yet still generates money daily....unless the cost to house everything + security outweighs what they take in for from entrance fees and parking. Such a shame for it all to get tossed back into some dusty old storage place never to be seen again until.....God only knows when. :sad: If I'm not mistaken, that store has other floors. They could even add things to keep people coming back to see the new additions. Some fans have already said they've gone back more than once to see everything.

In any case, Julien's did an awesome job showcasing MJ's things. Love the set-up and layout of everything. Very professional and tastefully done...from what I can tell behind my computer screen, of course. :lol: This is probably the ONE thing that could get me out to California. Those unexpected earthquakes just ain't my thang (I understand they just had one today and hope everyone is okay). Can you imagine having an operation or sitting on the throne (not MJ's) trying to drop some kiddies in the pool when one of those things hit? :nooo: Anyway, I'd definitely plan a vacation there for a few days just to see something like this. And if MJ just happens to pop up somewhere while I'm in the area that'd be a bonus. :p

I hope they find a way to keep it open. I'm afraid once it goes back into storage it'll become one of those backburner projects that never sees the light of day.
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if there was a quake, i didn't feel it

Quake was a 3.8 in Yorba Linda (Orange County) today.

Wonder if Julien's is considering extending this showing? Unless the site is booked for something else, seems like a possibility if there is a large enough demand for it.
awww the sega ride simulator...*sobs* wasn't working the last time i was at the ranch....nice to see all that stuff again. and dammit shaun, just be nice when u call and they'll figure something out UNLESS they're gonna help mj w/ the musuem idea. then the hanging posters will stay and be used for that

lol i will gonna beg
interesting to recognize some stuff that we have already seen on photos when it was on their right place - not on the public display. like the throne is from Michael's pix with little Prince. or this huge painting of him in red with a sword - i was always trying to see what's on it during Oprah's interview and never could lol.
as for some pictures i guess some fans are like "OMG i remember i gave it to him back to 1990" lol i guess lots of it are fans gifts.
i remember Katherine or La Toya commenting on Michael's custom to collect everything lol it's so obvious. the more things change - the more the stay the same :) but to be honest - it's so sad to see it all on display. i don't know i was especially touched by horses from his merry-go-round. it was so magical... and him sitting on them with little Prince - so happy and smiling.
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oh my god...fantastic...I really want to go there...but I can't :( thank you for seeing this picture thank you
I would love to have the Peter Pan stuff. - It's so nice.