Christmas Marks 6 Month Anniversary of June 25! :(

no offense to anyone in this thread but why does there need to be a six month anniversary for his death,

"6 month anniversaries" are completely legit.

let alone any anniversary,


the only sensible one would be the one year anniversary which would be june 25, 2010, its like you want to be miserable by using this type of logic to make sad occasions when you should be trying to be happy especially on christmas!!!

It's quite insensitive to try to tell someone when it's sensible to reflect and mourn and when they "should" be happy. It's extremely insensitive to suggest there's masochism or something going on here. You don't know who we all are or what each one of our stories is. No one's using any kind of special logic. It's a 6 month anniversary, cut and dry.

if you go by this logic then every month is the anniversary of his death and then what will you do?

Now that is faulty logic.

you cannot be sad and depressed forever

and we know we won't be, but he is a part of our lives - a lot of us have been loyal to him day in and day out for year and years and years, some have met him multiple times, and some were fortunate enough to actually get to know him personally - after all that time, 6 months feels like nothing. It's no one else's business and no one has the right to decide what the "appropriate" grieving time should be for someone else. We all deal in different ways, and we all heal at different times.

just know that he's in a better place now as they say. and if anyone is offended by this i do not be, this is just my personal opinion and i felt the need to say something, for i think its not healthy to grieve so heavily and give yourself reasons to be upset!

Thanks for your concern?...:scratch: I really don't know what you were trying to accomplish here by coming into a thread where people are clearly hurting and telling them their feelings aren't valid, but perhaps you should refrain from trying to do it again?...
Michael's the angel on top of my tree this year xxx

Awwwwww that's so beautiful. The first thing I do on xmas day is light a candle and wish Michael a merry xmas before I even do anything. I am thinking of buying a helium balloon with Merry Christmas on it and giving to him on xmas day. I just want to do something nice for him xx
Awwwwww that's so beautiful. The first thing I do on xmas day is light a candle and wish Michael a merry xmas before I even do anything. I am thinking of buying a helium balloon with Merry Christmas on it and giving to him on xmas day. I just want to do something nice for him xx

We did that on his birthday (the huge one Spike Lee threw in Prospect Park in Bklyn). We put messages in balloons and sent them up to him. =) Will definitely be coming up with something special for him for Christmas.
I don't like all the commercialism of Christmas either. But I do love the spirit of giving, peace on earth, love for mankind, spending time with friends and family, good times. This year is tough for me as I have had 3 major losses in my life in one year and I think Christmas will be hard for many reasons. I have decided to get involved in charity work at Christmas for my own sanity, to try to get my mind off myself and my own troubles and sadness. I have seen from your posts that most of you are kind, caring and generous people. Would you feel like doing something for a cause in Michaels memory at Christmastime? Maybe it would help us all to not be so sad. I will light a candle too. I think that is a great idea!
Awwwwww that's so beautiful. The first thing I do on xmas day is light a candle and wish Michael a merry xmas before I even do anything. I am thinking of buying a helium balloon with Merry Christmas on it and giving to him on xmas day. I just want to do something nice for him xx

Omg!! I'm loving that idea! Its so heartwarming!! I might steal your idea! :D
I don't know what to say. It hit me last night that Christmas day would be...:cry:
But how can he be gone? He's not really is he? We're going to see him in concert, he's coming to sing and dance for us.
It's going to be so, so, so, so, so amazing. Right?
We're going to wake up soon. Please? PLEASE!?? PLEASE GOD.
what would be a christmas without beautiful tree?
What is a winter without heat?
What is a sky without ASTRE?
That is my life without you ..............

A half year, i can,t believe it.
one thing i know.
This is the first christmas the most beautifull angel will be in heaven and not on earth
I always think about this time. Christmas was very important for Michael - what will his beautiful children do without their daddy on Christmas???? I don´t even wanna think about it. Just too hard for me!!!
i was thinking this a few months ago about the 6th month anniversery of our michaels untimely death.. it will be a vvvvv sad xmas indeed but i will be thinking of mj being a guardian angel looking down on all of us and smiling and if it snows here where i am or where ever u guys may be just think of the flakes as michaels angel wings shedding his love on all of us!!:angel:'m really sad today. Everything I read just brings the tears flowing. I don't know what to think of this Christmas. It's going to be the saddest ever. I look around, people singing Christmas carols, people laughing and having fun. I just look around at everyone and everything. Nothing is right without Michael. Without him everyday that goes by I die more and more.. I have lost the will to live ... :weeping: I die a little more each day and 25 I will be a real ghost, like now! I cant deal with this much more..