Christmas Marks 6 Month Anniversary of June 25! :(

Strange enough I had many reasons to be happy on June the 25th. I was as happy as ever. I woke up, I wrote on N&M's something like: "All is quiet in MJ world, that will change soon, I see MJ a month tomorrow... and 6 months today til xmas :D" kinda spooky :ninja: .. but yeah.. will be weird :( our first xmas w/out Michael :(

25th of June is my mom's birthday,what can I say... :(
I have been trying to avoid this thread...but..I find myself coming back to it every once in a while......I like most of you am dreading that six month anniversary....I have learned one thing in the last few matter how many months go by 1 or sadness will not bring Michael back....Michael would not want us being sad and depressed all the time especially at Christmas.....Christmas has special meaning.....Christmas is when Jesus was is a time for peace on earth and good will towards your fellow man......Now doesn't that sound like what Michael stood for??....I say this Christmas instead of focusing on the 6th month anniversary try to focus on how Michael would want us to bring good will and spread love.....I dont post this to upset is just my opinion....thanx.
oh god.. I didnt even think about that it was on the 25th day.. our first christmas without Michael :cry: Im so sad for the children
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This will be sad day. But I he is safe with the angels now.:angel:
I know Michael started to celebrate Christmas later in life. I on the other hand started losing the Christmas spirit over the past few years. I think it's because of all the commercialism and loss of its true meaning in our society. Now Christmas will be even sadder this year. Those poor children of his...I hope they will be okay. Memories must come flooding back to them, especially around these big holidays. Hopefully being with their big family will keep them busy and distracted most of the time.
I JUST realized that Christmas will mark a whole HALF year since MJ passed. I cannot believe it! That means in another six more months it will be a whole year since.... :(. I dont think that I will be over this even in 6 months!

Wow I hadn't even thought of that... :( 6 months...
The kids will certainly be in my thoughts that day. Six months since their daddy passed and their first one without him. I can't imagine what it must be like for them.
Im lighting a candle for Michael on christmas day. When you light it think of his children & family & when you blow it out think of Michael. I cant believe it will be 6months- really is unbelievable! Hate the fact its on christmas day to just makes it even worse. June 25th or the 25th for any month for that matter is just the worst date ever! :(
you are totally right,i didn't make the date sad...
Im lighting a candle for Michael on christmas day. When you light it think of his children & family & when you blow it out think of Michael.

I was thinking about just that...
I know it is going to be a ... very sad day.

We should all do one little thing together that day. Like lit a candle, all of us, at the specific time, together.
I know it's a small thing but if we do that together, we will know we are not alone with this lonely feeling.

I'm dreading xmas this year. When people talk about it I'm like "Oh year its xams soon" I'm still stuck in June :( It just not going to be the same :cry: I'm gonna take some time out on xmas and light a candle for Michael.

I miss him so much :cry:
And I already HATE and DESPISE Christmas so much, this will make it so damn worst. :mat:

I think it's because of all the commercialism and loss of its true meaning in our society.

This is 80% of the reason, I am so sad for those kids, they are not gonna have thier daddy at home on Christmas. :cry: I am gonna cry for Prince, Paris and Blanket. :cry:
It is actually unbelievable how that time has flown by so fast.. to me it's like time stood still since June 25th
tell me about it. life has stood still
I can't believe we are actually talking about life without Michael in it. It has NOT clicked for me yet. I still think and hope I will wake up on the 26th June.. and be like "WOAH what a nightmare, hey one month til I see Michael Jackson today! wohooo *checks mjjc for NEW PIX thread* :unsure: :cry:
I love Christmas, but there will be a sadness about it for me this year 'cause of Michael :-(. But come December 25th, I will light a candle for Michael and listen to my Jackson 5 christmas album like I do every year and try not too be to upset that day. I can't belive it'll be six months soon though.

Who I really feel awful for though are MJ's kids. When you lose someone who was close to you, it's times like those that are hardest. I feel really bad for the kids :cry:. Hope they'll be okay.
^^it all changed in a second!
I was changing my nickname:
OMFG!!! 18 DAYS LEFT-MJ LIVE!!! omg omg
and I was watching videos of him to "warm up" for the concert and then I got the most aweful text message ever.
and then.. all those nicknames on msn!!!
"omg michael??" and stuff.

how could it change so fast??? How can we be living in a world without MJ in it like you said..? I wake up EVERYDAY thinking he's here and then it hits me!!
I'll never see or meet him, omg! it's like saying I could never meet my mother again from THIS DAY ON. I'd be freaking out!...I am..freaking out
no offense to anyone in this thread but why does there need to be a six month anniversary for his death, let alone any anniversary, the only sensible one would be the one year anniversary which would be june 25, 2010, its like you want to be miserable by using this type of logic to make sad occasions when you should be trying to be happy especially on christmas!!! if you go by this logic then every month is the anniversary of his death and then what will you do? you cannot be sad and depressed forever, just know that he's in a better place now as they say. and if anyone is offended by this i do not be, this is just my personal opinion and i felt the need to say something, for i think its not healthy to grieve so heavily and give yourself reasons to be upset!
All i hope is that Kate will let the children celebrate christmas in the way they are used to, i mean Mike never followed the jehova witness non celebrating of events and this is their first xmas without their loving dad. :cry:
This past decade has been pretty dire:
- James Brown
- Steve Irwin
- 9/11 followed by loads of other bombings around the world
- Boxing day Tsunami
Just to name a few!

2009 is the one if the worst years for famous deaths.
- Patrick Swayze
- Farrah Fawcett
- Ricardo Montalban
- Natasha Richardson
And of course Michael Jackson