Christmas Marks 6 Month Anniversary of June 25! :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I JUST realized that Christmas will mark a whole HALF year since MJ passed. I cannot believe it! That means in another six more months it will be a whole year since.... :(. I dont think that I will be over this even in 6 months!
yeah i know. it just seems so unreal. honestly if i could make a christmas wish this year and it would actually come true i would wish for Michael to come back.
another reason to hate if there arent enough already
I was thinking that the other day. I really live Xmas but this is going to be erm..... strange.
Yeah, I actually came to this realization a few weeks ago. :( It was a horrible thought but I will certainly be thinking about Michael that day.
I will say a prayer for him and his children and family that day. :heart: I can't believe next month it will already be half a year. :( It still seems like yesterday.
It does not feel like it's been that long. It still feels like just a couple months ago, at most. God, that just makes me even sadder. I can't believe he's been gone for almost half a year... And the fact that the 6 month mark is Christmas day - very eerie.
I feel like I'm stuck on June 26th or something.
Seriously....a half year...?! :no:

I miss you Mike. :cry:
Its gone by so quickly, it only felt like yesterday when we heard that devastating news. Christmas will be a mixture of sadness and happiness. Happiness that I'm with my family and people I care about but sadness as its six months since Michael passed. I'll certainly be taking a moment out of xmas day to light a candle and wish Mike a happy christmas.
Well merry Chirstmas guys...:(. It's hard to even say that now.

I'll just say a prayer for him and his children.:angel:

I really really wish Michael could have celebrated more Christmas days..
I miss our Michael.

I miss you, Michael and always will, while I'm still stuck here :(
Strange enough I had many reasons to be happy on June the 25th. I was as happy as ever. I woke up, I wrote on N&M's something like: "All is quiet in MJ world, that will change soon, I see MJ a month tomorrow... and 6 months today til xmas :D" kinda spooky :ninja: .. but yeah.. will be weird :( our first xmas w/out Michael :(
ill see you all here xmas day! be nothing else to do
I was miserable June 25th. I thought when I went back to work in the afternoon 'this day couldn't get any worse.' God, how wrong I was :(
oh my word...half a year on Xmas day. i love Christmas, but its gona be weird. ill be praying for his beautiful children, and of course to MJ. i hope he has a good Xmas up there with the rest of the angels.
ugh i didn't know that :(, can't believe it's been that long.
Christmas was a holiday that I used to love to celebrate. But now it is a holiday that I really hate. Let alone be reminded of what time of year it is. Thankfully I stopped celebrating Christmas back in 2001. When I had lost my favorite aunt who died at the age of 50 about a week before Christmas. She died of Ovarian Cancer. I haven't had a happy Christmas in 9 years. I do still get presents and stuff but I got no joy in opening them. I lost that joy 8 years ago. When my favorite aunt died. Now Christmas is really going to be hard for me cause Michael is no longer here. Plus my mind is going to be on his poor children all day long. I am ready to cry just thinking about that. I know I shouldn't say this with my religion being Brethren. But I really wish Christmas never even existed to begin with. Cause what is the point of celebrating such a happy holiday when you have nothing to be happy about anymore.
At least you got to see him in person....:(

He was here every christmas of my life, this will be the 1st without him.
I had a lot of christmas eves where I got MJ singles or cassettes and I was always so happy when I got them.

Oh man, he should've been on his supersuccesfull TII tour break to be with his children.
After seeing the TII movie I know it was going to be bad era-like Michael mania again all over the world.

Thinking about all of this makes me so sad, I'm going to bed right now, can't be on this forum any longer for today.:no:
Yeah it's going to be horrible, Been almost dreading it, but know Mike wouldn't want that..still though.
Six months already....and on Christmas no less.
I was going thru hell last year too.
It's hard enough as it is to get the Christmas spirit;
realizing this makes it even worse.
It is actually unbelievable how that time has flown by so fast.. to me it's like time stood still since June 25th :(

I don't think I will feel any worse when we get the Month anniversary's to be honest it just marks another month gone by.. I feel bad about it each and every day no matter what. :(