Chris Tucker To Accept Michael Jackson Apollo Award June 14, 2010

can someone please tell me what Jamie foxx said?

Sorry 144,000 I didn't elaborate..:better:

It isn't what Jamie said it is what he DID and didn't do..:bugeyed

Every commercial break Jamie began to promote hisself and what he was doing, not honouring Michael at all. In fact many times he forgot to mention Michael where he should have and never missed a chance to promote hisself.:scratch:

Thats what I saw anyway maybe our other MJ family memebers could post what they saw Jamie do !!:eek:

After the BET AWARDS show I was sickened by how unprofessional the rushed "Tribute" to Michael was, I stopped watching BET and won't go back to watching them. Michael was a perfectionist and would never have done a BET production that would produce what they did. BET should have never rush like they did in honouring the Greatest Entertainer , Humanitarian, Singer, Dancer Healer this world has ever seen !! :clapping:

The worst part is that BET is for the Black Entertainment Television and it is there where alot of Black people expected to see the PROPER respect that should have been given to one of their OWN, and like me was embarrassed and offended and uttrerly disappointed with their level of honour due Michael..Their excuse why it was so unprofessional was because they changed the show to accomodate Michael!!:bugeyed. It should have been the other way around. They should have had their Awards show then honoured Michael ALONE, but instead Lil Wayne got up there on stage with a cup of crunk juice and his underwear showing for a good 5-10 minutes as he rapped. :bugeyed:doh::no:

Ofcourse, this is just my opinion and would never put my words in other people's mouths. I would like to know what you guys thought of the BET Awards show 2009..:no::mello:

Thank-you for even listening to me..I am in total Michael Jackson love with you all..:wub::angel::agree:

MJ TinkerBell..:wub::dancin::agree:
well...that channel never talked of michael much. to me, it was bias. let's face it..he didn't act like they wanted him to act. but now, it was trendy to tribute, after his death. so...i'm guessing it was a phony tribute. i wouldn't be surprised. i stopped watching that stupid channel years ago. anyway, thanks for telling me.
I agree with Bree's assessment of Foxx and the BET tribute - it was tacky and rushed.
The article says they planned to hand the award to Michael in person. Michael didn't know about this award did he? I suppose receiver wouldn't know that far in advance, right?
Yes, I am going to say that the tribute was rushed and a travesty, but in all fiarness they had only a week (or something like that) to get it together. They did the first official tribute to him. Had it been anyone else, with a week before it was set to air, they would have said, "Heck NO!". but they wanted to do that for him. And while it was no miracle, I appreciated the gesture. Jamie Foxx was funny in my opinion. I di not see any promotion of himself.
Also stars were not cooperating with him. They wanted Beyonce to open the show with a fast number of MJ's. She said no. She would only do a slow song. So she ended up doing Ave Maria during the show. they wanted Chris to open, but they said Jay Z and Al Sharpton protested him being on the show and he was asked not to attend (Chris was very upset about that BTW). SO New Edition had to do a quick comeback just to open the show for MJ. IMO that is not BET's fault. That is artist being tacky. C'mon put aside your differences for an important night. Also many stars were away for summer concerts and tours out of the country.

I think the artist that bothered did the best they could. but let's face it, the stars of today are not top notch and cannot do spectacular things off the cuff. they NEED many hours of practice, which they did not have.

I do not blame Jamie or BET for this. The head of BET told a story of how MJ saved the channel. She said once MJ became so big, MTV wanted rights to show his videos exclusively. She said that would have been a death blow to their channel. She said MJ refused and would not do it. She said he made them sign so that his videos would be shown on both channels. I think she was sincere. And I think they sincerely wanted to do something for him.

Also, Chris is fantastic. i am happy to see him accept something for his friend.
I love Chris Tucker! I hope there will be some Youtube video up soon of him accepting the award for his friend Michael Jackson.
Thank God for Chris Tucker!

I really could'nt stand to see Joe Jackson's face right about now!
Loooove Chris Tucker. I always think of the story he told on the 30th Anniversary Special, about MJ telling him he was kicking with the wrong leg. LOL.
Yes, I am going to say that the tribute was rushed and a travesty, but in all fiarness they had only a week (or something like that) to get it together. They did the first official tribute to him. Had it been anyone else, with a week before it was set to air, they would have said, "Heck NO!". but they wanted to do that for him. And while it was no miracle, I appreciated the gesture. Jamie Foxx was funny in my opinion. I di not see any promotion of himself.
Also stars were not cooperating with him. They wanted Beyonce to open the show with a fast number of MJ's. She said no. She would only do a slow song. So she ended up doing Ave Maria during the show. they wanted Chris to open, but they said Jay Z and Al Sharpton protested him being on the show and he was asked not to attend (Chris was very upset about that BTW). SO New Edition had to do a quick comeback just to open the show for MJ. IMO that is not BET's fault. That is artist being tacky. C'mon put aside your differences for an important night. Also many stars were away for summer concerts and tours out of the country.

I think the artist that bothered did the best they could. but let's face it, the stars of today are not top notch and cannot do spectacular things off the cuff. they NEED many hours of practice, which they did not have.

I do not blame Jamie or BET for this. The head of BET told a story of how MJ saved the channel. She said once MJ became so big, MTV wanted rights to show his videos exclusively. She said that would have been a death blow to their channel. She said MJ refused and would not do it. She said he made them sign so that his videos would be shown on both channels. I think she was sincere. And I think they sincerely wanted to do something for him.

Also, Chris is fantastic. i am happy to see him accept something for his friend.

what problem they have with chris,i am talking about jay z and al sharpton.
I love Chris Tucker! I hope there will be some Youtube video up soon of him accepting the award for his friend Michael Jackson.

same here,there should be more real friends at this events,M would be happy!
Michael Jackson & Aretha Franklin Honored at the Apollo Theater

// also publish comment to Facebook nbc.fbparamshare = { contentTitle: "Michael Jackson & Aretha Franklin Honored at the Apollo Theater", contentUrl: "", contentThumbUrl: "*75/71761002.jpg", bundleId: "104938618682", contentType: "article", summary: "Harlem shined Monday night when stars like Angela Bassett, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony hit the red carpet to honor Michael Jackson and Aretha Franklin.", moodStatus: "" };

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These celebrities were attending the Apollo Theater's 2010 Spring Benefit. It certainly turned out to be an "Evening of Legends" as the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin and the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, were inducted into the Apollo Legends Hall of Fame.

"Michael was the King, the true King of Pop," said actor-comedian Chris Tucker who accepted the award on behalf of the Jackson family, just shy of the one year anniversary of his death.

Tucker also reminisced about their trips to the mall, "We would be walking and people started to notice that he was Michael Jackson and all of a sudden I turned into his bodyguard."

Artists Sharon Jones and Estelle performed tribute songs for Aretha Franklin. Upon receiving her award, Jamie Foxx convinced her to sing a few bars. It didn't take Franklin long to grab the microphone from him and entertain the roaring crowd.
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WATCH Michael Jackson honored at Apollo Theater

The night was full of humor but also had a serious tone when honoring those who have passed like Jackson.

Leslie Uggams performed a song in tribute to Lena Horne and several artists noted the benefit was dedicated to the memory of Percy Ellis Sutton.
Power couple Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez were honored with the Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis Arts and Humanitarian Award. The couple was recognized for their commitment to children's health issues. Lopez talked about Jackson's legacy.

"Everybody in our industry looked up to Michael," said Lopez. "And he did everything according to such a high standard. Everyone wanted to be like Mike."
Michael, this is just a little of the recognition owed to you especially after all an icon like you has been through. No one contributed or innovated more than you did Mr. Jackson. Your name will be held high even if it was after you left. Your status as number one must be cemented. I'm glad Chris recieved this on your behalf though we wish you recieved the fruit of your hard work yourself Legendary Thriller.
Re: MJ inducted into Legends Hall of Fame


Very sad how the awards and honors are now coming after June...:(



MJ got far more awards while he was alive than any other artist. I am surprised there are so many he hadn't received before June 25th 2009.

I remember MJ receiving the biggest of them all, Grammy Legend awards before he was 40. At the time I thought it might be a curse because he was far too young, but looking back, I am glad he got it while he was able to enjoy the accolades. And it was one of the most beautiful awards speeches ever.

So I don't know where you got the idea MJ IS ONLY GETTING AWARDS AFTER June 25th...The list of awards MJ received during his lifetime alone can be made into a book.

He was one of the (if not THE) most honoured artists ever...before June 25th.
Originally Posted by earthlyme

Very sad how the awards and honors are now coming after June...

hmm..not really. MJ was the most awarded artist ever in HIStory! No one ever comes close to him. However, I do reckon that the grammy should have given him the awards he deserved for BAD album in 1988! They owed it to him and screw MTV for pulling the prank on him in 2002!
^ There is still many awards though that MJ received only after his death, that he should've had when he was alive.

Anyway I'm happy that Chris accepted this award for Michael, I wish all the best for his life. One of the true friends of Michael.
I'm really glad it's Chris getting this award on Michaels behalf, Chris has been one of Michael's most loyal friends along with Liz Taylor.
My girl Marsha Ambrosius retweeted this:

RT @djdnice: Wow! @MarshaAmbrosius just KILLED MJ's Butterflies! And now Chris Tucker is talking about Neverland! #RIPMJ AWESOMENESS!!! about 13 hours ago via UberTwitter
My girl Marsha Ambrosius retweeted this:
RT @djdnice: Wow! @MarshaAmbrosius just KILLED MJ's Butterflies! And now Chris Tucker is talking about Neverland! #RIPMJ AWESOMENESS!!! about 13 hours ago via UberTwitter sad we won't be able to view and listen for ourselves....