Chris Brown's new song 'Fine China' is Michael Jackson meeting racial conflict

The song itself isn't that bad, much better than compared to a lot of stuff in the mainstream music. But why do the "woooooooohoooooooooooo!" JUST like MJ and "AOOWWW!" JUST like MJ? Only MJ can do that FFS! An to top it all, he uses strong autotune (LOL, really??) - he can't even sing falsetto without going off tune?

I heard this song in public for the first time while in a cab today. It was the "AOOWWW" that alerted me to it being the song from this thread. Maybe he thought putting in that sound would get Michael's fans attention and they would buy his music.

Chris is certainly a great dancer. I don't think anyone can deny it, and I think he is enjoying the hype of being constantly compared to Michael.
I don't think just because you choose to include dancing a LOT in your performance that it makes you a great dancer. People make those connections far too easily, I've noticed.
I don't think just because you choose to include dancing a LOT in your performance that it makes you a great dancer. People make those connections far too easily, I've noticed.
Yep. Anyone who knows how to dance and take some dance lessons could do exactly what Chris did in this video. It's just that you don't see it so much in official music videos .
I think Chris is a great dancer, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he dances in videos. Michael dances in all his videos & those who think he is a great dancer did not come to that conclusion simply because he dances in all his videos. There are elements of dance that some people feel make a person who dances a great dancer. Also, because others can take classes and do what Chris does, does not mean Chris is not a great dancer. Likewise if Michael looks at James Brown and learns Brown's moves, it does not mean Michael is not a good dancer. I think Chris should be given credit for what he can do. Now do I think he shows originality in his dance--No, but some may disagree with me & that is OK.
How? Like what how? Does he think he will get close to MJ by being compared to him? Thats like saying you reached the sky s limt because you were on a plane
Personally, I only like his song, 'She Ain't You' and that's only because of the 'Human Nature' beat and the intro that says the song is dedicated to Michael. This one, ehh. It could've been better, but the dancing was great.
I think my opinion was based on the fact that no matter how many good dancers there are Michael will always be on my top list. My eyes cannot see anyone else. Im sorry world.
i think cb is an incredible dancer. And absolutely zero to threaten michael's crown so i dont understand why everyone finds it so hard to give him credit. Not in a million years will chris ever reach michael's status so i have no problem in saying that he's excellent at what he does.

And also, if any of us turned out to be global superstars wouldn't we want to gush about michael in interviews? Wouldn't michael influence the music that we created? Michael has inspired each and every one of us so wouldn't it show in our creations?

I'm a fan of some of Chris' stuff but I dont have any problem with his mj influence and i dont see why he should get so much crap about it...
"Fine China" and in it he seems to purposefully conjure images of Michael Jackson...
There ya go!:nerd:

As far as this goes....
Chris Brown's new song 'Fine China' is Michael Jackson meeting racial conflict
after reading the article, which pointed out the racial differences in each group, I think it's grasping for something more that's not there. I thought the author of the article would do some kind of comparison of this video and a Michael Jackson video ie Beat It.

MJ's influence on Chris and many others is another way to keep his legacy alive.
Even my bro posted on his facebook page...... "
Can't come up with his own stuff so he rips off 7 mj videos and puts it in one..

Thats comeent from my bro says it all lol

Well I can't say I'm in love with this video but it was okay. I like Cb hes not afraid to show hes a fan and I respect that.

Some say rip-off, stealing, copying, some say paying tribute to their idol.
As much as I love to dance, I WISH I could pull off some Michael moves.
But I love the art of MJ.
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I heard this song again today while shopping in a clothing store. It seems it is getting a lot of airtime.
This video shows what is wrong with the industry.

100% Homage/imitation/borrowing
0% Original
It doesn't have to be totally original for at least the first and last reasons you gave.
Or even all three. Like someone else said, I don't mind seeing the MJ influence in
some entertainers either. It's gonna happen regardless, which tells you right there
how strong the influence is.

BTW, the video was playing on some video channel, as I was posting. :D
I may not be good at it but it's called sarcasm. Now you get over it.
Now read my original post.

I wasn't targeting you my friend. I was making a statement. I saw posts from people who think that Michael is the only artist in the world. And that is not fair.
Mike is no longer with us anymore.

He'd always say how flattered he was when other artists are imitating him.

The song is very good.

I disagree. I don't think we should just say "this song is great" because he's imitating Michael, not saying you said it for that reason. But I know there's some newer fans who do that, because some of my friends do it. Like that song with the Human Nature melody, it's decent, but it's a run of the mill pop record. So is Fine China, the only song I really enjoy listening to when he's doing this, is "Nobody's business" with him and Rihanna.
This video shows what is wrong with the industry.

100% Homage/imitation/borrowing
0% Original
The melody and hooing, hissing & sighings
are all spliced, chopped & borrowed from
Heartbreak Hotel
Sream Louder
It is scary (Ghosts)
and the vid is a mish mash of
Thriller (begining part)
Smooth Criminal
You Rock my world
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Hmmm. I see some editing has been going on in this thread.
Which makes MY post seem ridiculous. That, and I would never start
a sentence with a lower case letter. But hey, it's all good. ;)