Chili from TLC calls Michael her Husband

No, she never had a chance with Mike. The poster was saying that if MJ was really interested in her, he would have asked her out. That would have been Chilli's chance. I didn't mean to say anything that would confuse you, MJbabe21. :)
Looks like Mike could get a little "Red Light Special". lol.

She looks great, she really does. I couldn't see them dating but I dont know why but you never know.
Lol, It seems they are so many people who proposing Michael:D Its nice that she is still a massive MJ fan.:clapping:
Hard to believe she's been in the music industry for 17 years and is 37 cus you'd think she was still in her 20s. Hopefully we'll get more mentionings in the future from her cus her debut solo album 'Bi-Polar' will be coming out in december.
thats so sweet i just love those pictures of michael. He is a sweet heart and i hope he fines the love of his life .
Good genes. :wink: Cracking and sagging is a long way off for her. :lol:

Well, Michael has said he was married to his fans so he sorta kinda IS her husband. :lol: He's got himself an unofficial harem all across the globe. haha.

He does! :mello:

Imagine that, he could be anywhere in the world and there would be michaelmaniac girls all over and he could point a finger and say "I want that one, that one and that one..." :bugeyed

And Chilli is a beautiful woman and does not look 37 at all!

Go get him, girl!! :kickass2: