Chili from TLC calls Michael her Husband

I had seen this video.
Chili always was a Michael's fan and the same way that I would like weds with him!|o|
Thanks for posting!:)
Chili did not refer to Michael Jackson as her husband... she stated outside my husband, Michael Jackson my man is M.C. Hammer... She was saying that whoever she is involve with today and then Michael Jackson as the second person also M.C. Hammer. But she will need to stand in line because who doesn't want to be with MJ.

Usher did stated from his own mouth that the reason why him and Chili did not make it was because she was jealous harded and controlling also too demanding. He stated that she did not want him to hug his fans and would get jealous over that. So, imagine if she was with Michael and his fans approach him.

I think Chili is okay, but it is stated that she is not so nice of a person. So, lets stop trying to hook MJ up with everyone that states they want MJ and let MJ choose who he plans to be with on his own. If we do that then, well, there is not a enough room. From Brandy to Beyounce stating they had a huge crush on him to who ever exist today..... really lol
^^^ :rolleyes:

except, yes MJ can choose whomever he wants..thats true..but other than that..ummm how the hell do you know??stop hatin lol

ummm and yes she did refer to MJ as her husband..she says it in other interviews as well too!!lol... And i THINK the reason why her and Usher broke up was because Usher cheated on Chilli.
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Yeah in the end MJ will choose who he wants but it's just funny and sweet cus she's been saying that for years and the fact that she like brooke almost sound serious. It's not often in this day and age that they say things like that without fearing what others will think.
Yeah in the end MJ will choose who he wants but it's just funny and sweet cus she's been saying that for years and the fact that she like brooke almost sound serious. It's not often in this day and age that they say things like that without fearing what others will think.

So true :)..its nice to know they said that about MJ! :).. and i dont believe that Chilli is a rude and cruel person either!!
i like chilli..she seems like a nice person :)

Yeah she does!!!!:)She also seems like a fun person to be around :D I saw a video of Chilli doing the Soulja Boy dance..idk..She looks like she would be fun to hang around with.
she always says this lol. shes so damn cute i swear. hahahaahaha mike betta snatch her up
This is sweet. Now where's the publicity on that? Why aren't the media talking about all the love Michael gets from the ladies?
Note: I already know the answer to this, lol.
^^^ They have, with some women. But yeah haha where is it?

Ohhh lol, yeah you already know the answer :lol:eek:pppss :)
MJBabe21: Mike was at a charity event in Altanta, were TLC were based. TLC happened to be there and Chilli met MJ. I think she stated that she asked MJ for a kiss and he gave it to her on the lips. I think this happened in 1993. I know there is a youtube video about that. She talked about that time back in 1999 on MTV when they (Chilli, Left Eye{R.I.P} and T-Boz) were counting down their favorite music videos (when MTV mattered) and went to one of MJ's short films.

:wild: :clapping:

I like that!
Usher did stated from his own mouth that the reason why him and Chili did not make it was because she was jealous harded and controlling also too demanding. He stated that she did not want him to hug his fans and would get jealous over that. So, imagine if she was with Michael and his fans approach him.

I think Chili is okay, but it is stated that she is not so nice of a person

No offense, but Usher did cheat on Chilli and I think that is what ended their relationship. I adore Usher, but I think he was trippin' from that comment. I personally think MJ and Chilli would make such a cute couple. She is pretty, has her own money and is a single parent. After all of the women MJ has been with, Chilli would be one of the best things that can happened to him in a while. Call me "silly" but Chilli isn't this bad person. Also. I do not see how her supposed jealousy has to do with the point of this thread. If you think about it, she has every right to be jealous. Usher was a wanted man, most of his fanbase are women and she had to watch to see what he is doing. I do not see how that is a bad thing.
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Hi, you guys again

Just to make it clear, I'm not hating on Chili, TLC was one of my favorite groups growning up.

Yes, Usher did cheated on Chili but he stated the reason why things went the way they did was because of the way Chili was with him. I did hear that she was a person who had a chip on her shoulders, but that is what I heard and not to hate... So, what seems on TV is not always true behind close doors. Why haven't she been in a relationship since Usher? just a question.... I'm not stating she is not cool, she maybe a cool female friend to women but who knows about other things. Also, Usher is a wanted man but MJ is more wanted, and a female that is in their lives must respect the fact that they will have female fans who will always want to hug them or kiss them on the chick and that female will need to not get in the way of that, and be comfortable to know that Usher or MJ loves her that is all I'm stating about her being jealous over his fans trying to give him a hug. not to hate....

All I'm saying is that MJ is very aware of the women in the industry that have these madden crush on him and if he wanted her he would of gotten her way back then, any woman for that matter. He spent 2hrs back stage with Britney Spears, 30mins back stage in his dressing room with Beyounce and alot of female stars have express there crush on MJ and have meet him and gave a kiss/hug. MJ knows that these female artist have crush on him but truthfully he must not want some of them. David Qest stated that the only female singer MJ was fascinated with or had a crush on was Beyounce, David stated that MJ told him he like her look, but somehow he have not wanted the others (Chili) or do not feel the chemistry for them to even move on it. We always go above and beyond when we here the slightest female star stating how she likes, love, have a crush on MJ and start to exaggerate about MJ being with the female star.

So, anyone of us can meet MJ and be with him. Hell for this matter I can call MJ my husband and the next female fan on this sight can as well, if Chili can. We don't have to be a star to want to have MJ as our husband. Chili met MJ and had the opportunity to get him, but MJ plan and simple was not interested and just gave her a kiss as she asked for it. If I meet MJ I would ask for the phone # and try to become friends and get to know him as his ex-wife did when she meet MJ. They switch numbers, so I just say if she wanted him so badly then why at the perfect moment in time did she not ask for the number or did she and MJ denied her??? We will never know. huh. So please do not hate on my remarks for I love MJ as all you do and want the best for him.

Happy thoughts always... we all want the best thing for MJ... MJ will choose a wife someday, I'm sure when he is ready. I think he is trying to choose his soulmate and that can be very difficult, and MJ is some what to me very particular about who he is with or not. We hear the rumors but in reality, MJ will let us know who he wants. Chili is attractive, but obviously MJ didn't bite it back in the past because maybe he was not attractive to her.... just a thought... not hating... what seems attrative to us might not be for MJ or what seems attractive to MJ might not seem to everyone else... Take Usher, not everyone think his wife is attractive or at least better looking then Chili but Usher stands by his wife and seems to love her..... that is all... Peace love and happiness.
Im abig fan of usher

But i dont blame her for watching on what he was dong
Like what michaeltrue friend said , he was/and always is a wanted man.
Also, Usher is a wanted man but MJ is more wanted, and a female that is in their lives must respect the fact that they will have female fans who will always want to hug them or kiss them on the chick and that female will need to not get in the way of that, and be comfortable to know that Usher or MJ loves her that is all I'm stating about her being jealous over his fans trying to give him a hug.

Damn, that is a long ass sentence. LOL. I mean, a few periods wouldn't hurt. ANyway, I see what you mean and I know that MJ is more wanted then Usher. I know about the crushes that MJ had with a lot of female performers. I know what David Gest said about that. However, MJ couldn't be with Beyonce because she was with Jay-Z at that time.

All I'm saying is that MJ is very aware of the women in the industry that have these madden crush on him and if he wanted her he would of gotten her way back then, any woman for that matter

I think we all know that MJ is very aware of the women in the industry that wanted to be with him. I know all about that and the stories about that. Many I would not state on this message board. I see where you are coming from but if some of us fans like to say that we like to see MJ with Chilli, then let us say that. I really could care less if she is/was/supposedly a jealous woman. Usher and Michael are MEN and men are known, esp. men who are in the entertainment business or any profession that gives them money and power. They will get tempted (sp) by these women, whether they be fans or famous women and probably get their swirl on. Hey, I can't blame any women that was ever with MJ or Usher for being jealous. That is a natural feeling. Some people might see it as insecure but it could probably be a protection of some sort. IT is up to Michael or Usher to control that situation. BTW, I do have to agree that Chilli had a chance to be with Mike. So did a lot of women. However, if she want to say what she says about Mike, let her. Another thing, she has been with a man after Usher. He was this cute black news anchor for CNN. I can't think of his name. She was with him for a while.

get to know him as his ex-wife did when she meet MJ

And get paid.

Look, I say, let Chilli be. Maybe MJ would come around and give her a shot.
BTW, I do have to agree that Chilli had a chance to be with Mike. So did a lot of women.

Look, I say, let Chilli be. Maybe MJ would come around and give her a shot.

She had a chance to be with Mike??I didn't know that. How so? :)