Chili from TLC calls Michael her Husband


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Something fun to watch... On a recent interview with Chili from TLC promoting her new single...she talked about entertainers...she mentioned Michael and MC Hammer...

she referred to Michael as her Husband...:hysterical:

That's great, wasn't she Usher's ex girlfriend? She looks hotter now, with that hair. If I were Michael Jackson I would give her a call right now.
lol when she stops and says "yeah my mannn" she was like having an orgasm over him :lol:
Yeah go Mike...go get her!!!hehehe she is so cute!

:phone:.... :phone:

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Mike better call Chilli. Yes, she was Usher's former woman. I remember those days. LOL. I think MJ and Chilli would get all sorts of people talking and they would look good together. She is vbery pretty, a single parent, like Michael, and she loooooooves him. She talked about a time, way back, when MJ gave her a kiss on the lips!! She was soooooooooo happy. :) Go Chilli. I cannot hate on you - you kissed both of my men, (Mike and Usher) and I like ya!! :)
Awwww how cute. Yeah, she must have been real happy when MJ gave her a kiss on the lips. I bet she was like this :

EDIT: when was this kiss? I forgot. I heard her talking about it, but just don't remeber when.
MJBabe21: Mike was at a charity event in Altanta, were TLC were based. TLC happened to be there and Chilli met MJ. I think she stated that she asked MJ for a kiss and he gave it to her on the lips. I think this happened in 1993. I know there is a youtube video about that. She talked about that time back in 1999 on MTV when they (Chilli, Left Eye{R.I.P} and T-Boz) were counting down their favorite music videos (when MTV mattered) and went to one of MJ's short films.
Oh ok!!I thought it was sometime in the 90's when MJ kissed her!!Awwwww:D
Wow! She doesn't look 37, she looks like she's in her twenties.

Good genes. :wink: Cracking and sagging is a long way off for her. :lol:

Well, Michael has said he was married to his fans so he sorta kinda IS her husband. :lol: He's got himself an unofficial harem all across the globe. haha. Chilli's always showin' her love. She's awesome..and has actual talent. :D

Thanks for posting.
aww thats so awesome! i love it when celebs say kwl stuff like that bout michael! she seems so nice and shes incredibly beautiful.... yeh get in there jackson!!! :p xxxx
gives her a yaaa and hiyaaaa.... and then i kicked her sir!