Charles Thompson : The Truth About Michael Jackson's UK Comeback

There was a great moment in 2007 when Michael was making a speech in Japan and he got choked up because he couldn't believe how nice everyone was being to him. It was a beautiful thing
Taj is wonderful, class singer and i'm happy he's not a backstabber like some of Michael's relatives. and Charles Thomson does speak the truth, about the wembley vhs and this.. he ain't that bad of a dude..
It doesn't matter how famous you are because if you keep hearing and reading people say such terrible things about you it's hard on a person. That is so painful and I can understand how emotional Michael would get. I don't think people really get how much all that hurt him and affected his self esteem and confidence. Then when something good happens like this award show people can't stand that and have to bring him down. There are nasty and cruel people in this world. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Just watched the video of Michael from the first page for the first time in a few years. Can I just say I've never seen the whole ending on how he walked off the stage. The audience and Choir's reaction is just everything that sums up Michael Jackson. That is, he was and still is the most amazing and gifted person of our time, pure and simple. The reaction of everyone chanting Michael, Michael, Michael again must of made him realise all over again how popular he still was. After all he when through the previous years, the public still loved and wanted more from him. Seeing the video all the way through help me recapture some of the excitement I felt back in 2007.

Truth be told there will NEVER be another Michael Jackson.
Not in our lifetime and I truly believe not in anyone else's.
He set the bar so high that most artists today, whether they admit it or not, Michael influenced them in some shape or form. Wether it be dance, music style or simply music videos. He lives on not only in his achievements and video's, music, words etc, but also all other artists whether we liked their style or music or not.

Thanks very much for posting the original video on the first page it has helped me to rethink about the way Michael reignited the public back in 2007
Truth be told when you have a job and get stuck into our own lives and day to day goings on its easy to forget and loose track from time to time

Lee :)
I was there that night and the truth is there was booing at the end. Rihanna took the stage after Michael left for good and she couldn't start her performance because of the noise and booing. It was a little rude to Rihanna but fans that night couldn't care less since at least 98% of the audience must have been Michael Jackson fans! The love Michael got that night must have been overwhelming for him and I am happy for him that he experienced the love that night. So, yes, Michael was never ever ever in the world booed off the stage that night. On the contrary, all the audience wanted was Michael and Michael only. So, as I see it, the media took something that did in fact happen (the booing), but used it to fabricate a story that no one present during the award show would have ever corroborated since Michael Jackson was showered with love and affection and the booing started only when he had already left the stage and the fans realized that he was gone for good and the next performance was about to begin.

Thanks Wednesday, I'm really glad I decided to read every post first before making my own comments/rant.

I too was there that night, 3 people back from the stage and had a very very clear understanding of what went down and it's slightly off topic but it has eaten me up inside for all these years.

Having spent the ENTIRE day there lining up, being moved to a different location, lining up again in very hot conditions, fans were on edge, hungry, tired and eager to get on with the night!

All we wanted to see was MJ. I can confirm that for nearly everyone that took to the stage, they got boo'd. I think it was maybe Jordan that figured out the only way to not get boo'd is to mention MJ and after that point, it felt like that was everyones way to 'survive the stage.'

The media would have had so many booing soundbites to use and there is no excuse as to why they would have lied about the events took place.

In my own very angry yet humbled opinion, the appearance 'flopped' because of expectation. All day I heard rumours about what MJ was going to be doing and where these came from, I don't know. I remember hearing that he was going to be one of the zombies during the Thriller performance!

The 'We are the world' performance was clearly rehearsed but for whatever reason MJ took his time getting to the stage, and again, different explanations can be found for this. You can tell by the way everyone keeps looking to the side of the stage.

As for the reason why he left the stage, I remember looking at it unfolding before my eyes.

My recount of the time was that he looked lonely out there on the stage with not being able to sing due to the crowd noise and he called the 'choir' down to deflect that fact. I remember looking at the 'choir' and this didn't look rehearsed as they just couldn't believe it so they raced to him.

At that point he started looking uncomfortable and somewhat concerned. Had this been rehearsed they wouldn't have been so star struck and you can tell by both the fact that Chris Brown comes down and also the girl that jumps in front to have her picture taken.

I remember being jealous that these guys were able to touch him and be that close and it looked to me like none of them valued that moment. In some of the cut away shots to the crowd in the videos posted, I saw tugging and grabbing which is when he started walking back toward the stage.

Everyone of us knows that when he shouts 'How you doin?' that is not the precursor to leaving the stage, there was more to come perhaps in the form of a speech or a simple 'Thanks for your support'

It is at that point that the 'choir' starts the "Michael Michael" chant and gathers around him. Look at his face at that moment and tell me you don't see the concern. He looks to the side of the stage and even asks which way to exit and then he is gone!

The people around me started booing at that point too as it felt like they had ruined it for all of us and this may have been what the media picked up on without understanding what it was truly about.

It's off my chest now.
very interesting article, yes, many times, the media just invented another reality, one that will sell papers...I'm sure Michael was hurt, but he knew that the fans adore him:)
Thanks Wednesday, I'm really glad I decided to read every post first before making my own comments/rant.

I too was there that night, 3 people back from the stage and had a very very clear understanding of what went down and it's slightly off topic but it has eaten me up inside for all these years.

Having spent the ENTIRE day there lining up, being moved to a different location, lining up again in very hot conditions, fans were on edge, hungry, tired and eager to get on with the night!

All we wanted to see was MJ. I can confirm that for nearly everyone that took to the stage, they got boo'd. I think it was maybe Jordan that figured out the only way to not get boo'd is to mention MJ and after that point, it felt like that was everyones way to 'survive the stage.'

The media would have had so many booing soundbites to use and there is no excuse as to why they would have lied about the events took place.

In my own very angry yet humbled opinion, the appearance 'flopped' because of expectation. All day I heard rumours about what MJ was going to be doing and where these came from, I don't know. I remember hearing that he was going to be one of the zombies during the Thriller performance!

The 'We are the world' performance was clearly rehearsed but for whatever reason MJ took his time getting to the stage, and again, different explanations can be found for this. You can tell by the way everyone keeps looking to the side of the stage.

As for the reason why he left the stage, I remember looking at it unfolding before my eyes.

My recount of the time was that he looked lonely out there on the stage with not being able to sing due to the crowd noise and he called the 'choir' down to deflect that fact. I remember looking at the 'choir' and this didn't look rehearsed as they just couldn't believe it so they raced to him.

At that point he started looking uncomfortable and somewhat concerned. Had this been rehearsed they wouldn't have been so star struck and you can tell by both the fact that Chris Brown comes down and also the girl that jumps in front to have her picture taken.

I remember being jealous that these guys were able to touch him and be that close and it looked to me like none of them valued that moment. In some of the cut away shots to the crowd in the videos posted, I saw tugging and grabbing which is when he started walking back toward the stage.

Everyone of us knows that when he shouts 'How you doin?' that is not the precursor to leaving the stage, there was more to come perhaps in the form of a speech or a simple 'Thanks for your support'

It is at that point that the 'choir' starts the "Michael Michael" chant and gathers around him. Look at his face at that moment and tell me you don't see the concern. He looks to the side of the stage and even asks which way to exit and then he is gone!

The people around me started booing at that point too as it felt like they had ruined it for all of us and this may have been what the media picked up on without understanding what it was truly about.

It's off my chest now.

Thanks for your account and also Wednesday's too!! It's good to hear from people who were there.

From looking at the video, I agree that MJ got uncomfortable when the choir came towards him and really manhandled him, from what I could see. There was one guy who had his arms all around him and it seemed they were not content being with him, standing next to him, but had to embrace, touch, etc. That happened when he walked to the end of the catwalk and also when he stood still at the edge of the main stage at the end.

I heard the "How Ya Doin'" not as a precuror to anything but just a hello to the crowd. He was so crowded though that leaving was a good idea. I have read that MJ had extensive experience with crowds being out of control and he had no bodyguards on the stage. There is an account that fans mobbed him when he got off the plane when he first appeared in the UK, when he was still very young and weighed only 80 lbs and was under 5 ft tall, and they grabbed the 2 ends of his scarf and almost strangled him.

I think a substantial part of the whole mess can be laid at Raymone's feet b/c she did not organize or publicize it so that expectations didn't get beyond the reality of what MJ was going to do, meaning what he wanted to do and had rehearsed to do.
This was an excellent article, but I remember discovering the truth myself. From about 1986 on, it seems the media had nothing but bizzaro things to write or say about Michael-none of which made any sense whatsoever, but the public had to be eating up, that I tried to avoid anything they said. Of course, I wasn't actually sheltered by it-and I remember reading and seeing the news reports about these Awards-and I was just disgusted by the public reaction to him.
I guess in 2007 or 2008 I finally bought my own home computer, discovered You Tube and ran across the video of the ceremony-I watched it happily-and then it hit me-that THIS was the infamous award show that he was supposedly booed off the stage-and THIS was what actually happened.

When I was a kid we had Walter Cronkite and Huntley Brinkley, etc. Journalism was a honorable career and things like the NE and the London tabloids were just trashy junk. This and this confirmed for me that the mainstream media had become nothing more than another version of the tabloid press. I will never believe anything that is reported ever again.