Charles Thompson : The Truth About Michael Jackson's UK Comeback

In fairness, what on earth happened that night?

When I watched it back not so long ago, it really did look like he was kinda ushered into the 'performance'.

At the time it felt as though Michael's people were happily courting attention by hinting at an actual performance without any thought for what would happen when he didn't.

They should have come flat out and said, listen he's not performing.

The whole thing was just odd. And a PR disaster that could have been managed a whole lot better.
I agree. Obviously it doesn't negate the outright lies about the booing that the tabs reported, but something went wrong that night and the responsibility for that has to be on mj and his team - they're not rank amateurs. A mj performance was apparently hyped up and if he wasn't performing then his team should have made it clear it wasn't happening. I remember a chris brown interview a year or 2 back where he was talking about his thriller perf on that night and he said that it was really last minute and he was given like 2 days notice about it as there was some big change going on with the award ceremony. So i'm wondering if mj was planning on doing something and then pulled out late in the day, idk.

It seemed to me that the media had already decided what story it wanted to tell about Michael Jackson's appearance in London - it was just an irritation to them that he hadn't played ball. When his appearance prompted a powerful outpouring of adulation - fans being rushed away in wheelchairs like the tours of his heyday - it didn't suit the industry's preconceived narrative. Certain figures were intent on Jackson being the 'ex-King of Pop'. When Earls Court actually went just as crazy for him as it would have done 20 years prior, it didn't fit - so they simply ignored that inconvenient turn of events and conjured a 'chorus of boos' from thin air.
You do wonder what would have happened in july 09 for tii opening night. Would the press have slated mj if he didn't do a squillion 360 degree turns and danced like he did when he was 30yrs old? - i def get the feeling they wouldn't have been comparing mj to the music lineup of today but to mj circa 1980s. Had they got their king of flops headlines ready to finally bury his reputation? I suspect that wd be one of the issues keeping mj awake at night in the run up to 2009. At least now, the press's power is weakened because of social media - twitter/facebook/blogs - they don't have the monopoly over information.
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I agree. Obviously it doesn't negate the outright lies about the booing that the tabs reported, but something went wrong that night and the responsibility for that has to be on mj and his team - they're not rank amateurs. A mj performance was apparently hyped up and if he wasn't performing then his team should have made it clear it wasn't happening. I remember a chris brown interview a year or 2 back where he was talking about his thriller perf on that night and he said that it was really last minute and he was given like 2 days notice about it as there was some big change going on with the award ceremony. So i'm wondering if mj was planning on doing something and then pulled out late in the day, idk.

You do wonder what would have happened in july 09 for tii opening night. Would the press have slated mj if he didn't do a squillion 360 degree turns and danced like he did when he was 30yrs old? - i def get the feeling they wouldn't have been comparing mj to the music lineup of today but to mj circa 1980s. Had they got their king of flops headlines ready to finally bury his reputation? I suspect that wd be one of the issues keeping mj awake at night in the run up to 2009. At least now, the press's power is weakened because of social media - twitter/facebook/blogs - they don't have the monopoly over information.

it was only a rumor that Michael was scheduled to perform 'thriller' throughout. it's not Michael's fault at all, nothing on that was said by him or his camp. He just stated he would be making an appearance, and i think it's a wonderful final appearance that Michael made in england to his legion of fans. people were so hyped & emotional that night, of course i wasn't there unfortunately.. but it's stunning and i'll always watch that video. LONG LIVE KING MICHAEL JJ.
So i'm wondering if mj was planning on doing something and then pulled out late in the day, idk.

Given MJs track record that's something we cannot discount.

Look at the Grammy performance for Thriller 25 - what on earth happened there??
I think of lot of journalists were just disappointed. As MJ fans, we're so crazy about the man that him just showing up and basking in his glory before our eyes is "entertainment" and a moment to remember. But everybody else is like, "ok, you've got loyal fans, now how about showing us what you've got?"

Whether MJ was supposed to perform or not, the fact is that he could have chosen to perform that night; I'm sure the organizers wouldn't have been opposed to it.

When MJ did the MSG shows in 2001, he actually got great reviews, even though as fans we knew that that performance was subpar. If he'd just done a passable "Billie Jean" in London, he might have gotten great reviews the following day. But you're not going to get praise from anyone but the most dedicated fans if you don't put some effort into it.
But everybody else is like, "ok, you've got loyal fans, now how about showing us what you've got?.

Michael had been performing for 4 decades. He had absolutely nothing to prove.
You still don't make up lies that he got booed and make it sound all horrible when the truth was people were so happy to see him. People read it and believe it. People had an agenda and instead of acting like professionals and doing their jobs they flat out lie. I feel bad for real journalists who try to tell the truth and do a good job. When people behave badly like that it gives them all a bad name.

After everything that Michael had been through I am sure it brought him a lot of joy to see people look so happy to see and show him love. Then these people try to ruin it with their lies. Who cares that Michael didn't perform. He deserved the award and deserved all the love shown to him. I wish I could have been there too to see it.
I think of lot of journalists were just disappointed. As MJ fans, we're so crazy about the man that him just showing up and basking in his glory before our eyes is "entertainment" and a moment to remember. But everybody else is like, "ok, you've got loyal fans, now how about showing us what you've got?"

Whether MJ was supposed to perform or not, the fact is that he could have chosen to perform that night; I'm sure the organizers wouldn't have been opposed to it.

When MJ did the MSG shows in 2001, he actually got great reviews, even though as fans we knew that that performance was subpar. If he'd just done a passable "Billie Jean" in London, he might have gotten great reviews the following day. But you're not going to get praise from anyone but the most dedicated fans if you don't put some effort into it.

Hmmm, I really don't agree with that. What did he have to prove and why? He's been performing since he was a little kid. I don't really understand why anyone would feel they are obligated to receive another full-out performance in order for him to receive his award.

The media was hell-bent on criticizing him, no matter what. Even if he had given a passable Billie Jean performance as you said, they still would have slandered him over that. He probably knew it too.
I think of lot of journalists were just disappointed. As MJ fans, we're so crazy about the man that him just showing up and basking in his glory before our eyes is "entertainment" and a moment to remember. But everybody else is like, "ok, you've got loyal fans, now how about showing us what you've got?"

Whether MJ was supposed to perform or not, the fact is that he could have chosen to perform that night; I'm sure the organizers wouldn't have been opposed to it.

When MJ did the MSG shows in 2001, he actually got great reviews, even though as fans we knew that that performance was subpar. If he'd just done a passable "Billie Jean" in London, he might have gotten great reviews the following day. But you're not going to get praise from anyone but the most dedicated fans if you don't put some effort into it.

I think of lot of journalists were just disappointed. As MJ fans, we're so crazy about the man that him just showing up and basking in his glory before our eyes is "entertainment" and a moment to remember. But everybody else is like, "ok, you've got loyal fans, now how about showing us what you've got?"

Whether MJ was supposed to perform or not, the fact is that he could have chosen to perform that night; I'm sure the organizers wouldn't have been opposed to it.

When MJ did the MSG shows in 2001, he actually got great reviews, even though as fans we knew that that performance was subpar. If he'd just done a passable "Billie Jean" in London, he might have gotten great reviews the following day. But you're not going to get praise from anyone but the most dedicated fans if you don't put some effort into it.

You are missing the point completely. The media did not just write "we are disappointed that MJ did not perform". They downright lied about the whole atmosphere and instead of reporting about what factually happened - ie. that MJ was celebrated like a King they made up the lie that he was booed.

Nothing justifies that!
You do wonder what would have happened in july 09 for tii opening night. Would the press have slated mj if he didn't do a squillion 360 degree turns and danced like he did when he was 30yrs old? - i def get the feeling they wouldn't have been comparing mj to the music lineup of today but to mj circa 1980s. Had they got their king of flops headlines ready to finally bury his reputation? I suspect that wd be one of the issues keeping mj awake at night in the run up to 2009. At least now, the press's power is weakened because of social media - twitter/facebook/blogs - they don't have the monopoly over information.

Yes, I hate to say it but I have the feeling the media could not wait to drag him through the mud once again. No matter how great he had been they would have found a way to bash him. I mean if they could write about that royal reception in 2006 the total opposite - that he was booed - then nothing MJ could do on stage would have stopped them from writing the most negative reviews they could. This was a trend since 1993. Nothing he did was good enough. Yes, I'm sure that was on his mind a lot on those sleepless nights.
The media tried to make it like the whole world didn't like Michael. Then when he died the world showed the media that they did love Michael.
The problem was also media flat out lied about Michael performing at that award show and that incompetent Raymone Bain did nothing to stop it and say otherwise. I was so happy to see him smiling and how he received so much love and the Diamond Award. He had nothing to prove as a performer TBH.
Yes, I hate to say it but I have the feeling the media could not wait to drag him through the mud once again. No matter how great he had been they would have found a way to bash him. I mean if they could write about that royal reception in 2006 the total opposite - that he was booed - then nothing MJ could do on stage would have stopped them from writing the most negative reviews they could. This was a trend since 1993. Nothing he did was good enough. Yes, I'm sure that was on his mind a lot on those sleepless nights.

And it's probably why it's been said that Michael wanted to sing live as much as possible for This Is It cause he probably knew that if he lip synced as much as he did back on the HIStory Tour the media would have had a field day.
Another thing that springs to mind is that the media calls Billie Jean at Motown 25 ''Michael's best performance ever'' (I disagree) but if MJ did the exact same performace of Motown 25 in 2006 the media would have ripped him to pieces for it and they would have called him washed up.
I hate the media. Murray killed Michael but they had a hand in what happened to Michael as well. I won't forget ever.
You are missing the point completely. The media did not just write "we are disappointed that MJ did not perform". They downright lied about the whole atmosphere and instead of reporting about what factually happened - ie. that MJ was celebrated like a King they made up the lie that he was booed.

Nothing justifies that!

Again, not trying to defend journalists : I know very well that when they settle on a narrative, they'll stick to it no matter what. But not everybody in the house that night must have been an MJ fan; are we sure that there weren't any boos anywhere in the room, when MJ just left without singing?
Again, not trying to defend journalists : I know very well that when they settle on a narrative, they'll stick to it no matter what. But not everybody in the house that night must have been an MJ fan; are we sure that there weren't any boos anywhere in the room, when MJ just left without singing?

Where are you trying to go with all this if not defending journalists? That maybe, just maybe there was someone in the room who booed instead of cheering is nothing but speculation on your part. The overall atmosphere was definitely not of booing and I don't know what more evidence you need of that than watching the video. Several newspapers wrote MJ was booed off stage. It should be evident by now it was a bold-faced lie, period. It has nothing to do with who was or wasn't an MJ fan in the room or whether people expected or didn't expect him to perform. Fact is he was absolutely NOT booed off stage like the media claimed, on the contrary!
After so many years of sadness and tough times, Michael had a sweet and happy moment in public. These "journalists" did not like that and had to lie and make it ugly and terrible because it fit their agenda. Their agenda is suppose to be to tell the truth about what happened. I don't trust the media even now. Whenever I see a headline with Michael's name I hesitate to see what it is. I am always thinking the worst because that's all they would do to him. They couldn't let him have that moment that he deserved.
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Every public appearance that Michael made after the 2005 trial he was always welcomed with love and open arms. It really shows just how much people really do love Michael. I also think that the majority of people never believed any of the crap that the tabloids wrote about Michael because if they did he never would have gotten any positive reactions everytime he made a public appearance.
I was there that night and the truth is there was booing at the end. Rihanna took the stage after Michael left for good and she couldn't start her performance because of the noise and booing. Now, for Rihanna it must have been aweful to be on stage and hear the booing and maybe feel as if it was directed at her. The way I interpreted it that night, and in my opinion the only way you could interpret the booing that commenced when Michael left the stage was that the fans couldn't get enough of Michael and did not want him to leave the stage. It was a little rude to Rihanna but fans that night couldn't care less since at least 98% of the audience must have been Michael Jackson fans! The love Michael got that night must have been overwhelming for him and I am happy for him that he experienced the love that night. So, yes, Michael was never ever ever in the world booed off the stage that night. On the contrary, all the audience wanted was Michael and Michael only. So, as I see it, the media took something that did in fact happen (the booing), but used it to fabricate a story that no one present during the award show would have ever corroborated since Michael Jackson was showered with love and affection and the booing started only when he had already left the stage and the fans realized that he was gone for good and the next performance was about to begin.
It sounded like the people there were sad to see him go. They didn't want him to go.
Charles mentioned in his article people booed Rihanna, didn't he? If not, I read it on his twitter.

I don't like her music but if I had the chance to be there like some of you, I wouldn't had booed because Michael left, neither her. That was just way rude.
Charles mentioned in his article people booed Rihanna, didn't he? If not, I read it on his twitter.

I don't like her music but if I had the chance to be there like some of you, I wouldn't had booed because Michael left, neither her. That was just way rude.

Yes, I read too that somewhere it was Rihanna who was booed because people only wanted to see Michael. How did that turn into "MJ was booed off stage"?
I like Rihanna, but IMO her vocals during her performance were not that good. like I said I like her, but she just wans't good at all in her performance. maybe it's just me, but that's how I felt about her performance.
Michael overshadows any artist. None of them are on the same level of Michael and can be compared to him. There is only one King. -_- That is the reality. :coffee: :p And Michael has a very strong fan base :heart: ... greater than any other artist. :girl_sigh:
AliCat;3931222 said:
Here's one nice article from that time period...

Spotlight on Jackson at World Music Awards
Updated 11/16/2006 10:08 AM ET


LONDON — With a few thrilling bars of We Are the World, Michael Jackson made a triumphant return to the spotlight at the World Music Awards Wednesday.
"There have been so many who have loved me and stood by me throughout my 42 years in the entertainment business," Jackson, 48, told screaming fans after he received a lifetime achievement award to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Thriller. Jackson, dressed in a sequined black tuxedo, said little and sang even less, but that didn't dampen the spirits of his fans, many of whom traveled from around the world to witness Jackson's comeback.

"I love all of my fans from the bottom of my heart," Jackson told the crowd after accepting the Diamond Award, given to artists who have sold more than 100 million albums. Previous recipients include Rod Stewart, Mariah Carey, Bon Jovi and Celine Dion.

"It was my dream that Thriller would become the biggest-selling album ever. And God has answered my prayers. ... I thank God and you for this success," Jackson said, thanking his parents, siblings and his children.

R&B star Chris Brown, backed by dozens of dancers in zombie make-up, opened for Jackson with rendition of Thriller.

"He has influenced my life since day one, since I was in my mama's womb," Brown said before the show. "I was listening to his music as I was coming out and I'm here to play tribute to him."

The concert marked the latest public appearance by the reclusive celebrity, who moved to Bahrain in a self-imposed exile after his acquittal of child-molestation charges last year. Jackson now lives in Ireland south of Dublin. Jackson spent the past week in London, making several shopping and sightseeing outings. Jackson was toasted by a slew of celebrities including host Lindsay Lohan. Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, Enya, Andrea Bocelli and Katie Melua performed. In the VIP area, guests Paris Hilton, Rachel Hunter, Natalie Imbruglia, Tommy Hilfiger and Jade Jagger mingled, nibbled on sushi and sipped Moet champagne.Hundreds of fans who weren't lucky enough to score tickets to the event held vigil outside, singing Jackson songs and waving banners.

"He's part of my heart, part of my life," said Vincent Descamps, 18, of Lille, France, holding a giant American flag printed with Jackson's face.

Diana Esquivel, who traveled from San Francisco, said she did not consider the appearance a comeback. "In my eyes, he never left."

Man, I remember the World Music Awards so clearly. I was probably the most excited 7 year old that day :heart: he was so amazing, and Chris's tribute was kinda cute too, back in the day when he wasn't a bad boy. *loving sigh* Michael was too awesome. I don't care what haters, or the media say, this man is freaking genius.