Charles Thompson : The Truth About Michael Jackson's UK Comeback


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Aug 4, 2011
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Conjuring a Chorus of Boos; The Truth About Michael Jackson's UK Comeback

I feel compelled to write this blog today because as I sit here in front of my computer, it is seven years - to the day - since I experienced an epiphany of sorts about the media's coverage of Michael Jackson. I had followed his trial quite carefully, of course, comparing court transcripts to media coverage and being distressed by the horrendously biased reporting. But those reports were often at least rooted in fact. Journalists would misrepresent genuine testimony, in most cases simply 'lying' by omission.

What happened seven years ago was different. I witnessed firsthand the construction of a purely fabricated story; one which shot around the world, once again making Michael Jackson a global figure of ridicule, and became immediately accepted as 'fact'. To this day, I read occasional press reports which mention this fabricated event as though it were an objective truth. It has even been listed as a significant career event in Jackson biographies.

Witnessing the creation of the myth was an experience that has stayed with me ever since. For an enthusiastic journalism degree student, it was a shocking and saddening insight into the media's more sinister machinations.

On November 15, 2006, Michael Jackson attended the World Music Awards at London's Earls Court Arena. It was his first official appearance in the capital since his acquittal in June 2005 and I was fortunate enough to be there. Some fans queued all day to secure prime positions in front of the stage but I had to go to university and then travel into London in the evening. Nonetheless, my friends and I easily claimed a spot against the front barrier, just off to the side, immediately beside the mixing deck. We spent part of the evening chatting to the sound and security staff, who tipped us off that they'd been in rehearsals and heard Jackson rehearsing 'that save the world song'. We even met Katie Melua.

It seemed like everybody was there for Michael Jackson. At any gap in the ceremony, chants of his name would erupt around the arena. Other performers on the bill included Enya, Beyoncé and Andrea Bocelli, but they mostly received tepid responses and their performances were often book-ended by increasingly loud chants of 'Michael! Michael! Michael!'

The night was plagued by delays. Lindsay Lohan, on hosting duty, fluffed almost every line she spoke and had to record all of her links multiple times. The turnaround between acts was slow. At one point there was a half hour or more of just nothing at all: an empty stage.

When Michael Jackson eventually appeared, to collect a Diamond Award for album sales over 100million, the place exploded. I have seen Paul McCartney. I have seen Madonna. I have seen Prince. I have seen George Michael. I have never in my life, before or since, witnessed any artist provoke the response that Michael Jackson provoked that night. He received the most sustained, thunderous reception I've ever seen.

He remained on stage for several minutes to deliver two short acceptance speeches - one for his Diamond Award and one for a Guinness World Record presentation. For the duration of his speeches, I hardly heard a word he said, despite the booming sound system. Most artists receive a big cheer as they walk onstage, then the audience settles down. Michael Jackson provoked hysteria. Shrieking and crying. It didn't lull once from the moment he appeared on that balcony until the moment he disappeared backstage again. It was an unforgettable sight.

He emerged again later for a brief performance of sorts. He walked onstage to another cacophonous reception as his record-breaking humanitarian single We Are The World played over the speaker system. He sang a few lines and seemed to look pleadingly towards the mixing desk. My suspicion is that the fans were making such a din he couldn't hear himself. It was like one of his concerts from the 80s. I saw bodies pulled from the crowd and rushed away in wheelchairs.

A few minutes later the sound people bizarrely turned the track off just as he started singing again. No matter. The place just went even crazier. It was an emotional moment, watching him receive such a rapturous welcome after the previous summer's events. After standing for a while on the runway that jutted out from the stage into the crowd, he began to exit, but as the cheering swelled - the audience not wanting to lose sight of him so quickly - he stopped and turned around. Playfully, he lifted a finger to his lips as if to ask the question, 'Shall I stay or shall I go?' The shrieking intensified.

He stood for a while, smiling, and just soaking in the adulation, then raised his fist into a triumphant black power salute. With that, he turned and coolly strolled off-stage, the applause continuing fiercely as he disappeared from view. I have never seen a human being cause such chaos. It was deafening.

The following day I was back at university. As I walked along the corridor towards my first lecture, I met two female classmates. Looking at me pityingly, they asked: "How did it go?" I began telling them about the awe-inspiring reaction Jackson had received; how shocked I was at the scale of the outpouring. It had been one of the most incredible spectacles I'd ever witnessed.

I noticed they were now looking at me as though I were a crazy person. I asked them what was wrong and it transpired that the media was not quite reporting the night's proceedings as they had happened. Once I gained access to the internet, I discovered multiple publications were claiming he had been booed offstage.

"Michael Jackson walked offstage to a chorus of boos last night," the Mirror's Tom Bryant wrote. "The crowd, expecting a proper version of his song, booed the star who then scuttled offstage."

Scuttled offstage.


Watch the above video. Jackson not only does not 'scuttle offstage' to 'a chorus of boos' - he remains onstage long after his performance ends, absorbing the most emphatically positive reaction I've ever observed at an awards ceremony.

The Daily Record's Julia Kuttner wrote an almost identical story: "Michael Jackson walked off stage to a chorus of boos last night - just four lines into his first performance in the UK for nine years. ***** had picked up a gong at the World Music Awards in London minutes before. But after singing only the chorus to his charity single We Are The World, he stopped to repeatedly tell the audience: 'I love you'. Jackson scuttled off the stage after he was booed by the crowd, who were expecting a proper version of the song."

The Evening Standard also got in on the action. Reporters Chris Elwell-Sutton and Valentine Low wrote: "His much-vaunted reappearance turned into an embarrassing disaster. His entire performance consisted of one mangled line, several missed high notes and an exit to a chorus of boos from the audience. 'I love you', he told them - although whether the feeling was reciprocated is open to question."

I was in complete disbelief. Had one rogue reporter claimed Michael Jackson was booed offstage, I wouldn't have been so angry. Every profession has its bad apples. But for multiple reporters to have attended an event at which Michael Jackson demonstrably and categorically was not booed offstage, yet to all then write articles claiming he was, demonstrated a clear conspiracy between multiple parties to fabricate and perpetuate a bogus story.

That myth went around the world. Michael Jackson getting booed offstage became the biggest source of mirth on many a topical panel show and celebrity chat programme. It prompted further stories. The Guardian's Martin Hyde repeated the lies, declaring Jackson the 'ex-King of Pop' and claiming he had only managed a few lines 'before the booing began'. The Sunday Mirror captioned a follow-up story: "Plastic freak's comeback was truly diabolical."

Even celebrity publicist Max Clifford was hoodwinked into commenting on the bogus story, telling the Daily Record: "The one thing that always stood him in good stead was, as a performer, he was one of the greats. This week, he destroyed that image. The reports from the awards say he sang one mangled line, several messy high notes and exited to a chorus of boos. As a performer that was incredibly damaging, and that's all he's got left. I think Michael is probably beyond help."

Researching the story years later using newspaper archive service Infotrac, I discovered something very interesting; an earlier report from the Mirror which completely contradicted the fabricated version it later settled on. In at least one edition of the November 16 paper, a story by Eva Simpson and Caroline Hedley read: "He's back! Michael Jackson was the biggest winner at the awards where he gave his first public performance for nine years. The star was honoured with a Diamond Award for selling more than 100 million albums in his career. Hosted by Lindsay Lohan, the starstudded event at London's Earl's Court saw ***** give a stunning performance of We Are The World. You sure are, *****."

So it would appear that at some point an editorial decision was taken that instead of continuing to report what had actually happened, the newspaper was going to rewrite the night's events to tell the exact opposite of the truth - and several other publications were going to do the same.

It seemed to me that the media had already decided what story it wanted to tell about Michael Jackson's appearance in London - it was just an irritation to them that he hadn't played ball. When his appearance prompted a powerful outpouring of adulation - fans being rushed away in wheelchairs like the tours of his heyday - it didn't suit the industry's preconceived narrative. Certain figures were intent on Jackson being the 'ex-King of Pop'. When Earls Court actually went just as crazy for him as it would have done 20 years prior, it didn't fit - so they simply ignored that inconvenient turn of events and conjured a 'chorus of boos' from thin air. If Jackson wouldn't play his 'ex-King of Pop' role like a good boy, they would attempt to manufacture it. It was classic British tabloid muscle-flexing.

The frustration and the sadness I felt that day when I observed this lie being willfully peddled, and the powerlessness I felt just watching TV presenter after TV presenter, comedian after comedian, recycle the nonsense for the consumption of millions who were not there and would never know it was all made up, bubbles back up whenever I remember the debacle. It was a sorry day for journalism - but the profession has had many of those where Michael Jackson is concerned.

I'm not sure why I've never written anything about it before, but a friend posted a video from the event on Facebook earlier today to mark the anniversary. It was the last time I saw Michael Jackson perform live, but the memory is always tinged with sadness and frustration for what happened in the following days. It's about time somebody set the record straight on this particular fallacy.


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Good article, I remember this all too well. I watched clips from AP that were put online directly after the event ended late that night, with unedited snippets of footage. It was obvious Michael got an amazing reaction. The next day I woke up, logged onto the boards and saw these nonsense headlines everywhere. The cherry on top was a clip from an American news report (do not remember the station) in which they mentioned the same rubbish and actually mixed sounds of a crowd booing over the footage from the AP. I too remember, despite having witnessed all the biased reporting in 2005, still being shocked that they did this. Complete fabrication.
Good article, I remember this all too well. I watched clips from AP that were put online directly after the event ended late that night, with unedited snippets of footage. It was obvious Michael got an amazing reaction. The next day I woke up, logged onto the boards and saw these nonsense headlines everywhere. The cherry on top was a clip from an American news report (do not remember the station) in which they mentioned the same rubbish and actually mixed sounds of a crowd booing over the footage from the AP. I too remember, despite having witnessed all the biased reporting in 2005, still being shocked that they did this. Complete fabrication.

I had never seen the performance before. Clearly it was to load to hear him. What a shame he is gone. He was truly a King if not a God. Everyone loved him. The haters even did they just won't admit it. RIP my friend.
It really makes you think about WHY the media are so invested in destroying this man? The word "conspiracy" is easily thrown around these days and it's just as easily ridiculed (often with good reason) but how else do you explain this? It's not like one isolated journalist decided he can't tolerate Michael being celebrated so he would write just the opposite. It's several journalists and publications lying about the same thing, the same way, even using the same words and expressions. And as Thomson writes the Mirror first wrote the truth but then they quickly sinked that and switched to a lie. So it was totally deliberate.

And they decided to lie despite of the fact that hundreds of people were there and could testify about the truth. They lied despite of the fact that the whole thing was recorded and anyone can check out whether it's true or false (I guess they hoped just no one would check it out, because people are usually lazy - and to be honest the media can often indeed rely on the lazyness of people when they feed them with BS):

I have never witnessed such a systematic campaign against anyone as against Michael Jackson. What on Earth makes him so threatening for these people?
I love watching the world music awards 2006 because despite all the medias efforts to turn the public against Michael they failed.
I salute to this article, it couldn't have been better said by myself. I too was there at the Earls Court and I too had to struggle with the media outburst over Michael's presence. I had seen Michael stage before, on about 4 shows, and still I firmly believe that the atmosphere at the Earls Court was much, much crazier than on any of his CONCERTS (!). Some of the other artists were booed out, but Michael enjoyed one of the loudest welcomes of his carreer. That's why it was even more unbelievable to me, how on earth it was possible for me to receive, after the show, an SMS from a fellow fan who couldn't come along to London, telling me how saddened she was to read in the news that Michael had been booed out!!! First I wasn't sure if she was being serious or if she was joking. It was an hour or two after the show had ended.

Still today I can't believe it. I don't think Michael received such a welcome during the 80s for appearing at an awards show, at the height of his carreer so to speak.
Still today I can't believe it. I don't think Michael received such a welcome during the 80s for appearing at an awards show, at the height of his carreer so to speak.

I think fans knew how he had been treated at the trial and it made them to love him more, to support him more than ever.
The media clearly had an agenda to try to ruin everything about him. No more proof is needed than this.

I cannot even imagine how Michael must have felt... being attacked left and right, and for no reason other than to slander the man. Why?

I'm glad Charles wrote this article.
I love watching the world music awards 2006 because despite all the medias efforts to turn the public against Michael they failed.

The B.S. is being exposed now, but back then they did not fail. Most in the general public believed their slander. No one was giving him a break back then. You would be extremely hard pressed to find one positive article about him back then. And it's not fair.
The only bullshit I remember reading back then was that Michael didn't have much of a voice because he could barely sing. Of course he could barely sing because the cheering and the noise were so overwhelming, even louder and thunderous than the screaming fans of their precious and untouchable Beatles.

I didn't know there such an evil will in the UK to destroy him despite what those bastards did to him since 2003. There weren't positive articles in Mexico either but I didn't see such amount of venom and hatred on them. The UK media is most evil and conniving ever indeed!

Fortunately the videos are available to say otherwise and those testified how deeply loved Michael still is!
GMTV the next morning (a breakfast TV show) had disgruntled 'fans' moaning about a terrible performance. Michael's microphone clearly wasn't loud enough on top of the fact some moron leaked to the press he was going to be doing a full blown performance of Thriller. That whole night was a mess, it's just a shame it had to happen AGAIN to Michael. That whole night was a complete joke.
GMTV the next morning (a breakfast TV show) had disgruntled 'fans' moaning about a terrible performance. Michael's microphone clearly wasn't loud enough on top of the fact some moron leaked to the press he was going to be doing a full blown performance of Thriller. That whole night was a mess, it's just a shame it had to happen AGAIN to Michael. That whole night was a complete joke.
From what I remember there were indeed several fans with the unrealistic expectation that MJ was going to full out perform a song. This was certainly in part because Raymone Bain (who was with MJ on the trip) did nothing to squash those rumours in the days leading up to the event. MJ had to do this himself on the red carpet on his way into the building.

Other than that, friends who attended the event told me the organization was an absolute mess. And you're right, they did screw up with the We Are The World bit, the biggest problem being that they were playing the studio version of the song. What, they expected MJ to sing over those studio recorded Stevie Wonder vocals? No one could locate an instrumental version of the song? Just horrible organization.

And yeah, there were certainly disgruntled fans afterwards. My friend told me that she encountered several of them on the train. The negative reports from the press also affected the opinions of many fans in the days after.

It was a very messed up deal. Nevertheless, the reception MJ got while he received the award was nothing but positive.
In fairness, what on earth happened that night?

When I watched it back not so long ago, it really did look like he was kinda ushered into the 'performance'.

At the time it felt as though Michael's people were happily courting attention by hinting at an actual performance without any thought for what would happen when he didn't.

They should have come flat out and said, listen he's not performing.

The whole thing was just odd. And a PR disaster that could have been managed a whole lot better.
None of this so called PR disaster justifies the media to have lied about what had happened there regarding the reception.
I asked him jaydom's question and this what he replied:

@gaby_guidoluvMJ @michaeljackson I was 21 when he died and still a journalism student. I graduated three months after his death.
You can watch the full 15 min in HD, I uploaded it a while ago:


Really good article, Charles does it again. I remember watching it on TV, being amazed.
GMTV the next morning (a breakfast TV show) had disgruntled 'fans' moaning about a terrible performance. Michael's microphone clearly wasn't loud enough on top of the fact some moron leaked to the press he was going to be doing a full blown performance of Thriller. That whole night was a mess, it's just a shame it had to happen AGAIN to Michael. That whole night was a complete joke.

Out of all the songs that Michael was rumored to perform why Thriller of all things? When it was said that he was gonna perform Thriller that's when i figured that it wasn't true.
People should ask themselves that if the media can lie about whether Michael got booed or cheered what else have they been lying about Michael too? People just believe and not question the truth. I understand why Michael was nervous when he announced This is It. Anything good happening for him people just tried to bring him down. It breaks my heart.
From what I remember there were indeed several fans with the unrealistic expectation that MJ was going to full out perform a song. This was certainly in part because Raymone Bain (who was with MJ on the trip) did nothing to squash those rumours in the days leading up to the event. MJ had to do this himself on the red carpet on his way into the building.

Other than that, friends who attended the event told me the organization was an absolute mess. And you're right, they did screw up with the We Are The World bit, the biggest problem being that they were playing the studio version of the song. What, they expected MJ to sing over those studio recorded Stevie Wonder vocals? No one could locate an instrumental version of the song? Just horrible organization.

And yeah, there were certainly disgruntled fans afterwards. My friend told me that she encountered several of them on the train. The negative reports from the press also affected the opinions of many fans in the days after.

It was a very messed up deal. Nevertheless, the reception MJ got while he received the award was nothing but positive.

Agree that the fact that he was NOT going to perform should have been made clear from the start. Instead of this, people including fans, were led to believe he was going to perform, even though there was no rehearsal etc. Terrible situation for MJ to be in and at a time when he is receiving a major award and it's his first public appearance on stage since the trial--why was it not done better (Raymone, why? maybe we will hear about that in your book?.

This incident does show how the press could re-write reality at will and have the public believe them. Good for Charles T. for pointing this out.
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Here's one nice article from that time period...

Spotlight on Jackson at World Music Awards
Updated 11/16/2006 10:08 AM ET


LONDON — With a few thrilling bars of We Are the World, Michael Jackson made a triumphant return to the spotlight at the World Music Awards Wednesday.
"There have been so many who have loved me and stood by me throughout my 42 years in the entertainment business," Jackson, 48, told screaming fans after he received a lifetime achievement award to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Thriller. Jackson, dressed in a sequined black tuxedo, said little and sang even less, but that didn't dampen the spirits of his fans, many of whom traveled from around the world to witness Jackson's comeback.

"I love all of my fans from the bottom of my heart," Jackson told the crowd after accepting the Diamond Award, given to artists who have sold more than 100 million albums. Previous recipients include Rod Stewart, Mariah Carey, Bon Jovi and Celine Dion.

"It was my dream that Thriller would become the biggest-selling album ever. And God has answered my prayers. ... I thank God and you for this success," Jackson said, thanking his parents, siblings and his children.

R&B star Chris Brown, backed by dozens of dancers in zombie make-up, opened for Jackson with rendition of Thriller.

"He has influenced my life since day one, since I was in my mama's womb," Brown said before the show. "I was listening to his music as I was coming out and I'm here to play tribute to him."

The concert marked the latest public appearance by the reclusive celebrity, who moved to Bahrain in a self-imposed exile after his acquittal of child-molestation charges last year. Jackson now lives in Ireland south of Dublin. Jackson spent the past week in London, making several shopping and sightseeing outings. Jackson was toasted by a slew of celebrities including host Lindsay Lohan. Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, Enya, Andrea Bocelli and Katie Melua performed. In the VIP area, guests Paris Hilton, Rachel Hunter, Natalie Imbruglia, Tommy Hilfiger and Jade Jagger mingled, nibbled on sushi and sipped Moet champagne.Hundreds of fans who weren't lucky enough to score tickets to the event held vigil outside, singing Jackson songs and waving banners.

"He's part of my heart, part of my life," said Vincent Descamps, 18, of Lille, France, holding a giant American flag printed with Jackson's face.

Diana Esquivel, who traveled from San Francisco, said she did not consider the appearance a comeback. "In my eyes, he never left."
Thanks for this article and thanks for Mr Thompson for finally writing the CORRECT OUTCOME OF THE NIGHT.
I was there too and all the crowd wanted was Michael. They could not cared less about anyone else that night.Michael was welcomed BACK let me tell you.
So Tom Bryant and all you other clowns, sit down What you wrote was BS..
gorgeous article, i'm tired of all the crap the media wrote about Michael in his life. IT IS JACKSON DUMBASSES. and did you even watch the video? witnessing people crying tears of joy as he sang those few lines? ''the king is back'' banner they were holding up, a married woman calling her husband on the phone singing wildly to the song??? urgh, Michael was LOVED & will always be loved. the media are sick, complete lyers. i hope one day everyone will realise the truth and the media will apologise to Michael for what they put him through.
I remember that time well.
The organisation was dreadful, the frustration I felt when nobody from MJ's camp would confirm or deny the rumours was intense. I knew inside that he probably wouldn't perform but I knew that if the rumours weren't quashed MJ would be the victim of a lot of negative press the next day.
I didn't attend the event, but having watched the videos online it was obvious to me that the negative press reports were completely false. I was angered and sent many emails of complaint to the newspapers but most were completely ignored. Some received generic replies by automated systems and THEN they were ignored.
I remember wishing that somebody - anybody - involved with the event (e.g. performers, management etc) would post corrective statements to counter the reports but nobody did. Charles, I have often wished I entered into the world of journalism - specifically music journalism - so that I could write the kind of articles that should have been published about Michael Jackson. The ones that focus on music and don't lie or emphasise the negative aspects of his life, but I know that it's not as simple as writing a good piece. Thanks for doing your best.
Annita;3931101 said:
Wasn`t he reporter for Sun at this time?

Here is what he wrote on his webside:
At just 20 years old Charles began using his network of insider sources to provide Michael Jackson scoops to the UK's biggest newspaper, The Sun. It all began when a member of Jackson's camp gave the young reporter an invaluable tip-off.

When he was a 21 old in 2009 then he was in 2008 20 years old.

2008 he had a "network of insider sources" which he used to provide The Sun with all the indiscretionsabout Michael. The Sun articles from 2008/2009 are known.Today provider Thomson is claiming The Sun would have his "news" about Michael to 180° falsifyed.

If this once or twice happened... okay. But nevertheless provider Thomson goes on with his providing to The Sun and even months after Michael's dead. That is what I not understand with this man. And then from one day to the next day Thomson was a pro Michael fighter! Wouw..

Of course one can his meaning change and Thomson would be not the first to do so. But then maybe he should write an article about himself and explain his change of mind. It would be good for his credibility.
Or is his maxime: 'Who pays the piper calls the tune'?