Chances of a High Quality Bad Tour on DVD?

No The Petition was sent to Sony, but this was a couple years back before recent info was leaked. I guess we gotta wait for MJ's estate to try and do something, but word is that the Estate dont have access either???

Oh man...I was hoping the estate would have access! So who does? :unsure: I so hope we get it soon, we've been waiting sooo long! It's such a waste.
People always though Sony had the footage and it there duty to release it, I only found out recently how little Sony have

OK so before we start another petition we first need to find out who has the rights for the Victory and Bad footage. Where should be start??
Okay this is ridiculous HOW MANY YEARS have fans been wanting a BAD tour on DVD?!? WE MUST DO SOMETHING!!!
yep. so what can we do? anyone have any ideas?

Hmm first we need do find out who has the video footage for victory and bad concerts and who has the right to publish it. If those 2 questions are answered we need to make another petition and then send the petition to the right persons in charge.
It infuriates me that we do not have good quality Victory and Bad dvd's available! Seriously - Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer that ever lived and we have one edited dvd of his live stage performance. Can mjjcommunity get involved with this? Gaz and co support a project to see the release of these dvd's. Enough is enough, let's make a stand!
I'd also like to have a different concert from the Dangerous Tour on DVD. The Bucharest DVD is good and all but in my opinion that didn't truley capture what Michael was really like on the Dangerous Tour. If i had to choose another concert from the Dangerous tour i'd pick Munich, he killed it during that show and it also includes the songs Bad and The Way You Make Me Feel. So with that we're getting a better and longer setlist
It infuriates me that we do not have good quality Victory and Bad dvd's available! Seriously - Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer that ever lived and we have one edited dvd of his live stage performance. Can mjjcommunity get involved with this? Gaz and co support a project to see the release of these dvd's. Enough is enough, let's make a stand!

That is a great idea. We need all the power we can get and with the biggest fanclub mjjcommunity to support us things will be much easier to archive.
I'll do whatever's necessary to add my voice/signature/cash for this. those are the only two times I got to see him. I want those tours released!! please!
Guys, let's be realistic here:

Both MJ's estate + Sony want to make as much $$$ as possible, each for their own reasons.

I have no doubt in mind the estate is trying to figure this whole "who has what footage and where is it, who owns it etc" situation as we speak.

I'm sure that within a year to 18 months, if not even less, we will start seeing all of MJ's concert tours released on DVD, most likely through Sony since they already own the rights to the actual songs that will be on these live DVD's.

Both the estate and Sony know there's a big market for everything MJ right now, and live concert DVD's appeal to hardcore fans as well as causal fans, and with the right marketing they could sell millions and millions of copies all over the world.

I truly believe if we sit tight and wait, the DVD's will be released, I have no doubt about that.

Wait and see...
Guys, let's be realistic here:

Both MJ's estate + Sony want to make as much $$$ as possible, each for their own reasons.

I have no doubt in mind the estate is trying to figure this whole "who has what footage and where is it, who owns it etc" situation as we speak.

I'm sure that within a year to 18 months, if not even less, we will start seeing all of MJ's concert tours released on DVD, most likely through Sony since they already own the rights to the actual songs that will be on these live DVD's.

Both the estate and Sony know there's a big market for everything MJ right now, and live concert DVD's appeal to hardcore fans as well as causal fans, and with the right marketing they could sell millions and millions of copies all over the world.

I truly believe if we sit tight and wait, the DVD's will be released, I have no doubt about that.

Wait and see...

I think you're probably right.
Would love to see Victory Tour released on dvd, I believe he was at his best mid 80's, just incredible. Take a look at this small snippet, he was so slick and cool.

This footage looks like it's from the same source who shot the Heartbreak Hotel clip that Arty posted on page 2 of this thread. Wherever this came from, they more than likely have the whole concert in this quality.

Of course I could be wrong and maybe they're from 2 different concerts, but they're both in great quality and seem to be at a similar fixed camera location.

EDIT: Well....I think I figured it out. Looks like those 2 videos came from this:
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No The Petition was sent to Sony, but this was a couple years back before recent info was leaked. I guess we gotta wait for MJ's estate to try and do something, but word is that the Estate dont have access either???
Should the petition be sent to the estate instead?
Should the petition be sent to the estate instead?

Good idea it cannot do any harm if we sent the petition now to the estate. In the worst case they say no-but at least we´ve tried.
Aren't there already several petitions made for the victory tour? Can't those be sent again to the right people? Like this one:

I really do hope they release victory and bad on dvd! My uncle still talks about how amazing those two concerts were. :)

Found a really good hq video of human nature and heartbreak hotel and thought I'd share: That's probably the best quality video I've seen from victory tour.
Omg I would love it if the Victory tour was released on DVD. Michael was absolutely gorgeous at this time (he always has been of course, but especially in the early 80s!) he was on top of the world during the Victory tour, I would have given anything to have seen it live.
I hope they release that I don't know what they waiting for , Hopefully they will release it going into next year.I would like that as well as the Truimph tour and Victory tour
I would love to see Triumph, Victory and Bad tours on DVD.
from "The Magic and the Madness"...


"At one point, the Jacksons received an offer from a producer who wanted to pay them millions of dollars to film the show and release it to the home-video market when the tour was over. They took a vote. Everyone was for the idea, except for Michael. He threatened that he would not perform if they struck such a deal. Furthermore, no one was to videotape the show. Without any recourse, the brothers bitterly turned down the deal, and all of that money."

"Then, three nights later, the group was onstage with cameras all about them. Michael, himself, had arranged for the show to be video-taped. 'I'll give you copies, don't worry,' he promised his brothers when they confronted him after the performance, but they never saw a copy. (When Michael tried to get them to agree to let him release the video to the marketplace, they blocked him from doing it.)"

From these passages it seems that Michael eventually DID want to release these tours to the public, I think he just didnt want to strike a deal where they would make loads of profit from it because he knew the brothers would keep it and use it for personal gain. He wanted to do it independently, because the brothers were using the tour to just make as much money as they could for themselves.

Branca knows about this, because he was around at the time. This means he is HIGHLY LIKELY to release the tours now on dvd, because it would be in Michael's best interests.

(I think all tours will get released soon anyway, because the estate know thats how they can make money, and that is their number one goal).

Guys trust me, all this stuff is coming. It's common sense.
from "The Magic and the Madness"...


"At one point, the Jacksons received an offer from a producer who wanted to pay them millions of dollars to film the show and release it to the home-video market when the tour was over. They took a vote. Everyone was for the idea, except for Michael. He threatened that he would not perform if they struck such a deal. Furthermore, no one was to videotape the show. Without any recourse, the brothers bitterly turned down the deal, and all of that money."

"Then, three nights later, the group was onstage with cameras all about them. Michael, himself, had arranged for the show to be video-taped. 'I'll give you copies, don't worry,' he promised his brothers when they confronted him after the performance, but they never saw a copy. (When Michael tried to get them to agree to let him release the video to the marketplace, they blocked him from doing it.)"

From these passages it seems that Michael eventually DID want to release these tours to the public, I think he just didnt want to strike a deal where they would make loads of profit from it because he knew the brothers would keep it and use it for personal gain. He wanted to do it independently, because the brothers were using the tour to just make as much money as they could for themselves.

Branca knows about this, because he was around at the time. This means he is HIGHLY LIKELY to release the tours now on dvd, because it would be in Michael's best interests.

(I think all tours will get released soon anyway, because the estate know thats how they can make money, and that is their number one goal).

Guys trust me, all this stuff is coming. It's common sense.

So is this stating that the jackson brothers are greedy? Damn,I know I wouldn't have cared if my family made money off of those tapes if i was Michael because they all came in the business together,I just wondered why MJ hated his brothers so much?
The day DESTINY, TRIUMPH, VICTORY, and BAD tours are released I will need a doctor and the EMTs standing by, bcuz I will freakin' lose my mind, body, and soul.. I have been wanting these DVDs since forever!!!!!!!

I pray that someone will realize the demand and release them on HQ, I'm tired of looking at homemade footage or footage released to tv stations with the anchors talking over him singing..
Omg I would love it if the Victory tour was released on DVD. Michael was absolutely gorgeous at this time (he always has been of course, but especially in the early 80s!) he was on top of the world during the Victory tour, I would have given anything to have seen it live.

Yup. No doubt. In the early-mid 80's MJ was totally on top of his game. Really actually from the late 70's to the mid-80's. From Off The Wall to We Are The World was the BEST stuff in my opinion. Don't get me wrong....please...don't get me wrong here. I LOVE the "Bad" era. I absolutely LOVE the "Bad" era. can't beat the "golden" era of MJ. It just can't be topped. Especially for those of us who were there to see it, yall know what I'm talking about. Those early 80's days especially were unbelievable.

If I had a high quality Victory tour dvd right here playing in front of me.......I wouldn't be able to post this message. I'd be like..."this is a dream come true" and I'd be totally mesmerized and unable to type.

I don't know if anybody else remembers this (and I'll probably make a thread about it later)....but I remember back in 1984 I'd beg my mom to buy me Honeycomb cereal just because it had Michael Jackson Victory tour stickers in it. And I always wanted to see that tour. And besides the amateur and horrible quality pro stuff, I never have. So I would absolutely s*** myself if they ever released any HQ stuff.
from "The Magic and the Madness"...


"At one point, the Jacksons received an offer from a producer who wanted to pay them millions of dollars to film the show and release it to the home-video market when the tour was over. They took a vote. Everyone was for the idea, except for Michael. He threatened that he would not perform if they struck such a deal. Furthermore, no one was to videotape the show. Without any recourse, the brothers bitterly turned down the deal, and all of that money."

"Then, three nights later, the group was onstage with cameras all about them. Michael, himself, had arranged for the show to be video-taped. 'I'll give you copies, don't worry,' he promised his brothers when they confronted him after the performance, but they never saw a copy. (When Michael tried to get them to agree to let him release the video to the marketplace, they blocked him from doing it.)"

From these passages it seems that Michael eventually DID want to release these tours to the public, I think he just didnt want to strike a deal where they would make loads of profit from it because he knew the brothers would keep it and use it for personal gain. He wanted to do it independently, because the brothers were using the tour to just make as much money as they could for themselves.

Branca knows about this, because he was around at the time. This means he is HIGHLY LIKELY to release the tours now on dvd, because it would be in Michael's best interests.

(I think all tours will get released soon anyway, because the estate know thats how they can make money, and that is their number one goal).

Guys trust me, all this stuff is coming. It's common sense.

Thank you for your post. You gave me hope. :) I appreciate it.
Yup. No doubt. In the early-mid 80's MJ was totally on top of his game. Really actually from the late 70's to the mid-80's. From Off The Wall to We Are The World was the BEST stuff in my opinion. Don't get me wrong....please...don't get me wrong here. I LOVE the "Bad" era. I absolutely LOVE the "Bad" era. can't beat the "golden" era of MJ. It just can't be topped. Especially for those of us who were there to see it, yall know what I'm talking about. Those early 80's days especially were unbelievable.

If I had a high quality Victory tour dvd right here playing in front of me.......I wouldn't be able to post this message. I'd be like..."this is a dream come true" and I'd be totally mesmerized and unable to type.

I don't know if anybody else remembers this (and I'll probably make a thread about it later)....but I remember back in 1984 I'd beg my mom to buy me Honeycomb cereal just because it had Michael Jackson Victory tour stickers in it. And I always wanted to see that tour. And besides the amateur and horrible quality pro stuff, I never have. So I would absolutely s*** myself if they ever released any HQ stuff.

I couldn't agree with you more.. Love myself some late 70s early 80s Mike.. I was lucky enough to see him and his bros during the Victory Tour.... Joe & Katherine Jackson raised some talented boys. Non stop live singing/dancing.. EPIC,do you hear me EPIC..

That tour along with Triumph wld be on constant play mode when they do decide to release them.. Oh yeah Bad as well.. rotating daily...
I couldn't agree with you more.. Love myself some late 70s early 80s Mike.. I was lucky enough to see him and his bros during the Victory Tour.... Joe & Katherine Jackson raised some talented boys. Non stop live singing/dancing.. EPIC,do you hear me EPIC..

That tour along with Triumph wld be on constant play mode when they do decide to release them.. Oh yeah Bad as well.. rotating daily...

Wait...You saw the Victory tour?!?! Please....either let me here more about it here or start a new topic or direct me to where you've already posted about it! As a kid in 1984 I wanted to go see him live so bad. Of course I can't do that now without a time machine lol, but I'd love to hear a detailed synopsis of your entire experience from the time you got the tickets to the time you left the show (and days after).

EPIC!!!!! Are you kidding me?!!! Epic is MJ for me!!!! You are speaking my language right now!! Sony? What the f is Sony? I was raised on Epic!!!!


That image right there and the words "Epic Records" are synonymous with Michael Jackson for me. I grew up looking at that blue label. Epic forever!!!! :)

And definitely....high quality official dvd releases of Triumph, Victory, and Bad tours would be on HEAVY rotation with me as well! Those were the prime years right there. Don't get me wrong again, folks....I love the Dangerous era as well, but nothing
tops the late 70's-80's-early 90's.
So many of us have yearned for a Bad Tour '88/'89 official release for years! Although, It may not be such a simple request to fulfill...

It is true that EVERY concert from each Tour from Victory in '84 right through to the HIStory Tour of '96 - '97 was professionally recorded in full. The footage that was shown on the giant screens at the side of the stage to the live audience is what was being recorded. Now, the problem isn't whether or not the shows were recorded, but more so who owns the rights to the footage?

Nocturne Productions filmed both the '96 and '97 legs of the HIStory Tour, I'm not entirely sure which company was working for MJ for the Victory, Bad and Dangerous Tours though. It is claimed that Pepsi and/or Sony own the broadcast rights to the Bad and Dangerous Tour footage but again, no one is certain.

If the Bad Tour were to be released, I believe one of the Los Angeles '89 shows would be. As clips and snippetts have been used by MJ from them in some official videos such as 'Brace Yourself'. Also, a small clip of Billie Jean from L.A was used during the montage video for MJ at the 1993 AMA's and clips were also shown during the 'Where it's going...' video too...

I am still astonished that whoever owns the copyrights to the Bad Tour hasn't capitalised on it! Surely a Bad '88/'89 official release would be a HUGE seller and a fantastic way to show MJ at his absolute finest live!...

I guess it does suck that the bulk of Bad Tour footage we have available is from the 1987 "Practice" leg of the Tour from Japan and here in Australia...It was merely a warm up for the REAL Bad Tour of 1988 lol.

Ok, first, Michael owns the footage. Not anyone else. The problem could have been the record labels blocking rights which is in most contract, simply stating that an artist cannot release an album, record, DVD, without the consent of the record company. And even if they did agree, the record company would want some kind of financial payments, even though they didn't invest a dime in the concert or the film of the concert. Just business. Michael's and I believe Janet for that matter just simply chose not to release their earlier concerts because of this clause. Now, although Michael and Janet were big time during there first two albums they were still considered new artist and got deals that other new artist got. The record company will always look out for the best financial intreats regardless of how big of an artist you are. To them you are an employee.

Now if you recall Mike renegotiated his contract right around the time Janet renegotiated her's with Virgin Records following the success of the Janet album. Because of their proven success, and were at the point to where their contracts were about to expire, they had bargaining power. Soon after Mike sold the rights to the Dangerous Tour to HBO and Janet followed with same type of deal with her Velvet Rope tour. I'm sure this is only because they bargained for the right to release their concerts whenever they wanted. If you look at Janet's VR Tour DVD Virgin Records isn't listed any where and the only reason Sony was listed on Dangerous Tour DVD is because they, like HBO, paid for the right to release that concert with his album boxset.

One other thing that i'm not sure many people know, and that I only recently found out. Is that the footage that we see on MTV from the bad tour or other concerts are shots from an in-house camera crew that has maybe six or seven cameras and one or two camera cranes for long shots. This is footage recorded at every show, but when an artist plans to air a show on T.V., or HBO they have 30-40 cameras. The Bad Tour that aired in Japan had a complete robust camera crew. So although Mike recorded every show, he may have only filmed a couple of shows on each leg of the tour. Now I asked Tina Landon, Janet's previous choreographer, why don't they just take a robust camera crew on the road. Cost. To hire 30-40 people to travel around the world with you can be very expensive especially with all the equipment needed. So the only robustly filmed concert I believe we have out is the Bad Tour in Japan. And again, pay attention to the shots. Many of the ones on MTV are all close up shots, which were for the audiences view during the concerts, there is no need to capture the wide shots because the audience already can see wide. Even though wide shots are being record they likely never make it on the big screens and so the only shots you see on MTV shows are the close up because it's easier to just pull from what show on the jumbo screen and not have to edit in the wide shots.

I know that's a lot now, sorry.

Also, because Mike was a free agent releasing the DVDs is not a problem and I do think that after the This Is It DVD promotion dies down we will get a Bad Tour DVD. They would never release a competing DVD at the same time.