Captain EO may return to Disneyland!

Can someone confirm that it was in 3D when it came out?

Yes, not only was it 3-D, but there were also in theater special effects such as fog, lasers, and fiber optic stars in the ceiling and walls, so it was a really fun, immersive experience that made you feel like you were in the movie.

Here's another article from the OC Weekly:

And an unofficial Captain EO fan site:

I'm guessing that right now Disney is trying to work out the legalities with Lucasfilm as well their current sponsor in the attraction, Kodak, before announcing anything. George Lucas is currently working on a new Star Tours (a Star Wars attraction) film for Disney, so it would be hard to understand if he wasn't supportive of bringing Captain EO back.
That would be great!!!!
I remember seeing this movie when I was about 4 or 5 years old in Disneyland Paris!
I loved it so much back then!
I was trying to grab those little flying fuzzy things man, it was so great!
My sister was afraid of that 'which' in the movie and she didn't want to put her special glasses on anymore because she was so scared LOL
it sounds nice....but i cannot help the feeling i get when so many Michael things seemed to be avoided...and it seems to always take an event like June 25 to bring them back.

i can't help feeling sick inside about that process.

and in my honest opinion...i don't like it...

it suddenly makes it hard for me to enjoy...

i just feel better playing all the MJ stuff i already have, rather than giving certain strangers, who want money, some satisfaction when i KNOW their reasoning for what they do.

in my book..the catalogue with all the other artists will take care of MJ's kids...(which is why, in my heart, i feel MJ being aware of all this)

however...i guess i can understand peoples' need for nostalgia...
it sounds nice....but i cannot help the feeling i get when so many Michael things seemed to be avoided...and it seems to always take an event like June 25 to bring them back.

i can't help feeling sick inside about that process.

and in my honest opinion...i don't like it...

it suddenly makes it hard for me to enjoy...

i just feel better playing all the MJ stuff i already have, rather than giving certain strangers, who want money, some satisfaction when i KNOW their reasoning for what they do.

in my book..the catalogue with all the other artists will take care of MJ's kids...(which is why, in my heart, i feel MJ being aware of all this)

however...i guess i can understand peoples' need for nostalgia...

I understand what you're saying. Personally, I've been wanting Captain EO to come back for years. I do wish it wouldn't have taken this to have made it happen. The only reason the attraction was removed in the first place was because the film started to look dated, not because of any supposed "controversy". Disney didn't remove it until 1997, so they stood by him through the false allegations.

I know it seems that Disney is just "cashing in", and I'm sure from a business perspective they do realize that it would be a smart move, but at the same time, I'm sure they've been receiving lots of emails from Disney and MJ fans alike begging them to bring it back since Michael's passing. Personally, I think releasing it on DVD (which I'm not sure that they would even have the rights to do) would be more of a "cashing in", since the film is only about 17 minutes long, and they wouldn't have to invest any money in changing out the current attraction and installing Captain EO's in theater effects, etc. It would be a lot easier and probably more profitable for them to do that. But I think it belongs in the park, if anything.
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Wow, I am JUST now making the connection that I saw Captain Eo when I went to DisneyLand at age 11. I've been seeing discussions and clips about Captain Eo lately and have been like "what the heck is this?!" lol. It wasn't until DisneyLand was mentioned that I remember seeing the poster there and going in for 3D and everything! How cool. That would be AWESOME if they brought it back.
I was just commenting this with a friend a few days ago, they should revamp some of the effects with todays technology and release it again. They would be stupid not to bring it back
Keep in mind guys, the guy who wrote that news story is, to put it in an MJ fan universe metaphor, the tabloid king of the Disney Parks Geekdom universe, and isn't exactly always a reliable source. I will say though, I'm VERY surprised he didn't bash MJ on the article like does with everything else in life rofl
Yes, not only was it 3-D, but there were also in theater special effects such as fog, lasers, and fiber optic stars in the ceiling and walls, so it was a really fun, immersive experience that made you feel like you were in the movie.

What?!:bugeyed That sounds amazing!!!! Watching it on youtube just won't cut it anymore, they HAVE to bring it back, but I'm skeptical of that actually happening.
Captain Eo was amazing with all the 3D effects as well as other effects that were in the theatre itself. It would be brilliant if they brought it back.
I understand what you're saying. Personally, I've been wanting Captain EO to come back for years. I do wish it wouldn't have taken this to have made it happen. The only reason the attraction was removed in the first place was because the film started to look dated, not because of any supposed "controversy". Disney didn't remove it until 1997, so they stood by him during the trial and false allegations.

I know it seems that Disney is just "cashing in", and I'm sure from a business perspective they do realize that it would be a smart move, but at the same time, I'm sure they've been receiving lots of emails from Disney and MJ fans alike begging them to bring it back since Michael's passing. Personally, I think releasing it on DVD (which I'm not sure that they would even have the rights to do) would be more of a "cashing in", since the film is only about 17 minutes long, and they wouldn't have to invest any money in changing out the current attraction and installing Captain EO's in theater effects, etc. It would be a lot easier and probably more profitable for them to do that. But I think it belongs in the park, if anything.

well..i guess we have to agree to disagree on the reasons why they removed it...

i do believe it was the controversy..

and if indeed they thought it was dated...why would they risk bringing it back, even with all the cards and letters? they are so big on the bottom line...and there are still haters out there..
I would pay big money just to see this in Disneyland again. By the time I took my first trip to Disneyland, Captain EO was already gone and was replaced with "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids!". I'd love to get the chance to see it on the big screen again.
Keep in mind guys, the guy who wrote that news story is, to put it in an MJ fan universe metaphor, the tabloid king of the Disney Parks Geekdom universe, and isn't exactly always a reliable source. I will say though, I'm VERY surprised he didn't bash MJ on the article like does with everything else in life rofl

Actually, Al Lutz is a very reputable and reliable source. He always confirms everything before reporting on it, and is always the first to break news on new attractions, for example the Halloween overlay for Space Mountain. Disney always ends up having to release official statements shortly after he lets the cat out of the bag. I have been reading his column since 2004, and I can tell you that the only reason that anything he reports doesn't end up coming to fruition (which is VERY rarely, mind you) is because the funding falls out.

I wouldn't get your hopes up if this wasn't a real possibility. But we'll have to see what happens. :cheeky:

well..i guess we have to agree to disagree on the reasons why they removed it...

i do believe it was the controversy..

and if indeed they thought it was dated...why would they risk bringing it back, even with all the cards and letters? they are so big on the bottom line...and there are still haters out there..

Why would they wait 4 years after the allegations to remove it if it really was that controversial? Disney could have shuttered it in a hot second if that were the case. Just sayin.

I think the number of people that would be excited to see it would greatly outweigh any haters that are out there.
Wow that would be so awesome!! I would for sure travel there if they did!!! :)
Actually, Al Lutz is a very reputable and reliable source. He always confirms everything before reporting on it, and is always the first to break news on new attractions, for example the Halloween overlay for Space Mountain. Disney always ends up having to release official statements shortly after he lets the cat out of the bag. I have been reading his column since 2004, and I can tell you that the only reason that anything he reports doesn't end up coming to fruition (which is VERY rarely, mind you) is because the funding falls out.

I wouldn't get your hopes up if this wasn't a real possibility. But we'll have to see what happens. :cheeky:

I too have read Al since the early 2000s and I cannot STAND him haha... He's indeed a heck of a lot more reliable now than he used to be, but man there was a time when he would just throw out the craziest things you'd ever hear and treat it like the gospel, and when it comes to his postings in general, he (and the rest of MiceChat) have to complain about EVERYTHING haha... I swear, Walt Disney could secretly come back from the dead, create an awesome new E Ticket, and Al would still be complaining somehow, someway rofl :D

Why would they wait 4 years after the allegations to remove it if it really was that controversial? Disney could have shuttered it in a hot second if that were the case. Just sayin.

I think the number of people that would be excited to see it would greatly outweigh any haters that are out there.[/quote]

i don't know if you were around between 1993 and 2000, but i was, in America...and the media was considered God in this country. it still is. they just had a headline on a disney owned media site that said, 'the court of public opinion is more important than truth'.

do you know who controls the court of public opinion? the media does. and the media knows that. and they take advantage of that. and between the oprah interview and now, the vast majority of the media made it a hostile environment for anyone who is a Michael Jackson fan.(you should have seen how they were hostile about the marriage of Michael and Lisa Marie). i remember running into a buzzsaw, if i wanted to request a Michael Jackson song. i remember in 1995, that i requested 'You Are Not Alone', right in the white hot heat of it's bullet trip to number 1, and the station refused to play it. their reasoning: not the right demographic. how do u not have a demographic for a song that is number 1, with a bullet? and, furthermore, the first and last song to do it?

the moment that MJ did that interview with Oprah, the tables turned. the media started to seek out to make Michael Jackson, public enemy number 1. and now, Disney owns a lot of that media. because of the media, the allegations of 1993 kept feeling like they were happening on an everyday basis for the next four years, and right on into 2003. that's why the second accusers felt so comfortable in that atmosphere and launched THEIR attack against MJ. it is easy to believe that Disney relented, albeit, purposefully, to that media onslaught. this is the Disney that hired Martin Bashir. i understand that you love Disney. i am separating Walt Disney, the man, from Disney the conglomerate of today. and, quite frankly, i believe Walt would roll over in his grave right now, if he knew what the many faceless people have made of Disney. i think, back then, in 1987, Disney may have been in love with the Michael of 1987, just like everyone else. but i think they had a problem with the Michael of 1993 and beyond. and i think that's unfortunate that they felt that way. if they're so pro Michael, now, why would they hire Bashir? and why is it that some people can see, now, that lovers of Michael outweigh haters, but they don't seem to be able to have seen that, before June 25, of this year?
Captain Eo was amazing with all the 3D effects as well as other effects that were in the theatre itself. It would be brilliant if they brought it back.


that would be awesome. :clap:
There's a new article on saying that they have received an "inside tip" that Captain EO will indeed return to Disneyland for Halloween. According to the article, Disney Imagineering were at the theater last Thursday:

Again, this isn't a confirmation, but it's looking pretty good. :clapping:

There's gonna be a big Disney Expo at the Anaheim Convention Center (right by Disneyland) starting Sept. 10th, so if this true, I wouldn't be surprised if they're waiting til then to announce.
can someone post a link to request the RETURN OF MICHAEL instead of just Captain EO? If someone can just bring him back somehow, then they can keep Captain EO.

I just saw this. BRILLIANT! :wub:
Man I want this back at Disneyland so bad. If they go through with it, I'm gonna run over there and watch it like 100 times. :cool: Never take it out again!
This kinda makes me wish I had chosen Chapman University over NYU, haha. :p If it does come back (which I have a feeling it will; I know Disney can't risk this opportunity to make a bunch of cash off this), they should NEVER get rid of it again!
"Editor's Note 8/28: Captain EO has now received the green light to return to Tomorrowland, but the timing was too tight to make it by HalloweenTime. Hooter and the gang will now land at Disneyland this January to boost winter attendance, with the official announcement coming from Jay Rasulo at the D23 Expo. Murphy the Dragon will be a no-show at Fantasmic this weekend, but his arrival is imminent and you can be confident your local SoCal newspaper's website will give you several hours notice before he debuts. - Al Lutz"
"Editor's Note 8/28: Captain EO has now received the green light to return to Tomorrowland, but the timing was too tight to make it by HalloweenTime. Hooter and the gang will now land at Disneyland this January to boost winter attendance, with the official announcement coming from Jay Rasulo at the D23 Expo. Murphy the Dragon will be a no-show at Fantasmic this weekend, but his arrival is imminent and you can be confident your local SoCal newspaper's website will give you several hours notice before he debuts. - Al Lutz"

Excellent, I hope they bring it to Paris as well
"Editor's Note 8/28: Captain EO has now received the green light to return to Tomorrowland, but the timing was too tight to make it by HalloweenTime. Hooter and the gang will now land at Disneyland this January to boost winter attendance, with the official announcement coming from Jay Rasulo at the D23 Expo. Murphy the Dragon will be a no-show at Fantasmic this weekend, but his arrival is imminent and you can be confident your local SoCal newspaper's website will give you several hours notice before he debuts. - Al Lutz"

Disappointed it won't be returning until January, but I kind of figured that would be the case anyway. I don't know how they would have managed to get it ready by Halloween. I can't wait!
OMG!! I was planning on going to Disneyland in the winter...Hopefully, if it is back, it comes out before I have to be back in school. Otherwise I won't be able to afford the flight:(