Can we please respect joe jackson a bit more

and all this w/o joe there wud be no michael. um ok,thank u joe 4 givin us michael. and thats all he deserves
I'm a fan of michael's first and foremost. My allegance is to him and him first. That's who I fell in love with not joe, not, katherine, not janet, etc. And if anyone is not supporting my sweetness how I think they should, naturally im gonna have a problem with. So for me to just respect joe just cuz he's michael father, when he isn't acting like it, is not gonna happen. Now I wouldn't dare say certain things to joe to his face cuz I have respect for my elders but im sorry this " we lost a superstar" and above all pluggin your oldstimer "record label" bit is just to much.

I am going to say the same thing here. His father’s cruelty is not acceptable but he deserves respect and I think even Michael won’t accept someone to talk low about his father, for this doubt I will make sure to respect Joe Jackson.

Also he should be respected for many reasons, he raised a family, worked hard day and night and spent his hard earned money during difficult times when they were children, paid for their education paid for medicine and hospital when they were sick, he didn’t throw them away in the streets, he raised them but even if he was very tuff and disciplinary he must’ve been caring in a different way in his own way, perhaps by being responsible and protecting them and giving them the chance on showbiz and a career opportunity, and I think Michael praised him in an interview by saying he was a genius and given him lots of credit! He even said he won’t go back and change anything in his life! It is so hard to raise a family, there are lots of sacrifices, and normally you will have more appreciation for your parents when you have children of your own.
you guys, michael would be so disappointed.

you dont KNOW what he is going through or what goes on behind closed doors AT ALL. he is michael's FATHER, and he has lost a child, which is one of the most painful and unexpected things to have to endure.

he is 80 years old, have a heart. dont judge him. how did you all feel and how DO you feel when others ridiculed and made a mockery of Michael? it's like one wrong thing, negates everything else positive that he said...

i understand that we are all overcome with emotion... but we are directing it at the wrong person.

mods, can we please close this? it is making me upset and feel sorry for michael, the way some fans are acting. this is MJ general discussion. take the hatred down to the 2300 jackson street thread, take it into your personal email boxes... please don't do this here. i have come here for comfort during this time.... not to witness such anger and rage towards Michael's father.

PS- that "friend," he is the lead singer of the legendary chi-lites, someone who is still touring to this day and has his own career and massive r&b hits. not just some nobody that joseph hangs around.
I'm sorry but michael was lied on and still is being lied on. It not like someone just up and made up some stories on joe about him not grieving for michael. I'm looking that joes body language and listening to what he's saying...and boy he doesn't sound like a father that just lost his son. Now if his hiding it and putting on a front...I would say "and the oscar goes to..." cuz he doing a fine job at it.
The way that I see it is that there was a Jackson 5 because Joe Jackson wanted to have a singing group and he used his sons to get one. Yes there were talented, especially Michael. He was the same with Janet and Latoya. I believe that's why they ended up dumping him as their manager. Now that Michael is gone, Joe feels the need to continue on the Jackson family legacy. The man has always lived his life vicariously through his children. It does seem heartless to me for him to be promoting his business ventures during what seems to be the most devastating event that has ever happened to the Jackson Family. He has now made this tragedy all about him, because the media is now focusing on Joe Jackson. That is what he has wanted all of his life... That's my opinion..

:shakehands: i agree with every word you said! he's simply cold-blooded and self-serving. and he keeps promoting his own biz ventures every time he opens his mouth :puke:
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing Joe Jackson just to be bashing him, but there were times when a lot of the media circus also came from members of the Jackson family. I just think the statement made about his business ventures at the BET awards and the press conference is an example.
I just saw this on Sky News: Michael Jackson Did not include his father in his will