Can we please respect joe jackson a bit more

Yes i did. I'm also not so quick to judge base on 1 interview. not all people show there feelings on the outside, not all people cry on the outside. I'm the same way.

I am not quick to judge people either. I've already said that I am aware that people grieve in different ways and not everyone is the same, and that some people hold their emotion in on the inside rather than showing it openly. People deal with it in different ways. All I said was that I did not like how him and his friend plugged a record label, I didn't think it was appropriate, that is all.
Yeah he had a few good hits in the 1980s like "Steppin Out", lol.
:D I needed that. any good laugh or smile is gold to me right now.
I am really trying to have respect for joe, I really am. Some have said that he is still a father who has lost a son. yes I agree. But on a couple of occasions joe has been caught on camera laughing, joking giving the thumbs up sign to the camera. I agree with some on here who say Michael was so afraid of his father that he new he had better respect him til the end. Wanting to respect a person is different than being forced to respect a person. I believe that Michael did forgive his father for what he did to him as a child, that was Michael s nature. I also think he loved his father because he was his father. I dont however think he liked his father.
I am not quick to judge people either. I've already said that I am aware that people grieve in different ways and not everyone is the same, and that some people hold their emotion in on the inside rather than showing it openly. People deal with it in different ways. All I said was that I did not like how him and his friend plugged a record label, I didn't think it was appropriate, that is all.
Yeah but this is his way of grieving. He's doing this for MJ. MJ would want us to continue in life not being sad that he's gone. that he would want us to continue in music. That's what Joe Jackson was trying to do when brought up the record label.
I find it very strange that so many of us are condemning Joseph for pushing his children into showbusiness...

How do you think we would have heard Michael? It's ridiculous to say "Michael was talented he would have done it himself, without Joe!" ... Like come on guys, lets not turn our feelings of sadness into hate. Michael would be terribly disappointed.

I know I am disappointed to come here and see posts of anger at this time. It's not about Joseph right now, it's about Michael. Let's not forget.
I beleive that Joseph is grieving in his own way. I feel that we are directing our sadness and turning it into anger and resentment toward Joseph.
Grieving in his own way????????????????????
Are you kiddin me?????????
You consider laughing over the death of someone a way of grieving????? esp when that's his own son.
could it be that he's reflecting on the positive? or that he realizes his 26 grandkids and 2 greatgrandkids are watching and that he's being strong?

or could it also be that he's puttin gon a front for the camera and beraking down at home. when u read what he says, it comes off bad. when u watch it, his voice is cracking towards the end

he's a stage dad...not a pr person. he never should've been there giving info in teh first place
Grieving in his own way????????????????????
Are you kiddin me?????????
You consider laughing over the death of someone a way of grieving????? esp when that's his own son.

That's so judgemental. People deal with loss in different ways. :no:
could it be that he's reflecting on the positive? or that he realizes his 26 grandkids and 2 greatgrandkids are watching and that he's being strong?

or could it also be that he's puttin gon a front for the camera and beraking down at home. when u read what he says, it comes off bad. when u watch it, his voice is cracking towards the end

he's a stage dad...not a pr person. he never should've been there giving info in teh first place

I totally agree with you on this subject he is a stage dad. and he should not of been giving out info. My other thought after I saw him was maybe I should not be mad at him maybe this is just the way he grieves. Then I saw him in another interview and he was very smug all over again. I am angry and I just dont want to judge Joe he himself knows what the feels inside not me. I think I am just angry as many of you are and Joe looks like a good outlet so maybe I am wrong maybe not.
I know Michael forgave his father, but I was abused as a child too.
I will never forgive the person who abused me. I will never forgive Joe either. His lack of respect towards Michael is heartbreaking to watch.
At least have respect for the rest of the family and world who are in grieving. Don't laugh and joke with reporters, don't plug your record company. Save that for a later date.
I again point anyone to youtube to hear michae'ls speech about his father and love and tolerance and forgivness.If Michael of all people can forgive him and have a new bond with him, then we can..And i just saw a clip of joe being interviewed on sky news...he said this..

im a strong person but i cry on the inside,some people cry with tears running down my face, thats not me but i take it in here..but im strong.

Please, this particular human being doe not show his true emotions all the time, we should all know this by now..but that in now way means he doesn't have feelings or these emotions...i point to the doughnut story by michael and those private moments im sure he has alone of with his wife..He loves Michael as much as anything in this world for the most purest reason being a father loving a may not have been conventional, but he did and does and always will love him..Don't judge him for how he appears for those few minutes in front of a camera...judge him if you saw him the whole of that day and what he said and felt..then you might understand

I AGREE 100%!
Michael has taught me to rid myself of hatred!!!! :D
You're the one who loses if u do!
I'm sorry...but watching this video of him...the way he says "Oh, they're taking it pretty hard, espescially Katherine...but we'll get through". The way he says that...UGH.

Look for the one with Joe in it. I'm sorry, but that man is not grieving. Look into his eyes when he talks. He looks like the devil. That man only cares about him being a "superstar". Makes me sick...please, less of him, more Janet or Tito, jeezus.
I by no means have any desire to argue about what Joe said as it really won't get anywhere.

But my personal opinion is that he means well...but is horrible at expressing himself. I have noticed this throughout the years through many interviews. He isn't the best speaker in the world and often times it appears that his intentions are good but then when he goes and speaks it comes out sounding bad.

I'm not all that angry with what he has stated. I simply shook my head because I knew this outrage was going to happen. I think one of the brothers should have spoken out for the family personally. But Joe is the head of the family (and Kathrine clearly won't speak) so he's trying. I give him that.
Maybe someone tell him to keep himself off the air then so we'll stop getting the wrong impression.

Regardless, I don't believe he cares "that" much. Everything points to no as far as I'm concerned.
Y'all he is grieving for the son who died young and who is his name sake and who he raised with the woman he loved. He's also not going to pretend not to be a businessman when someone asks him his plans for the future. They only showed that one shot of him cutting that guy off to tell him but only after he'd been asked to comment on his business plans by other reporters in the red carpet line.

He was on the red carpet to keep Michael's legacy alive and he is trying to stay strong. He is 80 years old. He has to do what he knows will keep him going strong. If he were a different kind of person none of us would be sitting here reading or typing on this board right now. The press is doing the same thing to him it did to Michael. Maligning him, accusing him of doing "confusing" things when in fact he is responsible for a lot right now.

Business is what keeps him focused, - just like his son. If nothing else, he deserves respect for being the father of this amazingly gifted man we're here to honor the life of. c'mon y'all, give the man a break. The press sure ain't gonna do it. The Jacksons are now the BIGGEST TARGET. DON'T FORGET THAT. Let's be a stand for them. Joe's way of dealing with things - hay - it is, what it is, folks. Don't make it "mean" stuff though.

The last thing MJ needs is his fans treating either of his parents unfairly like the press. Especially at a time like this.
Well, I guess you can believe that...but there's some of us that can't. So you can have your beliefs and I'll keep mine. I love MJ and his family, but I have little love for the way Joe is acting. Regardless of whether he's for real or not.
What Joe did thismorning at the conference was despicable. Parading his associates out to talk about his company. I question the very purpose of the conference. His prepared statement didn't give us much at all. It was only after reporters started asking questions that the funeral stuff was even mentioned. He is opportunistic and insensitive.

That being said, I saw an instance of sadness there. When he was talking about the death and the support of fans he genuinely seemed a bit sad. This leads me to believe His insensitivity is a product of his years in showbusiness. A sad old man not coming to grips with the reality of what's happened, and not even realizing what he's saying is insensitive, because it's what he's used to. He's part of a show-business family, and thus is disconnected from the world you and I know with tact, decency and genuine grief.

I'm not just angry with him...I also feel sorry for him.

The way that I see it is that there was a Jackson 5 because Joe Jackson wanted to have a singing group and he used his sons to get one. Yes there were talented, especially Michael. He was the same with Janet and Latoya. I believe that's why they ended up dumping him as their manager. Now that Michael is gone, Joe feels the need to continue on the Jackson family legacy. The man has always lived his life vicariously through his children. It does seem heartless to me for him to be promoting his business ventures during what seems to be the most devastating event that has ever happened to the Jackson Family. He has now made this tragedy all about him, because the media is now focusing on Joe Jackson. That is what he has wanted all of his life... That's my opinion..
I just saw that video of him giving that interview where he mentions his record company... it sounded far worse than it actually was. His friend was there, hence why he mentioned it. He answered questions, was polite, and said more details will be coming. I think some fans are blowing it out of proportion.
^ yes, not only that he also explained exactly where his tears were located and he pointed to his heart and he was as sincere as any father could be.

I'm tellin' yall now - the press is going to malign these people JUST LIKE THEY DID MICHAEL AND FOR THE SAME EXACT REASONS. We have to support this family, with ALL their foibles.

All it is is y'all haven't yet realized you're expecting something of the man that's not realistic. He's going to do him as he grieves the loss of his son. Hell, for that matter then, consider what if he were putting on a crocodile tears act just for the sake of gaining sympathy for being deemed worthy of all Michael's money. Then how would you feel. I'd rather he be himself as he experiences this shocking loss, than to be faking out the world just so he can appear as this "grieving father deserving of all Michael's assets". He's not doing anything like that for crying out loud. He's being cool, businesslike, not displaying any feeling at all ... well surprise surprise.
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Joe is handling this situation the best he can in my eyes. And you can clearly hear the sadness in his voice. I'm sure he has cried...but perhaps he hasn't yet which is actually normal. Not everyone cries as he stated. Some keep it inside of them for various reasons. Though they say it is not healthy I myself have done it.

When my grandmother passed a few years back I didn't really cry. I mostly kept it locked inside me. It wasn't until I went to her grave site months later that I completely broke down and cried the hardest I ever had (up to that point). And right after all of that I realized that I had it all locked up and it finally all came out at once.

Sometimes the reality of it all doesn't really sink in until much later. It doesn't mean he does not care. He's attempting to appear strong for the family and as a man I respect that. That is his son. And I can never say that he does not care. I'll agree that perhaps he isn't the best at showing it.
he must respect his son better first, not do a press conf for his pathetic own business that will end in bankruptcy like always
^ I didn't see that but just be careful. The press is going to show us the EDITED version

just like they give their EDITORIAL COMMENTS

we have to ignore that nonsense
I agree, he should be respected he is his father and for that only he deserves to be respected
^ yes, not only that he also explained exactly where his tears were located and he pointed to his heart and he was as sincere as any father could be. I can have compassion for Joe because he is EXACTLY like my dad in some ways and if you want to feel sorry for me for that, I understand but I'M the one who had to spend my life trying to understand it and now, after all these years, I do. I'm tellin' yall now - the press is going to malign these people JUST LIKE THEY DID MICHAEL AND FOR THE SAME EXACT REASONS. We have to support this family, with ALL their foibles.

All it is is y'all haven't yet realized you're expecting something of the man that's not realistic. He's going to do him as he grieves the loss of his son. Hell, for that matter then, consider what if he were putting on a crocodile tears act just for the sake of gaining sympathy for being deemed worthy of all Michael's money. Then how would you feel. I'd rather he be himself as he experiences this shocking loss, than to be faking out the world just so he can appear as this "grieving father deserving of all Michael's assets". He's not doing anything like that for crying out loud. He's being cool, businesslike, not displaying any feeling at all ... well surprise surprise.
I never thought about this. I see what you mean. And I bet you Joe will probably not say much from now own. But I do believe the media when they say that their news station got a lot of complaints from viewers about Joe Jackson and he statement about his business during this sad occassion. I was one of the people who didn't like what Joe said. Most of the time I'm defending him. Please just let another memeber of the Jackson Family speak out on behalf of the family.
im really trying to see the underlying hurt but im just not. Why was that friend record label buddy even there? I completely understand the strong man rock grieve in private thing (my dad). Nobody is expecting tears. But record labels wouldn't even be on my mind right now. Its like what as to happen for him to show even the least bit, just one tiny morsel of hurt. Even the toughest guy on the planet is afraid of something...when does this kick in for joe. What has to happen for him to show the smallest grain, morsel bit of hurt. Surely the death of an son such as michael and so out of the blue, I would think would do just that. I'm really looking and will watch the video of him again because I just don't see one bit of hurt in him. "we lost a superstar". wouldn't it be second nature to say "I lost a great son'.
you guys, michael would be so disappointed.

you dont KNOW what he is going through or what goes on behind closed doors AT ALL. he is michael's FATHER, and he has lost a child, which is one of the most painful and unexpected things to have to endure.

he is 80 years old, have a heart. dont judge him. how did you all feel and how DO you feel when others ridiculed and made a mockery of Michael? it's like one wrong thing, negates everything else positive that he said...

i understand that we are all overcome with emotion... but we are directing it at the wrong person.

mods, can we please close this? it is making me upset and feel sorry for michael, the way some fans are acting. this is MJ general discussion. take the hatred down to the 2300 jackson street thread, take it into your personal email boxes... please don't do this here. i have come here for comfort during this time.... not to witness such anger and rage towards Michael's father.

PS- that "friend," he is the lead singer of the legendary chi-lites, someone who is still touring to this day and has his own career and massive r&b hits. not just some nobody that joseph hangs around.
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I agree, he should be respected he is his father and for that only he deserves to be respected
I'm a fan of michael's first and foremost. My allegance is to him and him first. That's who I fell in love with not joe, not, katherine, not janet, etc. And if anyone is not supporting my sweetness how I think they should, naturally im gonna have a problem with. So for me to just respect joe just cuz he's michael father, when he isn't acting like it, is not gonna happen. Now I wouldn't dare say certain things to joe to his face cuz I have respect for my elders but im sorry this " we lost a superstar" and above all pluggin your oldstimer "record label" bit is just to much.