Can we please respect joe jackson a bit more


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I again point anyone to youtube to hear michae'ls speech about his father and love and tolerance and forgivness.If Michael of all people can forgive him and have a new bond with him, then we can..And i just saw a clip of joe being interviewed on sky news...he said this..

im a strong person but i cry on the inside,some people cry with tears running down my face, thats not me but i take it in here..but im strong.

Please, this particular human being doe not show his true emotions all the time, we should all know this by now..but that in now way means he doesn't have feelings or these emotions...i point to the doughnut story by michael and those private moments im sure he has alone of with his wife..He loves Michael as much as anything in this world for the most purest reason being a father loving a may not have been conventional, but he did and does and always will love him..Don't judge him for how he appears for those few minutes in front of a camera...judge him if you saw him the whole of that day and what he said and felt..then you might understand
Yeah he had a few good hits in the 1980s like "Steppin Out", lol.
Was it really necessary to answer Michael4eva like that?
You don't have to agree but maybe a little respect for their basic message is in order?
Respect? I'm so far from respecting him I hadn't even thought of the word. Joe Jackson is a despicable person. A bigot, whose jealousy of his son, Michael, and his own thirst for the recognition and fame he's never had - due to his lack of talent - have turned him into a cold and heartless press whore, who continues to take advantage of his son's global influence and abuse his son's fame in death as he did in life. I despise him and I urge the Jackson Family to stand up to him, to stand up to Katherine, and make sure that Prince, Paris and Blanket DO NOT spend the rest of their childhoods with that soulless bigot Joe Jackson. Michael's death has given Joe a sense of gaining back control. Do not let his relation to Michael fool you - great people often become great because they spend their lives being and doing the exact opposite of the evil parent they grew up with. Whatever Michael may have said about Joe it is my conviction that he was afraid of him till the very end - afraid enough to speak kindly of him publicly.
ok put the promotion thing to one the grand scheme of most of what he says, people focus on that bit? come onnnn...i again urge most people who have not even read what i said and who already seem to have a concrete idea of sumone...and judging him without all the facts,,, please hear the oxford speech and hear what he said on skynews....if that don't make you a little bit more complassioate for this man then you are not doing justice to michael...ok he shouldnt of promoted at beginnig of todays conference, and shouldn't have even done it but its not all black and white...he might not have jjust done it for his own doing it, it might help artist on his label...alot of michael is in his mother and father..i think his father at end of day wants to help others., maybe in differnt ways to his son but they have same beliefs and feelings...he said he was poroud of michael and he cries on the inside...please stop looking at him as the man who beat his son's at the begining...things have changed
why would a man who is afraid of his father hold his hand twice i think as they goingto the court room for his trial...both knowing others were watching...but did they care or did joe say ''no dont hold my hand, people are looking.'' people just relate to other humans sometimes with just the bundle of views they have and don't even try get whole picture...there love was not conventional but it grew through the years..and i thin at the end was as strong as it could have been...michael loved his father and his father loved him..that much im sure...and this love was the purest love there wasn't a eas relationship and yes joe made mistakes and prob more than most, but the bottom line is the good things he has probably done for michael over the years out weighs it all
I respect Joseph Jackson he is a very strong man.
People deal with grief in different ways, some are very emotional, some people like to hold it all in and bottle it up and let it out in private. People are unique and deal with things in different ways and Joe is dealing with it in his own way. However plugging a record label, not just once, but twice at this moment isn't appropriate at all and I think that it what has upset people. That's all I'm going to say about it.
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no matter what we know Joe has done in the past (and I def. do not agree with it..) he is still a father who has lost a son. famous or not, these are human beings at the end of the day.
Remember if it wasn't for Joe we would never have had Michael. He isn't the best speaker and he is elderly and not the best PR man in the business, but Michael loved him and we should not disrespect any of his family.
jabs im not sure if that pic is joe crying..if he cried, everyoneee woulda been talking bout maybe make us understand him a bit better, he gave us bigest clue when he said on sky news that he is strong man but he cries on the inside...

and with regards to record label and him gloryfying himself and his ventures, i think he found it hard being in that position period and with all media and questions...he didnt LOVE that moment and like mj he has a wary distaste for them...but he was asked first time, what are your future plans? and second time he mentioned it to try clear up he mentioned it first time...ok maybe he was always gonna say something as that other man was always there in baackground and yes the part of him that likes to promote is clear and yes he maybe structured when he said things and how he said things badly...but he is a shy man initially not accustomed to these situations either, 80 years old, confused, unsure and hurt and had a tragic loss, his son , his love, the one he saw the most talent in and therefore a unique opportunity for achievements for that son in the world, the world and his greatest achievement in musical sucess , that he wanted for all his kids..That is why i think he beat on him so much, yes it was the most awful and wrong thing you do to someone in pushing them forward and its in now way justified BUT it was his own way of control(bad) but also his way of making them get it right and perfect in order to be the best and achieved what they truely were capable of (good).He had that same want for his kids to achieve and be sucessful in life and therfore( even though he personally failed to do it at that time for them) , make them happy...if you think about it on that level..He wanted the best for his kids in a traditional fatherly value, even if his methods to do it were just wrong..that core belief and want was rooted at the bottom..surely thats something to hold on to?

have you all listened to the oxford speech be4?

he may be oneof strongest of the jacksons, but he is like all of them too
Joe is trying to make money.... Good, he will then be able to buy himself something call "heart"!!
I think it's unfair to judge Joe, because we simply don't know him. We don't. Maybe the whole family is so broken down with grief, that he took it upon himself to be the one to show a face, to appear strong, to represent, just like Janet did the other night.

I don't like what I saw at all, but I"m not gonna sit here and judge this man that I have no clue about other than some 3rd party stories. He might be devasted in his own way, so i'm not going to come out and call him a bigot and horrible man. I've seen people in distress act crazier than this, everyone carries their grief differently.
Joe is trying to make money.... Good, he will then be able to buy himself something call "heart"!!

Who knows, maybe he'll hit on the "great" idea of getting Michael's children to start singing and dancing as a "tribute" to their father. The New Jackson 3. Then he can start making money out of them too. He'll say "Well they gotta earn their keep!"
Please Respect Joseph Jackson: He Is Trying To Be Stronge For Us Fans

If he does not show us strength who will? We must learn from him.
Who knows, maybe he'll hit on the "great" idea of getting Michael's children to start singing and dancing as a "tribute" to their father. The New Jackson 3. Then he can start making money out of them too. He'll say "Well they gotta earn their keep!"

If he does that someday..then i will ask you to kill me.

Maybe Prince will become our next Michael Jackson ? And Paris will be Janet...and blancket = Jermaine.

What a crazy world we live in...
A lot of Michael's living life was hell.. His father played a big part in that.
Now he has shown yet again the kind of person he is with his recent comments.
Respect him? Never!
I again point anyone to youtube to hear michae'ls speech about his father and love and tolerance and forgivness.If Michael of all people can forgive him and have a new bond with him, then we can..And i just saw a clip of joe being interviewed on sky news...he said this..

im a strong person but i cry on the inside,some people cry with tears running down my face, thats not me but i take it in here..but im strong.

Please, this particular human being doe not show his true emotions all the time, we should all know this by now..but that in now way means he doesn't have feelings or these emotions...i point to the doughnut story by michael and those private moments im sure he has alone of with his wife..He loves Michael as much as anything in this world for the most purest reason being a father loving a may not have been conventional, but he did and does and always will love him..Don't judge him for how he appears for those few minutes in front of a camera...judge him if you saw him the whole of that day and what he said and felt..then you might understand

i know...Michael had no remorse for what he did to him...We need to do the same thing too...Michael wouldnt want it any different....Joe is a very very strong man...he is a tough man...we cant judge anyone...
From what I have been seeing of Joe speaking to the press, I don't think he's the most appropriate person from the family to be speaking. He's not coming off as simpathetic at all.
his voice was breaking towards the end. he's not supposed to be doing pc's....he has grandkids (26) to deal w/ at that house along w/ his own kids and his wife.

that's y londell mcmillian is around he can do it. he made no sense. wait for what? the autopsy prelim or the tox? one could be by tmrw the other in a few wks
I'm trying to figure out why people are mad at Joe Jackson for the interview. So he's starting a record company to take kids off the streets and give them jobs. So it sounded to me he's doing this for his son MJ and he's trying to help kids.
I'm trying to figure out why people are mad at Joe Jackson for the interview. So he's starting a record company to take kids off the streets and give them jobs. So it sounded to me he's doing this for his son MJ and he's trying to help kids.

You must have not seen the interview he did on the red carpet at the BET Awards yesterday.
You must have not seen the interview he did on the red carpet at the BET Awards yesterday.
Yes i did. I'm also not so quick to judge base on 1 interview. not all people show there feelings on the outside, not all people cry on the outside. I'm the same way.