Can chris brown still be the next michael jackson?

There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson he is one of those people that come once in 1,000,000 years
Chris Brown has many difficults to trying to be himself,imagine to trying to be MJ.....
Seriously,MJ is really from another planet for all the young boys in the scene today,MJ was a mix of so many different things that I don't believe can be replicated o in the near future.
Michael's talent in dance, singing, producing, creating, developing, giving, and inspiring grew withing a sea of pain caused by his dad's bad treatment, some siblings bad treatment, the actions by the jealous media, and greed; and yet he continued to be a visionary. Can Chris Brown do that? NO. So when people try to find someone to replace him they should understood within what context that great genius lived and grew. Heck it is not easy to be Michael Jackson.

Anyway as soon as they get another genius that does not act the way they want, they will be persecuting that one as well.
Why is this question even entertained. NO ONE can become the next Michael Jackson.
it takes more than just singing a song and dancing to reach all his acheivments and the
adoration he had and still has from people all over the world.. . Its impossible

Ever wonder why it was never questioned if Michael would become the next anyone ?
He was one of a kind and to suggest anyone around in this day and age coudl ever fill his
shoes is perposterous .

EXACTLY!........there was so much more to Michael than just being a pop star and I wish some people in the media would realise that.

Often imitated, but will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER BE DUPLICATED!
In one word.

No he can not. No one ever can!
I think it would be amazing for new generations to experience what we experienced living in the same time with Michael and being his fans. It's like the world had Elvis, then the Beatles, then Michael. And that's it. I don't know if there ever will be an artist or a band who will be able to capture the hearts of so many people around the globe, but Chris Brown is obviously not it. And I would love for next generation to have such an idol like we did with Michael. Because it was amazing and fantastic and I wouldn't trade it for anything. But this new person should be a star in their own right, they should not be a new anyone. They should be unique and wonderful in their own right.
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The media are trying to label "the next Michael Jackson" I'm sure that that Chris Brown doesn't want to be labelled that. He has his own style and legion of fans. I like his music as well as Ushers but I'm not gonna let myself get angry at this subject I'm just getting to damn tired with it to actually bother. It's unfair to compare anyone to anyone else but that appears to be the media's favourite past time.
First of all, I just can't watch CB imitate Michael anymore, I've had more than enough of this guy :lol:
And secondly this ? :clapping:
I'm more than tired of this next Michael Jackson crap. What's wrong with being the 1st and only Chris Brown, Joe Bloggs whoever whatever. Create your own legacy...we don't need another Michael Jackson, not to mention the fact that Michael is just not gonna happen again.
This topic is getting annoying and old.

Did they do the same when Elvis and John Lennon passed?

I mean, did the media constantly write "who will be the new Presley/Lennon?"... "X is the new Presely!" after they passed away??

Something tells me no so why such a disrespect towards Michael?
^Exactly. Thanks for the videos guys. I just saw some videos that were nominated for MTV and they all are basically half dressed women, people pointing, and no story line. So I guess they are really feeling the void of Michael. They abused him when he was here, and now they are looking for someone like him. Isn't that ironic people.
So I guess they are really feeling the void of Michael. They abused him when he was here, and now they are looking for someone like him. Isn't that ironic people.

I agree..Michael is the greatest artist of all time, the media's attempt at acting as if some current artists have the potential of becoming anything close to his level is just nonsense.
Do we need a new MJ?
Please... this "new-MJ" talk is getting old and boring.
A forum community where the members have common sense. I like it. Glad to see the answers. Of course Chris Brown will not replace MJ. He is a very gifted and talented performer, but he is not on MJ's level. MJ grew up with so many dancing innovators and was mentored by some of the greatest. Add the learning's from those mentors with his natural talent and grueling rehearsal sessions set up by his father, and you have something amazing there. You can't just find another person to replace that upbringing. He had a unique training in the musical arts and a unique life. His pain is also what made him so great. He transcended it into something amazing for all of us fans to witness.
hasn't Chris Brown star fallen long time ago?

But let see it positive. Michael and Madonna were named King and Queen. todays singers are named the next Michael Jackson and Madonna. those two names are status, that is much more, much bigger and real honor. King and queen doesn't mean much, like it did before. It's like calling someone Super star like we did in the 80's and 90's.
Lom Kit... They may be a STATUS but its a STATUS they worked hard for its a STATUS they earned. Unlike the artists today who get recognized via youtube. And for you to say King and Queen doesn't mean much you are seriously cutting their achievements when you dont allow them to have the credit they worked so hard for. Michael is the King and no one will take it away from him regardless of how many get called "The next King of Pop" or The next Madonna.
No one can take over or replace what Michael was planning to do, only he could have finished it. Michael was unique, one of a kind.

I dunno why people bother with this kind of stuff.

To be totally honest, Michael did everything which an artist can do..
No, i'm not cutting their achievements. My original post was much longer and explaining why MJ and Madonna are named King and Queen. But I edited my post, cause i thought i was going little offtopic.

And if you look closely, you'll notice that today everyone who had few #1 and is big at the moment is called King or Queen. those titles are used to easily today. For the fans of those two big stars this title means alot, but for the fans of lady gaga, justin beaber, chris brown and ect, doesn't at all. thats why only fans of MJ and Madonna feel "offended" every time when someone stick King or Queen on the names of Lady gaga, justin or Usher or chris brown.
really those two titles don't mean much today.

thats why i think "King of pop" is equal to "the next Michael jackson". what was KOP for Michael, is TNMJ for todays singers. I think people maybe did realize, that those two crowns can't be and won't be ever reached and touched.
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Michael and Madonna have the title's because of how MUCH they sold and they sold MUCH more then any one artist can now. Michael became King of Pop when Thriller became the best selling album of ALL TIME and still is. That is when he became King. And its not like we are offended its that something like this doesn't need to be taken from Michael when he earned it. Madonna earned her Right to be called Queen as well. I dont see why people want to replace Michael and his title. They didn't replace Elvis or James Brown why replace Michael and his title?

You are not reading very carefuly. You don't need to explane me why they got these titles.

I'll tell you why people want to "replace" them. CAUSE LIFE AND MUSIC IS BORRING TODAY.

What you do when you are borred, you looking for a change. And again, it's the media that pour oil in the fire. People don't give a f*ck about such titles anymore these days. only the fans of MJ, JJ and Madonna bother about that.

You have two #1's, you are the Princess of pop.
Or you are in the spotlight, because of stupid outfits, then with your music. then you're the Queen of pop Lady Gaga.
Madonna also had controversial behavior and outfits, but her music was good, especialy after True Blue.

But lady gaga, lame music, lame copycat videos, laaame shows. she used to make good music in the begining and ok videos. She's on top now, so they call her the Queen of Pop now.
Same was with Justin T, Usher (both were called the new King of pop), Britney next madonna and so on.

Do you understand, why I say, such titles don't mean much these days? It's pasted intentionally on the names, without any meaning.
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I see nothing has change... Yall still make useless Why is this a thread? Their will never be another Michael Jackson...
Michael Jackson cannot and will not be replaced. Legends do not die and cannot not be duplicated. Ain't gonna happen.
I see nothing has change... Yall still make useless Why is this a thread? Their will never be another Michael Jackson...

LOL, seriously.

"Can Chris Brown be the next Michael Jackson?"

"Will Usher be the next Michael Jackson?"

"Is Justin Bieber the new King of Pop?"

The answer is NO, so why do people keep on asking? -_-