Can chris brown still be the next michael jackson?

i am a fan but let me think about this one. um no. i dont think anyone would actually think so, not even CB himself. mj fan or no mj fan.. most people can admit that mj was one in a gazillion
I think I'm going to make a very sane and logical decision to never read any article, anywhere on the net with crap like "Can X replace MJ?"
^ New Elvis, beatles and Madonna would also be cool, thanks.
And I'd also like a new Elisabeth Taylor please. And how about a new princess Diana?

I wonder how J3 must feel when they hear they're looking for a new Michael!
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Why can't he be himself?
Once people hear Michael's music and see him standing like Michael, they are like ''Wow!'' and starts cheering. I think it's wrong.
Chris Brown needs to be himself not becoming famous because of Michael's hard work.
Why is this question even entertained. NO ONE can become the next Michael Jackson.
it takes more than just singing a song and dancing to reach all his acheivments and the
adoration he had and still has from people all over the world.. . Its impossible

Ever wonder why it was never questioned if Michael would become the next anyone ?
He was one of a kind and to suggest anyone around in this day and age coudl ever fill his
shoes is perposterous .

There will never be a new Michael Jackson, he was unique. And hopefully someone who will become as popular and sucessfull as Michael will be unique in his or her own way as well. Use their own talents and inspirations.

As for Chris Brown, he first has to score a few worldwide hit singles and albums to even be on the first step.
^^Yes the big eyes saying "I am sorry for the pain." Michael had eyes like that. Oh now I am making myself upset.
Chris Brown is very talented and I wish him the best but he will never come close to replacing The GREAT Michael Jackson. Chris is not alone. I can't think of anyone who can equal MJ.
Btw, Michael's hits were on the charts, not his girlfriend (yet another huge reason Chris will never be respected like Michael, much less be as popular and loved as he is).
what i cant understand is why they are in a hurry to replace Michael.
When elvis passed away nobod was in a hurry to replace him. When the beatles split nobody was in a hurry to replace them. When Freddie Mercury passed away nobody was in a hurry to replace him. Just stop it, there will never be another MJ, period.
Can someone tell me why they keep finding the next Michael Jackson? Why can't the artists just be themselves and have their own achievement? When they try to be the next Elvis, Beatles or MJ, you already would not be able to be on the same level of them. If Chris Brown just want to be another Michael Jackson copy, I guess he would never achieve any thing big. and what's the point to find anyone to replace MJ? He is one of the most important people in music history. No matter how good the follow artists are, he can't never be replaced. It's just like you can't replace the importance of Elvis and Beatles.

In my point of view, Chris Brown is a good dancer and singer, but for now, he still lack the creation to make himself unique. The reason why MJ is one of the best entertainer. Not just because he dance and sing good. It's because he is the pioneer of too many things.
I don't understand it either. Is it because Michael left such a huge void and people think it must be filled?

He can't be replaced. i think of him like Motzart. We get that kind of genius only once. EVER!!!!
No one will ever be the next Michael Jackson, there is only one and he is the greatest. Many will try, no one will ever even get close.
Chris Brown is Chris Brown and that's what he does best.
Chris Brown has replaced Justin Timberlake as the next Michael Jackson wannabe. But that's as close as he's ever going to get, as no one has the breathtaking combined genius talents Michael had as a singer, dancer, songwriter, composer, arranger, choreographer and businessman. Michael was a complete visionary, and knew how to amaze the world with his combined genius talents.

The music business is dying on it's ass, and the music industry and media know it. Which is why they wonder who can fill the void left by Michael. That void is too big to fill, and it will never be filled because Michael was the ultimate music artist, idol and icon.
As much as i despise threads like this i have to say that they have balls to try and fill his penny loafers. There is no man today alive that could possibly fill those shoes. The people wanting Chris Brown to fill these shoes has to be the most ballsy people in the world. Chris beats women Michael Did nothing wrong yet was condemned for it. Chris is a wannabe, end of. There will NEVER BE ANOTHER MICHAEL JACKSON they can look all they want to and say all they want to, But the only way Michael's crown will be passed to another is if his 2 sons decide to enter the show biz world their father pioneered. I love Michael and no one comes ANYWHERE close to Michael. Michael is one who is often Imitated but NEVER duplicated.
The only thing that i admire on Chris Brown is that he never hide the influence that Michael had on him, nor his admiration for MJ. And this in a time where it wasn't popular to even mention MJ's name and when many other artists *cough* Justin Timberlake *cough* etc wouldn't even pronounce MJ's name let alone admit that he influnced them. Other than that, my answer is no. Michael belong to another level of artists.
Michael is always imitated.You see it in Chris Brown, Usher, Jason Derulo, Neyo etc. I wish the industry and people respected the real Michael Jackson when he was here. Instead he was given nothing but pain and humiliation. Now they think Chris Brown will fill his shoes? Nobody can because he and the others will never have Michael's talent and most importantly he had the biggest heart.

O/T for a second. I have no respect for Justin Timberlake. He was probably one of those people who didn't support Michael but then he dies and says how much he loved him etc. Then what he did to Janet too let her take all the blame for the superbowl thing. He goes with whatever is popular at the moment.