Brian Oxman will WOW your audience with his personal insights ...

So has Oxman wowed the audience with this upstream event yet? It's today right? Has anybody heard anything? I don't want to click any links that could lead to seeing Oxman :)

Apparently it was a disaster. I don't know exactly what happened but that is what a lot of fans were saying.
In case if someone would be interested in what he said...

I heard him, as I couldn't sleep anyway (it was at 4 am in Europe). It appears to me, he doesn't know anything. He said, Mrs. Jackson should contest the will, but she doesn't want to, that Joe is going to fight for this case. He was asked about ambulance picture, he told he thinks it's a fake. Asked about Thome Thome, he told he has an office in LA, he was Michaels business manager, was fired by Michael but "once u get involved in Jackson's issues, you'll be involved forever". What else... about MJ's list of ppl wanting to destroy him: Sneddon was on 1st place, on the second - Branca.
He also said, he doesn't think there is any conspiracy involved in this case, but we don't know all evidence, so there is no clear answer.
Asked about who's paying for Murray's defense - he doesn't know, also has no idea. There were some contradictions between this what he was saying and the version by this follower fan, Samantha, when it came to the case if there was monitoring in MJ's mansion (he was saying, MJ didn't want any cameras in his home, she said there were tapes, but those from June 25th disappeared)
Anyway, he was saying a lot, but he didn't say anything new, anything relevant. And he makes me sick... It's clear, the only thing he is about his his own ego and publicity... ;/
Apparently it was a disaster. I don't know exactly what happened but that is what a lot of fans were saying.

in the first minute he slammed Katherine and said that Joe is next in line (after the kids) and has a right to be an executor of the estate.. and that's all I'm going to say.. it has been recorded though, I think you can listen to it if you want.
in the first minute he slammed Katherine and said that Joe is next in line (after the kids) and has a right to be an executor of the estate.. and that's all I'm going to say.. it has been recorded though, I think you can listen to it if you want.

again, he's wrong. Joe could be executor if no will. Because there is a will, he has no right
again, he's wrong. Joe could be executor if no will. Because there is a will, he has no right

I know but Oxman argues that the will is a fake and therefore he has a right. he has a circular reasoning.
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I know but Oxman argues that the will is a fake and therefore he has a right. he has a circular reasoning.
That is the whole Agenda behind this
He and Joe want to challenge Katherines decision and the will
so that Joe can try and get contol of the estate ... they are using
the Justice4Mj platform to spew .. thier agenda .. and the fans fell for it.

Brian didnt have anything new to say nor did he have any secrets to reveal _ Just some unfounded speculation -that he would knwo nothing about becuase he was never that close to Michael _ Especially the last few years of his life. but he did publically challenge the will and Catherine Jackson's decision _ Joe and Catherine are NOT on the same page here and it is very evident to me.

Brian is NOT Catherine's Attorney he is Joe's Attorney in this matter
and what they want conflicts .. with Catherine Jackson's decision.
Well I liked him to begin with but all the talk makes me sick then the T-shirt selling started and OMG Nancy Grace I just can’t listen to it anymore. If we don’t like him and he can’t get us on his side why would anyone believe or like him …. The only good thing is that while he is talking so much maybe others do their job. This may be a tactic to mislead the media and even Murray's team. At least I hope so.
Did anyone listen to the rest of the interview session with
Samantha ranting and raving //giving her opinion on
everyone including family members :scratch: and defending KF
I heard part of interview with Samantha. She told, that KF was MJ's closest friend for over 27 years and he was telling her more and trusted her more than anyone, including his Family. She said, she (Sam) knows more than anyone can imagine, she was following Michael for 2 years, she is sure he was murdered and sony/aeg are 'big dogs' and Murray will be the only one facing charges, the others won't.
She said sth like that: you can call me stalker, but it was me who Michael hugged, let us in, showed us children without masks, spoke to us. Michael was supposed to tell her, he doesn't want to make those concerts, he felt unhappy and when KO and rest heard about it everything around MJ has changed, incl. security team.
She was defending Karen, that she didn't sell photos from Forest Lawn, she wanted to share it with fans, who can't come there. After June 25th she contacted Randy and the Family is aware of this is not it action. She said, she and Karen are risking a lot telling the truth, but they are not afraid of sony, aeg or anyone else.
She also said "This is it" was photoshoped, KO treated MJ "like a sh**", and that MJ wanted to record the first show, 'cause he felt he won't be able to make more and someone agreed to this, but when KO and the rest found it out, they made even more pressure on Michael.
When they supposed to call some jurist, Eddie Sth I've heard enough and turned it off.
All this is just awful. So much divide and arguing amongst the fans and you have people like Oxman, Karen Faye and Randy encouraging it all. Everyone wants justice and its our love for Michael that should be uniting everyone. This is what Jodi Gomes has to say about the current situation:

I am sorry that I am not taking part in the #Justice4MJ movement. Although I am all for justice and I want justice for Michael Jackson, I am also tired of all the confusion.

The only one I will always trust and support wholeheartedly is Michael Jackson. I don't want to have to choose who I should or shouldn't trust when it comes to everything surrounding Michael. I just know Michael is and will always be the only one I can trust. Michael is my main focus and my main concern, and I don't want to get confused or distracted by all those people who are still alive and who are fueling the fire and drifting us away from Michael, his love and his spirit.

Since Michael is gone, the fan community is all about confusion and anger. Michael was the only one we could really trust and rely to. He was the only one making us stick together despite our many differences. And by that, I mean that we weren't united in a peaceful and happy community, we had our arguments and conflicts, but the situation was bearable because the one thing we had in common was our love for Michael and the rest was less important. We got so used to being a community of fans that we don't really question the evolution of our relationships with other fans since Michael is not there anymore and everything is now different. What it the thing that motivates us to share the same spaces, although often virtual, with other fans? Is our love for Michael still in the foreground? I'm sorry but from what I see, I don't think so.

Now this is what I believe.... Unless you don't believe there is something after death, then we shouldn't forget that Michael is still there somewhere and that he still loves us. I want to make sure that he can find enough love in me and that I send him enough love back, and I don't want other feelings to take too much space.

I want to keep on giving my love and support to Michael, if I can't reach out to him physically, I want to reach out to him spiritually, as if he was still in our world, because maybe he's not that far and maybe he sees and feels what's happening to us.

Although I feel a lot of anger, sadness and frustration, and I'm completely confused about Michael's death, I also want to learn to not get overwhelmed by all this. I want my love for Michael to always be stronger than my pain for his loss. I know that it can be the same for each one of us. If you focus on him only and on your love for him, then it takes so much space in your heart that everything else becomes smaller and is pushed in the background.

I see a lot of fans using the word "L.O.V.E." to the point where it just became a word without meaning. Real love takes time, energy, strength and focus.

That's why I want to step back from all the confusion and take time to focus on my love for Michael. I also want to focus on our world and how we can heal it, because Michael wanted it to be our priority when he died, so it will remain a priority for me. I will keep on informing you on Twitter rallies, demos and other events, but I won't take part and I won't take sides at the moment. I hope you understand.
All this is just awful. So much divide and arguing amongst the fans and you have people like Oxman, Karen Faye and Randy encouraging it all. Everyone wants justice and its our love for Michael that should be uniting everyone. This is what Jodi Gomes has to say about the current situation:

Well said yes everyone wants justice we should stick together no matter what. Fighting takes us nowhere we have to fight back with truth and love instead. These are difficult times, for many of us it is still unreal and we refuse to accept reality. It makes you angry and frustrated which also creates problems. If we take it easy and help each other we will reach our goals faster and easier. We have the same goal it is to get justice for our beloved Michael. Love you all... Let's do this together as a group. Let's get justice for Michael.
That is lovely reading what Jodi Gomes wrote :) I also hate conflict and it pains me so much that fans are quick to jump on certain bandwagons and trends. We have to learn how to rise above this all. For our own sakes as well as Michael's.
I have a strong dislike for Brian Oxman. He talks like he was employed by Michael when he never was. He's Joesph Jackson's lawyer and nothing to do with Michael Jackson, regardless of him saying he's the Jackson Family lawyer. If Joesph wants the justice for Michael (which I know he does), he should sack Brian Oxman and get a really intelligent lawyer which Brian Oxman is. Brain Oxman is just a loudmouth who wants to be in the media at the Jackson family's expense.
it's just sad that the words "Justice for MJ" have become this movement and the fans have to choose sides... I want Justice for Michael, but I can't support Oxman or Karen... They say they know things. Well, if they know things, they should go to the police or the press and let those things be known to everybody. Because otherwise they could go on saying they know things till the end of time and it won't change anything. I mean, if you know something that could help get justice for Michael, you should go and tell about it, and not just sit with this mysterious look and shout on Facebook and Twitter. You can't reach justice like that. You should show facts, not just throw accusations without any backup. You won't help Michael like that.
Did anyone listen to the rest of the interview session with
Samantha ranting and raving //giving her opinion on
everyone including family members :scratch: and defending KF

I wish I was as close to Mike as she was. :(

On topic but I saw the interview on NG's show and I am still skeptical about Oxman. I hope fans fight for Justice For MICHAEL! And not chose sides and stuff, and I disagree with Oxman and KF.
I heard part of interview with Samantha. She told, that KF was MJ's closest friend for over 27 years and he was telling her more and trusted her more than anyone, including his Family. She said, she (Sam) knows more than anyone can imagine, she was following Michael for 2 years, she is sure he was murdered and sony/aeg are 'big dogs' and Murray will be the only one facing charges, the others won't.
She said sth like that: you can call me stalker, but it was me who Michael hugged, let us in, showed us children without masks, spoke to us. Michael was supposed to tell her, he doesn't want to make those concerts, he felt unhappy and when KO and rest heard about it everything around MJ has changed, incl. security team.
She was defending Karen, that she didn't sell photos from Forest Lawn, she wanted to share it with fans, who can't come there. After June 25th she contacted Randy and the Family is aware of this is not it action. She said, she and Karen are risking a lot telling the truth, but they are not afraid of sony, aeg or anyone else.
She also said "This is it" was photoshoped, KO treated MJ "like a sh**", and that MJ wanted to record the first show, 'cause he felt he won't be able to make more and someone agreed to this, but when KO and the rest found it out, they made even more pressure on Michael.
When they supposed to call some jurist, Eddie Sth I've heard enough and turned it off.

In the rest of it she said NOI threw the security tapes away (+ some things about NOI and their leader), some of the brothers being paid by AEG and will not show to the court date (hinted they aren't interested in justice for MJ), Grace practicing voodoo, Grace and Bain making money off Michael, she portrayed Debbie bad as she constantly sued Michael and said only people to be trusted are Randy Jackson, Latoya Jackson and Karen Faye.
I wonder what all these nutters will be doing in 5 years when the interest in Michael Jackson has finally cooled down? Will they still be ranting nonsense? :scratch: They seem to have no life.
Yes, and let's not forget that every single one of these persons are not 100% balanced and unbias. (who is?)
We all have issues and that Samantha (a stalker) certainly has some bigger issues than some of us. Face it. Her life was following MJ around the world :doh:

KF also has issues, She always loved Michael and sorta took ownership of him. I'd probably do the same if I was in her position.

I could go on and on. Joe, Oxman, the family, etc etc. Issues, issues, issues.

Just want to add this.

I don't know if TII was photoshopped, enhanced or tricked up, but what I know and saw and felt is, Michael's jaw was dropping in amazement when watching Thriller from the seats. Michael was laughing hard in some meetings and on stage.

There certainly was a lot of frustrations and let down during the course of 5-6 weeks of prep but in the last days when everything came together and all the creative minds present, ALL, really saw the brilliant light at the end of the tunnel, then at that moment in time, all was well.
That's why Michael said "We can do this. It is our time again."

PS: AEG/Sony/Colony Capital not included.
My believes about their issues cannot be posted here. :-(
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That is the whole Agenda behind this
He and Joe want to challenge Katherines decision and the will
so that Joe can try and get contol of the estate ... they are using
the Justice4Mj platform to spew .. thier agenda .. and the fans fell for it.

Brian didnt have anything new to say nor did he have any secrets to reveal _ Just some unfounded speculation -that he would knwo nothing about becuase he was never that close to Michael _ Especially the last few years of his life. but he did publically challenge the will and Catherine Jackson's decision _ Joe and Catherine are NOT on the same page here and it is very evident to me.

Brian is NOT Catherine's Attorney he is Joe's Attorney in this matter
and what they want conflicts .. with Catherine Jackson's decision.

I don't think Joe is using the fans for his own profit.
What would be his motives? He knows he has no life ahead.
My take is that he is fighting for his lost son if it's the last thing he does.
I heard part of interview with Samantha. She told, that KF was MJ's closest friend for over 27 years and he was telling her more and trusted her more than anyone, including his Family.
That isn't true.

She said sth like that: you can call me stalker, but it was me who Michael hugged, let us in, showed us children without masks, spoke to us.
I hate to say this, really, but this is a clear sign of someone who is dilusional. She obviously thinks that she is special and closer to Michael than anyone else. The only way she could think that as a fan is if she was delusional.

She also said "This is it" was photoshoped, KO treated MJ "like a sh**", and that MJ wanted to record the first show, 'cause he felt he won't be able to make more and someone agreed to this, but when KO and the rest found it out, they made even more pressure on Michael.

Photoshopped? Ok, she is delusional and ignorant. And it is quite obvious to anyone who has seen TII that Kenny didn't treat Michael like shit.

Michael acted a certain way with these "stalker" fans. And I am not saying people who just went to wait outside to get a chance to talk to him or people who may have followed him around for a time. I mean the real stalker types. He didn't want to upset them, he wanted them to feel special, he had compassion for them. He realized that someone who stalked him like that probably had some real issues and he felt bad for them.
Unfortunately, I think in some ways this fed into their fantasy that they were more important to him than anyone else. It is really sad. I hope this woman gets some kind of help.
So many people telling so many stories.

But it all boils down to WHO was in Michael's room that night. And WHO murdered him.

So far, it's just Murray who was in that room with Michael. I believe there was someone else. I think Thome needs to come into the picture. He's seems more suspicions than anyone, even Murray. And if he's more suspicous that Murray, then that's a problem.

And it's strange how Thome has NO stories of that day or night to tell of his own, besides he was in charge of Michael's estate. And wasn't it Thome who immediately fired all Michael's staff, showed up at the announcement with Jermaine, and followed Michael's body to the helicoptor?

Thome must have his story of June 25th, and of Michael's health leading up to the event.

But ALL we here is "management and finance" from him. Thome doesn't have stories on just that, but of June 25th as well. And that, we have NOT heard yet. I still find it strange how he has spoken absolutely NOTHING of that day, even though he had so much to do about it.

This is why he ditched Larry King. He knew the discussion would not just be about his dirty management, but it would also be of June 25th.
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Oxman has been suspended by the Bar atm and cant do anything in a court until 2011 so everything he has done with Joe is invalid.
I have a strong dislike for Brian Oxman. He talks like he was employed by Michael when he never was.

Not true. He was working for Michael during the trial and found a lot of the evidence against the Arvizo's. He was then fired and TMez used the evidence in court (and well who wouldnt).
Oxman has been suspended by the Bar atm and cant do anything in a court until 2011 so everything he has done with Joe is invalid.

I believe he only has a probation (not suspension) on his licence. That means he could still practice law but he's being monitored and has to follow the rules of the probation. (Tabloids rumored that he was ordered to go to ethics school).
I believe he only has a probation (not suspension) on his licence. That means he could still practice law but he's being monitored and has to follow the rules of the probation. (Tabloids rumored that he was ordered to go to ethics school).
Yeah I didnt believe the ethics part but thank you for the info on the probation.
She is probably delusional or whatever about being number one fan for MJ. It is not the point. I do not care really if she has this issue. We all live in our all fantasy world. She is absolutely right about one obvious thing: Kenny DID treat MJ like s**t.

PPl watch TII and see just roses which I do not understand. TII indicates that something was wrong with all of it and Michael did not look happy. Because he was a great artist and loved to perform there were some good moments for him.

Please keep in mind that TII contains only the best parts whatever was videotaped.

Wow I watched TII several times and I never seen where kenny treated MJ like Shyt or disrespectful _ they were down to business and they knew each other well .. many times kenny went out of his way to make sure Mjs needs were met _ when he asked for anything in TII .. now he may have gotten impatient - but I dont think he was mean or disrespectful in any way. Michael was a MAN and they worked man to man - as friends and co-workers - I seen nothing out of line _ they attacks on kenny are baseless as far as Im concerned. shoot they were even attcking the dancers working with Michael _ AGENDA .. at any COST is what it is

Im sure Michael has his good days and bad days working on TII like any Human
but it was eveident he loved what he was doign _ CREATING The greatest show on earth
was it hard work _ You BEST believe it _ he put his heart and soul into it ...

The attacks are unfair , hateful and so against anything MJ stood for

Now they are attacking MJJC and the fan base _ they are showing their
TRUE colors which is NOT Justice for MJ _ Im not sure what it is anymore :(

Of course this is just my opinion based on the event that have taken place and the facts presented
including conspiracies THEORIES which are NOT FACTS _ Just speculation _ you dont accuse and
attack people based on rumors and speculation _ Thats what happened to Michael